/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.client.async;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PipedInputStream;
import java.io.PipedOutputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import freenet.client.ClientMetadata;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.client.FetchException;
import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode;
import freenet.client.InsertContext.CompatibilityMode;
import freenet.crypt.HashResult;
import freenet.keys.ClientKey;
import freenet.keys.ClientSSK;
import freenet.keys.ClientSSKBlock;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.keys.Key;
import freenet.keys.KeyBlock;
import freenet.keys.KeyDecodeException;
import freenet.keys.NodeSSK;
import freenet.keys.SSKBlock;
import freenet.keys.SSKVerifyException;
import freenet.keys.USK;
import freenet.node.KeysFetchingLocally;
import freenet.node.LowLevelGetException;
import freenet.node.RequestClient;
import freenet.node.RequestStarter;
import freenet.node.SendableGet;
import freenet.node.SendableRequestItem;
import freenet.support.LogThresholdCallback;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.RemoveRangeArrayList;
import freenet.support.Logger.LogLevel;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.compress.Compressor;
import freenet.support.compress.DecompressorThreadManager;
import freenet.support.io.BucketTools;
import freenet.support.io.Closer;
* On 0.7, this shouldn't however take more than 10 seconds or so; these are SSKs
* we are talking about. If this is fast enough then people will use the "-" form.
* FProxy should cause USKs with negative edition numbers to be redirected to USKs
* with positive edition numbers.
* If the number specified is up to date, we just do the fetch. If a more recent
* USK can be found, then we fail with an exception with the new version. The
* client is expected to redirect to this. The point here is that FProxy will then
* have the correct number in the location bar, so that if the user copies the URL,
* it will keep the edition number hint.
* A positive number fetch triggers a background fetch.
* This class does both background fetches and negative number fetches.
* It does them in the same way.
* There is one USKFetcher for a given USK, at most. They are registered on the
* USKManager. They have a list of ClientGetState-implementing callbacks; these
* are all triggered on completion.
* When a new suggestedEdition is added, if that is later than the
* currently searched-for version, the USKFetcher will try to fetch that as well
* as its current pointer.
* Current algorithm:
* - Fetch the next 5 editions all at once.
* - If we have four consecutive editions with DNF, and no later pending fetches,
* then we finish with the last known good version. (There are details relating
* to other error codes handled below in the relevant method).
* - We immediately update the USKManager if we successfully fetch an edition.
* - If a new, higher suggestion comes in, that is also fetched.
* Future extensions:
* - Binary search.
* - Hierarchical DBRs.
* - TUKs (when we have TUKs).
* - Passive requests (when we have passive requests).
* PERSISTENCE: This class is not persistent. USKFetcherTag is used to mark persistent USK fetches,
* which will be restarted on startup.
public class USKFetcher implements ClientGetState, USKCallback, HasKeyListener, KeyListener {
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
private static volatile boolean logDEBUG;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback() {
public void shouldUpdate() {
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
logDEBUG = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, this);
/** USK manager */
private final USKManager uskManager;
/** The USK to fetch */
private final USK origUSK;
/** Callbacks */
private final List<USKFetcherCallback> callbacks;
/** Fetcher context */
final FetchContext ctx;
/** Fetcher context ignoring store */
final FetchContext ctxNoStore;
/** Fetcher context for DBR hint fetches */
final FetchContext ctxDBR;
/** Finished? */
private boolean completed;
/** Cancelled? */
private boolean cancelled;
private final boolean checkStoreOnly;
final ClientRequester parent;
// We keep the data from the last (highest number) request.
private Bucket lastRequestData;
private short lastCompressionCodec;
private boolean lastWasMetadata;
/** Structure tracking which keys we want. */
private final USKWatchingKeys watchingKeys;
private final ArrayList<USKAttempt> attemptsToStart;
private static final int WATCH_KEYS = 50;
* Callbacks are told when the USKFetcher finishes, and unless background poll is
* enabled, they are only sent onFoundEdition *once*, on completion.
* However they do help to determine the fetcher's priority.
* FIXME: Don't allow callbacks if backgroundPoll is enabled??
* @param cb
* @return
public boolean addCallback(USKFetcherCallback cb) {
synchronized(this) {
if(completed) return false;
return true;
class DBRFetcher extends SimpleSingleFileFetcher {
DBRFetcher(ClientKey key, int maxRetries, FetchContext ctx,
ClientRequester parent, GetCompletionCallback rcb,
boolean isEssential, boolean dontAdd, long l,
ClientContext context,
boolean deleteFetchContext, boolean realTimeFlag) {
super(key, maxRetries, ctx, parent, rcb, isEssential, dontAdd, l,
context, deleteFetchContext, realTimeFlag);
public short getPriorityClass() {
return progressPollPriority;
public String toString() {
return super.objectToString()+" for "+USKFetcher.this+" for "+origUSK;
class DBRAttempt implements GetCompletionCallback {
final SimpleSingleFileFetcher fetcher;
final USKDateHint.Type type;
DBRAttempt(ClientKey key, ClientContext context, USKDateHint.Type type) {
fetcher = new DBRFetcher(key, ctxDBR.maxUSKRetries, ctxDBR, parent,
this, false, true, 0, context, false, realTimeFlag);
this.type = type;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Created "+this+" with "+fetcher);
public void onSuccess(StreamGenerator streamGenerator,
ClientMetadata clientMetadata,
List<? extends Compressor> decompressors, ClientGetState state,
ClientContext context) {
OutputStream output = null;
PipedInputStream pipeIn = new PipedInputStream();
PipedOutputStream pipeOut = new PipedOutputStream();
Bucket data = null;
long maxLen = Math.max(ctx.maxTempLength, ctx.maxOutputLength);
try {
data = context.getBucketFactory(false).makeBucket(maxLen);
output = data.getOutputStream();
if(decompressors != null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "decompressing...");
DecompressorThreadManager decompressorManager = new DecompressorThreadManager(pipeIn, decompressors, maxLen);
pipeIn = decompressorManager.execute();
ClientGetWorkerThread worker = new ClientGetWorkerThread(new BufferedInputStream(pipeIn), output, null, null, null, false, null, null, null, context.linkFilterExceptionProvider);
streamGenerator.writeTo(pipeOut, context);
} else streamGenerator.writeTo(output, context);
output = null;
pipeOut = null;
pipeIn = null;
// Run directly - we are running on some thread somewhere, don't worry about it.
innerSuccess(data, context);
} catch (Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t, t);
onFailure(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, t), state, context);
} finally {
boolean dbrsFinished;
synchronized(USKFetcher.this) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Remaining DBR attempts: "+dbrAttempts);
dbrsFinished = dbrAttempts.isEmpty();
private void innerSuccess(Bucket bucket,
ClientContext context) {
byte[] data;
try {
data = BucketTools.toByteArray(bucket);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to read hint data because of I/O error, maybe bad decompression?: "+e, e);
String line;
try {
line = new String(data, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Impossible: "+e, e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Something very bad happened, most likely bogus encoding.
// Ignore it.
