package freenet.client.async;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import freenet.client.ClientMetadata;
import freenet.client.FailureCodeTracker;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.client.FetchException;
import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode;
import freenet.client.InsertContext.CompatibilityMode;
import freenet.client.Metadata;
import freenet.client.Metadata.SplitfileAlgorithm;
import freenet.client.MetadataParseException;
import freenet.client.MetadataUnresolvedException;
import freenet.client.FECCodec;
import freenet.crypt.ChecksumChecker;
import freenet.crypt.ChecksumFailedException;
import freenet.crypt.HashType;
import freenet.crypt.MultiHashOutputStream;
import freenet.crypt.RandomSource;
import freenet.keys.CHKBlock;
import freenet.keys.ClientKey;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.keys.Key;
import freenet.node.KeysFetchingLocally;
import freenet.node.SendableRequestItem;
import freenet.node.SendableRequestItemKey;
/** <p>Stores the state for a SplitFileFetcher, persisted to a LockableRandomAccessBuffer (i.e. a
* single random access file), but with most of the metadata in memory. The data, and the larger
* metadata such as the full keys, are read from disk when needed, and persisted to disk.</p>
* <p>On disk format goals:</p>
* <ol><li>Maximise robustness.</li>
* <li>Minimise seeks.</li>
* <li>Minimise disk usage.</li>
* <li>Be as simple as realistically possible.</li></ol>
* <p>Overall on-disk structure:
* BLOCK STORAGE: Decoded data, one segment at a time (the last segment's size is rounded up to a
* whole block). Within each segment, the number of blocks is equal to the number of data blocks
* (plus the number of cross-check blocks if there are cross-check blocks), but they are not
* necessarily actually data blocks (they may be check blocks), and they may not be in the correct
* order. When we FEC decode, we read in the blocks, construct the CHKs to see what keys they
* belong to, check that we still have enough valid keys (update the metadata if the counts were
* wrong), do the decode, and write the data blocks back in the correct order; the segment is
* finished. When all the segments are finished, we generate a stream as usual, i.e. we still need
* to copy the file. It may be possible in future to simply truncate the file but in many cases we
* need to decompress or filter, and there are significant issues with code complexity and seeks
* during FEC decodes, see bug #6063.
* KEY LIST: The original key list. Not changed when a block is fetched.
* - Fixed and checksummed (each segment has a checksum).
* SEGMENT STATUS: The status of each segment, including the status of each block, including flags
* and where it is in the block storage within the segment.
* - Checksummed per segment. So it needs to be written as a whole segment. Can be regenerated from
* the block store and key list, which happens routinely when FEC decoding.
* BLOOM FILTERS: Main bloom filter. Segment bloom filters.
* ORIGINAL METADATA: For extra robustness, keep the full original metadata.
* ORIGINAL URL: If the original key is available, keep that too.
* BASIC SETTINGS: Type of splitfile, length of file, overall decryption key, number of blocks and
* check blocks per segment, etc.
* - Fixed and checksummed. Read as a block so we can check the checksum.
* Length of basic settings. (So we can seek back to get them)
* Version number.
* Checksum.
* Magic value.
* CHECKSUMS: 4-byte CRC32.
* CONCURRENCY: Callbacks into fetcher should be run off-thread, as they will usually be inside a
* MemoryLimitedJob.
* LOCKING: Trivial or taken last. Hence can be called inside e.g. RGA calls to getCooldownTime
* etc.
* PERSISTENCE: This whole class is transient. It is recreated on startup by the
* SplitFileFetcher. Many of the fields are also transient, e.g.
* SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage's cooldown fields.
* @author toad
public class SplitFileFetcherStorage {
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
private static volatile boolean logDEBUG;
static {
final SplitFileFetcherStorageCallback fetcher;
// Metadata for the fetch
/** The underlying presumably-on-disk storage. */
private final LockableRandomAccessBuffer raf;
private final long rafLength;
/** If true we will complete the download by truncating the file. The file was passed in at
* construction and we are not responsible for freeing it. Once all segments have decoded and
* encoded we call onSuccess(), and we don't free the data. Also, if this is true, cross-check
* blocks will be kept on disk *AFTER* all the main data and check blocks for the whole file. */
final boolean completeViaTruncation;
/** The segments */
final SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage[] segments;
/** The cross-segments. Null if no cross-segments. */
final SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage[] crossSegments;
/** If the splitfile has a common encryption algorithm, this is it. */
final byte splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm;
/** If the splitfile has a common encryption key, this is it. */
final byte[] splitfileSingleCryptoKey;
/** FEC codec for the splitfile, if needed. */
public final FECCodec fecCodec;
final Ticker ticker;
final PersistentJobRunner jobRunner;
final MemoryLimitedJobRunner memoryLimitedJobRunner;
/** Final length of the downloaded data. *BEFORE* decompression, filtering, etc. I.e. this is
* the length of the data on disk, which will be written by the StreamGenerator. */
final long finalLength;
/** Final length of the downloaded data, after decompression. (May change if the data is
* filtered). */
final long decompressedLength;
final SplitfileAlgorithm splitfileType;
/** MIME type etc. Set on construction and passed to onSuccess(). */
final ClientMetadata clientMetadata;
/** Decompressors. Set on construction and passed to onSuccess(). */
final List<COMPRESSOR_TYPE> decompressors;
/** False = Transient: We are using the RAF as scratch space, we only need to write the blocks,
* and the keys (if we don't keep them in memory). True = Persistent: It must be possible to
* resume after a node restart. Ideally we'd like to be able to recover the download in its
* entirety without needing any additional information, but at a minimum we want to be able to
* continue it while passing in the usual external arguments (FetchContext, parent, etc). */
final boolean persistent;
private boolean finishedFetcher;
private boolean finishedEncoding;
private boolean cancelled;
private boolean succeeded;
/** Errors. For now, this is not persisted (FIXME). */
private FailureCodeTracker errors;
final int maxRetries;
/** Every cooldownTries attempts, a key will enter cooldown, and won't be re-tried for a period. */
final int cooldownTries;
/** Cooldown lasts this long for each key. */
final long cooldownLength;
/** Only set if all segments are in cooldown. */
private long overallCooldownWakeupTime;
final CompatibilityMode finalMinCompatMode;
/** Contains Bloom filters */
final SplitFileFetcherKeyListener keyListener;
final RandomSource random;
// Metadata for the file i.e. stuff we need to be able to efficiently read/write it.
