/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.clients.fcp;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.tanukisoftware.wrapper.WrapperManager;
import freenet.client.ClientMetadata;
import freenet.client.DefaultMIMETypes;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.client.FetchResult;
import freenet.client.async.CacheFetchResult;
import freenet.client.async.ClientContext;
import freenet.client.async.DownloadCache;
import freenet.client.async.PersistenceDisabledException;
import freenet.client.async.PersistentJob;
import freenet.clients.fcp.ClientGet.ReturnType;
import freenet.clients.fcp.ClientRequest.Persistence;
import freenet.config.Config;
import freenet.config.InvalidConfigValueException;
import freenet.config.SubConfig;
import freenet.crypt.SSL;
import freenet.io.AllowedHosts;
import freenet.io.NetworkInterface;
import freenet.io.SSLNetworkInterface;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.l10n.NodeL10n;
import freenet.node.Node;
import freenet.node.NodeClientCore;
import freenet.node.RequestStarter;
import freenet.support.Base64;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.Logger.LogLevel;
import freenet.support.api.BooleanCallback;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.api.IntCallback;
import freenet.support.api.StringCallback;
import freenet.support.io.BucketTools;
import freenet.support.io.NativeThread;
import freenet.support.io.NoFreeBucket;
* FCP server process.
public class FCPServer implements Runnable, DownloadCache {
private final PersistentRequestRoot persistentRoot;
private static boolean logMINOR;
public final static int DEFAULT_FCP_PORT = 9481;
NetworkInterface networkInterface;
public final NodeClientCore core;
final Node node;
final int port;
private static boolean ssl = false;
public final boolean enabled;
String bindTo;
private String allowedHosts;
AllowedHosts allowedHostsFullAccess;
final WeakHashMap<String, PersistentRequestClient> rebootClientsByName;
final PersistentRequestClient globalRebootClient;
PersistentRequestClient globalForeverClient;
public static final int QUEUE_MAX_RETRIES = -1;
public static final long QUEUE_MAX_DATA_SIZE = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private boolean assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowed;
private boolean assumeUploadDDAIsAllowed;
private boolean neverDropAMessage;
private int maxMessageQueueLength;
public FCPServer(String ipToBindTo, String allowedHosts, String allowedHostsFullAccess, int port, Node node, NodeClientCore core, boolean isEnabled, boolean assumeDDADownloadAllowed, boolean assumeDDAUploadAllowed, boolean neverDropAMessage, int maxMessageQueueLength, PersistentRequestRoot persistentRoot) throws IOException, InvalidConfigValueException {
this.bindTo = ipToBindTo;
this.allowedHostsFullAccess = new AllowedHosts(allowedHostsFullAccess);
this.port = port;
this.enabled = isEnabled;
this.node = node;
this.core = core;
this.assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowed = assumeDDADownloadAllowed;
this.assumeUploadDDAIsAllowed = assumeDDAUploadAllowed;
this.neverDropAMessage = neverDropAMessage;
this.maxMessageQueueLength = maxMessageQueueLength;
rebootClientsByName = new WeakHashMap<String, PersistentRequestClient>();
this.persistentRoot = persistentRoot;
globalForeverClient = persistentRoot.globalForeverClient;
globalRebootClient = new PersistentRequestClient("Global Queue", null, true, null, Persistence.REBOOT, null);
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
public void load() {
private void maybeGetNetworkInterface() {
if (this.networkInterface!=null) return;
NetworkInterface tempNetworkInterface = null;
try {
if(ssl) {
tempNetworkInterface = SSLNetworkInterface.create(port, bindTo, allowedHosts, node.executor, true);
} else {
tempNetworkInterface = NetworkInterface.create(port, bindTo, allowedHosts, node.executor, true);
} catch (IOException be) {
Logger.error(this, "Couldn't bind to FCP Port "+bindTo+ ':' +port+". FCP Server not started.", be);
System.out.println("Couldn't bind to FCP Port "+bindTo+ ':' +port+". FCP Server not started.");
this.networkInterface = tempNetworkInterface;
public void maybeStart() {
if (this.enabled) {
Logger.normal(this, "Starting FCP server on "+bindTo+ ':' +port+ '.');
System.out.println("Starting FCP server on "+bindTo+ ':' +port+ '.');
