/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.client.async;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.client.FetchException;
import freenet.client.FetchResult;
import freenet.client.HighLevelSimpleClient;
import freenet.client.NullClientCallback;
import freenet.clients.http.FProxyToadlet;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.keys.USK;
import freenet.node.NodeClientCore;
import freenet.node.RequestClient;
import freenet.node.RequestStarter;
import freenet.support.Executor;
import freenet.support.LRUMap;
import freenet.support.LogThresholdCallback;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.Logger.LogLevel;
import freenet.support.io.NullBucket;
* Tracks the latest version of every known USK.
* Also does auto-updates.
* Note that this is a transient class. It is not stored in the database. All fetchers and subscriptions are likewise transient.
* Plugin authors: Don't construct it yourself, get it from ClientContext from NodeClientCore.
public class USKManager {
private static volatile boolean logDEBUG;
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
static RequestClient rcRT = new RequestClient() {
public boolean persistent() {
return false;
public boolean realTimeFlag() {
return true;
static RequestClient rcBulk = new RequestClient() {
public boolean persistent() {
return false;
public boolean realTimeFlag() {
return false;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback() {
public void shouldUpdate() {
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
logDEBUG = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, this);
/** Latest version successfully fetched by blanked-edition-number USK */
final Map<USK, Long> latestKnownGoodByClearUSK;
/** Latest SSK slot known to be by the author by blanked-edition-number USK */
final Map<USK, Long> latestSlotByClearUSK;
/** Subscribers by clear USK */
final Map<USK, USKCallback[]> subscribersByClearUSK;
/** Backgrounded USKFetchers by USK. These have pollForever=true and are only
* created when subscribe(,true) is called. */
final Map<USK, USKFetcher> backgroundFetchersByClearUSK;
/** Temporary fetchers, started when a USK (with a positive edition number) is
* fetched. These have pollForever=false. Keyed by the clear USK, i.e. one per
* USK, not one per {USK, start edition}, unlike fetchersByUSK. */
final LRUMap<USK, USKFetcher> temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU;
/** Temporary fetchers where we have been asked to prefetch content. We track
* the time we last had a new last-slot, so that if there is no new last-slot
* found in 60 seconds, we start prefetching. We delete the entry when the
* fetcher finishes.
* FIXME this should be TreeMap-based to prevent hash collision DoS'es.
* But we also need it to be weak ... how to implement?
final WeakHashMap<USK, Long> temporaryBackgroundFetchersPrefetch;
final FetchContext backgroundFetchContext;
final FetchContext backgroundFetchContextIgnoreDBR;
/** This one actually fetches data */
final FetchContext realFetchContext;
final Executor executor;
private ClientContext context;
public USKManager(NodeClientCore core) {
HighLevelSimpleClient client = core.makeClient(RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS, false, false);
backgroundFetchContext = client.getFetchContext();
backgroundFetchContext.followRedirects = false;
backgroundFetchContextIgnoreDBR = backgroundFetchContext.clone();
backgroundFetchContextIgnoreDBR.ignoreUSKDatehints = true;
realFetchContext = client.getFetchContext();
// Performance: I'm pretty sure there is no spatial locality in the underlying data, so it's okay to use the FAST_COMPARATOR here.
// That is, even if two USKs are by the same author, they won't necessarily be updated or polled at the same time.
latestKnownGoodByClearUSK = new TreeMap<USK, Long>(USK.FAST_COMPARATOR);
latestSlotByClearUSK = new TreeMap<USK, Long>(USK.FAST_COMPARATOR);
subscribersByClearUSK = new TreeMap<USK, USKCallback[]>(USK.FAST_COMPARATOR);
backgroundFetchersByClearUSK = new TreeMap<USK, USKFetcher>(USK.FAST_COMPARATOR);
temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU = LRUMap.createSafeMap(USK.FAST_COMPARATOR);
temporaryBackgroundFetchersPrefetch = new WeakHashMap<USK, Long>();
executor = core.getExecutor();
public void init(ClientContext context) {
this.context = context;
* Look up the latest known working version of the given USK.