/** Offset to start of the key lists in bytes */
final long offsetKeyList;
/** Offset to start of the segment status'es in bytes */
final long offsetSegmentStatus;
/** Offset to start of the general progress section */
final long offsetGeneralProgress;
/** Offset to start of the bloom filters in bytes */
final long offsetMainBloomFilter;
/** Offset to start of the per-segment bloom filters in bytes */
final long offsetSegmentBloomFilters;
/** Offset to start of the original metadata in bytes */
final long offsetOriginalMetadata;
/** Offset to start of the original details in bytes. "Original details" includes the URI to
* this download (if available), the original URI for the whole download (if available),
* whether this is the final fetch (it might be a metadata or container fetch), and data from
* the ultimate client, e.g. the Identifier, whether it is on the Global queue, the client name
* if it isn't etc. */
final long offsetOriginalDetails;
/** Offset to start of the basic settings in bytes */
final long offsetBasicSettings;
/** Length of all section checksums */
final int checksumLength;
/** Checksum implementation */
final ChecksumChecker checksumChecker;
private boolean hasCheckedDatastore;
private boolean dirtyGeneralProgress;
static final long HAS_CHECKED_DATASTORE_FLAG = 1;
/** Fixed value posted at the end of the file (if plaintext!) */
static final long END_MAGIC = 0x28b32d99416eb6efL;
/** Current format version */
static final int VERSION = 1;
/** List of segments we need to tryStartDecode() on because their metadata was corrupted on
* startup. */
private List<SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage> segmentsToTryDecode;
/** Construct a new SplitFileFetcherStorage from metadata. Creates the RandomAccessBuffer and
* writes the initial data to it. There is another constructor for resuming a download.
* @param persistent
* @param topCompatibilityMode
* @param storageFile
* @param clientMetadata2
* @param decompressors2
* @param cb This is only provided so we can create appropriate events when constructing, we do
* not store it.
* @param storageFile If non-null, we will use this file to store the data in. It must already
* exist, and must be 0 bytes long. We will use it, and then when complete, truncate the file
* so it only contains the final data before calling onSuccess(). Also, in this case,
* rafFactory must be a DiskSpaceCheckingRandomAccessBufferFactory.
* @param keysFetching Must be passed in at this point as we will need it later. However, none
* of this is persisted directly, so this is not a problem.
* @throws FetchException If we failed to set up the download due to a problem with the metadata.
* @throws MetadataParseException
* @throws IOException If we were unable to create the file to store the metadata and
* downloaded blocks in. */
public SplitFileFetcherStorage(Metadata metadata, SplitFileFetcherStorageCallback fetcher,
List<COMPRESSOR_TYPE> decompressors, ClientMetadata clientMetadata,
boolean topDontCompress, short topCompatibilityMode, FetchContext origFetchContext,
boolean realTime, KeySalter salt, FreenetURI thisKey, FreenetURI origKey,
boolean isFinalFetch, byte[] clientDetails, RandomSource random,
BucketFactory tempBucketFactory, LockableRandomAccessBufferFactory rafFactory,
PersistentJobRunner exec, Ticker ticker, MemoryLimitedJobRunner memoryLimitedJobRunner,
ChecksumChecker checker, boolean persistent,
File storageFile, FileRandomAccessBufferFactory diskSpaceCheckingRAFFactory,
KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching)
throws FetchException, MetadataParseException, IOException {
this.fetcher = fetcher;
this.jobRunner = exec;
this.ticker = ticker;
this.memoryLimitedJobRunner = memoryLimitedJobRunner;
this.finalLength = metadata.dataLength();
this.decompressedLength = metadata.uncompressedDataLength();
this.splitfileType = metadata.getSplitfileType();
this.fecCodec = FECCodec.getInstance(splitfileType);
this.decompressors = decompressors;
this.random = random;
this.errors = new FailureCodeTracker(false);
this.checksumChecker = checker;
this.checksumLength = checker.checksumLength();
this.persistent = persistent;
this.completeViaTruncation = (storageFile != null);
if(decompressors.size() > 1) {
Logger.error(this, "Multiple decompressors: "+decompressors.size()+" - this is almost certainly a bug", new Exception("debug"));
this.clientMetadata = clientMetadata == null ? new ClientMetadata() : clientMetadata.clone(); // copy it as in SingleFileFetcher
SplitFileSegmentKeys[] segmentKeys = metadata.getSegmentKeys();
CompatibilityMode minCompatMode = metadata.getMinCompatMode();
CompatibilityMode maxCompatMode = metadata.getMaxCompatMode();
int crossCheckBlocks = metadata.getCrossCheckBlocks();
maxRetries = origFetchContext.maxSplitfileBlockRetries;
cooldownTries = origFetchContext.getCooldownRetries();
cooldownLength = origFetchContext.getCooldownTime();
this.splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm = metadata.getSplitfileCryptoAlgorithm();
splitfileSingleCryptoKey = metadata.getSplitfileCryptoKey();
// These are approximate values, the number of blocks per segment varies.
int blocksPerSegment = metadata.getDataBlocksPerSegment();
int checkBlocksPerSegment = metadata.getCheckBlocksPerSegment();
int splitfileDataBlocks = 0;
int splitfileCheckBlocks = 0;
long storedBlocksLength = 0;
long storedKeysLength = 0;
long storedSegmentStatusLength = 0;
/** Only non-zero if the cross-check blocks are stored separately i.e. if completeViaTruncation */
long storedCrossCheckBlocksLength = 0;
for(SplitFileSegmentKeys keys : segmentKeys) {
int dataBlocks = keys.getDataBlocks();
// Here data blocks include cross-segment blocks.
int checkBlocks = keys.getCheckBlocks();
splitfileDataBlocks += dataBlocks;
splitfileCheckBlocks += checkBlocks;
storedKeysLength +=
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.storedKeysLength(dataBlocks, checkBlocks, splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null, checksumLength);
storedSegmentStatusLength +=
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.paddedStoredSegmentStatusLength(dataBlocks - crossCheckBlocks, checkBlocks,
crossCheckBlocks, maxRetries != -1, checksumLength, persistent);
int totalCrossCheckBlocks = segmentKeys.length * crossCheckBlocks;
splitfileDataBlocks -= totalCrossCheckBlocks;
if(completeViaTruncation) {
storedCrossCheckBlocksLength = totalCrossCheckBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
storedBlocksLength = splitfileDataBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
} else {
storedCrossCheckBlocksLength = 0;
storedBlocksLength = (splitfileDataBlocks + totalCrossCheckBlocks) * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
int segmentCount = metadata.getSegmentCount();
if(splitfileType == SplitfileAlgorithm.NONREDUNDANT) {
if(splitfileCheckBlocks > 0) {
Logger.error(this, "Splitfile type is SPLITFILE_NONREDUNDANT yet "+splitfileCheckBlocks+" check blocks found!! : "+this);
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INVALID_METADATA, "Splitfile type is non-redundant yet have "+splitfileCheckBlocks+" check blocks");
} else if(splitfileType == SplitfileAlgorithm.ONION_STANDARD) {
boolean dontCompress = decompressors.isEmpty();
if(topCompatibilityMode != 0) {
// If we have top compatibility mode, then we can give a definitive answer immediately, with the splitfile key, with dontcompress, etc etc.
if(minCompatMode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN ||
!(minCompatMode.ordinal() > topCompatibilityMode || maxCompatMode.ordinal() < topCompatibilityMode)) {
minCompatMode = maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.values()[topCompatibilityMode];
dontCompress = topDontCompress;
} else
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INVALID_METADATA, "Top compatibility mode is incompatible with detected compatibility mode");
// We assume we are the bottom layer.