if (this.networkInterface != null) {
Thread t = new Thread(this, "FCP server");
} else {
Logger.normal(this, "Not starting FCP server as it's disabled");
System.out.println("Not starting FCP server as it's disabled");
this.networkInterface = null;
public void run() {
while(true) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Caught "+e, e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t, t);
if (WrapperManager.hasShutdownHookBeenTriggered())
}catch (InterruptedException e) {}
private void realRun() throws IOException {
if(!node.isHasStarted()) return;
// Accept a connection
Socket s = networkInterface.accept();
FCPConnectionHandler ch = new FCPConnectionHandler(s, this);
static class FCPPortNumberCallback extends IntCallback {
private final NodeClientCore node;
FCPPortNumberCallback(NodeClientCore node) {
this.node = node;
public Integer get() {
return node.getFCPServer().port;
public void set(Integer val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if (!get().equals(val)) {
throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Cannot change FCP port number on the fly");
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return true;
static class FCPEnabledCallback extends BooleanCallback {
final NodeClientCore node;
FCPEnabledCallback(NodeClientCore node) {
this.node = node;
public Boolean get() {
return node.getFCPServer().enabled;
//TODO: Allow it
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if (!get().equals(val)) {
throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("cannotStartOrStopOnTheFly"));
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return true;
static class FCPSSLCallback extends BooleanCallback {
public Boolean get() {
return ssl;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if (get().equals(val))
if(!SSL.available()) {
throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Enable SSL support before use ssl with FCP");
ssl = val;
throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Cannot change SSL on the fly, please restart freenet");
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return true;
// FIXME: Consider moving everything except enabled into constructor
// Actually we could move enabled in too with an exception???
static class FCPBindtoCallback extends StringCallback {
final NodeClientCore node;
FCPBindtoCallback(NodeClientCore node) {
this.node = node;
public String get() {
return node.getFCPServer().bindTo;
public void set(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
String oldValue = get();
if(!val.equals(oldValue)) {
FCPServer server = node.getFCPServer();
String[] failedAddresses = server.networkInterface.setBindTo(val, true);
if(failedAddresses != null) {
// This is an advanced option for reasons of reducing clutter,
// but it is expected to be used by regular users, not devs.
// So we translate the error messages.
server.networkInterface.setBindTo(oldValue, true);
throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("couldNotChangeBindTo", "failedInterfaces", Arrays.toString(failedAddresses)));
server.networkInterface.setBindTo(val, true);
server.bindTo = val;
synchronized(server.networkInterface) {
static class FCPAllowedHostsCallback extends StringCallback {
private final NodeClientCore node;
public FCPAllowedHostsCallback(NodeClientCore node) {
this.node = node;
public String get() {
FCPServer server = node.getFCPServer();
if(server == null) return NetworkInterface.DEFAULT_BIND_TO;
NetworkInterface netIface = server.networkInterface;
return (netIface == null ? NetworkInterface.DEFAULT_BIND_TO : netIface.getAllowedHosts());
public void set(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if (!val.equals(get())) {
try {
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new InvalidConfigValueException(e);
static class FCPAllowedHostsFullAccessCallback extends StringCallback {
private final NodeClientCore node;
public FCPAllowedHostsFullAccessCallback(NodeClientCore node) {
this.node = node;
public String get() {
return node.getFCPServer().allowedHostsFullAccess.getAllowedHosts();
public void set(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if (!val.equals(get())) {
try {
} catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new InvalidConfigValueException(e);
static class AssumeDDADownloadIsAllowedCallback extends BooleanCallback {
FCPServer server;
public Boolean get() {