* @return The latest known edition number, or -1.
public synchronized long lookupKnownGood(USK usk) {
Long l = latestKnownGoodByClearUSK.get(usk.clearCopy());
if(l != null)
return l.longValue();
else return -1;
* Look up the latest SSK slot, whether the data it links to has been successfully
* fetched or not, of the given USK.
* @return The latest known edition number, or -1.
public synchronized long lookupLatestSlot(USK usk) {
Long l = latestSlotByClearUSK.get(usk.clearCopy());
if(l != null)
return l.longValue();
else return -1;
public USKFetcherTag getFetcher(USK usk, FetchContext ctx, boolean keepLast, boolean persistent, boolean realTime,
USKFetcherCallback callback, boolean ownFetchContext, ClientContext context, boolean checkStoreOnly) {
return USKFetcherTag.create(usk, callback, persistent, realTime, ctx, keepLast, 0, ownFetchContext, checkStoreOnly || ctx.localRequestOnly);
USKFetcher getFetcher(USK usk, FetchContext ctx,
ClientRequester requester, boolean keepLastData, boolean checkStoreOnly) {
return new USKFetcher(usk, this, ctx, requester, 3, false, keepLastData, checkStoreOnly);
public USKFetcherTag getFetcherForInsertDontSchedule(USK usk, short prioClass, USKFetcherCallback cb, RequestClient client, ClientContext context, boolean persistent, boolean ignoreUSKDatehints) {
FetchContext fctx = ignoreUSKDatehints ? backgroundFetchContextIgnoreDBR : backgroundFetchContext;
return getFetcher(usk, persistent ? new FetchContext(fctx, FetchContext.IDENTICAL_MASK) : fctx, true, client.persistent(), client.realTimeFlag(), cb, true, context, false);
* A non-authoritative hint that a specific edition *might* exist. At the moment,
* we just fetch the block. We do not fetch the contents, and it is possible that
* USKFetcher's are also fetching the block. FIXME would it be more efficient to
* pass it along to a USKFetcher?
* @param usk
* @param edition
* @param context
public void hintUpdate(USK usk, long edition, ClientContext context) {
if(edition < lookupLatestSlot(usk)) return;
FreenetURI uri = usk.copy(edition).getURI().sskForUSK();
final ClientGetter get = new ClientGetter(new NullClientCallback(rcBulk), uri, new FetchContext(backgroundFetchContext, FetchContext.IDENTICAL_MASK), RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS, new NullBucket(), null, null);
try {
} catch (FetchException e) {
// Ignore
public void hintUpdate(FreenetURI uri, ClientContext context) throws MalformedURLException {
hintUpdate(uri, context, RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS);
* A non-authoritative hint that a specific edition *might* exist. At the moment,
* we just fetch the block. We do not fetch the contents, and it is possible that
* USKFetcher's are also fetching the block. FIXME would it be more efficient to
* pass it along to a USKFetcher?
* @param context
* @throws MalformedURLException If the uri passed in is not a USK.
public void hintUpdate(FreenetURI uri, ClientContext context, short priority) throws MalformedURLException {
if(uri.getSuggestedEdition() < lookupLatestSlot(USK.create(uri))) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring hint because edition is "+uri.getSuggestedEdition()+" but latest is "+lookupLatestSlot(USK.create(uri)));
uri = uri.sskForUSK();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Doing hint fetch for "+uri);
final ClientGetter get = new ClientGetter(new NullClientCallback(rcBulk), uri, new FetchContext(backgroundFetchContext, FetchContext.IDENTICAL_MASK), priority, new NullBucket(), null, null);
try {
} catch (FetchException e) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Cannot start hint fetch for "+uri+" : "+e, e);
// Ignore
public interface HintCallback {
/** The SSK block exists. The USK tracker will have been updated. We
* did not try to fetch the rest of the key.
* @param origURI The original FreenetURI object.
* @param token The token object passed in by the caller.
void success(FreenetURI origURI, Object token);
/** The SSK block does not exist. We got a DNF, DNF with RecentlyFailed,
* check store only and it wasn't in the datastore etc.
* @param origURI The original FreenetURI object.
* @param token The token object passed in by the caller.