// If the top-block stats are passed in then we can safely say the report is definitive.
fetcher.onSplitfileCompatibilityMode(minCompatMode, maxCompatMode, metadata.getCustomSplitfileKey(), dontCompress, true, topCompatibilityMode != 0);
if((blocksPerSegment > origFetchContext.maxDataBlocksPerSegment)
|| (checkBlocksPerSegment > origFetchContext.maxCheckBlocksPerSegment))
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.TOO_MANY_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT, "Too many blocks per segment: "+blocksPerSegment+" data, "+checkBlocksPerSegment+" check");
} else throw new MetadataParseException("Unknown splitfile format: "+splitfileType);
Logger.minor(this, "Algorithm: "+splitfileType+", blocks per segment: "+blocksPerSegment+
", check blocks per segment: "+checkBlocksPerSegment+", segments: "+segmentCount+
", data blocks: "+splitfileDataBlocks+", check blocks: "+splitfileCheckBlocks);
segments = new SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage[segmentCount]; // initially null on all entries
long checkLength = 1L * (splitfileDataBlocks - segmentCount * crossCheckBlocks) * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
if(checkLength > finalLength) {
if(checkLength - finalLength > CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH)
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INVALID_METADATA, "Splitfile is "+checkLength+" bytes long but length is "+finalLength+" bytes");
byte[] localSalt = new byte[32];
keyListener = new SplitFileFetcherKeyListener(fetcher, this, false,
localSalt, splitfileDataBlocks + totalCrossCheckBlocks + splitfileCheckBlocks, blocksPerSegment +
checkBlocksPerSegment, segmentCount);
finalMinCompatMode = minCompatMode;
this.offsetKeyList = storedBlocksLength + storedCrossCheckBlocksLength;
this.offsetSegmentStatus = offsetKeyList + storedKeysLength;
byte[] generalProgress = encodeGeneralProgress();
if(persistent) {
offsetGeneralProgress = offsetSegmentStatus + storedSegmentStatusLength;
this.offsetMainBloomFilter = offsetGeneralProgress + generalProgress.length;
this.offsetSegmentBloomFilters = offsetMainBloomFilter + keyListener.paddedMainBloomFilterSize();
this.offsetOriginalMetadata = offsetSegmentBloomFilters +
} else {
// Don't store anything except the blocks and the key list.
offsetGeneralProgress = offsetMainBloomFilter = offsetSegmentBloomFilters = offsetOriginalMetadata = offsetSegmentStatus;
long dataOffset = 0;
long crossCheckBlocksOffset = storedBlocksLength; // Only used if completeViaTruncation
long segmentKeysOffset = offsetKeyList;
long segmentStatusOffset = offsetSegmentStatus;
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
// splitfile* will be overwritten, this is bad
// so copy them
SplitFileSegmentKeys keys = segmentKeys[i];
// Segment keys getDataBlocks() includes cross-check blocks
final int dataBlocks = keys.getDataBlocks() - crossCheckBlocks;
final int checkBlocks = keys.getCheckBlocks();
if((dataBlocks > origFetchContext.maxDataBlocksPerSegment)
|| (checkBlocks > origFetchContext.maxCheckBlocksPerSegment))
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.TOO_MANY_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT, "Too many blocks per segment: "+blocksPerSegment+" data, "+checkBlocksPerSegment+" check");
segments[i] = new SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage(this, i, splitfileType,
checkBlocks, crossCheckBlocks, dataOffset,
completeViaTruncation ? crossCheckBlocksOffset : -1, // Put at end if truncating.
segmentKeysOffset, segmentStatusOffset,
maxRetries != -1, keys, keysFetching);
dataOffset += dataBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
if(!completeViaTruncation) {
dataOffset += crossCheckBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
} else {
crossCheckBlocksOffset += crossCheckBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
segmentKeysOffset +=
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.storedKeysLength(dataBlocks+crossCheckBlocks, checkBlocks, splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null, checksumLength);
segmentStatusOffset +=
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.paddedStoredSegmentStatusLength(dataBlocks, checkBlocks,
crossCheckBlocks, maxRetries != -1, checksumLength, persistent);
for(int j=0;j<(dataBlocks+crossCheckBlocks+checkBlocks);j++) {
keyListener.addKey(keys.getKey(j, null, false).getNodeKey(false), i, salt);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Segment "+i+": data blocks offset "+
segments[i].segmentBlockDataOffset+" cross-check blocks offset "+segments[i].segmentCrossCheckBlockDataOffset+" for segment "+i+" of "+this);
assert(dataOffset == storedBlocksLength);
assert(crossCheckBlocksOffset == storedCrossCheckBlocksLength + storedBlocksLength);
assert(segmentKeysOffset == storedBlocksLength + storedCrossCheckBlocksLength + storedKeysLength);
assert(segmentStatusOffset == storedBlocksLength + storedCrossCheckBlocksLength + storedKeysLength + storedSegmentStatusLength);
/* Lie about the required number of blocks. For a cross-segment splitfile, the actual
* number of blocks needed is somewhere between splitfileDataBlocks and
* splitfileDataBlocks + totalCrossCheckBlocks depending on what order we fetch them in.
* Progress over 100% is apparently more annoying than finishing at 98%... */
fetcher.setSplitfileBlocks(splitfileDataBlocks + totalCrossCheckBlocks, splitfileCheckBlocks);
if(crossCheckBlocks != 0) {
Random crossSegmentRandom = new MersenneTwister(Metadata.getCrossSegmentSeed(metadata.getHashes(), metadata.getHashThisLayerOnly()));
// Cross segment redundancy: Allocate the blocks.
crossSegments = new SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage[segments.length];
int segLen = blocksPerSegment;
int deductBlocksFromSegments = metadata.getDeductBlocksFromSegments();
for(int i=0;i<crossSegments.length;i++) {
Logger.normal(this, "Allocating blocks (on fetch) for cross segment "+i);
if(segments.length - i == deductBlocksFromSegments) {
SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage seg =
new SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage(i, segLen, crossCheckBlocks, this, fecCodec);
crossSegments[i] = seg;
for(int j=0;j<segLen;j++) {
// Allocate random data blocks
allocateCrossDataBlock(seg, crossSegmentRandom);
for(int j=0;j<crossCheckBlocks;j++) {
// Allocate check blocks
allocateCrossCheckBlock(seg, crossSegmentRandom);
} else {
crossSegments = null;
long totalLength;
Bucket metadataTemp;
byte[] encodedURI;
byte[] encodedBasicSettings;
if(persistent) {
// Write the metadata to a temporary file to get its exact length.
metadataTemp = tempBucketFactory.makeBucket(-1);
OutputStream os = metadataTemp.getOutputStream();
OutputStream cos = checksumOutputStream(os);
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(cos);
try {
// Need something bigger than a CRC for this...
