package freenet.clients.http;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import freenet.client.ClientMetadata;
import freenet.client.DefaultMIMETypes;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.client.FetchException;
import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode;
import freenet.client.FetchResult;
import freenet.client.async.CacheFetchResult;
import freenet.client.async.ClientContext;
import freenet.client.async.ClientGetCallback;
import freenet.client.async.ClientGetter;
import freenet.client.async.PersistenceDisabledException;
import freenet.client.filter.ContentFilter;
import freenet.client.filter.FilterMIMEType;
import freenet.client.filter.UnknownContentTypeException;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.keys.USK;
import freenet.node.RequestClient;
* Fetching a page for a browser.
* LOCKING: The lock on this object is always taken last.
public class FProxyFetchInProgress implements ClientEventListener, ClientGetCallback {
/** What to do when we find data which matches the request but it has already been
* filtered, assuming we want a filtered copy. */
public enum REFILTER_POLICY {
RE_FILTER, // Re-run the filter over data that has already been filtered. Probably requires allocating a new temp file.
ACCEPT_OLD, // Accept the old filtered data. Only as safe as the filter when the data was originally downloaded.
RE_FETCH // Fetch the data again. Unnecessary in most cases, avoids any possibility of filter artefacts.
private final REFILTER_POLICY refilterPolicy;
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback() {
public void shouldUpdate() {
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
/** The key we are fetching */
public final FreenetURI uri;
/** The maximum size specified by the client */
public final long maxSize;
/** Fetcher */
private final ClientGetter getter;
/** Any request which is waiting for a progress screen or data.
* We may want to wake requests separately in future. */
private final ArrayList<FProxyFetchWaiter> waiters;
private final ArrayList<FProxyFetchResult> results;
/** Gets notified with every change*/
private final List<FProxyFetchListener> listener=Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<FProxyFetchListener>());
/** The data, if we have it */
private Bucket data;
/** Creation time */
private final long timeStarted;
/** Finished? */
private boolean finished;
/** Size, if known */
private long size;
/** MIME type, if known */
private String mimeType;
/** Gone to network? */
private boolean goneToNetwork;
/** Total blocks */
private int totalBlocks;
/** Required blocks */
private int requiredBlocks;
/** Fetched blocks */
private int fetchedBlocks;
/** Failed blocks */
private int failedBlocks;
/** Fatally failed blocks */
private int fatallyFailedBlocks;
private int fetchedBlocksPreNetwork;
/** Finalized the block set? */
private boolean finalizedBlocks;
/** Fetch failed */
private FetchException failed;
private boolean hasWaited;
private boolean hasNotifiedFailure;
/** Last time the fetch was accessed from the fproxy end */
private long lastTouched;
final FProxyFetchTracker tracker;
/** Show even non-fatal failures for 5 seconds. Necessary for javascript to work,
* because it fetches the page and then reloads it if it isn't a progress update. */
private long timeFailed;
/** If this is set, then it can be removed instantly, doesn't need to wait for 30sec*/
private boolean requestImmediateCancel=false;
private int fetched = 0;
/** Stores the fetch context this class was created with*/
private FetchContext fctx;
private boolean cancelled = false;
private final RequestClient rc;
public FProxyFetchInProgress(FProxyFetchTracker tracker, FreenetURI key, long maxSize2, long identifier, ClientContext context, FetchContext fctx, RequestClient rc, REFILTER_POLICY refilter) {
this.refilterPolicy = refilter;
this.tracker = tracker;
this.uri = key;
this.maxSize = maxSize2;
