/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.client.async;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PipedInputStream;
import java.io.PipedOutputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.List;
import freenet.client.ArchiveContext;
import freenet.client.ClientMetadata;
import freenet.client.DefaultMIMETypes;
import freenet.client.FetchContext;
import freenet.client.FetchException;
import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode;
import freenet.client.FetchResult;
import freenet.client.InsertContext.CompatibilityMode;
import freenet.client.async.BinaryBlobWriter.BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException;
import freenet.client.events.EnterFiniteCooldownEvent;
import freenet.client.events.ExpectedFileSizeEvent;
import freenet.client.events.ExpectedHashesEvent;
import freenet.client.events.ExpectedMIMEEvent;
import freenet.client.events.SendingToNetworkEvent;
import freenet.client.events.SplitfileCompatibilityModeEvent;
import freenet.client.events.SplitfileProgressEvent;
import freenet.client.filter.ContentFilter;
import freenet.client.filter.FilterMIMEType;
import freenet.client.filter.UnsafeContentTypeException;
import freenet.crypt.ChecksumChecker;
import freenet.crypt.HashResult;
import freenet.keys.ClientKeyBlock;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.compress.CompressionOutputSizeException;
import freenet.support.compress.Compressor;
import freenet.support.compress.DecompressorThreadManager;
import freenet.support.io.Closer;
import freenet.support.io.FileBucket;
import freenet.support.io.FileUtil;
import freenet.support.io.InsufficientDiskSpaceException;
import freenet.support.io.NullOutputStream;
import freenet.support.io.ResumeFailedException;
import freenet.support.io.StorageFormatException;
* A high level data request. Follows redirects, downloads splitfiles, etc. Similar to what you get from FCP,
* and is used internally to implement FCP. Also used by fproxy, and plugins, and so on. The current state
* of the request is stored in currentState. The ClientGetState's do most of the work. SingleFileFetcher for
* example fetches a key, parses the metadata, and if necessary creates other states to e.g. fetch splitfiles.
public class ClientGetter extends BaseClientGetter
implements WantsCooldownCallback, FileGetCompletionCallback, Serializable, ClientRequestSchedulerGroup {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
static {
/** Will be called when the request completes */
final ClientGetCallback clientCallback;
/** The initial Freenet URI being fetched. */
FreenetURI uri;
/** Settings for the fetch - max size etc */
final FetchContext ctx;
/** Checks for container loops. */
final ArchiveContext actx;
/** The current state of the request. SingleFileFetcher when processing metadata for fetching a simple
* key, SplitFileFetcher when fetching a splitfile, etc. */
private ClientGetState currentState;
/** Has the request finished? */
private boolean finished;
/** Number of times the fetch has been restarted because a container was out of date */
private int archiveRestarts;
/** If not null, Bucket to return the data in, otherwise we create one. If non-null, it is the
* responsibility of the callback to create and resume this bucket. */
final Bucket returnBucket;
/** If not null, BucketWrapper to return a binary blob in */
private final BinaryBlobWriter binaryBlobWriter;
/** If true, someone else is responsible for this BlobWriter, usually its a shared one */
private final boolean dontFinalizeBlobWriter;
/** The expected MIME type, if we know it. Should not change. */
private String expectedMIME;
/** The expected size of the file, if we know it. */
private long expectedSize;
/** If true, the metadata (mostly the expected size) shouldn't change further. */
private boolean finalizedMetadata;
/** Callback to spy on the metadata at each stage of the request */
private SnoopMetadata snoopMeta;
/** Callback to spy on the data at each stage of the request */
private SnoopBucket snoopBucket;
private HashResult[] hashes;
private final Bucket initialMetadata;
/** If set, and filtering is enabled, the MIME type we filter with must
* be compatible with this extension. */
final String forceCompatibleExtension;
private transient boolean resumedFetcher;
// Shorter constructors for convenience and backwards compatibility.
public ClientGetter(ClientGetCallback client,
FreenetURI uri, FetchContext ctx, short priorityClass) {
this(client, uri, ctx, priorityClass, null, null, null);
public ClientGetter(ClientGetCallback client,
FreenetURI uri, FetchContext ctx, short priorityClass, Bucket returnBucket) {
this(client, uri, ctx, priorityClass, returnBucket, null, null);
public ClientGetter(ClientGetCallback client,
FreenetURI uri, FetchContext ctx, short priorityClass, Bucket returnBucket, BinaryBlobWriter binaryBlobWriter) {
this(client, uri, ctx, priorityClass, returnBucket, binaryBlobWriter, null);
public ClientGetter(ClientGetCallback client,
FreenetURI uri, FetchContext ctx, short priorityClass, Bucket returnBucket, BinaryBlobWriter binaryBlobWriter, Bucket initialMetadata) {
this(client, uri, ctx, priorityClass, returnBucket, binaryBlobWriter, false, initialMetadata);
public ClientGetter(ClientGetCallback client,
FreenetURI uri, FetchContext ctx, short priorityClass, Bucket returnBucket, BinaryBlobWriter binaryBlobWriter, boolean dontFinalizeBlobWriter, Bucket initialMetadata) {
this(client, uri, ctx, priorityClass, returnBucket, binaryBlobWriter, dontFinalizeBlobWriter, initialMetadata, null);
* Fetch a key.