MultiHashOutputStream mos = new MultiHashOutputStream(bos, HashType.SHA256.bitmask);
metadata.writeTo(new DataOutputStream(mos));
} catch (MetadataUnresolvedException e) {
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Metadata not resolved starting splitfile fetch?!: "+e, e);
long metadataLength = metadataTemp.size();
offsetOriginalDetails = offsetOriginalMetadata + metadataLength;
encodedURI = encodeAndChecksumOriginalDetails(thisKey, origKey, clientDetails, isFinalFetch);
this.offsetBasicSettings = offsetOriginalDetails + encodedURI.length;
encodedBasicSettings =
splitfileCheckBlocks, crossCheckBlocks * segments.length);
totalLength =
offsetBasicSettings + // rest of file
encodedBasicSettings.length + // basic settings
4 + // length of basic settings
checksumLength + // might as well checksum the footer as well
4 + // version
4 + // flags
2 + // checksum type
8; // magic
} else {
totalLength = offsetSegmentStatus;
offsetOriginalDetails = offsetBasicSettings = offsetSegmentStatus;
metadataTemp = null;
encodedURI = encodedBasicSettings = null;
// Create the actual LockableRandomAccessBuffer
rafLength = totalLength;
if(storageFile != null) {
throw new IOException("Must have already created storage file");
if(storageFile.length() > 0)
throw new IOException("Storage file must be empty");
raf = diskSpaceCheckingRAFFactory.createNewRAF(storageFile, totalLength, random);
Logger.normal(this, "Creating splitfile storage file for complete-via-truncation: "+storageFile);
} else {
raf = rafFactory.makeRAF(totalLength);
RAFLock lock = raf.lockOpen();
try {
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment = segments[i];
if(persistent) {
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments)
raf.pwrite(offsetGeneralProgress, generalProgress, 0, generalProgress.length);
BucketTools.copyTo(metadataTemp, raf, offsetOriginalMetadata, -1);;
raf.pwrite(offsetOriginalDetails, encodedURI, 0, encodedURI.length);
raf.pwrite(offsetBasicSettings, encodedBasicSettings, 0, encodedBasicSettings.length);
// This bit tricky because version is included in the checksum.
// When the RAF is encrypted, we use HMAC's and this is important.
// FIXME is Fields.bytesToInt etc compatible with DataOutputStream.*?
// FIXME if not, we need something that is ...
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
dos.writeInt(encodedBasicSettings.length - checksumLength);
byte[] bufToWrite = baos.toByteArray();
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
dos.writeInt(0); // flags
byte[] version = baos.toByteArray();
byte[] bufToChecksum = Arrays.copyOf(bufToWrite, bufToWrite.length+version.length);
System.arraycopy(version, 0, bufToChecksum, bufToWrite.length, version.length);
byte[] checksum =
// Pointers.
raf.pwrite(offsetBasicSettings + encodedBasicSettings.length, bufToWrite, 0,
// Checksum.
raf.pwrite(offsetBasicSettings + encodedBasicSettings.length + bufToWrite.length,
checksum, 0, checksum.length);
// Version.
raf.pwrite(offsetBasicSettings + encodedBasicSettings.length + bufToWrite.length +
checksum.length, version, 0, version.length);
// Write magic last.
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
byte[] buf = baos.toByteArray();
raf.pwrite(totalLength - 8, buf, 0, 8);
} finally {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Fetching "+thisKey+" on "+this+" for "+fetcher);
/** Construct a SplitFileFetcherStorage from a stored RandomAccessBuffer, and appropriate local
* settings passed in. Ideally this would work with only basic system utilities such as
* those on ClientContext, i.e. we'd be able to restore the splitfile download without knowing
* anything about it.
* @param newSalt True if the global salt has changed.
* @param salt The global salter. Should be passed in even if the global salt hasn't changed,
* as we may not have completed regenerating bloom filters.
* @throws IOException If the restore failed because of a failure to read from disk.
* @throws StorageFormatException
* @throws FetchException If the request has already failed (but it wasn't processed before
* restarting). */
public SplitFileFetcherStorage(LockableRandomAccessBuffer raf, boolean realTime,
SplitFileFetcherStorageCallback callback, FetchContext origContext,
RandomSource random, PersistentJobRunner exec, KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching,
Ticker ticker, MemoryLimitedJobRunner memoryLimitedJobRunner, ChecksumChecker checker,
boolean newSalt, KeySalter salt, boolean resumed, boolean completeViaTruncation)
throws IOException, StorageFormatException, FetchException {
this.persistent = true;
this.raf = raf;
this.fetcher = callback;
this.ticker = ticker;
this.jobRunner = exec;
this.memoryLimitedJobRunner = memoryLimitedJobRunner;
this.random = random;
this.checksumChecker = checker;
this.checksumLength = checker.checksumLength();
this.maxRetries = origContext.maxSplitfileBlockRetries;
this.cooldownTries = origContext.getCooldownRetries();
this.cooldownLength = origContext.getCooldownTime();
this.errors = new FailureCodeTracker(false); // FIXME persist???
this.completeViaTruncation = completeViaTruncation;
// FIXME this is hideous! Rewrite the writing/parsing code here in a less ugly way. However, it works...
rafLength = raf.size();
if(raf.size() < 8 /* FIXME more! */)
throw new StorageFormatException("Too short");
// Last 8 bytes: Magic value.
byte[] buf = new byte[8];
raf.pread(rafLength-8, buf, 0, 8);
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
if(dis.readLong() != END_MAGIC)
throw new StorageFormatException("Wrong magic bytes");
// 4 bytes before that: Version.
byte[] versionBuf = new byte[4];
raf.pread(rafLength-12, versionBuf, 0, 4);
dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(versionBuf));
int version = dis.readInt();
if(version != 1)
throw new StorageFormatException("Wrong version "+version);
// 2 bytes: Checksum type
byte[] checksumTypeBuf = new byte[2];
raf.pread(rafLength-14, checksumTypeBuf, 0, 2);
dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(checksumTypeBuf));
int checksumType = dis.readShort();
if(checksumType != ChecksumChecker.CHECKSUM_CRC)
throw new StorageFormatException("Unknown checksum type "+checksumType);
// 4 bytes: Flags. Unused at present.
byte[] flagsBuf = new byte[4];
raf.pread(rafLength-18, flagsBuf, 0, 4);
dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(flagsBuf));
int flags = dis.readInt();
if(flags != 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Unknown flags: "+flags);
// 4 bytes basic settings length and a checksum, which includes both the settings length and the version.
buf = new byte[14];
raf.pread(rafLength-(22+checksumLength), buf, 0, 4);
byte[] checksum = new byte[checksumLength];
// Check the checksum.