* @param e The exception.
void dnf(FreenetURI origURI, Object token, FetchException e);
/** Some other error. We don't necessarily know that it doesn't exist.
* @param origURI The original FreenetURI object.
* @param token The token object passed in by the caller.
* @param e The exception.
void failed(FreenetURI origURI, Object token, FetchException e);
/** Simply check whether the block exists, in such a way that we don't fetch
* the full content. If it does exist then the USK tracker, and therefore
* any fetchers, will be updated. You can pass either an SSK or a USK. */
public void hintCheck(FreenetURI uri, final Object token, ClientContext context, short priority, final HintCallback cb) throws MalformedURLException {
final FreenetURI origURI = uri;
if(uri.isUSK()) uri = uri.sskForUSK();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Doing hint fetch for "+uri);
final ClientGetter get = new ClientGetter(new ClientGetCallback() {
public void onSuccess(FetchResult result, ClientGetter state) {
cb.success(origURI, token);
public void onFailure(FetchException e, ClientGetter state) {
cb.success(origURI, token);
else if(e.isDNF())
cb.dnf(origURI, token, e);
cb.failed(origURI, token, e);
public void onResume(ClientContext context) {
// Do nothing.
public RequestClient getRequestClient() {
return rcBulk;
}, uri, new FetchContext(backgroundFetchContext, FetchContext.IDENTICAL_MASK), priority, new NullBucket(), null, null);
try {
} catch (FetchException e) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Cannot start hint fetch for "+uri+" : "+e, e);
cb.success(origURI, token);
else if(e.isDNF())
cb.dnf(origURI, token, e);
cb.failed(origURI, token, e);
public void startTemporaryBackgroundFetcher(USK usk, ClientContext context, final FetchContext fctx, boolean prefetchContent, boolean realTimeFlag) {
final USK clear = usk.clearCopy();
USKFetcher sched = null;
ArrayList<USKFetcher> toCancel = null;
synchronized(this) {
// int x = 0;
// for(USK key: backgroundFetchersByClearUSK.keySet()) {
// System.err.println("Fetcher "+x+": "+key);
// x++;
// }
USKFetcher f = temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.get(clear);
if(f == null) {
f = new USKFetcher(usk, this, fctx.ignoreUSKDatehints ? backgroundFetchContextIgnoreDBR : backgroundFetchContext, new USKFetcherWrapper(usk, RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS, realTimeFlag ? rcRT : rcBulk), 3, false, false, false);
sched = f;
temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.push(clear, f);
} else {
if(prefetchContent) {
long fetchTime = -1;
// If nothing in 60 seconds, try fetching the last known slot.
long slot = lookupLatestSlot(clear);
long good = lookupKnownGood(clear);
if(slot > -1 && good != slot)
fetchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
temporaryBackgroundFetchersPrefetch.put(clear, fetchTime);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch: set "+fetchTime+" for "+clear);
temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.push(clear, f);
while(temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.size() > NodeClientCore.getMaxBackgroundUSKFetchers()) {
USKFetcher fetcher = temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.popValue();
if(!fetcher.hasSubscribers()) {
if(toCancel == null) toCancel = new ArrayList<USKFetcher>(2);
} else {
Logger.minor(this, "Allowing temporary background fetcher to continue as it has subscribers... "+fetcher);
final ArrayList<USKFetcher> cancelled = toCancel;
final USKFetcher scheduleMe = sched;
// This is just a prefetching method. so it should not unnecessarily delay the parent, nor should it take important locks.
// So we should do the actual schedule/cancels off-thread.
// However, the above is done on-thread because a lot of the time it will already be running.