return server.assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowed;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if (get().equals(val))
server.assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowed = val;
static class AssumeDDAUploadIsAllowedCallback extends BooleanCallback {
FCPServer server;
public Boolean get() {
return server.assumeUploadDDAIsAllowed;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if (get().equals(val))
server.assumeUploadDDAIsAllowed = val;
static class NeverDropAMessageCallback extends BooleanCallback {
FCPServer server;
public Boolean get() {
return server.neverDropAMessage;
public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
if (get().equals(val))
server.neverDropAMessage = val;
static class MaxMessageQueueLengthCallback extends IntCallback {
FCPServer server;
public Integer get() {
return server.maxMessageQueueLength;
public void set(Integer val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
server.maxMessageQueueLength = val;
public static FCPServer maybeCreate(Node node, NodeClientCore core, Config config, PersistentRequestRoot root) throws IOException, InvalidConfigValueException {
SubConfig fcpConfig = new SubConfig("fcp", config);
short sortOrder = 0;
fcpConfig.register("enabled", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "FcpServer.isEnabled", "FcpServer.isEnabledLong", new FCPEnabledCallback(core));
fcpConfig.register("ssl", false, sortOrder++, true, true, "FcpServer.ssl", "FcpServer.sslLong", new FCPSSLCallback());
fcpConfig.register("port", FCPServer.DEFAULT_FCP_PORT /* anagram of 1984, and 1000 up from old number */, 2, true, true, "FcpServer.portNumber", "FcpServer.portNumberLong", new FCPPortNumberCallback(core), false);
fcpConfig.register("bindTo", NetworkInterface.DEFAULT_BIND_TO, sortOrder++, true, true, "FcpServer.bindTo", "FcpServer.bindToLong", new FCPBindtoCallback(core));
fcpConfig.register("allowedHosts", NetworkInterface.DEFAULT_BIND_TO, sortOrder++, true, true, "FcpServer.allowedHosts", "FcpServer.allowedHostsLong", new FCPAllowedHostsCallback(core));
fcpConfig.register("allowedHostsFullAccess", NetworkInterface.DEFAULT_BIND_TO, sortOrder++, true, true, "FcpServer.allowedHostsFullAccess", "FcpServer.allowedHostsFullAccessLong", new FCPAllowedHostsFullAccessCallback(core));
AssumeDDADownloadIsAllowedCallback cb4;
AssumeDDAUploadIsAllowedCallback cb5;
NeverDropAMessageCallback cb6;
MaxMessageQueueLengthCallback cb7;
fcpConfig.register("assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowed", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "FcpServer.assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowed", "FcpServer.assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowedLong", cb4 = new AssumeDDADownloadIsAllowedCallback());
fcpConfig.register("assumeUploadDDAIsAllowed", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "FcpServer.assumeUploadDDAIsAllowed", "FcpServer.assumeUploadDDAIsAllowedLong", cb5 = new AssumeDDAUploadIsAllowedCallback());
fcpConfig.register("maxMessageQueueLength", 1024, sortOrder++, true, false, "FcpServer.maxMessageQueueLength", "FcpServer.maxMessageQueueLengthLong", cb7 = new MaxMessageQueueLengthCallback(), false);
fcpConfig.register("neverDropAMessage", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "FcpServer.neverDropAMessage", "FcpServer.neverDropAMessageLong", cb6 = new NeverDropAMessageCallback());
if(SSL.available()) {
ssl = fcpConfig.getBoolean("ssl");
FCPServer fcp = new FCPServer(fcpConfig.getString("bindTo"), fcpConfig.getString("allowedHosts"), fcpConfig.getString("allowedHostsFullAccess"), fcpConfig.getInt("port"), node, core, fcpConfig.getBoolean("enabled"), fcpConfig.getBoolean("assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowed"), fcpConfig.getBoolean("assumeUploadDDAIsAllowed"), fcpConfig.getBoolean("neverDropAMessage"), fcpConfig.getInt("maxMessageQueueLength"), root);
if(fcp != null) {
cb4.server = fcp;
cb5.server = fcp;
cb6.server = fcp;
cb7.server = fcp;
return fcp;
public boolean neverDropAMessage() {
return neverDropAMessage;
public int maxMessageQueueLength() {
return maxMessageQueueLength;
private static String l10n(String key) {
return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FcpServer."+key);
private static String l10n(String key, String pattern, String value) {