raf.pread(rafLength-(18+checksumLength), checksum, 0, checksumLength);
System.arraycopy(flagsBuf, 0, buf, 4, 4);
System.arraycopy(checksumTypeBuf, 0, buf, 8, 2);
System.arraycopy(versionBuf, 0, buf, 10, 4);
if(!checksumChecker.checkChecksum(buf, 0, 14, checksum))
throw new StorageFormatException("Checksum failed on basic settings length and version");
dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
int basicSettingsLength = dis.readInt();
if(basicSettingsLength < 0 || basicSettingsLength + 12 + 4 + checksumLength > raf.size() ||
basicSettingsLength > 1024*1024)
throw new StorageFormatException("Bad basic settings length");
byte[] basicSettingsBuffer = new byte[basicSettingsLength];
long basicSettingsOffset = rafLength-(18+4+checksumLength*2+basicSettingsLength);
try {
basicSettingsBuffer, 0, basicSettingsLength);
} catch (ChecksumFailedException e) {
throw new StorageFormatException("Basic settings checksum invalid");
dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(basicSettingsBuffer));
try {
short s = dis.readShort();
try {
splitfileType = SplitfileAlgorithm.getByCode(s);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid splitfile type "+s);
this.fecCodec = FECCodec.getInstance(splitfileType);
splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm = dis.readByte();
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid splitfile crypto algorithm "+splitfileType);
if(dis.readBoolean()) {
splitfileSingleCryptoKey = new byte[32];
} else {
splitfileSingleCryptoKey = null;
finalLength = dis.readLong();
if(finalLength < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid final length "+finalLength);
decompressedLength = dis.readLong();
if(decompressedLength < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid decompressed length "+decompressedLength);
try {
clientMetadata = ClientMetadata.construct(dis);
} catch (MetadataParseException e) {
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid MIME type");
int decompressorCount = dis.readInt();
if(decompressorCount < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid decompressor count "+decompressorCount);
decompressors = new ArrayList<COMPRESSOR_TYPE>(decompressorCount);
for(int i=0;i<decompressorCount;i++) {
short type = dis.readShort();
COMPRESSOR_TYPE d = COMPRESSOR_TYPE.getCompressorByMetadataID(type);
if(d == null) throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid decompressor ID "+type);
offsetKeyList = dis.readLong();
if(offsetKeyList < 0 || offsetKeyList > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid offset (key list)");
offsetSegmentStatus = dis.readLong();
if(offsetSegmentStatus < 0 || offsetSegmentStatus > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid offset (segment status)");
offsetGeneralProgress = dis.readLong();
if(offsetGeneralProgress < 0 || offsetGeneralProgress > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid offset (general progress)");
offsetMainBloomFilter = dis.readLong();
if(offsetMainBloomFilter < 0 || offsetMainBloomFilter > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid offset (main bloom filter)");
offsetSegmentBloomFilters = dis.readLong();
if(offsetSegmentBloomFilters < 0 || offsetSegmentBloomFilters > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid offset (segment bloom filters)");
offsetOriginalMetadata = dis.readLong();
if(offsetOriginalMetadata < 0 || offsetOriginalMetadata > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid offset (original metadata)");
offsetOriginalDetails = dis.readLong();
if(offsetOriginalDetails < 0 || offsetOriginalDetails > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid offset (original metadata)");
offsetBasicSettings = dis.readLong();
if(offsetBasicSettings != basicSettingsOffset)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid basic settings offset (not the same as computed)");
if(completeViaTruncation != dis.readBoolean())
throw new StorageFormatException("Complete via truncation flag is wrong");
int compatMode = dis.readInt();
if(compatMode < 0 || compatMode > CompatibilityMode.values().length)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid compatibility mode "+compatMode);
finalMinCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.values()[compatMode];
int segmentCount = dis.readInt();
if(segmentCount < 0) throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid segment count "+segmentCount);
this.segments = new SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage[segmentCount];
int totalDataBlocks = dis.readInt();
if(totalDataBlocks < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid total data blocks "+totalDataBlocks);
int totalCheckBlocks = dis.readInt();
if(totalCheckBlocks < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid total check blocks "+totalDataBlocks);
int totalCrossCheckBlocks = dis.readInt();
if(totalCrossCheckBlocks < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Invalid total cross-check blocks "+totalDataBlocks);
long dataOffset = 0;
long crossCheckBlocksOffset;
if(completeViaTruncation) {
crossCheckBlocksOffset = totalDataBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
} else {
crossCheckBlocksOffset = 0;
long segmentKeysOffset = offsetKeyList;
long segmentStatusOffset = offsetSegmentStatus;
int countDataBlocks = 0;
int countCheckBlocks = 0;
int countCrossCheckBlocks = 0;
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
segments[i] = new SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage(this, dis, i, maxRetries != -1,
dataOffset, completeViaTruncation ? crossCheckBlocksOffset : -1,
segmentKeysOffset, segmentStatusOffset, keysFetching);
int dataBlocks = segments[i].dataBlocks;
countDataBlocks += dataBlocks;
int checkBlocks = segments[i].checkBlocks;
countCheckBlocks += checkBlocks;
int crossCheckBlocks = segments[i].crossSegmentCheckBlocks;
countCrossCheckBlocks += crossCheckBlocks;
dataOffset += dataBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
crossCheckBlocksOffset += crossCheckBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
dataOffset += crossCheckBlocks * CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH;
segmentKeysOffset +=
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.storedKeysLength(dataBlocks+crossCheckBlocks, checkBlocks, splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null, checksumLength);
segmentStatusOffset +=
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage.paddedStoredSegmentStatusLength(dataBlocks, checkBlocks,
crossCheckBlocks, maxRetries != -1, checksumLength, true);
if(dataOffset > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Data offset past end of file "+dataOffset+" of "+rafLength);
if(segments[i].segmentCrossCheckBlockDataOffset > rafLength)
throw new StorageFormatException("Cross-check blocks offset past end of file "+segments[i].segmentCrossCheckBlockDataOffset+" of "+rafLength);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.debug(this, "Segment "+i+": data blocks offset "+
segments[i].segmentBlockDataOffset+" cross-check blocks offset "+segments[i].segmentCrossCheckBlockDataOffset+" for segment "+i+" of "+this);
if(countDataBlocks != totalDataBlocks)
throw new StorageFormatException("Total data blocks "+countDataBlocks+" but expected "+totalDataBlocks);
if(countCheckBlocks != totalCheckBlocks)
throw new StorageFormatException("Total check blocks "+countCheckBlocks+" but expected "+totalCheckBlocks);
if(countCrossCheckBlocks != totalCrossCheckBlocks)
throw new StorageFormatException("Total cross-check blocks "+countCrossCheckBlocks+" but expected "+totalCrossCheckBlocks);
int crossSegments = dis.readInt();
if(crossSegments == 0)
this.crossSegments = null;
this.crossSegments = new SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage[crossSegments];
for(int i=0;i<crossSegments;i++) {
this.crossSegments[i] = new SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage(this, i, dis);
this.keyListener = new SplitFileFetcherKeyListener(this, fetcher, dis, false, newSalt);
} catch (IOException e) {
// We are reading from an array! Bad as written perhaps?
throw new StorageFormatException("Cannot read basic settings even though passed checksum: "+e, e);
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
boolean needsDecode = false;
try {
if(segment.hasFailed()) {
raf.close();; // Failed, so free it.