* @param client The callback we will call when it is completed.
* @param uri The URI to fetch.
* @param ctx The config settings for the fetch.
* @param priorityClass The priority at which to schedule the request.
* @param clientContext The context object. Used for round-robin query balancing, also indicates whether
* the request is persistent.
* @param returnBucket The bucket to return the data in. Can be null. If not null, the ClientGetter must either
* write the data directly to the bucket, or copy it and free the original temporary bucket. Preferably the
* former, obviously!
* @param binaryBlobWriter If non-null, we will write all the keys accessed (or that could have been
* accessed in the case of redundant structures such as splitfiles) to this binary blob writer.
* @param dontFinalizeBlobWriter If true, the caller is responsible for BlobWriter finalization
public ClientGetter(ClientGetCallback client,
FreenetURI uri, FetchContext ctx, short priorityClass, Bucket returnBucket, BinaryBlobWriter binaryBlobWriter, boolean dontFinalizeBlobWriter, Bucket initialMetadata, String forceCompatibleExtension) {
super(priorityClass, client);
this.clientCallback = client;
this.returnBucket = returnBucket;
this.uri = uri;
this.ctx = ctx;
this.finished = false;
this.actx = new ArchiveContext(ctx.maxTempLength, ctx.maxArchiveLevels);
this.binaryBlobWriter = binaryBlobWriter;
this.dontFinalizeBlobWriter = dontFinalizeBlobWriter;
this.initialMetadata = initialMetadata;
archiveRestarts = 0;
this.forceCompatibleExtension = forceCompatibleExtension;
protected ClientGetter() {
// For serialization.
clientCallback = null;
ctx = null;
actx = null;
returnBucket = null;
binaryBlobWriter = null;
dontFinalizeBlobWriter = false;
initialMetadata = null;
forceCompatibleExtension = null;
public void start(ClientContext context) throws FetchException {
start(false, null, context);
/** Start the request.
* @param restart If true, restart a finished request.
* @param overrideURI If non-null, change the URI we are fetching (usually when restarting).
* @param container The database, null if this is a non-persistent request; if this is a persistent
* request, we must be on the database thread, and we will pass the database handle around as needed.
* @param context The client context, contains important mostly non-persistent global objects.
* @return True if we restarted, false if we didn't (but only in a few cases).
* @throws FetchException If we were unable to restart.
public boolean start(boolean restart, FreenetURI overrideURI, ClientContext context) throws FetchException {
Logger.minor(this, "Starting "+this+" persistent="+persistent()+" for "+uri);
try {
// FIXME synchronization is probably unnecessary.
// But we DEFINITELY do not want to synchronize while calling currentState.schedule(),
// which can call onSuccess and thereby almost anything.
HashResult[] oldHashes = null;
String overrideMIME = ctx.overrideMIME;
synchronized(this) {
if(overrideURI != null) uri = overrideURI;
if(finished) {
if(!restart) return false;
currentState = null;
cancelled = false;
finished = false;
if(!resumedFetcher) {
expectedMIME = null;
expectedSize = 0;
oldHashes = hashes;
hashes = null;
finalBlocksRequired = 0;
finalBlocksTotal = 0;
currentState = SingleFileFetcher.create(this, this,
uri, ctx, actx, ctx.maxNonSplitfileRetries, 0, false, -1, true,
true, context, realTimeFlag, initialMetadata != null);
if(overrideMIME != null)
expectedMIME = overrideMIME;
if(cancelled) cancel();
// schedule() may deactivate stuff, so store it now.
if(currentState != null && !finished) {
if(initialMetadata != null && currentState instanceof SingleFileFetcher && !resumedFetcher) {
((SingleFileFetcher)currentState).startWithMetadata(initialMetadata, context);
} else
if(cancelled) cancel();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INVALID_URI, e);
} catch (KeyListenerConstructionException e) {
onFailure(e.getFetchException(), currentState, context);
return true;
protected void clearCountersOnRestart() {
this.archiveRestarts = 0;
this.expectedMIME = null;
this.expectedSize = 0;
this.finalBlocksRequired = 0;
this.finalBlocksTotal = 0;
* Called when the request succeeds.