Logger.error(this, "Impossible throwable - maybe bogus encoding?: "+t, t);
String[] split = line.split("\n");
if(split.length < 3) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to parse hint (not enough lines): \""+line+"\"");
if(!split[0].startsWith("HINT")) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to parse hint (first line doesn't start with HINT): \""+line+"\"");
String value = split[1];
long hint;
try {
hint = Long.parseLong(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to parse hint \""+value+"\"", e);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found DBR hint edition "+hint+" for "+this.fetcher.getKey(null).getURI()+" for "+USKFetcher.this);
processDBRHint(hint, context, this);
public void onFailure(FetchException e, ClientGetState state,
ClientContext context) {
// Okay.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Failed to fetch hint "+fetcher.getKey(null)+" for "+this+" for "+USKFetcher.this);
boolean dbrsFinished;
synchronized(USKFetcher.this) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Remaining DBR attempts: "+dbrAttempts);
dbrsFinished = dbrAttempts.isEmpty();
public void onBlockSetFinished(ClientGetState state,
ClientContext context) {
// Ignore
public void onTransition(ClientGetState oldState,
ClientGetState newState, ClientContext context) {
// Ignore
public void onExpectedSize(long size,
ClientContext context) {
// Ignore
public void onExpectedMIME(ClientMetadata meta,
ClientContext context) throws FetchException {
// Ignore
public void onFinalizedMetadata() {
// Ignore
public void onExpectedTopSize(long size, long compressed,
int blocksReq, int blocksTotal,
ClientContext context) {
// Ignore
public void onSplitfileCompatibilityMode(CompatibilityMode min,
CompatibilityMode max, byte[] customSplitfileKey,
boolean compressed, boolean bottomLayer,
boolean definitiveAnyway,
ClientContext context) {
// Ignore
public void onHashes(HashResult[] hashes,
ClientContext context) {
// Ignore
public void start(ClientContext context) {
public void cancel(ClientContext context) {
class USKAttempt implements USKCheckerCallback {
/** Edition number */
long number;
/** Attempt to fetch that edition number (or null if the fetch has finished) */
USKChecker checker;
/** Successful fetch? */
boolean succeeded;
/** DNF? */
boolean dnf;
boolean cancelled;
final Lookup lookup;
final boolean forever;
private boolean everInCooldown;
public USKAttempt(Lookup l, boolean forever) {
this.lookup = l;
this.number = l.val;
this.succeeded = false;
this.dnf = false;
this.forever = forever;
this.checker = new USKChecker(this, l.key, forever ? -1 : ctx.maxUSKRetries, l.ignoreStore ? ctxNoStore : ctx, parent, realTimeFlag);
public void onDNF(ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
checker = null;
dnf = true;
USKFetcher.this.onDNF(this, context);
public void onSuccess(ClientSSKBlock block, ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
checker = null;
succeeded = true;
USKFetcher.this.onSuccess(this, false, block, context);
public void onFatalAuthorError(ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
checker = null;
// Counts as success except it doesn't update
USKFetcher.this.onSuccess(this, true, null, context);
public void onNetworkError(ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
checker = null;
// Not a DNF
USKFetcher.this.onFail(this, context);
public void onCancelled(ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
checker = null;
USKFetcher.this.onCancelled(this, context);
public void cancel(ClientContext context) {
cancelled = true;
USKChecker c;
synchronized(this) {
c = checker;
if(c != null)
public void schedule(ClientContext context) {
USKChecker c;
synchronized(this) {
c = checker;
if(c == null) {
Logger.minor(this, "Checker == null in schedule() for "+this, new Exception("debug"));
} else {
public String toString() {
return "USKAttempt for "+number+" for "+origUSK.getURI()+" for "+USKFetcher.this+(forever?" (forever)" : "");
public short getPriority() {
if(backgroundPoll) {
synchronized(this) {
if(forever) {
if(!everInCooldown) {
// Boost the priority initially, so that finding the first edition takes precedence over ongoing polling after we're fairly sure we're not going to find anything.
// The ongoing polling keeps the ULPRs up to date so that we will get told quickly, but if we are overloaded we won't be able to keep up regardless.
return progressPollPriority;
} else {
return normalPollPriority;
} else {
// If !forever, this is a random-probe.
// It's not that important.
return normalPollPriority;
return parent.getPriorityClass();
public void onEnterFiniteCooldown(ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
everInCooldown = true;
public synchronized boolean everInCooldown() {
return everInCooldown;
public void reloadPollParameters(ClientContext context) {
USKChecker c;
synchronized(this) {
c = checker;
if(c == null) return;
private final HashSet<DBRAttempt> dbrAttempts = new HashSet<DBRAttempt>();
private final TreeMap<Long, USKAttempt> runningAttempts = new TreeMap<Long, USKAttempt>();
private final TreeMap<Long, USKAttempt> pollingAttempts = new TreeMap<Long, USKAttempt>();
private long lastFetchedEdition;
final long origMinFailures;
boolean firstLoop;
static final long origSleepTime = MINUTES.toMillis(30);
static final long maxSleepTime = HOURS.toMillis(24);
long sleepTime = origSleepTime;
private long valueAtSchedule;
/** Keep going forever? */
private final boolean backgroundPoll;
/** Keep the last fetched data? */
final boolean keepLastData;
private boolean started;
private final boolean realTimeFlag;
private short normalPollPriority = DEFAULT_NORMAL_POLL_PRIORITY;
private short progressPollPriority = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_POLL_PRIORITY;
private boolean scheduledDBRs;
private boolean scheduleAfterDBRsDone;
// FIXME use this!
USKFetcher(USK origUSK, USKManager manager, FetchContext ctx, ClientRequester requester, int minFailures, boolean pollForever, boolean keepLastData, boolean checkStoreOnly) {
this.parent = requester;
this.origUSK = origUSK;
this.uskManager = manager;
this.origMinFailures = minFailures;
if(origMinFailures > WATCH_KEYS)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
firstLoop = true;
callbacks = new ArrayList<USKFetcherCallback>();
subscribers = new HashSet<USKCallback>();
lastFetchedEdition = -1;
this.realTimeFlag = parent.realTimeFlag();
ctxDBR = ctx.clone();
if(ctx.followRedirects) {
this.ctx = ctx.clone();
this.ctx.followRedirects = false;
} else {
this.ctx = ctx;
ctxDBR.maxOutputLength = 1024;
ctxDBR.maxTempLength = 32768;
ctxDBR.filterData = false;
ctxDBR.maxArchiveLevels = 0;
ctxDBR.maxArchiveRestarts = 0;
if(checkStoreOnly) ctxDBR.localRequestOnly = true;
if(ctx.ignoreStore) {
ctxNoStore = this.ctx;
} else {
ctxNoStore = this.ctx.clone();
ctxNoStore.ignoreStore = true;
this.backgroundPoll = pollForever;
this.keepLastData = keepLastData;
this.checkStoreOnly = checkStoreOnly;
if(checkStoreOnly && logMINOR)
Logger.minor(this, "Just checking store on "+this);
// origUSK is a hint. We *do* want to check the edition given.
// Whereas latestSlot we've definitely fetched, we don't want to re-check.
watchingKeys = new USKWatchingKeys(origUSK, Math.max(0, uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK)+1));
attemptsToStart = new ArrayList<USKAttempt>();
public void onDBRsFinished(ClientContext context) {
boolean needSchedule = false;
synchronized(this) {
if(scheduleAfterDBRsDone) needSchedule = true; // FIXME other conditions???
private int dbrHintsFound = 0;
private int dbrHintsStarted = 0;
public void processDBRHint(long hint, ClientContext context, DBRAttempt dbrAttempt) {
// FIXME this is an inefficient first attempt!
// We should have a separate registry of latest DBR hint versions,
// like those for latest known good and latest slot.
