package freenet.client.async;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import freenet.client.ArchiveManager.ARCHIVE_TYPE;
import freenet.client.ClientMetadata;
import freenet.client.FECCodec;
import freenet.client.FailureCodeTracker;
import freenet.client.InsertContext;
import freenet.client.InsertException.InsertExceptionMode;
import freenet.client.Metadata;
import freenet.client.InsertContext.CompatibilityMode;
import freenet.client.InsertException;
import freenet.client.Metadata.SplitfileAlgorithm;
import freenet.client.MetadataParseException;
import freenet.client.async.SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage.BlockInsert;
import freenet.client.async.SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage.MissingKeyException;
import freenet.crypt.ChecksumChecker;
import freenet.crypt.ChecksumFailedException;
import freenet.crypt.HashResult;
import freenet.crypt.MasterSecret;
import freenet.keys.CHKBlock;
import freenet.keys.ClientCHK;
import freenet.node.KeysFetchingLocally;
import freenet.node.SendableInsert;
* Similar to SplitFileFetcherStorage. The status of a splitfile insert,
* including the encoded check and cross-check blocks, is stored in a
* RandomAccessBuffer separate to that containing the data itself. This class is
* only concerned with encoding, storage etc, and should have as few
* dependencies on the runtime as possible, partly so that it can be tested in
* isolation. Actual details of inserting the blocks will be kept on
* SplitFileInserter.
* CONTENTS OF FILE: (for persistent case, transient leaves out most of the below)
* * Magic, version etc.
* * Basic settings.
* * Settings for each segment.
* * Settings for each cross-segment (including block lists).
* * Padded last block (if necessary)
* * Global status
* * (Padding to a 4096 byte boundary)
* * Cross-check blocks (by cross-segment).
* * Check blocks
* * Segment status
* * Segment key list (each key separately stored and checksummed)
* Intentionally not as robust (against disk corruption in particular) as SplitFileFetcherStorage:
* We encode the block CHKs when we encode the check blocks, and if the block data has changed by
* the time we insert the data, we fail; there's no way to obtain correct data. Similarly, we fail
* if the keys are corrupted. However, for most of the duration of the insert neither the data, the
* check blocks or the keys will be written, so it's still reasonable assuming you only get errrors
* when writing, and it isn't really possible to improve on this much anyway...
* @author toad
public class SplitFileInserterStorage {
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
private static volatile boolean logDEBUG;
static {
/** The original file to upload */
final LockableRandomAccessBuffer originalData;
/** The RAF containing check blocks, status etc. */
private final LockableRandomAccessBuffer raf;
private final long rafLength;
/** Is the request persistent? */
final boolean persistent;
final SplitFileInserterStorageCallback callback;
final SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage[] segments;
final SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage[] crossSegments;
final int totalDataBlocks;
final int totalCheckBlocks;
/** FEC codec used to encode check and cross-check blocks */
final FECCodec codec;
* Length in bytes of the data being uploaded, i.e. the original file,
* ignoring padding, check blocks etc.
final long dataLength;
// These are kept for creating Metadata etc.
/** MIME type etc. */
private final ClientMetadata clientMetadata;
/** Is the splitfile metadata? */
private final boolean isMetadata;
/** Compression codec that should be used to decompress the data. We do not
* do the compression here but we need it to generate the Metadata. */
private final COMPRESSOR_TYPE compressionCodec;
/** Length of the file after decompression. */
private final long decompressedLength;
/** For reinserting old splitfiles etc. */
private final CompatibilityMode cmode;
private final byte[] hashThisLayerOnly;
private final ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType;
// Top level stuff
private final HashResult[] hashes;
private final boolean topDontCompress;
final int topRequiredBlocks;
final int topTotalBlocks;
private final long origDataSize;
private final long origCompressedDataSize;
/** Type of splitfile */
private final SplitfileAlgorithm splitfileType;
/** Nominal number of data blocks per segment. */
private final int segmentSize;
/** Nominal number of check blocks per segment. */
private final int checkSegmentSize;
* Number of segments which have 1 fewer block than segmentSize. Not
* necessarily valid for very old compatibility modes.
private final int deductBlocksFromSegments;
* Number of cross-check blocks per segment and therefore also per
* cross-segment.
private final int crossCheckBlocks;
/** For modern splitfiles, the crypto key is the same for every block. */
private final byte[] splitfileCryptoKey;
/** Crypto algorithm is the same for every block. */
private final byte splitfileCryptoAlgorithm;
* If true, the splitfile crypto key must be included in the metadata. If
* false, it was auto-generated so can be left implicit.
private final boolean specifySplitfileKeyInMetadata;
// Misc settings
final ChecksumChecker checker;
/** Length of a key as stored on disk */
private final int keyLength;
private final int maxRetries;
private final int consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess;
// System utilities.
final MemoryLimitedJobRunner memoryLimitedJobRunner;
final PersistentJobRunner jobRunner;
final Ticker ticker;
final Random random;
* True if the size of the file is not exactly divisible by one block. If
* so, we have the last block, after padding, stored in raf. (This means we
* can change the padding algorithm slightly more easily)
private final boolean hasPaddedLastBlock;
/** Status. Generally depends on the status of the individual segments...
* Not persisted: Can be deduced from the state of the segments, except for the last 3 states,
* which are only used during completion (we don't keep the storage around once we're
* finished). */
enum Status {
private Status status;
private final FailureCodeTracker errors;
private boolean overallStatusDirty;
// Not persisted, only used briefly during completion
private InsertException failing;
// These are kept here so we can set them in the main constructor after
// we've constructed the segments.
/** Offset in originalData to the start of each data segment */
private final long[] underlyingOffsetDataSegments;
private final long offsetPaddedLastBlock;
private final long offsetOverallStatus;
private final long[] offsetCrossSegmentBlocks;
private final long[] offsetSegmentCheckBlocks;
private final long[] offsetSegmentStatus;
private final long[] offsetCrossSegmentStatus;
private final long[] offsetSegmentKeys;
private final int overallStatusLength;
private final Object cooldownLock = new Object();
private boolean noBlocksToSend;
* Create a SplitFileInserterStorage.
* @param originalData
* The original data as a RandomAccessBuffer. We need to be able
* to read single blocks.
* @param rafFactory
* A factory (persistent or not as appropriate) used to create
* the temporary RAF storing check blocks etc.
* @param bf
* A temporary Bucket factory used for temporarily storing the
* cross-segment settings.