this.timeStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.fctx = fctx;
this.rc = rc;
FetchContext alteredFctx = new FetchContext(fctx, FetchContext.IDENTICAL_MASK);
alteredFctx.maxOutputLength = fctx.maxTempLength = maxSize;
waiters = new ArrayList<FProxyFetchWaiter>();
results = new ArrayList<FProxyFetchResult>();
getter = new ClientGetter(this, uri, alteredFctx, FProxyToadlet.PRIORITY, null, null, null);
public synchronized FProxyFetchWaiter getWaiter() {
lastTouched = System.currentTimeMillis();
FProxyFetchWaiter waiter = new FProxyFetchWaiter(this);
return waiter;
public FProxyFetchTracker getTracker() {
return tracker;
public synchronized void addCustomWaiter(FProxyFetchWaiter waiter){
synchronized FProxyFetchResult innerGetResult(boolean hasWaited) {
lastTouched = System.currentTimeMillis();
FProxyFetchResult res;
if(data != null)
res = new FProxyFetchResult(this, data, mimeType, timeStarted, goneToNetwork, getETA(), hasWaited);
else {
res = new FProxyFetchResult(this, mimeType, size, timeStarted, goneToNetwork,
totalBlocks, requiredBlocks, fetchedBlocks, failedBlocks, fatallyFailedBlocks, finalizedBlocks, failed, getETA(), hasWaited);
if(data != null || failed != null) {
return res;
public void start(ClientContext context) throws FetchException {
try {
} catch (FetchException e) {
synchronized(this) {
this.failed = e;
this.finished = true;
} catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) {
// Impossible
Logger.error(this, "Failed to start: "+e);
synchronized(this) {
this.failed = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
this.finished = true;
/** Look up the key in the downloads queue.
* @return True if it was found and we don't need to start the request. */
private boolean checkCache(ClientContext context) {
// Fproxy uses lookupInstant() with mustCopy = false. I.e. it can reuse stuff unsafely. If the user frees it it's their fault.
if(bogusUSK(context)) return false;
CacheFetchResult result = context.downloadCache == null ? null : context.downloadCache.lookupInstant(uri, !fctx.filterData, false, null);
if(result == null) return false;
Bucket data = null;
String mimeType = null;
if((!fctx.filterData) && (!result.alreadyFiltered)) {
if(fctx.overrideMIME == null || fctx.overrideMIME.equals(result.getMimeType())) {
// Works as-is.
// Any time we re-use old content we need to remove the tracker because it may not remain available.
onSuccess(result, null);
return true;
} else if(fctx.overrideMIME != null && !fctx.overrideMIME.equals(result.getMimeType())) {
// Change the MIME type.
onSuccess(new FetchResult(new ClientMetadata(fctx.overrideMIME), result.asBucket()), null);
return true;
} else if(result.alreadyFiltered) {
if(refilterPolicy == REFILTER_POLICY.RE_FETCH || !fctx.filterData) {
// Can't use it.
return false;
} else if(fctx.filterData) {
if(shouldAcceptCachedFilteredData(fctx, result)) {
if(refilterPolicy == REFILTER_POLICY.ACCEPT_OLD) {
onSuccess(result, null);
return true;
} // else re-filter
} else
return false;
} else {
return false;
data = result.asBucket();
mimeType = result.getMimeType();
if(mimeType == null || mimeType.equals("")) mimeType = DefaultMIMETypes.DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE;
if(fctx.overrideMIME != null && !result.alreadyFiltered)
mimeType = fctx.overrideMIME;
else if(fctx.overrideMIME != null && !mimeType.equals(fctx.overrideMIME)) {
// Doesn't work.
return false;
String fullMimeType = mimeType;
mimeType = ContentFilter.stripMIMEType(mimeType);
FilterMIMEType type = ContentFilter.getMIMEType(mimeType);
if(type == null || ((!type.safeToRead) && type.readFilter == null)) {
UnknownContentTypeException e = new UnknownContentTypeException(mimeType);;
onFailure(new FetchException(e.getFetchErrorCode(), data.size(), e, mimeType), null);
return true;
} else if(type.safeToRead) {
onSuccess(new FetchResult(new ClientMetadata(mimeType), data), null);
return true;
} else {
// Try to filter it.