// We should dump anything before it within USKFetcher, and fetch from
// the given slot onwards, inclusive (unlike elsewhere where we fetch
// from the last known exclusive).
try {
short prio;
List<DBRAttempt> toCancel = null;
synchronized(this) {
if(cancelled || completed) return;
prio = progressPollPriority;
for(Iterator<DBRAttempt> i = dbrAttempts.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
DBRAttempt a = i.next();
if(dbrAttempt.type.alwaysMorePreciseThan(a.type)) {
if(toCancel == null) toCancel = new ArrayList<DBRAttempt>();
this.uskManager.hintUpdate(this.origUSK.copy(hint).getURI(), context, prio);
if(toCancel != null) {
for(DBRAttempt a : toCancel)
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// Impossible
public void onCheckEnteredFiniteCooldown(ClientContext context) {
private void checkFinishedForNow(ClientContext context) {
USKAttempt[] attempts;
synchronized(this) {
if(cancelled || completed) return;
if(runningStoreChecker != null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not finished because still running store checker on "+this);
return; // Still checking the store
if(!runningAttempts.isEmpty()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not finished because running attempts (random probes) on "+this);
return; // Still running
if(pollingAttempts.isEmpty()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not finished because no polling attempts (not started???) on "+this);
return; // Not started yet
if(!dbrAttempts.isEmpty()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not finished because still waiting for DBR attempts on "+this+" : "+dbrAttempts);
return; // DBRs
attempts = pollingAttempts.values().toArray(new USKAttempt[pollingAttempts.size()]);
for(USKAttempt a : attempts) {
// All the polling attempts currently running must have entered cooldown once.
// I.e. they must have done all their fetches at least once.
// If we check whether they are *currently* in cooldown, then under heavy USK load (the common case!), we can see them overlapping and never notify finished.
if(!a.everInCooldown()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not finished because polling attempt "+a+" never entered cooldown on "+this);
private void notifyFinishedForNow(ClientContext context) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Notifying finished for now on "+this+" for "+origUSK+(this.realTimeFlag?" (realtime)" : " (bulk)"));
USKCallback[] toCheck;
synchronized(this) {
if(cancelled || completed) return;
toCheck = subscribers.toArray(new USKCallback[subscribers.size()]);
for(USKCallback cb : toCheck) {
if(cb instanceof USKProgressCallback)
private void notifySendingToNetwork(ClientContext context) {
USKCallback[] toCheck;
synchronized(this) {
if(cancelled || completed) return;
toCheck = subscribers.toArray(new USKCallback[subscribers.size()]);
for(USKCallback cb : toCheck) {
if(cb instanceof USKProgressCallback)
void onDNF(USKAttempt att, ClientContext context) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "DNF: "+att);
boolean finished = false;
long curLatest = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
synchronized(this) {
if(completed || cancelled) return;
lastFetchedEdition = Math.max(lastFetchedEdition, att.number);
if(runningAttempts.isEmpty()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "latest: "+curLatest+", last fetched: "+lastFetchedEdition+", curLatest+MIN_FAILURES: "+(curLatest+origMinFailures));
if(started) {
finished = true;
} else if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Remaining: "+runningAttempts());
if(finished) {
private synchronized String runningAttempts() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
boolean first = true;
for(USKAttempt a : runningAttempts.values()) {
if(!first) sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
private void finishSuccess(ClientContext context) {
Logger.minor(this, "finishSuccess() on "+this);
if(backgroundPoll) {
long valAtEnd = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
long end;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
synchronized(this) {
started = false; // don't finish before have rescheduled
//Find out when we should check next ('end'), in an increasing delay (unless we make progress).
long newSleepTime = sleepTime * 2;
if(newSleepTime > maxSleepTime) newSleepTime = maxSleepTime;
sleepTime = newSleepTime;
end = now + context.random.nextInt((int) sleepTime);
if(valAtEnd > valueAtSchedule && valAtEnd > origUSK.suggestedEdition) {
// We have advanced; keep trying as if we just started.
// Only if we actually DO advance, not if we just confirm our suspicion (valueAtSchedule always starts at 0).
sleepTime = origSleepTime;
firstLoop = false;
end = now;
Logger.minor(this, "We have advanced: at start, "+valueAtSchedule+" at end, "+valAtEnd);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Sleep time is "+sleepTime+" this sleep is "+(end-now)+" for "+this);
schedule(end-now, context);
} else {
USKFetcherCallback[] cb;
synchronized(this) {
completed = true;
cb = callbacks.toArray(new USKFetcherCallback[callbacks.size()]);
uskManager.unsubscribe(origUSK, this);
long ed = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
byte[] data;
synchronized(this) {
if(lastRequestData == null)
data = null;
else {
try {
data = BucketTools.toByteArray(lastRequestData);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Unable to turn lastRequestData into byte[]: caught I/O exception: "+e, e);
data = null;
for(USKFetcherCallback c: cb) {
try {
if(ed == -1)
c.onFoundEdition(ed, origUSK.copy(ed), context, lastWasMetadata, lastCompressionCodec, data, false, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(this, "An exception occured while dealing with a callback:"+c.toString()+"\n"+e.getMessage(),e);
void onSuccess(USKAttempt att, boolean dontUpdate, ClientSSKBlock block, final ClientContext context) {
onSuccess(att, att.number, dontUpdate, block, context);
void onSuccess(USKAttempt att, long curLatest, boolean dontUpdate, ClientSSKBlock block, final ClientContext context) {
final long lastEd = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found edition "+curLatest+" for "+origUSK+" official is "+lastEd+" on "+this);
boolean decode = false;
List<USKAttempt> killAttempts = null;
boolean registerNow;
// FIXME call uskManager.updateSlot BEFORE getEditionsToFetch, avoids a possible conflict, but creates another (with onFoundEdition) - we'd probably have to handle this there???
synchronized(this) {
if(att != null) runningAttempts.remove(att.number);
if(completed || cancelled) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Finished already: completed="+completed+" cancelled="+cancelled);
decode = curLatest >= lastEd && !(dontUpdate && block == null);
curLatest = Math.max(lastEd, curLatest);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Latest: "+curLatest+" in onSuccess");
if(!checkStoreOnly) {
killAttempts = cancelBefore(curLatest, context);
USKWatchingKeys.ToFetch list = watchingKeys.getEditionsToFetch(curLatest, context.random, getRunningFetchEditions(), shouldAddRandomEditions(context.random));
Lookup[] toPoll = list.toPoll;
Lookup[] toFetch = list.toFetch;
for(Lookup i : toPoll) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Polling "+i+" for "+this);
attemptsToStart.add(add(i, true));
for(Lookup i : toFetch) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Adding checker for edition "+i+" for "+origUSK);
attemptsToStart.add(add(i, false));
if((!scheduleAfterDBRsDone) || dbrAttempts.isEmpty())
registerNow = !fillKeysWatching(curLatest, context);
registerNow = false;
finishCancelBefore(killAttempts, context);
Bucket data = null;
if(decode && block != null) {
try {
data = block.decode(context.getBucketFactory(parent.persistent()), 1025 /* it's an SSK */, true);
} catch (KeyDecodeException e) {
data = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
data = null;
Logger.error(this, "An IOE occured while decoding: "+e.getMessage(),e);
synchronized(this) {
if (decode) {
if(block != null) {
lastCompressionCodec = block.getCompressionCodec();
lastWasMetadata = block.isMetadata();
if(keepLastData) {
if(lastRequestData != null)
lastRequestData = data;
} else
} else {
lastCompressionCodec = -1;
lastWasMetadata = false;
lastRequestData = null;
uskManager.updateSlot(origUSK, curLatest, context);
private boolean shouldAddRandomEditions(Random random) {
if(firstLoop) return false;
return random.nextInt(dbrHintsStarted + 1) >= dbrHintsFound;
void onCancelled(USKAttempt att, ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
if(!runningAttempts.isEmpty()) return;
private void finishCancelled(ClientContext context) {
USKFetcherCallback[] cb;
synchronized(this) {
completed = true;
cb = callbacks.toArray(new USKFetcherCallback[callbacks.size()]);
for(USKFetcherCallback c: cb)
public void onFail(USKAttempt attempt, ClientContext context) {
// FIXME what else can we do?