* @param topRequiredBlocks The minimum number of blocks needed to fetch the content, so far.
* We will add to this for the final metadata.
* @throws IOException
* @throws InsertException
public SplitFileInserterStorage(LockableRandomAccessBuffer originalData,
long decompressedLength, SplitFileInserterStorageCallback callback,
COMPRESSOR_TYPE compressionCodec, ClientMetadata meta, boolean isMetadata,
ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType, LockableRandomAccessBufferFactory rafFactory,
boolean persistent, InsertContext ctx, byte splitfileCryptoAlgorithm,
byte[] splitfileCryptoKey, byte[] hashThisLayerOnly, HashResult[] hashes,
BucketFactory bf, ChecksumChecker checker, Random random,
MemoryLimitedJobRunner memoryLimitedJobRunner, PersistentJobRunner jobRunner,
Ticker ticker, KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching,
boolean topDontCompress, int topRequiredBlocks, int topTotalBlocks,
long origDataSize, long origCompressedDataSize) throws IOException, InsertException {
this.originalData = originalData;
this.callback = callback;
this.persistent = persistent;
dataLength = originalData.size();
if (dataLength > ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH)
throw new InsertException(InsertExceptionMode.TOO_BIG);
totalDataBlocks = (int) ((dataLength + CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH - 1) / CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH);
this.decompressedLength = decompressedLength;
this.compressionCodec = compressionCodec;
this.clientMetadata = meta;
this.checker = checker;
this.memoryLimitedJobRunner = memoryLimitedJobRunner;
this.jobRunner = jobRunner;
this.isMetadata = isMetadata;
this.archiveType = archiveType;
this.hashThisLayerOnly = hashThisLayerOnly;
this.topDontCompress = topDontCompress;
this.origDataSize = origDataSize;
this.origCompressedDataSize = origCompressedDataSize;
this.maxRetries = ctx.maxInsertRetries;
this.errors = new FailureCodeTracker(true);
this.ticker = ticker;
this.random = random;
// Work out how many blocks in each segment, crypto keys etc.
// Complicated by back compatibility, i.e. the need to be able to
// reinsert old splitfiles.
// FIXME consider getting rid of support for very old splitfiles.
int segs;
cmode = ctx.getCompatibilityMode();
if(cmode.ordinal() < CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1255.ordinal()) {
this.hashes = null;
splitfileCryptoKey = null;
} else {
this.hashes = hashes;
if (cmode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1250_EXACT) {
segs = (totalDataBlocks + 128 - 1) / 128;
segmentSize = 128;
deductBlocksFromSegments = 0;
} else {
if (cmode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1251) {
// Max 131 blocks per segment.
segs = (totalDataBlocks + 131 - 1) / 131;
} else {
// Algorithm from evanbd, see bug #2931.
if (totalDataBlocks > 520) {
segs = (totalDataBlocks + 128 - 1) / 128;
} else if (totalDataBlocks > 393) {
// maxSegSize = 130;
segs = 4;
} else if (totalDataBlocks > 266) {
// maxSegSize = 131;
segs = 3;
} else if (totalDataBlocks > 136) {
// maxSegSize = 133;
segs = 2;
} else {
// maxSegSize = 136;
segs = 1;
int segSize = (totalDataBlocks + segs - 1) / segs;
if (ctx.splitfileSegmentDataBlocks < segSize) {
segs = (totalDataBlocks + ctx.splitfileSegmentDataBlocks - 1)
/ ctx.splitfileSegmentDataBlocks;
segSize = (totalDataBlocks + segs - 1) / segs;
segmentSize = segSize;
if (cmode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_CURRENT
|| cmode.ordinal() >= CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1255.ordinal()) {
// Even with basic even segment splitting, it is possible for
// the last segment to be a lot smaller than the rest.
// So drop a single data block from each of the last
// [segmentSize-lastSegmentSize] segments instead.
// Hence all the segments are within 1 block of segmentSize.
int lastSegmentSize = totalDataBlocks - (segmentSize * (segs - 1));
deductBlocksFromSegments = segmentSize - lastSegmentSize;
} else {
deductBlocksFromSegments = 0;
int crossCheckBlocks = 0;
// Cross-segment splitfile redundancy becomes useful at 20 segments.
if (segs >= 20
&& (cmode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_CURRENT || cmode.ordinal() >= CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1255
.ordinal())) {
// The optimal number of cross-check blocks per segment (and per
// cross-segment since there are the same number of cross-segments
// as segments) is 3.
crossCheckBlocks = 3;
this.crossCheckBlocks = crossCheckBlocks;
this.splitfileType = ctx.getSplitfileAlgorithm();
this.codec = FECCodec.getInstance(splitfileType);
checkSegmentSize = codec.getCheckBlocks(segmentSize + crossCheckBlocks, cmode);
this.splitfileCryptoAlgorithm = splitfileCryptoAlgorithm;
if (splitfileCryptoKey != null) {
this.splitfileCryptoKey = splitfileCryptoKey;
specifySplitfileKeyInMetadata = true;
} else if (cmode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_CURRENT
|| cmode.ordinal() >= CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1255.ordinal()) {
if (hashThisLayerOnly != null) {
this.splitfileCryptoKey = Metadata.getCryptoKey(hashThisLayerOnly);
} else {
this.splitfileCryptoKey = Metadata.getCryptoKey(hashes);
specifySplitfileKeyInMetadata = false;
} else {
this.splitfileCryptoKey = null;
specifySplitfileKeyInMetadata = false;
int totalCheckBlocks = 0;
int checkTotalDataBlocks = 0;
underlyingOffsetDataSegments = new long[segs];
keyLength = SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage.getKeyLength(this);
this.consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess = ctx.consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess;
segments = makeSegments(segmentSize, segs, totalDataBlocks, crossCheckBlocks,
deductBlocksFromSegments, persistent,
cmode, random, keysFetching, consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess);
for (SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
totalCheckBlocks += segment.checkBlockCount;
checkTotalDataBlocks += segment.dataBlockCount;
assert (checkTotalDataBlocks == totalDataBlocks);
this.totalCheckBlocks = totalCheckBlocks;
if (crossCheckBlocks != 0) {
byte[] seed = Metadata.getCrossSegmentSeed(hashes, hashThisLayerOnly);
if (logMINOR)
Logger.minor(this, "Cross-segment seed: " + HexUtil.bytesToHex(seed));
Random xsRandom = new MersenneTwister(seed);
// Cross segment redundancy: Allocate the blocks.
crossSegments = new SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage[segs];
int segLen = segmentSize;
for (int i = 0; i < crossSegments.length; i++) {
if (logMINOR)
Logger.minor(this, "Allocating blocks for cross segment " + i);
if (segments.length - i == deductBlocksFromSegments) {
SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage seg = new SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage(
this, i, persistent, segLen, crossCheckBlocks);
crossSegments[i] = seg;
for (int j = 0; j < segLen; j++) {
// Allocate random data blocks
allocateCrossDataBlock(seg, xsRandom);
for (int j = 0; j < crossCheckBlocks; j++) {
// Allocate check blocks
allocateCrossCheckBlock(seg, xsRandom);
} else {
crossSegments = null;
// Now set up the RAF.