return NodeL10n.getBase().getString("FcpServer."+key, pattern, value);
public PersistentRequestClient registerRebootClient(String name, NodeClientCore core, FCPConnectionHandler handler) {
PersistentRequestClient oldClient;
synchronized(this) {
oldClient = rebootClientsByName.get(name);
if(oldClient == null) {
// Create new client
PersistentRequestClient client = new PersistentRequestClient(name, handler, false, null, Persistence.REBOOT, null);
rebootClientsByName.put(name, client);
return client;
} else {
FCPConnectionHandler oldConn = oldClient.getConnection();
// Have existing client
if(oldConn == null) {
// Easy
return oldClient;
} else {
// Kill old connection
oldConn.outputHandler.queue(new CloseConnectionDuplicateClientNameMessage());
return oldClient;
public PersistentRequestClient registerForeverClient(String name, NodeClientCore core, FCPConnectionHandler handler) {
return persistentRoot.registerForeverClient(name, handler);
public PersistentRequestClient getForeverClient(String name, NodeClientCore core, FCPConnectionHandler handler) {
return persistentRoot.getForeverClient(name, handler);
public void unregisterClient(PersistentRequestClient client) {
if(client.persistence == Persistence.REBOOT) {
synchronized(this) {
String name = client.name;
} else {
public RequestStatus[] getGlobalRequests() throws PersistenceDisabledException {
if(core.killedDatabase()) throw new PersistenceDisabledException();
List<RequestStatus> v = new ArrayList<RequestStatus>();
if(globalForeverClient != null)
return v.toArray(new RequestStatus[v.size()]);
public boolean removeGlobalRequestBlocking(final String identifier) throws MessageInvalidException, PersistenceDisabledException {
if(!globalRebootClient.removeByIdentifier(identifier, true, this, core.clientContext)) {
final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicBoolean success = new AtomicBoolean();
core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() {
public String toString() {
return "FCP removeGlobalRequestBlocking";
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
boolean succeeded = false;
try {
succeeded = globalForeverClient.removeByIdentifier(identifier, true, FCPServer.this, core.clientContext);
} catch (Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught removing identifier "+identifier+": "+t, t);
} finally {
return true;
}, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY);
while (done.getCount() > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
return success.get();
} else return true;
public boolean removeAllGlobalRequestsBlocking() throws PersistenceDisabledException {
final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicBoolean success = new AtomicBoolean();
core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() {
public String toString() {
return "FCP removeAllGlobalRequestsBlocking";
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
boolean succeeded = false;
try {
succeeded = true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught while processing panic: "+t, t);
System.err.println("PANIC INCOMPLETE: CAUGHT "+t);
System.err.println("Your requests have not been deleted!");
} finally {
return true;
}, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY);
while (done.getCount() > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
return success.get();
public void makePersistentGlobalRequestBlocking(final FreenetURI fetchURI, final boolean filterData,
final String expectedMimeType, final String persistenceTypeString, final String returnTypeString,
final boolean realTimeFlag, final File downloadsDir) throws NotAllowedException, IOException,
PersistenceDisabledException {
class OutputWrapper {
NotAllowedException ne;
IOException ioe;
boolean done;
final OutputWrapper ow = new OutputWrapper();
core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() {
public String toString() {
return "FCP makePersistentGlobalRequestBlocking";
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
NotAllowedException ne = null;
IOException ioe = null;
try {
makePersistentGlobalRequest(fetchURI, filterData, expectedMimeType,
persistenceTypeString, returnTypeString, realTimeFlag,
return true;
} catch (NotAllowedException e) {
ne = e;
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
ioe = e;
return false;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Unexpected and severe, might even be OOM, just log it.