// Certainly we don't want to continue fetching indefinitely...
// ... e.g. RNFs don't indicate we should try a later slot, none of them
// really do.
onDNF(attempt, context);
private List<USKAttempt> cancelBefore(long curLatest, ClientContext context) {
List<USKAttempt> v = null;
int count = 0;
synchronized(this) {
for(Iterator<USKAttempt> i=runningAttempts.values().iterator();i.hasNext();) {
USKAttempt att = i.next();
if(att.number < curLatest) {
if(v == null) v = new ArrayList<USKAttempt>(runningAttempts.size()-count);
for(Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, USKAttempt>> i = pollingAttempts.entrySet().iterator();i.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<Long, USKAttempt> entry = i.next();
if(entry.getKey() < curLatest) {
if(v == null) v = new ArrayList<USKAttempt>(Math.max(1, pollingAttempts.size()-count));
} else break; // TreeMap is ordered.
return v;
private void finishCancelBefore(List<USKAttempt> v, ClientContext context) {
if(v != null) {
for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++) {
USKAttempt att = v.get(i);
* Add a USKAttempt for another edition number.
* Caller is responsible for calling .schedule().
private synchronized USKAttempt add(Lookup l, boolean forever) {
long i = l.val;
if(l.val < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't check <0 for "+l.val+" on "+this+" for "+origUSK);
if(cancelled) return null;
if(checkStoreOnly) return null;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Adding USKAttempt for "+i+" for "+origUSK.getURI());
if(forever) {
if(pollingAttempts.containsKey(i)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already polling edition: "+i+" for "+this);
return null;
} else {
if(runningAttempts.containsKey(i)) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Returning because already running for "+origUSK.getURI());
return null;
USKAttempt a = new USKAttempt(l, forever);
pollingAttempts.put(i, a);
else {
runningAttempts.put(i, a);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Added "+a+" for "+origUSK);
return a;
public FreenetURI getURI() {
return origUSK.getURI();
public boolean isFinished() {
synchronized (this) {
return completed || cancelled;
public USK getOriginalUSK() {
return origUSK;
public void schedule(long delay, final ClientContext context) {
if (delay<=0) {
} else {
context.ticker.queueTimedJob(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, delay);
public void schedule(ClientContext context) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Scheduling "+this);
DBRAttempt[] atts = null;
synchronized(this) {
if(cancelled) return;
if(completed) return;
if(!scheduledDBRs && !ctx.ignoreUSKDatehints) {
atts = addDBRs(context);
scheduledDBRs = true;
uskManager.subscribe(origUSK, this, false, parent.getClient());
if(atts != null)
startDBRs(atts, context);
long lookedUp = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
boolean registerNow = false;
boolean bye = false;
boolean completeCheckingStore = false;
synchronized(this) {
valueAtSchedule = Math.max(lookedUp+1, valueAtSchedule);
bye = cancelled || completed;
if(!bye) {
// subscribe() above may have called onFoundEdition and thus added a load of stuff. If so, we don't need to do so here.
if((!checkStoreOnly) && attemptsToStart.isEmpty() && runningAttempts.isEmpty() && pollingAttempts.isEmpty()) {
USKWatchingKeys.ToFetch list = watchingKeys.getEditionsToFetch(lookedUp, context.random, getRunningFetchEditions(), shouldAddRandomEditions(context.random));
Lookup[] toPoll = list.toPoll;
Lookup[] toFetch = list.toFetch;
for(Lookup i : toPoll) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Polling "+i+" for "+this);
attemptsToStart.add(add(i, true));
for(Lookup i : toFetch) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Adding checker for edition "+i+" for "+origUSK);
attemptsToStart.add(add(i, false));
started = true;
if(lookedUp <= 0 && atts != null) {
// If we don't know anything, do the DBRs first.
scheduleAfterDBRsDone = true;
registerNow = false;
} else if((!scheduleAfterDBRsDone) || dbrAttempts.isEmpty()) {
registerNow = !fillKeysWatching(lookedUp, context);
} else {
registerNow = false;
completeCheckingStore = checkStoreOnly && scheduleAfterDBRsDone && runningStoreChecker == null;
else if(completeCheckingStore) {
if(!bye) return;
// We have been cancelled.
uskManager.unsubscribe(origUSK, this);
uskManager.onFinished(this, true);
/** Call synchronized, then call startDBRs() */
private DBRAttempt[] addDBRs(ClientContext context) {
USKDateHint date = USKDateHint.now();
ClientSSK[] ssks = date.getRequestURIs(this.origUSK);
DBRAttempt[] atts = new DBRAttempt[ssks.length];
int x = 0;
for(int i=0;i<ssks.length;i++) {
ClientKey key = ssks[i];
DBRAttempt att = new DBRAttempt(key, context, USKDateHint.Type.values()[i]);
atts[x++] = att;
dbrHintsStarted = atts.length;
return atts;
private void startDBRs(DBRAttempt[] toStart, ClientContext context) {
for(DBRAttempt att : toStart)
public void cancel(ClientContext context) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Cancelling "+this);
uskManager.unsubscribe(origUSK, this);
USKAttempt[] attempts;
USKAttempt[] polling;
DBRAttempt[] atts;
SendableGet storeChecker;
Bucket data;
synchronized(this) {
if(cancelled) Logger.error(this, "Already cancelled "+this);
if(completed) Logger.error(this, "Already completed "+this);
cancelled = true;
attempts = runningAttempts.values().toArray(new USKAttempt[runningAttempts.size()]);
polling = pollingAttempts.values().toArray(new USKAttempt[pollingAttempts.size()]);
atts = dbrAttempts.toArray(new DBRAttempt[dbrAttempts.size()]);
storeChecker = runningStoreChecker;
runningStoreChecker = null;
data = lastRequestData;
lastRequestData = null;
for(USKAttempt attempt: attempts)
for(USKAttempt p: polling)
for(DBRAttempt a : atts)
if(storeChecker != null)
// Remove from the store checker queue.
storeChecker.unregister(context, storeChecker.getPriorityClass());
if(data != null)
/** Set of interested USKCallbacks. Note that we don't actually
* send them any information - they are essentially placeholders,
* an alternative to a refcount. This could be replaced with a
* Bloom filter or whatever, we only need .exists and .count.
final HashSet<USKCallback> subscribers;
/** Map from subscribers to hint editions. */
final HashMap<USKCallback, Long> subscriberHints = new HashMap<USKCallback, Long>();
* Add a subscriber. Subscribers are not directly sent onFoundEdition()'s by the
* USKFetcher, we just use them to determine the priority of our requests and
* whether we should continue to request.
* @param cb
public void addSubscriber(USKCallback cb, long hint) {
Long[] hints;
synchronized(this) {
subscriberHints.put(cb, hint);
hints = subscriberHints.values().toArray(new Long[subscriberHints.size()]);
watchingKeys.updateSubscriberHints(hints, uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK));
private void updatePriorities() {
// FIXME should this be synchronized? IMHO it doesn't matter that much if we get the priority
// wrong for a few requests... also, we avoid any possible deadlock this way if the callbacks
// take locks...
short normalPrio = RequestStarter.PAUSED_PRIORITY_CLASS;
short progressPrio = RequestStarter.PAUSED_PRIORITY_CLASS;
USKCallback[] localCallbacks;
USKFetcherCallback[] fetcherCallbacks;
synchronized(this) {
localCallbacks = subscribers.toArray(new USKCallback[subscribers.size()]);
// Callbacks also determine the fetcher's priority.