// Setup offset arrays early so we can compute the length of encodeOffsets().
if(crossSegments != null) {
offsetCrossSegmentBlocks = new long[crossSegments.length];
offsetCrossSegmentStatus = new long[crossSegments.length];
offsetCrossSegmentStatus = null;
} else {
offsetCrossSegmentBlocks = null;
offsetCrossSegmentStatus = null;
offsetSegmentCheckBlocks = new long[segments.length];
offsetSegmentKeys = new long[segments.length];
if(persistent) {
offsetSegmentStatus = new long[segments.length];
} else {
offsetSegmentStatus = null;
// First we have all the fixed stuff ...
byte[] paddedLastBlock = null;
if (dataLength % CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH != 0) {
this.hasPaddedLastBlock = true;
long from = (dataLength / CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH) * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
byte[] buf = new byte[(int) (dataLength - from)];
this.originalData.pread(from, buf, 0, buf.length);
paddedLastBlock = BucketTools.pad(buf, CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH, buf.length);
} else {
this.hasPaddedLastBlock = false;
byte[] header = null;
Bucket segmentSettings = null, crossSegmentSettings = null;
int offsetsLength = 0;
if (persistent) {
header = encodeHeader();
offsetsLength = encodeOffsets().length;
segmentSettings = encodeSegmentSettings(); // Checksummed with length
try {
crossSegmentSettings = encodeCrossSegmentSettings(bf); // Checksummed with length
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InsertException(InsertExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR,
"Failed to write to temporary storage while creating splitfile inserter",
long ptr = 0;
if (persistent) {
ptr = header.length + offsetsLength + segmentSettings.size() +
(crossSegmentSettings == null ? 0 : crossSegmentSettings.size());
offsetOverallStatus = ptr;
overallStatusLength = encodeOverallStatus().length;
ptr += overallStatusLength;
// Pad to a 4KB block boundary.
int padding = 0;
padding = (int) (ptr % 4096);
if (padding != 0)
padding = 4096 - padding;
ptr += padding;
} else {
overallStatusLength = 0;
offsetOverallStatus = 0;
this.offsetPaddedLastBlock = ptr;
if (hasPaddedLastBlock)
ptr += CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
if (crossSegments != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < crossSegments.length; i++) {
offsetCrossSegmentBlocks[i] = ptr;
ptr += crossSegments[i].crossCheckBlockCount * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
offsetSegmentCheckBlocks[i] = ptr;
ptr += segments[i].checkBlockCount * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
if (persistent) {
for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
offsetSegmentStatus[i] = ptr;
ptr += segments[i].storedStatusLength();
if (crossSegments != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < crossSegments.length; i++) {
offsetCrossSegmentStatus[i] = ptr;
ptr += crossSegments[i].storedStatusLength();
for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
offsetSegmentKeys[i] = ptr;
ptr += segments[i].storedKeysLength();
rafLength = ptr;
this.raf = rafFactory.makeRAF(ptr);
if (persistent) {
ptr = 0;
raf.pwrite(ptr, header, 0, header.length);
ptr += header.length;
byte[] encodedOffsets = encodeOffsets();
assert(encodedOffsets.length == offsetsLength);
raf.pwrite(ptr, encodedOffsets, 0, encodedOffsets.length);
ptr += encodedOffsets.length;
BucketTools.copyTo(segmentSettings, raf, ptr, Long.MAX_VALUE);
ptr += segmentSettings.size();;
if(crossSegmentSettings != null) {
BucketTools.copyTo(crossSegmentSettings, raf, ptr, Long.MAX_VALUE);
ptr += crossSegmentSettings.size();;
if (hasPaddedLastBlock)
raf.pwrite(offsetPaddedLastBlock, paddedLastBlock, 0, paddedLastBlock.length);
if (persistent) {
// Padding is initialized to random already.
for (SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Clearing status for "+segment);
if (crossSegments != null) {
for (SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Clearing status for "+segment);
// Encrypted RAFs are not initialised with 0's, so we need to clear explicitly (we do store keys even for transient inserts).
for (SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
// Keys are empty, and invalid.
status = Status.NOT_STARTED;
// Include the cross check blocks in the required blocks. The actual number needed may be
// slightly less, but this is consistent with fetching, and also with pre-1466 metadata.
int totalCrossCheckBlocks = crossCheckBlocks * segments.length;
this.topRequiredBlocks = topRequiredBlocks + totalDataBlocks + totalCrossCheckBlocks;
this.topTotalBlocks = topTotalBlocks + totalDataBlocks + totalCrossCheckBlocks + totalCheckBlocks;
/** Create a splitfile insert from stored data.
* @param raf The file the insert was stored to. Caller must resume it before calling constructor.
* @param originalData The original data to be inserted. Caller must resume it before calling constructor.
* @param callback The parent callback (e.g. SplitFileInserter).
* @param checker The checksum checker to be used.