Logger.error(this, "Failed to make persistent request: "+t, t);
return false;
} finally {
synchronized(ow) {
ow.ne = ne;
ow.ioe = ioe;
ow.done = true;
}, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY);
synchronized(ow) {
while(true) {
if(!ow.done) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
if(ow.ioe != null) throw ow.ioe;
if(ow.ne != null) throw ow.ne;
public boolean modifyGlobalRequestBlocking(final String identifier, final String newToken, final short newPriority) throws PersistenceDisabledException {
ClientRequest req = this.globalRebootClient.getRequest(identifier);
if(req != null) {
req.modifyRequest(newToken, newPriority, this);
return true;
} else {
class OutputWrapper {
boolean success;
boolean done;
final OutputWrapper ow = new OutputWrapper();
core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() {
public String toString() {
return "FCP modifyGlobalRequestBlocking";
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
boolean success = false;
try {
ClientRequest req = globalForeverClient.getRequest(identifier);
if(req != null)
req.modifyRequest(newToken, newPriority, FCPServer.this);
success = true;
} finally {
synchronized(ow) {
ow.success = success;
ow.done = true;
return true;
}, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY);
synchronized(ow) {
while(true) {
if(!ow.done) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
return ow.success;
public void makePersistentGlobalRequest(FreenetURI fetchURI, boolean filterData, String expectedMimeType, String persistenceTypeString, String returnTypeString, boolean realTimeFlag) throws NotAllowedException, IOException {
makePersistentGlobalRequest(fetchURI, filterData, expectedMimeType, persistenceTypeString, returnTypeString, realTimeFlag, core.getDownloadsDir());
* Create a persistent globally-queued request for a file.
* @param fetchURI The file to fetch.
* @param persistenceTypeString The persistence type.
* @param returnTypeString The return type.
* @param downloadsDir Target directory if downloading to disk. Must be valid!
* @throws NotAllowedException
* @throws IOException
public void makePersistentGlobalRequest(FreenetURI fetchURI, boolean filterData, String expectedMimeType, String persistenceTypeString, String returnTypeString, boolean realTimeFlag, File downloadsDir) throws NotAllowedException, IOException {
boolean persistence = persistenceTypeString.equalsIgnoreCase("reboot");
ReturnType returnType = ReturnType.valueOf(returnTypeString.toUpperCase());
File returnFilename = null;
if(returnType == ReturnType.DISK) {
returnFilename = makeReturnFilename(fetchURI, expectedMimeType, downloadsDir);
// public ClientGet(PersistentRequestClient globalClient, FreenetURI uri, boolean dsOnly, boolean ignoreDS,
// int maxSplitfileRetries, int maxNonSplitfileRetries, long maxOutputLength,
// short returnType, boolean persistRebootOnly, String identifier, int verbosity, short prioClass,
// File returnFilename, File returnTempFilename) throws IdentifierCollisionException {
try {
innerMakePersistentGlobalRequest(fetchURI, filterData, persistence, returnType, "FProxy:"+fetchURI.getPreferredFilename(), returnFilename, realTimeFlag);
} catch (IdentifierCollisionException ee) {
try {
innerMakePersistentGlobalRequest(fetchURI, filterData, persistence, returnType, "FProxy:"+fetchURI.getDocName(), returnFilename, realTimeFlag);
} catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) {
try {
innerMakePersistentGlobalRequest(fetchURI, filterData, persistence, returnType, "FProxy:"+fetchURI.toString(false, false), returnFilename, realTimeFlag);
} catch (IdentifierCollisionException e1) {
// FIXME maybe use DateFormat
try {