// Otherwise USKFetcherTag would have no way to tell us the priority we should run at.
fetcherCallbacks = callbacks.toArray(new USKFetcherCallback[callbacks.size()]);
if(localCallbacks.length == 0 && fetcherCallbacks.length == 0) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Updating priorities: normal = "+normalPollPriority+" progress = "+progressPollPriority+" for "+this+" for "+origUSK);
for(USKCallback cb: localCallbacks) {
short prio = cb.getPollingPriorityNormal();
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Normal priority for "+cb+" : "+prio);
if(prio < normalPrio) normalPrio = prio;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Progress priority for "+cb+" : "+prio);
prio = cb.getPollingPriorityProgress();
if(prio < progressPrio) progressPrio = prio;
for(USKFetcherCallback cb: fetcherCallbacks) {
short prio = cb.getPollingPriorityNormal();
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Normal priority for "+cb+" : "+prio);
if(prio < normalPrio) normalPrio = prio;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Progress priority for "+cb+" : "+prio);
prio = cb.getPollingPriorityProgress();
if(prio < progressPrio) progressPrio = prio;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Updating priorities: normal="+normalPrio+" progress="+progressPrio+" for "+this+" for "+origUSK);
synchronized(this) {
normalPollPriority = normalPrio;
progressPollPriority = progressPrio;
public synchronized boolean hasSubscribers() {
return !subscribers.isEmpty();
public synchronized boolean hasCallbacks() {
return !callbacks.isEmpty();
public void removeSubscriber(USKCallback cb, ClientContext context) {
Long[] hints;
synchronized(this) {
hints = subscriberHints.values().toArray(new Long[subscriberHints.size()]);
watchingKeys.updateSubscriberHints(hints, uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK));
public void removeCallback(USKCallback cb) {
Long[] hints;
synchronized(this) {
hints = subscriberHints.values().toArray(new Long[subscriberHints.size()]);
watchingKeys.updateSubscriberHints(hints, uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK));
public long getToken() {
return -1;
public short getPollingPriorityNormal() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public short getPollingPriorityProgress() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void onFoundEdition(long ed, USK key, final ClientContext context, boolean metadata, short codec, byte[] data, boolean newKnownGood, boolean newSlotToo) {
if(newKnownGood && !newSlotToo) return; // Only interested in slots
// Because this is frequently run off-thread, it is actually possible that the looked up edition is not the same as the edition we are being notified of.
final long lastEd = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
boolean decode = false;
List<USKAttempt> killAttempts = null;
boolean registerNow = false;
synchronized(this) {
if(completed || cancelled) return;
decode = lastEd == ed && data != null;
ed = Math.max(lastEd, ed);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Latest: "+ed+" in onFoundEdition");
if(!checkStoreOnly) {
killAttempts = cancelBefore(ed, context);
USKWatchingKeys.ToFetch list = watchingKeys.getEditionsToFetch(ed, context.random, getRunningFetchEditions(), shouldAddRandomEditions(context.random));
Lookup[] toPoll = list.toPoll;
Lookup[] toFetch = list.toFetch;
for(Lookup i : toPoll) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Polling "+i+" for "+this+" in onFoundEdition");
attemptsToStart.add(add(i, true));
for(Lookup i : toFetch) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Adding checker for edition "+i+" for "+origUSK+" in onFoundEdition");
attemptsToStart.add(add(i, false));
if((!scheduleAfterDBRsDone) || dbrAttempts.isEmpty())
registerNow = !fillKeysWatching(ed, context);
registerNow = false;
finishCancelBefore(killAttempts, context);
synchronized(this) {
if (decode) {
lastCompressionCodec = codec;
lastWasMetadata = metadata;
if(keepLastData) {
// FIXME inefficient to convert from bucket to byte[] to bucket
if(lastRequestData != null)
try {
lastRequestData = BucketTools.makeImmutableBucket(context.tempBucketFactory, data);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e);
private synchronized List<Lookup> getRunningFetchEditions() {
List<Lookup> ret = new ArrayList<Lookup>();
for(USKAttempt a : runningAttempts.values()) {
if(!ret.contains(a.lookup)) ret.add(a.lookup);
for(USKAttempt a : pollingAttempts.values()) {
if(!ret.contains(a.lookup)) ret.add(a.lookup);
return ret;
private void registerAttempts(ClientContext context) {
USKAttempt[] attempts;
synchronized(USKFetcher.this) {
if(cancelled || completed) return;
attempts = attemptsToStart.toArray(new USKAttempt[attemptsToStart.size()]);
if(attempts.length > 0)
Logger.minor(this, "Registering "+attempts.length+" USKChecker's for "+this+" running="+runningAttempts.size()+" polling="+pollingAttempts.size());
for(USKAttempt attempt: attempts) {
// Look up on each iteration since scheduling can cause new editions to be found sometimes.
long lastEd = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
synchronized(USKFetcher.this) {
// FIXME not sure this condition works, test it!
if(keepLastData && lastRequestData == null && lastEd == origUSK.suggestedEdition)
lastEd--; // If we want the data, then get it for the known edition, so we always get the data, so USKInserter can compare it and return the old edition if it is identical.
if(attempt == null) continue;
if(attempt.number > lastEd)
else {
synchronized(USKFetcher.this) {
private StoreCheckerGetter runningStoreChecker = null;
class USKStoreChecker {
final USKWatchingKeys.KeyList.StoreSubChecker[] checkers;
public USKStoreChecker(List<USKWatchingKeys.KeyList.StoreSubChecker> c) {
checkers = c.toArray(new USKWatchingKeys.KeyList.StoreSubChecker[c.size()]);
public USKStoreChecker(USKWatchingKeys.KeyList.StoreSubChecker[] checkers2) {
checkers = checkers2;
public Key[] getKeys() {
if(checkers.length == 0) return new Key[0];
else if(checkers.length == 1) return checkers[0].keysToCheck;
else {
int x = 0;
for(USKWatchingKeys.KeyList.StoreSubChecker checker : checkers) {
x += checker.keysToCheck.length;
Key[] keys = new Key[x];
int ptr = 0;
// FIXME more intelligent (cheaper) merging algorithm, e.g. considering the ranges in each.
HashSet<Key> check = new HashSet<Key>();
for(USKWatchingKeys.KeyList.StoreSubChecker checker : checkers) {
for(Key k : checker.keysToCheck) {
if(!check.add(k)) continue;
keys[ptr++] = k;
if(keys.length != ptr) {
keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, ptr);
return keys;
public void checked() {
for(USKWatchingKeys.KeyList.StoreSubChecker checker : checkers) {
private boolean fillKeysWatching(long ed, ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
// Do not run a new one until this one has finished.