* @param random
* @param memoryLimitedJobRunner
* @param jobRunner
* @param ticker
* @param keysFetching
* @throws IOException
* @throws StorageFormatException
* @throws ChecksumFailedException
* @throws ResumeFailedException
public SplitFileInserterStorage(LockableRandomAccessBuffer raf,
LockableRandomAccessBuffer originalData, SplitFileInserterStorageCallback callback, Random random,
MemoryLimitedJobRunner memoryLimitedJobRunner, PersistentJobRunner jobRunner,
Ticker ticker, KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching, FilenameGenerator persistentFG,
PersistentFileTracker persistentFileTracker, MasterSecret masterKey)
throws IOException, StorageFormatException, ChecksumFailedException, ResumeFailedException {
this.persistent = true;
this.callback = callback;
this.ticker = ticker;
this.memoryLimitedJobRunner = memoryLimitedJobRunner;
this.jobRunner = jobRunner;
this.random = random;
this.raf = raf;
rafLength = raf.size();
InputStream ois = new RAFInputStream(raf, 0, rafLength);
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(ois);
long magic = dis.readLong();
if(magic != MAGIC)
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad magic");
int checksumType = dis.readInt();
try {
this.checker = ChecksumChecker.create(checksumType);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad checksum type");
InputStream is = checker.checksumReaderWithLength(ois, new ArrayBucketFactory(), 1024*1024);
dis = new DataInputStream(is);
int version = dis.readInt();
if(version != VERSION)
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad version");
LockableRandomAccessBuffer rafOrig = BucketTools.restoreRAFFrom(dis, persistentFG, persistentFileTracker, masterKey);
if(originalData == null) {
this.originalData = rafOrig;
} else {
// Check that it's the same, but use the passed-in one.
throw new StorageFormatException("Original data restored from different filename! Expected "+originalData+" but restored "+rafOrig);
this.originalData = originalData;
this.totalDataBlocks = dis.readInt();
if(totalDataBlocks <= 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad total data blocks "+totalDataBlocks);
this.totalCheckBlocks = dis.readInt();
if(totalCheckBlocks <= 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad total data blocks "+totalCheckBlocks);
try {
this.splitfileType = SplitfileAlgorithm.getByCode(dis.readShort());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad splitfile type");
try {
this.codec = FECCodec.getInstance(splitfileType);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad splitfile codec type");
this.dataLength = dis.readLong();
if(dataLength <= 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad data length");
if(dataLength != originalData.size())
throw new ResumeFailedException("Original data size is "+originalData.size()+" should be "+dataLength);
if(((dataLength + CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH - 1) / CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH) != totalDataBlocks)
throw new StorageFormatException("Data blocks "+totalDataBlocks+" not compatible with size "+dataLength);
decompressedLength = dis.readLong();
if(decompressedLength <= 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Bogus decompressed length");
isMetadata = dis.readBoolean();
short atype = dis.readShort();
if(atype == -1) {
archiveType = null;
} else {
archiveType = ARCHIVE_TYPE.getArchiveType(atype);
if(archiveType == null) throw new StorageFormatException("Unknown archive type "+atype);
try {
clientMetadata = ClientMetadata.construct(dis);
} catch (MetadataParseException e) {
throw new StorageFormatException("Failed to read MIME type: "+e);
short codec = dis.readShort();
if(codec == (short)-1)
compressionCodec = null;
else {
compressionCodec = COMPRESSOR_TYPE.getCompressorByMetadataID(codec);
if(compressionCodec == null)
throw new StorageFormatException("Unknown compression codec ID "+codec);
int segmentCount = dis.readInt();
if(segmentCount <= 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad segment count");
this.segmentSize = dis.readInt();
if(segmentSize <= 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad segment size");
this.checkSegmentSize = dis.readInt();
if(checkSegmentSize <= 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad check segment size");
this.crossCheckBlocks = dis.readInt();
if(crossCheckBlocks < 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad cross-check block count");
if(segmentSize + checkSegmentSize + crossCheckBlocks > FECCodec.MAX_TOTAL_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT)
throw new StorageFormatException("Must be no more than "+FECCodec.MAX_TOTAL_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT+" blocks per segment");
this.splitfileCryptoAlgorithm = dis.readByte();
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid splitfile crypto algorithm "+splitfileCryptoAlgorithm);
if(dis.readBoolean()) {
splitfileCryptoKey = new byte[32];
} else {
splitfileCryptoKey = null;
this.keyLength = dis.readInt(); // FIXME validate
if(keyLength < SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage.getKeyLength(this))
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid key length "+keyLength+" should be at least "+
int compatMode = dis.readInt();
if(compatMode < 0 || compatMode > CompatibilityMode.values().length)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid compatibility mode "+compatMode);
this.cmode = CompatibilityMode.values()[compatMode];
this.deductBlocksFromSegments = dis.readInt();
if(deductBlocksFromSegments < 0 || deductBlocksFromSegments > segmentCount)
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad deductBlocksFromSegments");
this.maxRetries = dis.readInt();
if(maxRetries < -1) throw new StorageFormatException("Bad maxRetries");
this.consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess = dis.readInt();
if(consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess");
specifySplitfileKeyInMetadata = dis.readBoolean();
if(dis.readBoolean()) {
hashThisLayerOnly = new byte[32];
} else {
hashThisLayerOnly = null;
topDontCompress = dis.readBoolean();
topRequiredBlocks = dis.readInt();
topTotalBlocks = dis.readInt();
origDataSize = dis.readLong();
origCompressedDataSize = dis.readLong();
hashes = HashResult.readHashes(dis);
this.hasPaddedLastBlock = (dataLength % CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH != 0);
this.segments = new SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage[segmentCount];
if(crossCheckBlocks != 0)
this.crossSegments = new SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage[segmentCount];
crossSegments = null;
// Read offsets.
is = checker.checksumReaderWithLength(ois, new ArrayBucketFactory(), 1024*1024);
dis = new DataInputStream(is);
if(hasPaddedLastBlock) {
offsetPaddedLastBlock = readOffset(dis, rafLength, "offsetPaddedLastBlock");
} else {
offsetPaddedLastBlock = 0;
offsetOverallStatus = readOffset(dis, rafLength, "offsetOverallStatus");
overallStatusLength = dis.readInt();
if(overallStatusLength < 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Negative overall status length");
if(overallStatusLength < FailureCodeTracker.getFixedLength(true))
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad overall status length");
// Will be read after offsets
if(crossSegments != null) {
offsetCrossSegmentBlocks = new long[crossSegments.length];
for(int i=0;i<crossSegments.length;i++)
offsetCrossSegmentBlocks[i] = readOffset(dis, rafLength, "cross-segment block offset");
} else {
offsetCrossSegmentBlocks = null;
offsetSegmentCheckBlocks = new long[segmentCount];
for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;i++)
offsetSegmentCheckBlocks[i] = readOffset(dis, rafLength, "segment check block offset");
offsetSegmentStatus = new long[segmentCount];
for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;i++)
offsetSegmentStatus[i] = readOffset(dis, rafLength, "segment status offset");
if(crossSegments != null) {
offsetCrossSegmentStatus = new long[crossSegments.length];
for(int i=0;i<crossSegments.length;i++)
offsetCrossSegmentStatus[i] = readOffset(dis, rafLength, "cross-segment status offset");
} else {
offsetCrossSegmentStatus = null;
offsetSegmentKeys = new long[segmentCount];
for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;i++)
offsetSegmentKeys[i] = readOffset(dis, rafLength, "segment keys offset");
// Set up segments...