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_ERROR, errors);
} catch (ChecksumFailedException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Progress for segment "+segment.segNo+" on "+this+" corrupted.");
needsDecode = true;
needsDecode = true;
if(needsDecode) {
if(segmentsToTryDecode == null)
segmentsToTryDecode = new ArrayList<SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage>();
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment = segments[i];
try {
} catch (ChecksumFailedException e) {
throw new StorageFormatException("Keys corrupted");
if(this.crossSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage crossSegment : this.crossSegments)
// Must be after reading the metadata for the plain segments.
private void readGeneralProgress() throws IOException {
try {
byte[] buf = preadChecksummedWithLength(offsetGeneralProgress);
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf);
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais);
long flags = dis.readLong();
hasCheckedDatastore = true;
errors = new FailureCodeTracker(false, dis);
} catch (ChecksumFailedException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to read general progress: "+e);
// Reset general progress
this.hasCheckedDatastore = false;
this.errors = new FailureCodeTracker(false);
} catch (StorageFormatException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to read general progress: "+e);
// Reset general progress
this.hasCheckedDatastore = false;
this.errors = new FailureCodeTracker(false);
private byte[] encodeGeneralProgress() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
OutputStream ccos = checksumChecker.checksumWriterWithLength(baos, new ArrayBucketFactory());
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(ccos);
long flags = 0;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e);
byte[] ret = baos.toByteArray();
return ret;
/** Start the storage layer.
* @param resume True only if we are restarting without having serialized, i.e. from the file
* only. In this case we will need to tell the parent how many blocks have been fetched.
* @return True if it should be scheduled immediately. If false, the storage layer will
* callback into the fetcher later.
public boolean start(boolean resume) {
if(resume) {
int splitfileDataBlocks = 0, splitfileCheckBlocks = 0, totalCrossCheckBlocks = 0;
int succeededBlocks = 0;
int failedBlocks = 0;
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
splitfileDataBlocks += segment.dataBlocks;
splitfileCheckBlocks += segment.checkBlocks;
totalCrossCheckBlocks += segment.crossSegmentCheckBlocks;
succeededBlocks += segment.foundBlocks();
failedBlocks += segment.failedBlocks();
fetcher.setSplitfileBlocks(splitfileDataBlocks + totalCrossCheckBlocks, splitfileCheckBlocks);
fetcher.onResume(succeededBlocks, failedBlocks, clientMetadata, decompressedLength);
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
if(segmentsToTryDecode != null) {
List<SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage> brokenSegments;
synchronized(SplitFileFetcherStorage.this) {
brokenSegments = segmentsToTryDecode;
segmentsToTryDecode = null;
if(brokenSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : brokenSegments) {
if(keyListener.needsKeys()) {
try {
this.jobRunner.queue(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
System.out.println("Regenerating filters for "+SplitFileFetcherStorage.this);
Logger.error(this, "Regenerating filters for "+SplitFileFetcherStorage.this);
KeySalter salt = fetcher.getSalter();
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment = segments[i];
try {
try {
SplitFileSegmentKeys keys = segment.readSegmentKeys();
for(int j=0;j<keys.totalKeys();j++) {
keyListener.addKey(keys.getKey(j, null, false).getNodeKey(false), i, salt);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
} catch (ChecksumFailedException e) {
return false;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.warning(this, "Finished regenerating filters for "+SplitFileFetcherStorage.this);
System.out.println("Finished regenerating filters for "+SplitFileFetcherStorage.this);
return false;
}, NativeThread.LOW_PRIORITY+1);
} catch (PersistenceDisabledException e) {
// Ignore.
return false;
return true;
OutputStream checksumOutputStream(OutputStream os) {
return checksumChecker.checksumWriter(os);
private byte[] encodeBasicSettings(int totalDataBlocks, int totalCheckBlocks, int totalCrossCheckBlocks) {
return appendChecksum(innerEncodeBasicSettings(totalDataBlocks, totalCheckBlocks, totalCrossCheckBlocks));
/** Encode the basic settings (number of blocks etc) to a byte array */
private byte[] innerEncodeBasicSettings(int totalDataBlocks, int totalCheckBlocks,
int totalCrossCheckBlocks) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
try {
dos.writeBoolean(this.splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null);
if(this.splitfileSingleCryptoKey != null) {
assert(splitfileSingleCryptoKey.length == 32);
dos.writeInt(decompressors.size()); // FIXME enforce size limits???
for(COMPRESSOR_TYPE c : decompressors)
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(this.crossSegments == null)
else {
for(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e); // Impossible
return baos.toByteArray();
/** Write details needed to restart the download from scratch, and to identify whether it is
* useful to do so. */
private byte[] encodeAndChecksumOriginalDetails(FreenetURI thisKey, FreenetURI origKey,
byte[] clientDetails, boolean isFinalFetch) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
return checksumChecker.appendChecksum(baos.toByteArray());
/** FIXME not used yet */
private void allocateCrossDataBlock(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage segment, Random random) {
int x = 0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
x = random.nextInt(segments.length);
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage seg = segments[x];
int blockNum = seg.allocateCrossDataBlock(segment, random);
if(blockNum >= 0) {
segment.addDataBlock(seg, blockNum);
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
if(x == segments.length) x = 0;
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage seg = segments[x];
int blockNum = seg.allocateCrossDataBlock(segment, random);
if(blockNum >= 0) {
segment.addDataBlock(seg, blockNum);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to allocate cross data block!");
/** FIXME not used yet */
private void allocateCrossCheckBlock(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage segment, Random random) {
int x = 0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
x = random.nextInt(segments.length);
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage seg = segments[x];
int blockNum = seg.allocateCrossCheckBlock(segment, random);
if(blockNum >= 0) {
segment.addDataBlock(seg, blockNum);
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
if(x == segments.length) x = 0;
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage seg = segments[x];
int blockNum = seg.allocateCrossCheckBlock(segment, random);
if(blockNum >= 0) {
segment.addDataBlock(seg, blockNum);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to allocate cross data block!");
public short getPriorityClass() {
return fetcher.getPriorityClass();
/** A segment successfully completed.