// StoreCheckerGetter itself will automatically call back to fillKeysWatching so there is no chance of losing it.
if(runningStoreChecker != null) return true;
final USKStoreChecker checker = watchingKeys.getDatastoreChecker(ed);
if(checker == null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No datastore checker");
return false;
runningStoreChecker = new StoreCheckerGetter(parent, checker);
try {
context.getSskFetchScheduler(realTimeFlag).register(null, new SendableGet[] { runningStoreChecker } , false, null, false);
} catch (KeyListenerConstructionException e1) {
// Impossible
synchronized(this) {
runningStoreChecker = null;
} catch (Throwable t) {
synchronized(this) {
runningStoreChecker = null;
Logger.error(this, "Unable to start: "+t, t);
try {
runningStoreChecker.unregister(context, progressPollPriority);
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
// Ignore, hopefully it's already unregistered
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Registered "+runningStoreChecker+" for "+this);
return true;
class StoreCheckerGetter extends SendableGet {
public StoreCheckerGetter(ClientRequester parent, USKStoreChecker c) {
super(parent, USKFetcher.this.realTimeFlag);
checker = c;
public final USKStoreChecker checker;
boolean done = false;
public FetchContext getContext() {
return ctx;
public long getCooldownWakeup(SendableRequestItem token, ClientContext context) {
return -1;
public ClientKey getKey(SendableRequestItem token) {
return null;
public Key[] listKeys() {
return checker.getKeys();
public void onFailure(LowLevelGetException e, SendableRequestItem token, ClientContext context) {
// Ignore
public boolean preRegister(ClientContext context, boolean toNetwork) {
unregister(context, getPriorityClass());
USKAttempt[] attempts;
synchronized(USKFetcher.this) {
runningStoreChecker = null;
// FIXME should we only start the USKAttempt's if the datastore check hasn't made progress?
attempts = attemptsToStart.toArray(new USKAttempt[attemptsToStart.size()]);
done = true;
if(cancelled) return true;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Checked datastore, finishing registration for "+attempts.length+" checkers for "+USKFetcher.this+" for "+origUSK);
if(attempts.length > 0) {
for(USKAttempt attempt: attempts) {
long lastEd = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
synchronized(USKFetcher.this) {
// FIXME not sure this condition works, test it!
if(keepLastData && lastRequestData == null && lastEd == origUSK.suggestedEdition)
lastEd--; // If we want the data, then get it for the known edition, so we always get the data, so USKInserter can compare it and return the old edition if it is identical.
if(attempt == null) continue;
if(attempt.number > lastEd)
else {
synchronized(USKFetcher.this) {
long lastEd = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK);
// Do not check beyond WATCH_KEYS after the current slot.
if(!fillKeysWatching(lastEd, context)) {
if(checkStoreOnly) {
Logger.minor(this, "Just checking store, terminating "+USKFetcher.this+" ...");
synchronized(this) {
if(!dbrAttempts.isEmpty()) {
USKFetcher.this.scheduleAfterDBRsDone = true;
return true;
// No need to call registerAttempts as we have already registered them.
return true;
public SendableRequestItem chooseKey(KeysFetchingLocally keys, ClientContext context) {
return null;
public long countAllKeys(ClientContext context) {
return watchingKeys.size();
public long countSendableKeys(ClientContext context) {
return 0;
public RequestClient getClient() {
return realTimeFlag ? USKManager.rcRT : USKManager.rcBulk;
public ClientRequester getClientRequest() {
return parent;
public short getPriorityClass() {
return progressPollPriority; // FIXME
public boolean isCancelled() {
return done || USKFetcher.this.cancelled || USKFetcher.this.completed;
public boolean isSSK() {
return true;
public long getWakeupTime(ClientContext context, long now) {
return 0;
protected ClientGetState getClientGetState() {
return USKFetcher.this;
public synchronized boolean isCancelled() {
return completed || cancelled;
public KeyListener makeKeyListener(ClientContext context, boolean onStartup) throws KeyListenerConstructionException {
return this;
public void onFailed(KeyListenerConstructionException e, ClientContext context) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to construct KeyListener on USKFetcher: "+e, e);
public synchronized long countKeys() {
return watchingKeys.size();
public short definitelyWantKey(Key key, byte[] saltedKey, ClientContext context) {
if(!(key instanceof NodeSSK)) return -1;
NodeSSK k = (NodeSSK) key;
return -1;
long lastSlot = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK) + 1;
synchronized(this) {
if(watchingKeys.match(k, lastSlot) != -1) return progressPollPriority;
return -1;
public HasKeyListener getHasKeyListener() {
return this;
public short getPriorityClass() {
return progressPollPriority;
public SendableGet[] getRequestsForKey(Key key, byte[] saltedKey, ClientContext context) {
return new SendableGet[0];
public boolean handleBlock(Key key, byte[] saltedKey, KeyBlock found, ClientContext context) {
if(!(found instanceof SSKBlock)) return false;
long lastSlot = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK) + 1;
long edition = watchingKeys.match((NodeSSK)key, lastSlot);
if(edition == -1) return false;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Matched edition "+edition+" for "+origUSK);
ClientSSKBlock data;
try {
data = watchingKeys.decode((SSKBlock)found, edition);
} catch (SSKVerifyException e) {
data = null;
onSuccess(null, edition, false, data, context);
return true;
public synchronized boolean isEmpty() {
return cancelled || completed;
public boolean isSSK() {
return true;
public void onRemove() {
// Ignore
public boolean persistent() {
return false;
public boolean probablyWantKey(Key key, byte[] saltedKey) {
if(!(key instanceof NodeSSK)) return false;
NodeSSK k = (NodeSSK) key;
return false;
long lastSlot = uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK) + 1;
synchronized(this) {
return watchingKeys.match(k, lastSlot) != -1;
/** FIXME this is a special case hack
* For a generic solution see https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4984
public void changeUSKPollParameters(long time, int tries, ClientContext context) {
USKAttempt[] pollers;
synchronized(this) {
pollers = pollingAttempts.values().toArray(new USKAttempt[pollingAttempts.size()]);
for(USKAttempt a : pollers)
* Tracks the list of editions that we want to fetch, from various sources - subscribers, origUSK,
* last known slot from USKManager, etc.
* LOCKING: Take the lock on this class last and always pass in lookup values. Do not lookup values
* in USKManager inside this class's lock.
* @author Matthew Toseland <toad@amphibian.dyndns.org> (0xE43DA450)
private class USKWatchingKeys {
// Common for whole USK
final byte[] pubKeyHash;
final byte cryptoAlgorithm;
// List of slots since the USKManager's current last known good edition.
private final KeyList fromLastKnownSlot;
private TreeMap<Long, KeyList> fromSubscribers;
private TreeSet<Long> persistentHints = new TreeSet<Long>();
//private ArrayList<KeyList> fromCallbacks;
// FIXME add more WeakReference<KeyList>'s: one for the origUSK, one for each subscriber who gave an edition number. All of which should disappear on the subscriber going or on the last known superceding.
public USKWatchingKeys(USK origUSK, long lookedUp) {
this.pubKeyHash = origUSK.getPubKeyHash();
this.cryptoAlgorithm = origUSK.cryptoAlgorithm;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Creating KeyList from last known good: "+lookedUp);
fromLastKnownSlot = new KeyList(lookedUp);
fromSubscribers = new TreeMap<Long, KeyList>();
if(origUSK.suggestedEdition > lookedUp)
fromSubscribers.put(origUSK.suggestedEdition, new KeyList(origUSK.suggestedEdition));
class ToFetch {
public ToFetch(List<Lookup> toFetch2, List<Lookup> toPoll2) {
toFetch = toFetch2.toArray(new Lookup[toFetch2.size()]);
toPoll = toPoll2.toArray(new Lookup[toPoll2.size()]);
public final Lookup[] toFetch;
public final Lookup[] toPoll;
* Get a bunch of editions to probe for.
* @param lookedUp The current best known slot, from USKManager.
* @param random The random number generator.
* @param alreadyRunning This will be modified: We will remove anything that should still be running from it.