Bucket output = null;
InputStream is = null;
OutputStream os = null;
try {
output = context.tempBucketFactory.makeBucket(-1);
is = data.getInputStream();
os = output.getOutputStream();
ContentFilter.filter(is, os, fullMimeType, uri.toURI("/"), null, null, fctx.charset, context.linkFilterExceptionProvider);
is = null;
os = null;
// Since we are not re-using the data bucket, we can happily stay in the FProxyFetchTracker.
this.onSuccess(new FetchResult(new ClientMetadata(fullMimeType), output), null);
output = null;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "Failed filtering coalesced data in fproxy");
// Failed. :|
// Let it run normally.
return false;
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Impossible: "+e, e);
return false;
} finally {
/** If the key is a USK and a) we are requested to do an exhaustive search, or b)
* there is a later version, then we can't use the download queue as a cache.
* @return True if we can't use the download queue, false if we can. */
private boolean bogusUSK(ClientContext context) {
if(!uri.isUSK()) return false;
long edition = uri.getSuggestedEdition();
if(edition < 0)
return true; // Need to do the fetch.
USK usk;
try {
usk = USK.create(uri);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return false; // Will fail later.
long ret = context.uskManager.lookupKnownGood(usk);
if(ret == -1) return false;
return ret > edition;
private boolean shouldAcceptCachedFilteredData(FetchContext fctx,
CacheFetchResult result) {
// FIXME allow the charset if it's the same
if(fctx.charset != null) return false;
if(fctx.overrideMIME == null) {
return true;
} else {
String finalMIME = result.getMimeType();
return true;
else if(ContentFilter.stripMIMEType(finalMIME).equals(fctx.overrideMIME) && fctx.charset == null)
return true;
// FIXME we could make this work in a few more cases... it doesn't matter much though as usually people don't override the MIME type!
return false;
public void receive(ClientEvent ce, ClientContext context) {
if(ce instanceof SplitfileProgressEvent) {
SplitfileProgressEvent split = (SplitfileProgressEvent) ce;
synchronized(this) {
int oldReq = requiredBlocks - (fetchedBlocks + failedBlocks + fatallyFailedBlocks);
totalBlocks = split.totalBlocks;
fetchedBlocks = split.succeedBlocks;
requiredBlocks = split.minSuccessfulBlocks;
failedBlocks = split.failedBlocks;
fatallyFailedBlocks = split.fatallyFailedBlocks;
finalizedBlocks = split.finalizedTotal;
int req = requiredBlocks - (fetchedBlocks + failedBlocks + fatallyFailedBlocks);
if(!(req > 1024 && oldReq <= 1024)) return;
} else if(ce instanceof SendingToNetworkEvent) {
synchronized(this) {
if(goneToNetwork) return;
goneToNetwork = true;
fetchedBlocksPreNetwork = fetchedBlocks;
} else if(ce instanceof ExpectedMIMEEvent) {
synchronized(this) {
this.mimeType = ((ExpectedMIMEEvent)ce).expectedMIMEType;
if(!goneToNetwork) return;
} else if(ce instanceof ExpectedFileSizeEvent) {
synchronized(this) {
this.size = ((ExpectedFileSizeEvent)ce).expectedSize;
if(!goneToNetwork) return;
} else return;
for(FProxyFetchListener l:new ArrayList<FProxyFetchListener>(listener)){
private void wakeWaiters(boolean finished) {
FProxyFetchWaiter[] waiting;
synchronized(this) {
waiting = waiters.toArray(new FProxyFetchWaiter[waiters.size()]);
for(FProxyFetchWaiter w : waiting) {
for(FProxyFetchListener l:new ArrayList<FProxyFetchListener>(listener)){
public void onFailure(FetchException e, ClientGetter state) {
synchronized(this) {
this.failed = e;
this.finished = true;
this.timeFailed = System.currentTimeMillis();
public void onSuccess(FetchResult result, ClientGetter state) {
Bucket droppedData = null;
synchronized(this) {
droppedData = result.asBucket();
else = result.asBucket();
this.mimeType = result.getMimeType();
this.finished = true;
if(droppedData != null);
public synchronized boolean hasData() {
return data != null;
public synchronized boolean finished() {
return finished;
public void close(FProxyFetchWaiter waiter) {
synchronized(this) {
if(!results.isEmpty()) return;
if(!waiters.isEmpty()) return;
/** Keep for 30 seconds after last access */
static final long LIFETIME = SECONDS.toMillis(30);
/** Caller should take the lock on FProxyToadlet.fetchers, then call this
* function, if it returns true then finish the cancel outside the lock.