* @throws PersistenceDisabledException */
public void finishedSuccess(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "finishedSuccess on "+this+" from "+segment+" for "+fetcher, new Exception("debug"));
if(!(completeViaTruncation || fetcher.wantBinaryBlob()))
private void maybeComplete() {
if(allSucceeded()) {
} else if(allFinished() && !allSucceeded()) {
// Some failed.
fail(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_ERROR, errors));
private void callSuccessOffThread() {
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
synchronized(SplitFileFetcherStorage.this) {
// Race conditions are possible, make sure we only call it once.
if(succeeded) return false;
succeeded = true;
return true;
private boolean allSucceeded() {
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(!segment.hasSucceeded()) return false;
return true;
public StreamGenerator streamGenerator() {
// FIXME truncation optimisation.
return new StreamGenerator() {
public void writeTo(OutputStream os, ClientContext context)
throws IOException {
LockableRandomAccessBuffer.RAFLock lock = raf.lockOpen();
try {
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to write stream: "+t, t);
} finally {
public long size() {
return finalLength;
static final long LAZY_WRITE_METADATA_DELAY = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);
private final PersistentJob writeMetadataJob = new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
try {
if(isFinishing()) return false;
RAFLock lock = raf.lockOpen();
try {
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
} finally {
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
if(isFinishing()) return false;
Logger.error(this, "Failed writing metadata for "+SplitFileFetcherStorage.this+": "+e, e);
return false;
private final Runnable wrapLazyWriteMetadata = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void lazyWriteMetadata() {
if(!persistent) return;
// The Runnable must be the same object for de-duplication.
ticker.queueTimedJob(wrapLazyWriteMetadata, "Write metadata for splitfile",
} else { // Must still be off-thread, multiple segments, possible locking issues...
public void finishedFetcher() {
synchronized(this) {
if(finishedFetcher) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already finishedFetcher");
finishedFetcher = true;
if(completeViaTruncation && !cancelled) return; // Ignore.
if(!finishedEncoding) return;
/** Called on a normal non-truncation completion. Frees the storage file off-thread. */
private void closeOffThread() {
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
// ATOMICITY/DURABILITY: This will run after the checkpoint after completion.
// So after restart, even if the checkpoint failed, we will be in a valid state.
// This is why this is queue() not queueInternal().
return true;
private void finishedEncoding() {
// This is rather convoluted in the failure case ...
boolean lateCompletion = false;
boolean waitingForFetcher = false;
synchronized(this) {
if(finishedEncoding) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already finishedEncoding");
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Finished encoding");
finishedEncoding = true;
if(cancelled) {
// Must close off-thread.
} else if((completeViaTruncation || fetcher.wantBinaryBlob()) && !succeeded) {
// Must complete.
lateCompletion = true;
} else {
// May wait for fetcher.
waitingForFetcher = !finishedFetcher;
if(lateCompletion) {
// We have not called onSuccess() or fail() yet.
if(allFinished() && !allSucceeded()) {
// No more blocks will be found, so fail *now*.
fail(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_ERROR, errors));
} else {
if(completeViaTruncation) raf.close();
if(waitingForFetcher) return;
/** Shutdown and free resources. CONCURRENCY: Caller is responsible for making sure this is
* not called on a MemoryLimitedJob thread. */
void close() {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Finishing "+this+" for "+fetcher, new Exception("debug"));
/** Called when a segment has finished encoding. It is possible that it has simply restarted;
* it is not guaranteed to have encoded all blocks etc. But we still need the callback in case
* e.g. we are in the process of failing, and can't proceed until all the encode jobs have
* finished. */
void finishedEncoding(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Successfully decoded "+segment+" for "+this+" for "+fetcher);
if(!allFinished()) return;
/** Called when a cross-segment has finished decoding. It doesn't necessarily have a "finished"
* state, except if it was cancelled. */
void finishedEncoding(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage segment) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Successfully decoded "+segment+" for "+this+" for "+fetcher);
if(!allFinished()) return;
private boolean allFinished() {
// First, are any of the segments still working, that is, are they able to send requests,
// or are they decoding/encoding?
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
if(!segment.isFinished()) return false;
// We cannot proceed unless none of the cross-segments is decoding.
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments) {
if(segment.isDecoding()) return false;
return true;
/** Fail the request, off-thread. The callback will call cancel etc, so it won't immediately
* shut down the storage.
* @param e
public void fail(final FetchException e) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Failing "+this+" with error "+e+" and codes "+errors);
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {;
return true;
/** A segment ran out of retries. We have given up on that segment and therefore on the whole
* splitfile.
* @param segment The segment that failed.
public void failOnSegment(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment) {
fail(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.SPLITFILE_ERROR, errors));
public void failOnDiskError(final IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failing on disk error: "+e, e);
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
return true;
public void failOnDiskError(final ChecksumFailedException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failing on unrecoverable corrupt data: "+e, e);
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
return true;
public long countUnfetchedKeys() {
long total = 0;
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments)
total += segment.countUnfetchedKeys();
return total;
public Key[] listUnfetchedKeys() {
try {
ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments)
return keys.toArray(new Key[keys.size()]);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new Key[0];
public long countSendableKeys() {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long total = 0;
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments)
total += segment.countSendableKeys(now, maxRetries);
return total;
final class MyKey implements SendableRequestItem, SendableRequestItemKey {
public MyKey(int n, int segNo, SplitFileFetcherStorage storage) {
this.blockNumber = n;
this.segmentNumber = segNo;
this.get = storage;
hashCode = initialHashCode();
final int blockNumber;
final int segmentNumber;
final SplitFileFetcherStorage get;
final int hashCode;
public void dump() {
// Ignore.
public SendableRequestItemKey getKey() {
return this;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(this == o) return true;
if(!(o instanceof MyKey)) return false;
MyKey k = (MyKey)o;
return k.blockNumber == blockNumber && k.segmentNumber == segmentNumber &&
k.get == get;
public int hashCode() {
return hashCode;
private int initialHashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + blockNumber;
result = prime * result + ((get == null) ? 0 : get.hashCode());
result = prime * result + segmentNumber;
return result;
public String toString() {
return "MyKey:"+segmentNumber+":"+blockNumber;
/** Choose a random key which can be fetched at the moment. Must not update any persistent data;
* it's okay to update caches and other stuff that isn't stored to disk. If we fail etc we
* should do it off-thread.
* @return The block number to be fetched, as an integer.
public MyKey chooseRandomKey() {
// FIXME this should probably use SimpleBlockChooser and hence use lowest-retry-count from each segment?
synchronized(this) {
if(finishedFetcher) return null;
// Generally segments are fairly well balanced, so we can usually pick a random segment
// then a random key from it.
int segNo = random.nextInt(segments.length);
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment = segments[segNo];
int ret = segment.chooseRandomKey();
if(ret != -1) return new MyKey(ret, segNo, this);
// Looks like we are close to completion ...
// FIXME OPT SCALABILITY This is O(n) memory and time with the number of segments. For a
// 4GB splitfile, there would be 512 segments. The alternative is to keep a similar
// structure up to date, which also requires changes to the segment code. Not urgent until
// very big splitfiles are common.
