* This code is part of the Java Adaptive Network Client by Ian Clarke. It is
* distributed under the GNU Public Licence (GPL) version 2. See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL.
package freenet.crypt;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Stack;
import net.i2p.util.NativeBigInteger;
import freenet.node.FNPPacketMangler;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
public class DiffieHellman {
* When the number of precalculations falls below this threshold generation
* starts up to make more.
private static final int PRECALC_RESUME = FNPPacketMangler.DH_CONTEXT_BUFFER_SIZE;
/** Maximum number of precalculations to create. */
private static final int PRECALC_MAX = FNPPacketMangler.DH_CONTEXT_BUFFER_SIZE * 2;
* How often to wake up and make sure the precalculation buffer is full
* regardless of how many are left, in milliseconds. This helps keep the
* buffer ready for usage spikes when it is being empties slowly.
private static final int PRECALC_TIMEOUT = 193 * 1000;
private static Random r;
private static DHGroup group = Global.DHgroupA;
private static Stack<NativeBigInteger[]> precalcBuffer = new Stack<NativeBigInteger[]>();
private static Object precalcerWaitObj = new Object();
private static NativeThread precalcThread;
public static final BigInteger MIN_EXPONENTIAL_VALUE = new BigInteger("2").pow(24);
public static final BigInteger MAX_EXPONENTIAL_VALUE = group.getP().subtract(MIN_EXPONENTIAL_VALUE);
static {
precalcThread = new PrecalcBufferFill();
private static class PrecalcBufferFill extends NativeThread {
public PrecalcBufferFill() {
super("Diffie-Hellman-Precalc", NativeThread.MIN_PRIORITY, false);
public void realRun() {
while (true) {
while (precalcBuffer.size() < PRECALC_MAX) {
synchronized (precalcBuffer) {
// Notify a waiting thread, that new data is available
synchronized (precalcerWaitObj) {
try {
// Do not set the thread priority here because the
// thread may have been stopped while holding the
// precalcerWaitObj lock. The stop causes the thread
// group to be cleared and setPriority to throw a NPE.
// TODO: this timeout might very well be unneccsary
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// Ignored.
public static void init(Random random) {
r = random;
/** Will ask the precalc thread to refill the buffer if necessary */
private static void askRefill() {
// If the buffer size is below the threshold then wake the precalc
// thread
if (precalcBuffer.size() < PRECALC_RESUME) {
synchronized (precalcerWaitObj) {
* Create a DiffieHellmanLightContext.
public static DiffieHellmanLightContext generateLightContext(DHGroup group) {
long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
NativeBigInteger[] params = getParams();
long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if((time2 - time1) > 300) {
Logger.error(null, "DiffieHellman.generateLightContext(): time2 is more than 300ms after time1 ("+(time2 - time1)+ ')');
return new DiffieHellmanLightContext(group, params[0], params[1]);
public static NativeBigInteger[] getParams() {
synchronized (precalcBuffer) {
//Ensure that we will have something to pop (at least pretty soon)
if(!precalcBuffer.isEmpty()) {
return precalcBuffer.pop();
Logger.normal(DiffieHellman.class, "DiffieHellman had to generate a parameter on thread! (report if that happens often)");
return genParams();
private static NativeBigInteger[] genParams() {
NativeBigInteger params[] = new NativeBigInteger[2];
// Don't need NativeBigInteger?
do {
params[0] = new NativeBigInteger(256, r);
params[1] = (NativeBigInteger) group.getG().modPow(params[0], group.getP());
} while(!DiffieHellman.checkDHExponentialValidity(DiffieHellman.class, params[1]));
return params;
* Check the validity of a DH exponential
* @param a BigInteger: The exponential to test
* @return a boolean: whether the DH exponential provided is acceptable or not
* @see http://securitytracker.com/alerts/2005/Aug/1014739.html
* @see http://www.it.iitb.ac.in/~praj/acads/netsec/FinalReport.pdf
public static boolean checkDHExponentialValidity(Class<?> caller, BigInteger exponential) {
int onesCount=0, zerosCount=0;
// Ensure that we have at least 16 bits of each gender
for(int i=0; i < exponential.bitLength(); i++)
if((onesCount<16) || (zerosCount<16)) {
Logger.error(caller, "The provided exponential contains "+zerosCount+" zeros and "+onesCount+" ones wich is unacceptable!");
return false;
// Ensure that g^x > 2^24
if(MIN_EXPONENTIAL_VALUE.compareTo(exponential) > -1) {
Logger.error(caller, "The provided exponential is smaller than 2^24 which is unacceptable!");
return false;
// Ensure that g^x < (p-2^24)
if(MAX_EXPONENTIAL_VALUE.compareTo(exponential) < 1) {
Logger.error(DiffieHellman.class, "The provided exponential is bigger than (p - 2^24) which is unacceptable!");
return false;
return true;
public static DHGroup getGroup() {
return group;
* @return The length in bytes of the modulus. Exponentials will fit into
* this length.
public static int modulusLengthInBytes() {
DHGroup g = getGroup();
if(g == Global.DHgroupA)
return 128;
int bitLength = g.getP().bitLength();
return (bitLength + 7) / 8;