if(cancelled != null || sched != null) {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if(cancelled != null) {
for(int i=0;i<cancelled.size();i++) {
USKFetcher fetcher = cancelled.get(i);
if(scheduleMe != null) scheduleMe.schedule(USKManager.this.context);
static final long PREFETCH_DELAY = SECONDS.toMillis(60);
private void schedulePrefetchChecker() {
context.ticker.queueTimedJob(prefetchChecker, "Check for USKs to prefetch", PREFETCH_DELAY, false, true);
private final Runnable prefetchChecker = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Running prefetch checker...");
ArrayList<USK> toFetch = null;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean empty = true;
synchronized(USKManager.this) {
for(Map.Entry<USK, Long> entry : temporaryBackgroundFetchersPrefetch.entrySet()) {
empty = false;
if(entry.getValue() > 0 && now - entry.getValue() >= PREFETCH_DELAY) {
if(toFetch == null)
toFetch = new ArrayList<USK>();
USK clear = entry.getKey();
long l = lookupLatestSlot(clear);
if(lookupKnownGood(clear) < l)
entry.setValue(-1L); // Reset counter until new data comes in
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not prefetching: "+entry.getKey()+" : "+entry.getValue());
if(toFetch == null) return;
for(final USK key : toFetch) {
final long l = key.suggestedEdition;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetching content for background fetch for edition "+l+" on "+key);
FetchContext fctx = new FetchContext(realFetchContext, FetchContext.IDENTICAL_MASK);
final ClientGetter get = new ClientGetter(new ClientGetCallback() {
public void onFailure(FetchException e, ClientGetter state) {
if(e.newURI != null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch succeeded with redirect for "+key);
updateKnownGood(key, l, context);
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch failed later: "+e+" for "+key, e);
// Ignore
public void onSuccess(FetchResult result, ClientGetter state) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch succeeded for "+key);
updateKnownGood(key, l, context);
public void onResume(ClientContext context) {
// Do nothing. Not persistent.
public RequestClient getRequestClient() {
return rcBulk;
}, key.getURI().sskForUSK() /* FIXME add getSSKURI() */, fctx, RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS, new NullBucket(), null, null);
try {
} catch (FetchException e) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Prefetch failed: "+e, e);
// Ignore
void updateKnownGood(final USK origUSK, final long number, final ClientContext context) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Updating (known good) "+origUSK.getURI()+" : "+number);
USK clear = origUSK.clearCopy();
final USKCallback[] callbacks;
boolean newSlot = false;
synchronized(this) {
Long l = latestKnownGoodByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Old known good: "+l);
if((l == null) || (number > l.longValue())) {
l = Long.valueOf(number);
latestKnownGoodByClearUSK.put(clear, l);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Put "+number);
} else
return; // If it's in KnownGood, it will also be in Slot
l = latestSlotByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Old slot: "+l);
if((l == null) || (number > l.longValue())) {
l = Long.valueOf(number);
latestSlotByClearUSK.put(clear, l);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Put "+number);
newSlot = true;
callbacks = subscribersByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(callbacks != null) {
// Run off-thread, because of locking, and because client callbacks may take some time
final USK usk = origUSK.copy(number);
final boolean newSlotToo = newSlot;
for(final USKCallback callback : callbacks)
context.mainExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
callback.onFoundEdition(number, usk, // non-persistent
context, false, (short)-1, null, true, newSlotToo);
}, "USKManager callback executor for " +callback);
void updateSlot(final USK origUSK, final long number, final ClientContext context) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Updating (slot) "+origUSK.getURI()+" : "+number);
USK clear = origUSK.clearCopy();
final USKCallback[] callbacks;
synchronized(this) {
Long l = latestSlotByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Old slot: "+l);
if((l == null) || (number > l.longValue())) {
l = Long.valueOf(number);
latestSlotByClearUSK.put(clear, l);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Put "+number);
} else
callbacks = subscribersByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(temporaryBackgroundFetchersPrefetch.containsKey(clear)) {
temporaryBackgroundFetchersPrefetch.put(clear, System.currentTimeMillis());
if(callbacks != null) {
// Run off-thread, because of locking, and because client callbacks may take some time
final USK usk = origUSK.copy(number);
for(final USKCallback callback : callbacks)
context.mainExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
callback.onFoundEdition(number, usk, // non-persistent
context, false, (short)-1, null, false, false);
}, "USKManager callback executor for " +callback);
/** Subscribe to a given USK, and poll it in the background, but only
* report new editions when we've been through a round and are confident
* that we won't find more in the near future. Note that it will ignore
* KnownGood, it only cares about latest slot.
* @return The proxy object which was actually subscribed. The caller MUST
* record this and pass it in to unsubscribe() when unsubscribing.