underlyingOffsetDataSegments = new long[segmentCount];
is = checker.checksumReaderWithLength(ois, new ArrayBucketFactory(), 1024*1024);
dis = new DataInputStream(is);
int blocks = 0;
for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;i++) {
segments[i] = new SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage(this, dis, i, keyLength,
splitfileCryptoAlgorithm, splitfileCryptoKey, random, maxRetries, consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess, keysFetching);
underlyingOffsetDataSegments[i] = blocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
blocks += segments[i].dataBlockCount;
assert(underlyingOffsetDataSegments[i] < dataLength);
if(blocks != totalDataBlocks)
throw new StorageFormatException("Total data blocks should be "+totalDataBlocks+" but is "+blocks);
if(crossSegments != null) {
is = checker.checksumReaderWithLength(ois, new ArrayBucketFactory(), 1024*1024);
dis = new DataInputStream(is);
for(int i=0;i<crossSegments.length;i++) {
crossSegments[i] = new SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage(this, dis, i);
ois = new RAFInputStream(raf, offsetOverallStatus, rafLength - offsetOverallStatus);
dis = new DataInputStream(checker.checksumReaderWithLength(ois, new ArrayBucketFactory(), 1024*1024));
errors = new FailureCodeTracker(true, dis);
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
private void computeStatus() {
status = Status.STARTED;
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
if(!segment.isFinishedEncoding()) return;
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(!segment.isFinishedEncoding()) return;
status = Status.ENCODED;
// Last 3 statuses are only used during completion.
private long readOffset(DataInputStream dis, long rafLength, String error) throws IOException, StorageFormatException {
long l = dis.readLong();
if(l < 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Negative "+error);
if(l > rafLength) throw new StorageFormatException("Too big "+error);
return l;
private void writeOverallStatus(boolean force) throws IOException {
byte[] buf;
synchronized(this) {
if(!persistent) return;
if(!force && !overallStatusDirty) return;
buf = encodeOverallStatus();
assert(buf.length == overallStatusLength);
raf.pwrite(offsetOverallStatus, buf, 0, buf.length);
private byte[] encodeOverallStatus() {
ArrayBucket bucket = new ArrayBucket(); // Will be small.
try {
OutputStream os = bucket.getOutputStream();
OutputStream cos = checker.checksumWriterWithLength(os, new ArrayBucketFactory());
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(cos);
synchronized(this) {
overallStatusDirty = false;
return bucket.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e); // Impossible
private Bucket encodeSegmentSettings() {
ArrayBucket bucket = new ArrayBucket(); // Will be small.
try {
OutputStream os = bucket.getOutputStream();
OutputStream cos = checker.checksumWriterWithLength(os, new ArrayBucketFactory());
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(cos);
for (SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
return bucket;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e); // Impossible
* This one could actually be rather large, since it includes the listing of
* which blocks go in which cross-segments ...
private Bucket encodeCrossSegmentSettings(BucketFactory bf) throws IOException {
if (crossSegments == null)
return new NullBucket();
Bucket bucket = bf.makeBucket(-1);
OutputStream os = bucket.getOutputStream();
OutputStream cos = checker.checksumWriterWithLength(os, new ArrayBucketFactory());
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(cos);
for (SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
return bucket;
/** Includes magic, version, length, basic settings, checksum. */
private byte[] encodeHeader() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
try {
OutputStream os = checker.checksumWriterWithLength(baos, new ArrayBucketFactory());
dos = new DataOutputStream(os);
dos.writeShort(splitfileType.code); // And hence the FECCodec
if(archiveType == null)
dos.writeShort((short) -1);
if (compressionCodec == null)
dos.writeShort((short) -1);
dos.writeBoolean(this.splitfileCryptoKey != null);
if (this.splitfileCryptoKey != null) {
assert (splitfileCryptoKey.length == 32);
// hasPaddedLastBlock will be recomputed.
dos.writeBoolean(hashThisLayerOnly != null);
if(hashThisLayerOnly != null) {
assert(hashThisLayerOnly.length == 32);
// Top level stuff
HashResult.write(hashes, dos);
return baos.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e); // Impossible
/** Encode the offsets. */
private byte[] encodeOffsets() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
OutputStream os = checker.checksumWriterWithLength(baos, new ArrayBucketFactory());
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(os);
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(long l : offsetCrossSegmentBlocks)
for(long l : offsetSegmentCheckBlocks)
for(long l : offsetSegmentStatus)
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(long l : offsetCrossSegmentStatus)
for(long l : offsetSegmentKeys)
return baos.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e); // Impossible
private void allocateCrossDataBlock(SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment, Random xsRandom) {
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x = xsRandom.nextInt(segments.length);
SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage seg = segments[x];
int blockNum = seg.allocateCrossDataBlock(segment, xsRandom);
if (blockNum >= 0) {
segment.addDataBlock(seg, blockNum);
for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
if (x == segments.length)
x = 0;
SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage seg = segments[x];
int blockNum = seg.allocateCrossDataBlock(segment, xsRandom);
if (blockNum >= 0) {
segment.addDataBlock(seg, blockNum);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to allocate cross data block!");
private void allocateCrossCheckBlock(SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment, Random xsRandom) {
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x = xsRandom.nextInt(segments.length);
SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage seg = segments[x];
int blockNum = seg.allocateCrossCheckBlock(segment, xsRandom,
if (blockNum >= 0) {
segment.addCheckBlock(seg, blockNum);
for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
if (x == segments.length)
x = 0;
SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage seg = segments[x];
int blockNum = seg.allocateCrossCheckBlock(segment, xsRandom,
if (blockNum >= 0) {
segment.addCheckBlock(seg, blockNum);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to allocate cross data block!");
private SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage[] makeSegments(int segmentSize, int segCount,
int dataBlocks, int crossCheckBlocks, int deductBlocksFromSegments, boolean persistent,
CompatibilityMode cmode, Random random, KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching,
int consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess) {
SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage[] segments = new SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage[segCount];
if (segCount == 1) {
// Single segment
int checkBlocks = codec.getCheckBlocks(dataBlocks + crossCheckBlocks, cmode);
segments[0] = new SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage(this, 0, persistent, dataBlocks,
checkBlocks, crossCheckBlocks, keyLength, splitfileCryptoAlgorithm, splitfileCryptoKey, random,
maxRetries, consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess, keysFetching);
} else {
int j = 0;
int segNo = 0;
int data = segmentSize;
int check = codec.getCheckBlocks(data + crossCheckBlocks, cmode);
for (int i = segmentSize;;) {
this.underlyingOffsetDataSegments[segNo] = j * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
if (i > dataBlocks)
i = dataBlocks;
if (data > (i - j)) {
// Last segment.