// FIXME OPT SCALABILITY A simpler option might be just to have one SplitFileFetcherGet per
// segment, like the old code.
boolean[] tried = new boolean[segments.length];
tried[segNo] = true;
for(int count=1; count<segments.length; count++) {
while(tried[segNo = random.nextInt(segments.length)]);
tried[segNo] = true;
segment = segments[segNo];
ret = segment.chooseRandomKey();
if(ret != -1) return new MyKey(ret, segNo, this);
return null;
/** Cancel the download, stop all FEC decodes, and call close() off-thread when done. */
void cancel() {
synchronized(this) {
cancelled = true;
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments)
if(crossSegments != null) {
for(SplitFileFetcherCrossSegmentStorage segment : crossSegments)
/** Local only is true and we've finished checking the datastore. If all segments are not
* already finished/decoding, we need to fail with DNF. If the segments fail to decode due to
* data corruption, we will retry as usual. */
public void finishedCheckingDatastoreOnLocalRequest(ClientContext context) {
// At this point, all the blocks will have been processed.
if(hasFinished()) return; // Don't need to do anything.;
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
synchronized boolean hasFinished() {
return cancelled || finishedFetcher;
synchronized boolean isFinishing() {
return cancelled || finishedFetcher || finishedEncoding;
public void onFailure(MyKey key, FetchException fe) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Failure: "+fe.mode+" for block "+key.blockNumber+" for "+key.segmentNumber);
synchronized(this) {
if(cancelled || finishedFetcher) return;
dirtyGeneralProgress = true;
SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment = segments[key.segmentNumber];
public ClientKey getKey(MyKey key) {
try {
return segments[key.segmentNumber].getSegmentKeys().getKey(key.blockNumber, null, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public int maxRetries() {
return maxRetries;
public void failedBlock() {
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
return false;
public boolean lastBlockMightNotBePadded() {
return (finalMinCompatMode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN ||
finalMinCompatMode.ordinal() < CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1416.ordinal());
public void restartedAfterDataCorruption(boolean wasCorrupt) {
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
return false;
/** Separate lock for cooldown operations, which must be serialized. Must be taken *BEFORE*
* segment locks. */
private final Object cooldownLock = new Object();
/** Called when a segment goes into overall cooldown. */
void increaseCooldown(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage splitFileFetcherSegmentStorage,
final long cooldownTime) {
// Risky locking-wise, so run as a separate job.
jobRunner.queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long wakeupTime;
synchronized(cooldownLock) {
if(cooldownTime < now) return false;
long oldCooldownTime = overallCooldownWakeupTime;
if(overallCooldownWakeupTime > now) return false; // Wait for it to wake up.
wakeupTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment : segments) {
long segmentTime = segment.getOverallCooldownTime();
if(segmentTime < now) return false;
wakeupTime = Math.min(segmentTime, wakeupTime);
overallCooldownWakeupTime = wakeupTime;
if(overallCooldownWakeupTime < oldCooldownTime) return false;
return false;
/** Called when a segment exits cooldown e.g. due to a request completing and becoming
* retryable. Must NOT be called with segment locks held. */
public void maybeClearCooldown() {
synchronized(cooldownLock) {
if(overallCooldownWakeupTime == 0 ||
overallCooldownWakeupTime < System.currentTimeMillis()) return;
overallCooldownWakeupTime = 0;
public long getCooldownWakeupTime(long now) {
synchronized(cooldownLock) {
if(overallCooldownWakeupTime < now) overallCooldownWakeupTime = 0;
return overallCooldownWakeupTime;
// Operations with checksums and storage access.
/** Append a CRC32 to a (short) byte[] */
private byte[] appendChecksum(byte[] data) {
return checksumChecker.appendChecksum(data);
void preadChecksummed(long fileOffset, byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException, ChecksumFailedException {
byte[] checksumBuf = new byte[checksumLength];
RAFLock lock = raf.lockOpen();
try {
raf.pread(fileOffset, buf, offset, length);
raf.pread(fileOffset+length, checksumBuf, 0, checksumLength);
} finally {
if(!checksumChecker.checkChecksum(buf, offset, length, checksumBuf)) {
Arrays.fill(buf, offset, offset+length, (byte)0);
throw new ChecksumFailedException();
byte[] preadChecksummedWithLength(long fileOffset) throws IOException, ChecksumFailedException, StorageFormatException {
byte[] checksumBuf = new byte[checksumLength];
RAFLock lock = raf.lockOpen();
byte[] lengthBuf = new byte[8];
byte[] buf;
int length;
try {
raf.pread(fileOffset, lengthBuf, 0, lengthBuf.length);
long len = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(lengthBuf)).readLong();
if(len + fileOffset > rafLength || len > Integer.MAX_VALUE || len < 0)
throw new StorageFormatException("Bogus length "+len);
length = (int)len;
buf = new byte[length];
raf.pread(fileOffset+lengthBuf.length, buf, 0, length);
raf.pread(fileOffset+length+lengthBuf.length, checksumBuf, 0, checksumLength);
} finally {
if(!checksumChecker.checkChecksum(buf, 0, length, checksumBuf)) {
Arrays.fill(buf, 0, length, (byte)0);
throw new ChecksumFailedException();
return buf;
/** Create an OutputStream that we can write formatted data to of a specific length. On
* close(), it checks that the length is as expected, computes the checksum, and writes the
* data to the specified position in the file.
* @param fileOffset The position in the file (raf) of the first byte.
* @param length The length, including checksum, of the data to be written.
* @return
OutputStream writeChecksummedTo(final long fileOffset, final int length) {
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(length);
OutputStream cos = checksumOutputStream(baos);
return new FilterOutputStream(cos) {
public void close() throws IOException {
byte[] buf = baos.toByteArray();
if(buf.length != length)
throw new IllegalStateException("Wrote wrong number of bytes: "+buf.length+" should be "+length);
raf.pwrite(fileOffset, buf, 0, length);
RAFLock lockRAFOpen() throws IOException {
return raf.lockOpen();
void writeBlock(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment, int slotNumber, byte[] data)
throws IOException {
raf.pwrite(segment.blockOffset(slotNumber), data, 0, data.length);
byte[] readBlock(SplitFileFetcherSegmentStorage segment, int slotNumber)
throws IOException {
long offset = segment.blockOffset(slotNumber);
if(logDEBUG) Logger.minor(this, "Reading block "+slotNumber+" for "+segment.segNo+"/"+segments.length+" from "+offset+" RAF length is "+raf.size());
byte[] buf = new byte[CHKBlock.DATA_LENGTH];
raf.pread(offset, buf, 0, buf.length);
return buf;
/** Needed for resuming. */
LockableRandomAccessBuffer getRAF() {
return raf;
public synchronized void setHasCheckedStore(ClientContext context) {
hasCheckedDatastore = true;
dirtyGeneralProgress = true;
if(!persistent) return;;
private synchronized void writeGeneralProgress(boolean force) {
if(!dirtyGeneralProgress && !force) return;
dirtyGeneralProgress = false;
byte[] generalProgress = encodeGeneralProgress();
try {
raf.pwrite(offsetGeneralProgress, generalProgress, 0, generalProgress.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
public synchronized boolean hasCheckedStore() {
return hasCheckedDatastore;
void onShutdown(ClientContext context) {;