innerMakePersistentGlobalRequest(fetchURI, filterData, persistence, returnType, "FProxy ("+System.currentTimeMillis()+ ')', returnFilename, realTimeFlag);
} catch (IdentifierCollisionException e2) {
while(true) {
byte[] buf = new byte[8];
try {
String id = "FProxy:"+Base64.encode(buf);
innerMakePersistentGlobalRequest(fetchURI, filterData, persistence, returnType, id, returnFilename, realTimeFlag);
} catch (IdentifierCollisionException e3) {}
private File makeReturnFilename(FreenetURI uri, String expectedMimeType, File downloadsDir) {
String ext;
if((expectedMimeType != null) && (expectedMimeType.length() > 0) &&
!expectedMimeType.equals(DefaultMIMETypes.DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE)) {
ext = DefaultMIMETypes.getExtension(expectedMimeType);
} else ext = null;
String extAdd = (ext == null ? "" : '.' + ext);
String preferred = uri.getPreferredFilename();
String preferredWithExt = preferred;
if(!(ext != null && preferredWithExt.endsWith(ext)))
preferredWithExt += extAdd;
File f = new File(downloadsDir, preferredWithExt);
int x = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(;f.exists();sb.setLength(0)) {
f = new File(downloadsDir, sb.toString());
return f;
private void innerMakePersistentGlobalRequest(FreenetURI fetchURI, boolean filterData, boolean persistRebootOnly, ReturnType returnType, String id, File returnFilename,
boolean realTimeFlag) throws IdentifierCollisionException, NotAllowedException, IOException {
FetchContext defaultFetchContext = core.clientContext.getDefaultPersistentFetchContext();
final ClientGet cg =
new ClientGet(persistRebootOnly ? globalRebootClient : globalForeverClient, fetchURI, defaultFetchContext.localRequestOnly,
defaultFetchContext.ignoreStore, filterData, QUEUE_MAX_RETRIES,
QUEUE_MAX_RETRIES, QUEUE_MAX_DATA_SIZE, returnType, persistRebootOnly, id,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, RequestStarter.BULK_SPLITFILE_PRIORITY_CLASS, returnFilename, null, false, realTimeFlag, false, core);
* Returns the global FCP client.
* @return The global FCP client
public PersistentRequestClient getGlobalForeverClient() {
return globalForeverClient;
public ClientRequest getGlobalRequest(String identifier) {
ClientRequest req = globalRebootClient.getRequest(identifier);
if(req == null)
req = globalForeverClient.getRequest(identifier);
return req;
protected boolean isDownloadDDAAlwaysAllowed() {
return assumeDownloadDDAIsAllowed;
protected boolean isUploadDDAAlwaysAllowed() {
return assumeUploadDDAIsAllowed;
public void setCompletionCallback(RequestCompletionCallback cb) {
if(globalForeverClient != null)
/** Start a request on the global queue. Return after it has started,
* e.g. it will show up on the queue page, it will persist after
* restart etc. Actually it won't persist until the next commit, but
* it's close...
* @param req The request (insert etc) to start.
* @param container The database handle. This method must be called on a DBJob.
* @param context The client layer context object.
* @throws IdentifierCollisionException If there is already a request with that identifier.
* @throws DatabaseDisabledException If the database is disabled/broken/turned off,
* if we are shutting down, if we are waiting for the user to give us the decryption
* password etc.
public void startBlocking(final ClientRequest req, ClientContext context) throws IdentifierCollisionException, PersistenceDisabledException {
if(req.persistence == Persistence.REBOOT) {
} else {
class OutputWrapper {
boolean done;
IdentifierCollisionException collided;
final OutputWrapper ow = new OutputWrapper();
core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() {
public String toString() {
return "FCP startBlocking";
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
// Don't activate, it may not be stored yet.