assert (segNo == segCount - 1);
data = i - j;
check = codec.getCheckBlocks(data + crossCheckBlocks, cmode);
j = i;
segments[segNo] = new SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage(this, segNo, persistent,
data, check, crossCheckBlocks, keyLength, splitfileCryptoAlgorithm, splitfileCryptoKey,
random, maxRetries, consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess, keysFetching);
if (deductBlocksFromSegments != 0)
if (logMINOR)
Logger.minor(this, "INSERTING: Segment " + segNo + " of " + segCount
+ " : " + data + " data blocks " + check + " check blocks");
if (i == dataBlocks)
// Deduct one block from each later segment, rather than having
// a really short last segment.
if (segCount - segNo == deductBlocksFromSegments) {
// Don't change check.
i += data;
assert (segNo == segCount);
return segments;
public void start() {
boolean startSegments = (crossSegments == null);
synchronized (this) {
if(status == Status.NOT_STARTED) {
status = Status.STARTED;
if(status == Status.ENCODED_CROSS_SEGMENTS) startSegments = true;
if(status == Status.ENCODED) return;
if(status == Status.FAILED || status == Status.GENERATING_METADATA ||
status == Status.SUCCEEDED) return;
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments)
Logger.normal(this, "Starting splitfile, "+countEncodedSegments()+"/"+segments.length+" segments encoded");
if(crossSegments != null)
Logger.normal(this, "Starting splitfile, "+countEncodedCrossSegments()+"/"+crossSegments.length+" cross-segments encoded");
if(startSegments) {
} else {
// Cross-segment encode must complete before main encode.
public int countEncodedSegments() {
int total = 0;
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(segment.hasEncoded()) total++;
return total;
public int countEncodedCrossSegments() {
int total = 0;
for(SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
if(segment.isFinishedEncoding()) total++;
return total;
private void startSegmentEncode() {
for (SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments)
private void startCrossSegmentEncode() {
// Start cross-segment encode.
for (SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments)
/** Called when a cross-segment finishes encoding blocks. Can be called inside locks as it runs
* off-thread.
* @param completed
public void onFinishedEncoding(SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage completed) {
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
synchronized(cooldownLock) {
noBlocksToSend = false;
if(maybeFail()) return true;
if(allFinishedCrossEncoding()) {
return false;
private boolean allFinishedCrossEncoding() {
for (SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
if (!segment.isFinishedEncoding())
return false;
return true;
/** Called when a segment finishes encoding blocks. Can be called inside locks as it runs
* off-thread.
* @param completed
public void onFinishedEncoding(final SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage completed) {
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
synchronized(cooldownLock) {
noBlocksToSend = false;
if(maybeFail()) return true;
if(allFinishedEncoding()) {
return false;
private boolean allFinishedEncoding() {
for (SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if (!segment.isFinishedEncoding())
return false;
return true;
/** Called when we have completed encoding all the cross-segments */
private void onCompletedCrossSegmentEncode() {
synchronized (this) {
if (status == Status.ENCODED_CROSS_SEGMENTS) return; // Race condition.
if (status != Status.STARTED) {
Logger.error(this, "Wrong state " + status+" for "+this, new Exception("error"));
private void onCompletedSegmentEncode() {
synchronized (this) {
if(status == Status.ENCODED) return; // Race condition.
if (!(status == Status.ENCODED_CROSS_SEGMENTS || (crossSegments == null && status == Status.STARTED))) {
Logger.error(this, "Wrong state " + status+" for "+this, new Exception("error"));
status = Status.ENCODED;
public void onHasKeys(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage splitFileInserterSegmentStorage) {
for (SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if (!segment.hasKeys())
/** Called when we have keys for every block. */
private void onHasKeys() {
* Create an OutputStream that we can write formatted data to of a specific
* length. On close(), it checks that the length is as expected, computes
* the checksum, and writes the data to the specified position in the file.
* @param fileOffset
* The position in the file (raf) of the first byte.
* @param length
* The length, including checksum, of the data to be written.
* @return
OutputStream writeChecksummedTo(final long fileOffset, final int length) {
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(length);
OutputStream cos = checker.checksumWriter(baos);
return new FilterOutputStream(cos) {
public void close() throws IOException {
byte[] buf = baos.toByteArray();
if (buf.length != length)
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrote wrong number of bytes: " + buf.length
+ " should be " + length);
raf.pwrite(fileOffset, buf, 0, length);
long segmentStatusOffset(int segNo) {
return offsetSegmentStatus[segNo];
long crossSegmentStatusOffset(int segNo) {
return offsetCrossSegmentStatus[segNo];
static final long MAGIC = 0x4d2a3f596bbf5de5L;
static final int VERSION = 1;
public boolean hasSplitfileKey() {
return splitfileCryptoKey != null;
* Write a cross-check block to disk
* @throws IOException
void writeCheckBlock(int segNo, int checkBlockNo, byte[] buf) throws IOException {
synchronized (this) {
if (status == Status.ENCODED || status == Status.ENCODED_CROSS_SEGMENTS)
throw new IllegalStateException("Already encoded!?");
assert (segNo >= 0 && segNo < crossSegments.length);
assert (checkBlockNo >= 0 && checkBlockNo < crossCheckBlocks);
assert (buf.length == CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH);
long offset = offsetCrossSegmentBlocks[segNo] + checkBlockNo * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
raf.pwrite(offset, buf, 0, buf.length);
public byte[] readCheckBlock(int segNo, int checkBlockNo) throws IOException {
assert (segNo >= 0 && segNo < crossSegments.length);
assert (checkBlockNo >= 0 && checkBlockNo < crossCheckBlocks);
long offset = offsetCrossSegmentBlocks[segNo] + checkBlockNo * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
byte[] buf = new byte[CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH];
raf.pread(offset, buf, 0, buf.length);
return buf;
* Lock the main RAF open to avoid the pooled fd being closed when we are
* doing a major I/O operation involving many reads/writes.