* @return Editions to fetch and editions to poll for.
public synchronized ToFetch getEditionsToFetch(long lookedUp, Random random, List<Lookup> alreadyRunning, boolean doRandom) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Get editions to fetch, latest slot is "+lookedUp+" running is "+alreadyRunning);
List<Lookup> toFetch = new ArrayList<Lookup>();
List<Lookup> toPoll = new ArrayList<Lookup>();
boolean probeFromLastKnownGood =
lookedUp > -1 || (backgroundPoll && !firstLoop) || fromSubscribers.isEmpty();
fromLastKnownSlot.getNextEditions(toFetch, toPoll, lookedUp, alreadyRunning, random);
// If we have moved past the origUSK, then clear the KeyList for it.
for(Iterator<Entry<Long,KeyList>> it = fromSubscribers.entrySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
Entry<Long,KeyList> entry = it.next();
long l = entry.getKey() - 1;
if(l <= lookedUp)
entry.getValue().getNextEditions(toFetch, toPoll, l-1, alreadyRunning, random);
if(doRandom) {
// Now getRandomEditions
// But how many???
int runningRandom = 0;
for(Lookup l : alreadyRunning) {
if(toFetch.contains(l) || toPoll.contains(l)) continue;
int allowedRandom = 1 + fromSubscribers.size();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Running random requests: "+runningRandom+" total allowed: "+allowedRandom+" looked up is "+lookedUp+" for "+USKFetcher.this);
allowedRandom -= runningRandom;
if(allowedRandom > 0 && probeFromLastKnownGood) {
fromLastKnownSlot.getRandomEditions(toFetch, lookedUp, alreadyRunning, random, Math.min(1, allowedRandom));
for(Iterator<KeyList> it = fromSubscribers.values().iterator(); allowedRandom >= 2 && it.hasNext();) {
KeyList k = it.next();
k.getRandomEditions(toFetch, lookedUp, alreadyRunning, random, Math.min(1, allowedRandom));
allowedRandom -= 1;
return new ToFetch(toFetch, toPoll);
public synchronized void updateSubscriberHints(Long[] hints, long lookedUp) {
List<Long> surviving = new ArrayList<Long>();
long prev = -1;
for(Long hint : hints) {
if(hint == prev) continue;
prev = hint;
if(hint <= lookedUp) continue;
for(Iterator<Long> i = persistentHints.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
Long hint = i.next();
if(hint <= lookedUp) {
if(surviving.contains(hint)) continue;
if(origUSK.suggestedEdition > lookedUp && !surviving.contains(origUSK.suggestedEdition))
for(Iterator<Long> it = fromSubscribers.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
Long l = it.next();
if(surviving.contains(l)) continue;
for(Long l : surviving) {
if(fromSubscribers.containsKey(l)) continue;
fromSubscribers.put(l, new KeyList(l));
public synchronized void addHintEdition(long suggestedEdition, long lookedUp) {
if(suggestedEdition <= lookedUp) return;
if(!persistentHints.add(suggestedEdition)) return;
if(fromSubscribers.containsKey(suggestedEdition)) return;
fromSubscribers.put(suggestedEdition, new KeyList(suggestedEdition));
public synchronized long size() {
return WATCH_KEYS + fromSubscribers.size() * WATCH_KEYS; // FIXME take overlap into account
/** A precomputed list of E(H(docname))'s for each slot we might match.
* This is from an edition number which might be out of date. */
class KeyList {
/** The USK edition number of the first slot */
long firstSlot;
/** The precomputed E(H(docname)) for each such slot. */
private WeakReference<RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]>> cache;
/** We have checked the datastore from this point. */
private long checkedDatastoreFrom = -1;
/** We have checked the datastore up to this point. */
private long checkedDatastoreTo = -1;
public KeyList(long slot) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Creating KeyList from "+slot+" on "+USKFetcher.this+" "+this, new Exception("debug"));
firstSlot = slot;
RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]> ehDocnames = new RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]>(WATCH_KEYS);
cache = new WeakReference<RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]>>(ehDocnames);
generate(firstSlot, WATCH_KEYS, ehDocnames);
/** Add the next bunch of editions to fetch to toFetch and toPoll. If they are already running,
* REMOVE THEM from the alreadyRunning array.
* @param toFetch
* @param toPoll
* @param lookedUp
* @param alreadyRunning
* @param random
public synchronized void getNextEditions(List<Lookup> toFetch, List<Lookup> toPoll, long lookedUp, List<Lookup> alreadyRunning, Random random) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Getting next editions from "+lookedUp);
if(lookedUp < 0) lookedUp = 0;
for(int i=1;i<=origMinFailures;i++) {
long ed = i + lookedUp;
Lookup l = new Lookup();
l.val = ed;
boolean poll = backgroundPoll;
if(((!poll) && toFetch.contains(l)) || (poll && toPoll.contains(l))) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Ignoring "+l);
if(alreadyRunning.remove(l)) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Ignoring (2): "+l);
ClientSSK key;
// FIXME reuse ehDocnames somehow
// The problem is we need a ClientSSK for the high level stuff.
key = origUSK.getSSK(ed);
l.key = key;
l.ignoreStore = true;
if(poll) {
if(!toPoll.contains(l)) {
} else {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Ignoring poll (3): "+l);
} else {
if(!toFetch.contains(l)) {
} else {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Ignoring fetch (3): "+l);
public synchronized void getRandomEditions(List<Lookup> toFetch, long lookedUp, List<Lookup> alreadyRunning, Random random, int allowed) {
// Then add a couple of random editions for catch-up.
long baseEdition = lookedUp + origMinFailures;
for(int i=0;i<allowed;i++) {
while(true) {
// Geometric distribution.
// 20% chance of mean 100, 80% chance of mean 10. Thanks evanbd.
int mean = random.nextInt(5) == 0 ? 100 : 10;
long fetch = baseEdition + (long)Math.floor(Math.log(random.nextFloat()) / Math.log(1.0 - 1.0/mean));
if(fetch < baseEdition) continue;
Lookup l = new Lookup();
l.val = fetch;
if(toFetch.contains(l)) continue;
if(alreadyRunning.contains(l)) continue;
l.key = origUSK.getSSK(fetch);
l.ignoreStore = !(fetch - lookedUp >= WATCH_KEYS);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying random future edition "+fetch+" for "+origUSK+" current edition "+lookedUp);
public class StoreSubChecker {
/** Keys to check */
final NodeSSK[] keysToCheck;
/** The edition from which we will have checked after we have executed this. */
private final long checkedFrom;
/** The edition up to which we have checked after we have executed this. */
private final long checkedTo;
private StoreSubChecker(NodeSSK[] keysToCheck, long checkFrom, long checkTo) {
this.keysToCheck = keysToCheck;
this.checkedFrom = checkFrom;
this.checkedTo = checkTo;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Checking datastore from "+checkFrom+" to "+checkTo+" for "+USKFetcher.this+" on "+this);
/** The keys have been checked. */
void checked() {
synchronized(KeyList.this) {
if(checkedDatastoreTo >= checkedFrom && checkedDatastoreFrom <= checkedFrom) {
// checkedFrom is unchanged
checkedDatastoreTo = checkedTo;
} else {
checkedDatastoreFrom = checkedFrom;
checkedDatastoreTo = checkedTo;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Checked from "+checkedFrom+" to "+checkedTo+" (now overall is "+checkedDatastoreFrom+" to "+checkedDatastoreTo+") for "+USKFetcher.this+" for "+origUSK);
* Check for WATCH_KEYS from lastSlot, but do not check any slots earlier than checkedDatastoreUpTo.
* Re-use the cache if possible, and extend it if necessary; all we need to construct a NodeSSK is the base data and the E(H(docname)), and we have that.
public synchronized StoreSubChecker checkStore(long lastSlot) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.minor(this, "check store from "+lastSlot+" current first slot "+firstSlot);
long checkFrom = lastSlot;
long checkTo = lastSlot + WATCH_KEYS;
if(checkedDatastoreTo >= checkFrom) {
checkFrom = checkedDatastoreTo;
if(checkFrom >= checkTo) return null; // Nothing to check.