* */
public USKSparseProxyCallback subscribeSparse(USK origUSK, USKCallback cb, boolean ignoreUSKDatehints, RequestClient client) {
USKSparseProxyCallback proxy = new USKSparseProxyCallback(cb, origUSK);
subscribe(origUSK, proxy, true, ignoreUSKDatehints, client);
return proxy;
public USKSparseProxyCallback subscribeSparse(USK origUSK, USKCallback cb, RequestClient client) {
return subscribeSparse(origUSK, cb, false, client);
* Subscribe to a given USK. Callback will be notified when it is
* updated. Note that this does not imply that the USK will be
* checked on a regular basis, unless runBackgroundFetch=true.
public void subscribe(USK origUSK, USKCallback cb, boolean runBackgroundFetch, boolean ignoreUSKDatehints, RequestClient client) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Subscribing to "+origUSK+" for "+cb);
if(client.persistent()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("USKManager subscriptions cannot be persistent");
USKFetcher sched = null;
long ed = origUSK.suggestedEdition;
if(ed < 0) {
Logger.error(this, "Subscribing to USK with negative edition number: "+ed);
ed = -ed;
long curEd;
curEd = lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
long goodEd;
goodEd = lookupKnownGood(origUSK);
synchronized(this) {
USK clear = origUSK.clearCopy();
USKCallback[] callbacks = subscribersByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(callbacks == null) {
callbacks = new USKCallback[] { cb };
} else {
boolean mustAdd = true;
for(USKCallback callback: callbacks) {
if(callback == cb) {
// Already subscribed.
// But it may still be waiting for the callback.
if(!(curEd > ed || goodEd > ed)) return;
mustAdd = false;
if(mustAdd) {
callbacks = Arrays.copyOf(callbacks, callbacks.length+1);
callbacks[callbacks.length-1] = cb;
subscribersByClearUSK.put(clear, callbacks);
if(runBackgroundFetch) {
USKFetcher f = backgroundFetchersByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(f == null) {
f = new USKFetcher(origUSK, this, ignoreUSKDatehints ? backgroundFetchContextIgnoreDBR : backgroundFetchContext, new USKFetcherWrapper(origUSK, RequestStarter.UPDATE_PRIORITY_CLASS, client), 3, true, false, false);
sched = f;
backgroundFetchersByClearUSK.put(clear, f);
f.addSubscriber(cb, origUSK.suggestedEdition);
if(goodEd > ed)
cb.onFoundEdition(goodEd, origUSK.copy(curEd), context, false, (short)-1, null, true, curEd > ed);
else if(curEd > ed)
cb.onFoundEdition(curEd, origUSK.copy(curEd), context, false, (short)-1, null, false, false);
final USKFetcher fetcher = sched;
if(fetcher != null) {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Starting "+fetcher);
}, "USKManager.schedule for "+fetcher);
public void subscribe(USK origUSK, USKCallback cb, boolean runBackgroundFetch, RequestClient client) {
subscribe(origUSK, cb, runBackgroundFetch, false, client);
public void unsubscribe(USK origUSK, USKCallback cb) {
USKFetcher toCancel = null;
synchronized(this) {
USK clear = origUSK.clearCopy();
USKCallback[] callbacks = subscribersByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(callbacks == null){ // maybe we should throw something ? shall we allow multiple unsubscriptions ?
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No longer subscribed");
int j=0;
for(USKCallback c: callbacks) {
if((c != null) && (c != cb)) {
callbacks[j++] = c;
USKCallback[] newCallbacks = Arrays.copyOf(callbacks, j);
if(newCallbacks.length > 0)
subscribersByClearUSK.put(clear, newCallbacks);
USKFetcher f = backgroundFetchersByClearUSK.get(clear);
if(f != null) {
f.removeSubscriber(cb, context);
if(!f.hasSubscribers()) {
toCancel = f;
// Temporary background fetchers run once and then die.
// They do not care about callbacks.
if(toCancel != null) {
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not found unsubscribing: "+cb+" for "+origUSK);
* Subscribe to a USK. When it is updated, the content will be fetched (subject to the limits in fctx),
* and returned to the callback. If we are asked to do a background fetch, we will only fetch editions
* when we are fairly confident there are no more to fetch.