RAFLock lockRAF() throws IOException {
return raf.lockOpen();
* Lock the originalData RAF open to avoid the pooled fd being closed when
* we are doing a major I/O operation involving many reads/writes.
* @throws IOException
RAFLock lockUnderlying() throws IOException {
return originalData.lockOpen();
public byte[] readSegmentDataBlock(int segNo, int blockNo) throws IOException {
assert (segNo >= 0 && segNo < segments.length);
assert (blockNo >= 0 && blockNo < segments[segNo].dataBlockCount);
byte[] buf = new byte[CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH];
if (hasPaddedLastBlock) {
if (segNo == segments.length - 1 && blockNo == segments[segNo].dataBlockCount - 1) {
// Don't need to lock, locking is just an optimisation.
raf.pread(offsetPaddedLastBlock, buf, 0, buf.length);
return buf;
long offset = underlyingOffsetDataSegments[segNo] + blockNo * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
assert(offset < dataLength);
assert(offset + buf.length <= dataLength);
originalData.pread(offset, buf, 0, buf.length);
return buf;
public void writeSegmentCheckBlock(int segNo, int checkBlockNo, byte[] buf) throws IOException {
assert (segNo >= 0 && segNo < segments.length);
assert (checkBlockNo >= 0 && checkBlockNo < segments[segNo].checkBlockCount);
assert (buf.length == CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH);
long offset = offsetSegmentCheckBlocks[segNo] + checkBlockNo * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
raf.pwrite(offset, buf, 0, buf.length);
public byte[] readSegmentCheckBlock(int segNo, int checkBlockNo) throws IOException {
assert (segNo >= 0 && segNo < segments.length);
assert (checkBlockNo >= 0 && checkBlockNo < segments[segNo].checkBlockCount);
byte[] buf = new byte[CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH];
long offset = offsetSegmentCheckBlocks[segNo] + checkBlockNo * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
raf.pread(offset, buf, 0, buf.length);
return buf;
/** Encode the Metadata. The caller must ensure that all segments have encoded keys first.
* @throws MissingKeyException This indicates disk corruption or a bug (e.g. not all segments
* had encoded keys). Since we don't checksum the blocks, there isn't much point in trying to
* recover from losing a key; but at least we can detect that there was a problem.
* (Package-visible for unit tests)
Metadata encodeMetadata() throws IOException, MissingKeyException {
ClientCHK[] dataKeys = new ClientCHK[totalDataBlocks + crossCheckBlocks * segments.length];
ClientCHK[] checkKeys = new ClientCHK[totalCheckBlocks];
int dataPtr = 0;
int checkPtr = 0;
for(int segNo = 0; segNo < segments.length; segNo++) {
SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment = segments[segNo];
for(int i=0;i<segment.dataBlockCount+segment.crossCheckBlockCount;i++) {
dataKeys[dataPtr++] = segment.readKey(i);
for(int i=0;i<segment.checkBlockCount;i++) {
checkKeys[checkPtr++] = segment.readKey(i+segment.dataBlockCount+segment.crossCheckBlockCount);
assert(dataPtr == dataKeys.length);
assert(checkPtr == checkKeys.length);
return new Metadata(splitfileType, dataKeys, checkKeys, segmentSize, checkSegmentSize,
deductBlocksFromSegments, clientMetadata, dataLength, archiveType, compressionCodec,
decompressedLength, isMetadata, hashes, hashThisLayerOnly, origDataSize,
origCompressedDataSize, topRequiredBlocks, topTotalBlocks, topDontCompress,
cmode, splitfileCryptoAlgorithm, splitfileCryptoKey,
specifySplitfileKeyInMetadata, crossCheckBlocks);
void innerWriteSegmentKey(int segNo, int blockNo, byte[] buf) throws IOException {
assert (buf.length == SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage.getKeyLength(this));
assert (segNo >= 0 && segNo < segments.length);
assert (blockNo >= 0 && blockNo < segments[segNo].totalBlockCount);
long fileOffset = this.offsetSegmentKeys[segNo] + keyLength * blockNo;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Writing key for block "+blockNo+" for segment "+segNo+" of "+this+" to "+fileOffset);
raf.pwrite(fileOffset, buf, 0, buf.length);
byte[] innerReadSegmentKey(int segNo, int blockNo) throws IOException {
byte[] buf = new byte[keyLength];
long fileOffset = this.offsetSegmentKeys[segNo] + keyLength * blockNo;
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Reading key for block "+blockNo+" for segment "+segNo+" of "+this+" to "+fileOffset);
raf.pread(fileOffset, buf, 0, buf.length);
return buf;
public int totalCrossCheckBlocks() {
return segments.length * crossCheckBlocks;
/** Called when a segment completes. Can be called inside locks as it runs off-thread. */
public void segmentSucceeded(final SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage completedSegment) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Succeeded segment "+completedSegment+" for "+callback);
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Succeeding segment "+completedSegment+" for "+callback);
if(maybeFail()) return true;
if(allSegmentsSucceeded()) {
synchronized(this) {
assert(failing == null);
if(hasFinished()) return false;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Generating metadata...");
try {
Metadata metadata = encodeMetadata();
synchronized(this) {
status = Status.SUCCEEDED;
} catch (IOException e) {
InsertException e1 = new InsertException(InsertExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR);
synchronized(this) {
failing = e1;
status = Status.FAILED;
} catch (MissingKeyException e) {
// Fail here too. If we're getting disk corruption on keys, we're probably
// getting it on the original data too.
InsertException e1 = new InsertException(InsertExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Missing keys", null);
synchronized(this) {
failing = e1;
status = Status.FAILED;
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Not all segments succeeded for "+this);
return true;
private boolean maybeFail() {
// Might have failed.