try {
} catch (IdentifierCollisionException e) {
ow.collided = e;
} finally {
synchronized(ow) {
ow.done = true;
return true;
}, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY);
synchronized(ow) {
while(true) {
if(!ow.done) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
} else {
if(ow.collided != null)
throw ow.collided;
public boolean restartBlocking(final String identifier, final boolean disableFilterData) throws PersistenceDisabledException {
ClientRequest req = globalRebootClient.getRequest(identifier);
if(req != null) {
req.restart(core.clientContext, disableFilterData);
return true;
} else {
class OutputWrapper {
boolean done;
boolean success;
final OutputWrapper ow = new OutputWrapper();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Queueing restart of "+identifier);
core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() {
public String toString() {
return "FCP restartBlocking";
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
boolean success = false;
try {
ClientRequest req = globalForeverClient.getRequest(identifier);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Restarting "+req+" for "+identifier);
if(req != null) {
req.restart(context, disableFilterData);
success = true;
} catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) {
success = false;
} finally {
synchronized(ow) {
ow.success = success;
ow.done = true;
return true;
}, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY);
synchronized(ow) {
while(true) {
if(ow.done) return ow.success;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
public FetchResult getCompletedRequestBlocking(final FreenetURI key) throws PersistenceDisabledException {
ClientGet get = globalRebootClient.getCompletedRequest(key);
if(get != null) {
// FIXME race condition with free() - arrange refcounting for the data to prevent this
return new FetchResult(new ClientMetadata(get.getMIMEType()), new NoFreeBucket(get.getBucket()));
FetchResult result = globalForeverClient.getRequestStatusCache().getShadowBucket(key, false);
if(result != null) {
return result;
class OutputWrapper {
FetchResult result;
boolean done;
final OutputWrapper ow = new OutputWrapper();
core.clientContext.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() {
public String toString() {
return "FCP getCompletedRequestBlocking";
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
FetchResult result = null;
try {
result = lookup(key, false, context, false, null);
} finally {
synchronized(ow) {
ow.result = result;
ow.done = true;
return false;
}, NativeThread.HIGH_PRIORITY);
synchronized(ow) {
while(true) {
if(ow.done) {
return ow.result;
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
public CacheFetchResult lookupInstant(FreenetURI key, boolean noFilter, boolean mustCopy, Bucket preferred) {
ClientGet get = globalRebootClient.getCompletedRequest(key);
Bucket origData = null;
String mime = null;
boolean filtered = false;
if(get != null && ((!noFilter) || (!(filtered = get.filterData())))) {
origData = new NoFreeBucket(get.getBucket());
mime = get.getMIMEType();
if(origData == null && globalForeverClient != null) {
CacheFetchResult result = globalForeverClient.getRequestStatusCache().getShadowBucket(key, noFilter);
if(result != null) {
mime = result.getMimeType();
origData = result.asBucket();
filtered = result.alreadyFiltered;
if(origData == null) return null;
return new CacheFetchResult(new ClientMetadata(mime), origData, filtered);
Bucket newData = null;
try {
if(preferred != null) newData = preferred;
else newData = core.tempBucketFactory.makeBucket(origData.size());
BucketTools.copy(origData, newData);
if(origData.size() != newData.size()) {
Logger.normal(this, "Maybe it disappeared under us?");
newData = null;
return null;
return new CacheFetchResult(new ClientMetadata(mime), newData, filtered);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Maybe it was freed?
Logger.normal(this, "Unable to copy data: "+e, e);
return null;
public CacheFetchResult lookup(FreenetURI key, boolean noFilter, ClientContext context,
boolean mustCopy, Bucket preferred) {
if(globalForeverClient == null) return null;
ClientGet get = globalForeverClient.getCompletedRequest(key);
if(get != null) {
boolean filtered = get.filterData();
Bucket origData = get.getBucket();
Bucket newData = null;
newData = origData.createShadow();
if(newData == null) {
try {
if(preferred != null)
newData = preferred;
newData = core.tempBucketFactory.makeBucket(origData.size());
BucketTools.copy(origData, newData);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to copy data: "+e, e);
return null;
return new CacheFetchResult(new ClientMetadata(get.getMIMEType()), newData, filtered);
return null;