* @param origUSK The USK to poll.
* @param cb Callback, called when we have downloaded a new key.
* @param runBackgroundFetch If true, start a background fetcher for the key, which will run
* forever until we unsubscribe. Note that internally we use subscribeSparse() in this case,
* i.e. we will only download editions which we are confident about.
* @param fctx Fetcher context for actually fetching the keys. Not used by the USK polling.
* @param prio Priority for fetching the content (see constants in RequestScheduler).
* @return
public USKRetriever subscribeContent(USK origUSK, USKRetrieverCallback cb, boolean runBackgroundFetch, FetchContext fctx, short prio, RequestClient client) {
USKRetriever ret = new USKRetriever(fctx, prio, client, cb, origUSK);
USKCallback toSub = ret;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Subscribing to "+origUSK+" for "+cb);
if(runBackgroundFetch) {
USKSparseProxyCallback proxy = new USKSparseProxyCallback(ret, origUSK);
toSub = proxy;
subscribe(origUSK, toSub, runBackgroundFetch, fctx.ignoreUSKDatehints, client);
return ret;
* Subscribe to a USK with a custom FetchContext. This is "off the books",
* i.e. the background fetcher isn't started by subscribe().
public USKRetriever subscribeContentCustom(USK origUSK, USKRetrieverCallback cb, FetchContext fctx, short prio, RequestClient client) {
USKRetriever ret = new USKRetriever(fctx, prio, client, cb, origUSK);
USKCallback toSub = ret;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Subscribing to "+origUSK+" for "+cb);
USKSparseProxyCallback proxy = new USKSparseProxyCallback(ret, origUSK);
toSub = proxy;
/* runBackgroundFetch=false -> ignoreUSKDatehints unused */
subscribe(origUSK, toSub, false, client);
USKFetcher f = new USKFetcher(origUSK, this, fctx, new USKFetcherWrapper(origUSK, prio, client), 3, true, false, false);
return ret;
public void unsubscribeContent(USK origUSK, USKRetriever ret, boolean runBackgroundFetch) {
// REMOVE: DO NOT Synchronize! ... debugging only.
* The result of that method will be displayed on the Statistic Toadlet : it will help catching #1147
* Afterwards it should be removed: it's not usefull :)
* @return the number of BackgroundFetchers started by USKManager
public int getBackgroundFetcherByUSKSize(){
return backgroundFetchersByClearUSK.size();
* The result of that method will be displayed on the Statistic Toadlet : it will help catching #1147
* Afterwards it should be removed: it's not usefull :)
* @return the size of temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU
public int getTemporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU(){
return temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.size();
public void onFinished(USKFetcher fetcher) {
onFinished(fetcher, false);
public void onFinished(USKFetcher fetcher, boolean ignoreError) {
USK orig = fetcher.getOriginalUSK();
USK clear = orig.clearCopy();
synchronized(this) {
if(backgroundFetchersByClearUSK.get(clear) == fetcher) {
if(!ignoreError) {
// This shouldn't happen, it's a sanity check: the only way we get cancelled is from USKManager, which removes us before calling cancel().
Logger.error(this, "onCancelled for "+fetcher+" - was still registered, how did this happen??", new Exception("debug"));
if(temporaryBackgroundFetchersLRU.get(clear) == fetcher) {
public boolean persistent() {
return false;
ClientContext getContext() {
return context;
public void checkUSK(FreenetURI uri, boolean persistent, boolean isMetadata) {
try {
FreenetURI uu;
if(uri.isSSK() && uri.isSSKForUSK()) {
uu = uri.setMetaString(null).uskForSSK();
} else if(uri.isUSK()) {
uu = uri;
} else {
USK usk = USK.create(uu);
context.uskManager.updateKnownGood(usk, uu.getSuggestedEdition(), context);
// We don't know whether the metadata is fetchable.
// FIXME add a callback so if the rest of the request completes we updateKnownGood().
context.uskManager.updateSlot(usk, uu.getSuggestedEdition(), context);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Don't let the USK hint cause us to not succeed on the block.
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t, t);