// Have to check segments before checking for failure because of race conditions.
if(allSegmentsCompletedOrFailed()) {
InsertException e = null;
synchronized(this) {
if(failing == null) return false;
e = failing;
if(hasFinished()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Maybe fail returning true because already finished");
return true;
status = Status.FAILED;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Maybe fail returning true with error "+e);
return true;
} else {
return false;
private boolean allSegmentsCompletedOrFailed() {
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(!segment.hasCompletedOrFailed()) return false;
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
if(!segment.hasCompletedOrFailed()) return false;
return true;
private boolean allSegmentsSucceeded() {
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(!segment.hasSucceeded()) return false;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Succeeded "+segment);
return true;
public void addFailure(InsertException e) {;
synchronized(this) {
overallStatusDirty = true;
public void failOnDiskError(IOException e) {
fail(new InsertException(InsertExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, e, null));
public void failFatalErrorInBlock() {
fail(new InsertException(InsertExceptionMode.FATAL_ERRORS_IN_BLOCKS, errors, null));
public void failTooManyRetriesInBlock() {
fail(new InsertException(InsertExceptionMode.TOO_MANY_RETRIES_IN_BLOCKS, errors, null));
void fail(final InsertException e) {
synchronized(this) {
if(this.status == Status.SUCCEEDED || this.status == Status.FAILED ||
this.status == Status.GENERATING_METADATA) {
// Not serious but often indicates a problem e.g. we are sending requests after completing.
// So log as ERROR for now.
Logger.error(this, "Already finished ("+status+") but failing with "+e+" ("+this+")", e);
// Only fail once.
if(failing != null) return;
failing = e;
if(e.mode == InsertExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR || e.mode == InsertExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR)
Logger.error(this, "Failing: "+e+" for "+this, e);
Logger.normal(this, "Failing: "+e+" for "+this, e);
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
// Tell the segments to cancel.
boolean allDone = true;
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(!segment.cancel()) allDone = false;
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileInserterCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
if(!segment.cancel()) allDone = false;
if(allDone) {
synchronized(this) {
// Could have beaten us to it in callback.
if(hasFinished()) return false;
status = Status.FAILED;
return true;
} else {
// Wait for them to finish encoding.
return false;
public synchronized boolean hasFinished() {
return status == Status.SUCCEEDED || status == Status.FAILED;
public synchronized Status getStatus() {
return status;
static final long LAZY_WRITE_METADATA_DELAY = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);
private final PersistentJob writeMetadataJob = new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
try {
if(isFinishing()) return false;
RAFLock lock = raf.lockOpen();
try {
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
} finally {
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
if(isFinishing()) return false;
Logger.error(this, "Failed writing metadata for "+SplitFileInserterStorage.this+": "+e, e);
return false;
private final Runnable wrapLazyWriteMetadata = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public synchronized void lazyWriteMetadata() {
if(!persistent) return;
// The Runnable must be the same object for de-duplication.
ticker.queueTimedJob(wrapLazyWriteMetadata, "Write metadata for splitfile",
} else { // Must still be off-thread, multiple segments, possible locking issues...
protected synchronized boolean isFinishing() {
return this.failing != null || status == Status.FAILED || status == Status.SUCCEEDED ||
void onShutdown(ClientContext context) {;
void preadChecksummed(long fileOffset, byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException, ChecksumFailedException {
byte[] checksumBuf = new byte[checker.checksumLength()];
RAFLock lock = raf.lockOpen();
try {
raf.pread(fileOffset, buf, offset, length);
raf.pread(fileOffset+length, checksumBuf, 0, checker.checksumLength());
} finally {
if(!checker.checkChecksum(buf, offset, length, checksumBuf)) {
Arrays.fill(buf, offset, offset+length, (byte)0);
throw new ChecksumFailedException();
byte[] preadChecksummedWithLength(long fileOffset) throws IOException, ChecksumFailedException, StorageFormatException {
byte[] checksumBuf = new byte[checker.checksumLength()];
RAFLock lock = raf.lockOpen();
byte[] lengthBuf = new byte[8];
byte[] buf;
int length;
try {
raf.pread(fileOffset, lengthBuf, 0, lengthBuf.length);
long len = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(lengthBuf)).readLong();
if(len + fileOffset > rafLength || len > Integer.MAX_VALUE || len < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Bogus length "+len);
length = (int)len;
buf = new byte[length];
raf.pread(fileOffset+lengthBuf.length, buf, 0, length);
raf.pread(fileOffset+length+lengthBuf.length, checksumBuf, 0, checker.checksumLength());
} finally {
if(!checker.checkChecksum(buf, 0, length, checksumBuf)) {
Arrays.fill(buf, 0, length, (byte)0);
throw new ChecksumFailedException();
return buf;
public long getOffsetSegmentStatus(int segNo) {
return offsetSegmentStatus[segNo];
LockableRandomAccessBuffer getRAF() {
return raf;
public void onResume(ClientContext context) throws ResumeFailedException {
if(crossSegments != null && status != Status.ENCODED_CROSS_SEGMENTS) {
} else {
/** Choose a block to insert */
public BlockInsert chooseBlock() {
// FIXME this should probably use SimpleBlockChooser and hence use lowest-retry-count from each segment?
// Less important for inserts than for requests though...
synchronized(cooldownLock) {
synchronized(this) {
if(status == Status.FAILED || status == Status.SUCCEEDED ||
status == Status.GENERATING_METADATA || failing != null) return null;
// Generally segments are fairly well balanced, so we can usually pick a random segment
// then a random key from it.
int segNo = random.nextInt(segments.length);
SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment = segments[segNo];
BlockInsert ret = segment.chooseBlock();
if(ret != null) {
noBlocksToSend = false;
return ret;
// Looks like we are close to completion ...
boolean[] tried = new boolean[segments.length];
tried[segNo] = true;
for(int count=1; count<segments.length; count++) {
while(tried[segNo = random.nextInt(segments.length)]);
tried[segNo] = true;
segment = segments[segNo];
ret = segment.chooseBlock();
if(ret != null) {
noBlocksToSend = false;
return ret;
noBlocksToSend = true;
return null;
public boolean noBlocksToSend() {
synchronized(cooldownLock) {
return noBlocksToSend;
public long countAllKeys() {
long total = 0;
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments)
total += segment.totalBlockCount;
return total;
public long countSendableKeys() {
long total = 0;
for(SplitFileInserterSegmentStorage segment : segments)
total += segment.countSendableKeys();
return total;
public int getTotalBlockCount() {
return totalDataBlocks + totalCheckBlocks + crossCheckBlocks * segments.length;
public void clearCooldown() {
synchronized(cooldownLock) {
noBlocksToSend = false;