// Update the cache.
RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]> ehDocnames = updateCache(lastSlot);
// Now create NodeSSK[] from the part of the cache that
// ehDocnames[0] is firstSlot
// ehDocnames[checkFrom-firstSlot] is checkFrom
int offset = (int)(checkFrom - firstSlot);
NodeSSK[] keysToCheck = new NodeSSK[WATCH_KEYS - offset];
for(int x=0, i=offset; i<WATCH_KEYS; i++, x++) {
keysToCheck[x] = new NodeSSK(pubKeyHash, ehDocnames.get(i), cryptoAlgorithm);
return new StoreSubChecker(keysToCheck, checkFrom, checkTo);
synchronized RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]> updateCache(long curBaseEdition) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "update cache from "+curBaseEdition+" current first slot "+firstSlot);
RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]> ehDocnames = null;
if(cache == null || (ehDocnames = cache.get()) == null) {
ehDocnames = new RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]>(WATCH_KEYS);
cache = new WeakReference<RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]>>(ehDocnames);
firstSlot = curBaseEdition;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Regenerating because lost cached keys");
generate(firstSlot, WATCH_KEYS, ehDocnames);
return ehDocnames;
match(null, curBaseEdition, ehDocnames);
return ehDocnames;
/** Update the key list if necessary based on the new base edition.
* Then try to match the given key. If it matches return the edition number.
* @param key The key we are trying to match. If null, just update the cache, do not
* do any matching (used by checkStore(); it is only necessary to update the cache
* if you are actually going to use it).
* @param curBaseEdition The new base edition.
* @return The edition number for the key, or -1 if the key is not a match.
public synchronized long match(NodeSSK key, long curBaseEdition) {
if(logDEBUG) Logger.minor(this, "match from "+curBaseEdition+" current first slot "+firstSlot);
RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]> ehDocnames = null;
if(cache == null || (ehDocnames = cache.get()) == null) {
ehDocnames = new RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]>(WATCH_KEYS);
cache = new WeakReference<RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]>>(ehDocnames);
firstSlot = curBaseEdition;
generate(firstSlot, WATCH_KEYS, ehDocnames);
return key == null ? -1 : innerMatch(key, ehDocnames, 0, ehDocnames.size(), firstSlot);
// Might as well check first.
long x = innerMatch(key, ehDocnames, 0, ehDocnames.size(), firstSlot);
if(x != -1) return x;
return match(key, curBaseEdition, ehDocnames);
/** Update ehDocnames as needed according to the new curBaseEdition, then innerMatch against *only
* the changed parts*. The caller must already have done innerMatch over the passed in ehDocnames.
* @param curBaseEdition The edition to check from. If this is different to firstSlot, we will
* update ehDocnames. */
private long match(NodeSSK key, long curBaseEdition, RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]> ehDocnames) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Matching "+key+" cur base edition "+curBaseEdition+" first slot was "+firstSlot+" for "+origUSK+" on "+this);
if(firstSlot < curBaseEdition) {
if(firstSlot + ehDocnames.size() <= curBaseEdition) {
// No overlap. Clear it and start again.
firstSlot = curBaseEdition;
generate(curBaseEdition, WATCH_KEYS, ehDocnames);
return key == null ? -1 : innerMatch(key, ehDocnames, 0, ehDocnames.size(), firstSlot);
} else {
// There is some overlap. Delete the first part of the array then add stuff at the end.
// ehDocnames[i] is slot firstSlot + i
// We want to get rid of anything before curBaseEdition
// So the first slot that is useful is the slot at i = curBaseEdition - firstSlot
// Which is the new [0], whose edition is curBaseEdition
ehDocnames.removeRange(0, (int)(curBaseEdition - firstSlot));
int size = ehDocnames.size();
firstSlot = curBaseEdition;
generate(curBaseEdition + size, WATCH_KEYS - size, ehDocnames);
return key == null ? -1 : innerMatch(key, ehDocnames, WATCH_KEYS - size, size, firstSlot);
} else if(firstSlot > curBaseEdition) {
// Normal due to race conditions. We don't always report the new edition to the USKManager immediately.
// So ignore it.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring regression in match() from "+curBaseEdition+" to "+firstSlot);
return key == null ? -1 : innerMatch(key, ehDocnames, 0, ehDocnames.size(), firstSlot);
return -1;
/** Do the actual match, using the current firstSlot, and a specified offset and length within the array. */
private long innerMatch(NodeSSK key, RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]> ehDocnames, int offset, int size, long firstSlot) {
byte[] data = key.getKeyBytes();
for(int i=offset;i<(offset+size);i++) {
if(Arrays.equals(data, ehDocnames.get(i))) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Found edition "+(firstSlot+i)+" for "+origUSK);
return firstSlot+i;
return -1;
/** Append a series of E(H(docname))'s to the array.
* @param baseEdition The edition to start from.
* @param keys The number of keys to add.
private void generate(long baseEdition, int keys, RemoveRangeArrayList<byte[]> ehDocnames) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "generate() from "+baseEdition+" for "+origUSK);
assert(baseEdition >= 0);
for(int i=0;i<keys;i++) {
long ed = baseEdition + i;
public synchronized USKStoreChecker getDatastoreChecker(long lastSlot) {
// Check WATCH_KEYS from last known good slot.
// FIXME: Take into account origUSK, subscribers, etc.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Getting datastore checker from "+lastSlot+" for "+origUSK+" on "+USKFetcher.this, new Exception("debug"));
List<KeyList.StoreSubChecker> checkers = new ArrayList<KeyList.StoreSubChecker>();
KeyList.StoreSubChecker c = fromLastKnownSlot.checkStore(lastSlot+1);
if(c != null) checkers.add(c);
// If we have moved past the origUSK, then clear the KeyList for it.
for(Iterator<Entry<Long,KeyList>> it = fromSubscribers.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<Long,KeyList> entry = it.next();
long l = entry.getKey();
if(l <= lastSlot)
c = entry.getValue().checkStore(l);
if(c != null) checkers.add(c);
if(checkers.size() > 0)
return new USKStoreChecker(checkers);
else return null;
public ClientSSKBlock decode(SSKBlock block, long edition) throws SSKVerifyException {
ClientSSK csk = origUSK.getSSK(edition);
assert(Arrays.equals(csk.ehDocname, block.getKey().getKeyBytes()));
return ClientSSKBlock.construct(block, csk);
public synchronized long match(NodeSSK key, long lastSlot) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Trying to match "+key+" from slot "+lastSlot+" for "+origUSK);
long ret = fromLastKnownSlot.match(key, lastSlot);
if(ret != -1) return ret;
for(Iterator<Entry<Long,KeyList>> it = fromSubscribers.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<Long,KeyList> entry = it.next();
long l = entry.getKey();
if(l <= lastSlot)
ret = entry.getValue().match(key, l);
if(ret != -1) return ret;
return -1;
public void addHintEdition(long suggestedEdition) {
watchingKeys.addHintEdition(suggestedEdition, uskManager.lookupLatestSlot(origUSK));
private class Lookup {
long val;
ClientSSK key;
boolean ignoreStore;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o instanceof Lookup) {
return ((Lookup)o).val == val;
} else return false;
public String toString() {
return origUSK+":"+val;
public void onResume(ClientContext context) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not persistent");
public void onShutdown(ClientContext context) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not persistent");