public synchronized boolean canCancel() {
if(!waiters.isEmpty()) return false;
if(!results.isEmpty()) return false;
if(!listener.isEmpty()) return false;
if(lastTouched + LIFETIME >= System.currentTimeMillis() && !requestImmediateCancel) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not able to cancel for "+this+" : "+uri+" : "+maxSize);
return false;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Can cancel for "+this+" : "+uri+" : "+maxSize);
return true;
/** Finish the cancel process, freeing the data if necessary. The fetch
* must have been removed from the tracker already, so it won't be reused. */
public void finishCancel() {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Finishing cancel for "+this+" : "+uri+" : "+maxSize);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ensure we get to the next bit
Logger.error(this, "Failed to cancel: "+t, t);
Bucket d;
synchronized(this) {
d = data;
cancelled = true;
if(d != null) {
try {;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ensure we get to the next bit
Logger.error(this, "Failed to free: "+t, t);
public void close(FProxyFetchResult result) {
synchronized(this) {
if(!results.isEmpty()) return;
if(!waiters.isEmpty()) return;
public synchronized long getETA() {
if(!goneToNetwork) return -1;
if(requiredBlocks <= 0) return -1;
if(fetchedBlocks >= requiredBlocks) return -1;
if(fetchedBlocks - fetchedBlocksPreNetwork < 5) return -1;
return ((System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStarted) * (requiredBlocks - fetchedBlocksPreNetwork)) / (fetchedBlocks - fetchedBlocksPreNetwork);
public synchronized boolean notFinishedOrFatallyFinished() {
if(data == null && failed == null) return true;
if(failed != null && failed.isFatal()) return true;
if(failed != null && !hasNotifiedFailure) {
hasNotifiedFailure = true;
return true;
if(failed != null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeFailed < 1000 || fetched < 2)) // Once for javascript and once for the user when it re-pulls.
return true;
return false;
public synchronized boolean hasNotifiedFailure() {
return true;
public synchronized boolean hasWaited() {
return hasWaited;
public synchronized void setHasWaited() {
hasWaited = true;
/** Adds a listener that will be notified when a change occurs to this fetch
* @param listener - The listener to be added*/
public synchronized void addListener(FProxyFetchListener listener){
Logger.minor(this,"Registered listener:"+listener);
/** Removes a listener
* @param listener - The listener to be removed*/
public synchronized void removeListener(FProxyFetchListener listener){
Logger.minor(this,"Removed listener:"+listener);
Logger.minor(this,"can cancel now?:"+canCancel());
/** Allows the fetch to be removed immediately*/
public synchronized void requestImmediateCancel(){
public synchronized long lastTouched() {
return lastTouched;
public boolean fetchContextEquivalent(FetchContext context) {
if(this.fctx.filterData != context.filterData) return false;
if(this.fctx.maxOutputLength != context.maxOutputLength) return false;
if(this.fctx.maxTempLength != context.maxTempLength) return false;
if(this.fctx.charset == null && context.charset != null) return false;
if(this.fctx.charset != null && !this.fctx.charset.equals(context.charset)) return false;
if(this.fctx.overrideMIME == null && context.overrideMIME != null) return false;
if(this.fctx.overrideMIME != null && !this.fctx.overrideMIME.equals(context.overrideMIME)) return false;
return true;
public void onResume(ClientContext context) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // Not persistent.
public RequestClient getRequestClient() {
return rc;