* @param state The ClientGetState which retrieved the data.
public void onSuccess(StreamGenerator streamGenerator, ClientMetadata clientMetadata, List<? extends Compressor> decompressors, ClientGetState state, ClientContext context) {
Logger.minor(this, "Succeeded from "+state+" on "+this);
// Fetching the container is essentially a full success, we should update the latest known good.
context.uskManager.checkUSK(uri, persistent(), false);
try {
if (binaryBlobWriter != null && !dontFinalizeBlobWriter) binaryBlobWriter.finalizeBucket();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
onFailure(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to close binary blob stream: "+ioe), null, context);
} catch (BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException e) {
onFailure(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to close binary blob stream, already closed: "+e, e), null, context);
String mimeType = clientMetadata == null ? null : clientMetadata.getMIMEType();
if(forceCompatibleExtension != null && ctx.filterData) {
if(mimeType == null) {
onFailure(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.MIME_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_EXTENSION, "No MIME type but need specific extension \""+forceCompatibleExtension+"\""), null, context);
try {
} catch (FetchException e) {
onFailure(e, null, context);
synchronized(this) {
finished = true;
currentState = null;
expectedMIME = mimeType;
// Rest of method does not need to be synchronized.
// Variables will be updated on exit of method, and the only thing that is
// set is the returnBucket and the result. Not locking not only prevents
// nested locking resulting in deadlocks, it also prevents long locks due to
// doing massive encrypted I/Os while holding a lock.
PipedOutputStream dataOutput = new PipedOutputStream();
PipedInputStream dataInput = new PipedInputStream();
OutputStream output = null;
DecompressorThreadManager decompressorManager = null;
ClientGetWorkerThread worker = null;
Bucket finalResult = null;
FetchResult result = null;
long maxLen = -1;
synchronized(this) {
if(expectedSize > 0) {
maxLen = expectedSize;
if(ctx.filterData && maxLen >= 0) {
maxLen = expectedSize * 2 + 1024;
if(maxLen == -1) {
maxLen = Math.max(ctx.maxTempLength, ctx.maxOutputLength);
FetchException ex = null; // set on failure
try {
if(returnBucket == null) finalResult = context.getBucketFactory(persistent()).makeBucket(maxLen);
else finalResult = returnBucket;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Writing final data to "+finalResult+" return bucket is "+returnBucket);
dataOutput .connect(dataInput);
result = new FetchResult(clientMetadata, finalResult);
// Decompress
if(decompressors != null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Decompressing...");
decompressorManager = new DecompressorThreadManager(dataInput, decompressors, maxLen);
dataInput = decompressorManager.execute();
output = finalResult.getOutputStream();
if(ctx.overrideMIME != null) mimeType = ctx.overrideMIME;
worker = new ClientGetWorkerThread(new BufferedInputStream(dataInput), output, uri, mimeType, hashes, ctx.filterData, ctx.charset, ctx.prefetchHook, ctx.tagReplacer, context.linkFilterExceptionProvider);
try {
streamGenerator.writeTo(dataOutput, context);
} catch(IOException e) {
//Check if the worker thread caught an exception
//If not, throw the original error
throw e;
// An error will propagate backwards, so wait for the worker first.
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for hashing, filtration, and writing to finish");
if(decompressorManager != null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for decompression to finalize");
if(worker.getClientMetadata() != null) {
clientMetadata = worker.getClientMetadata();
result = new FetchResult(clientMetadata, finalResult);
// These must be updated for ClientGet.
synchronized(this) {
this.expectedMIME = result.getMimeType();
this.expectedSize = result.size();
} catch(UnsafeContentTypeException e) {
Logger.normal(this, "Error filtering content: will not validate", e);
ex = e.createFetchException(ctx.overrideMIME != null ? ctx.overrideMIME : expectedMIME, expectedSize);
/*Not really the state's fault*/
} catch(URISyntaxException e) {
Logger.error(this, "URISyntaxException converting a FreenetURI to a URI!: "+e, e);
ex = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
/*Not really the state's fault*/
} catch(CompressionOutputSizeException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e);
ex = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.TOO_BIG, e);
} catch (InsufficientDiskSpaceException e) {
ex = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE);
} catch(IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e);
ex = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, e);
} catch(FetchException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e);
ex = e;
} catch(Throwable t) {
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+t, t);
ex = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, t);
} finally {
if(ex != null) {
onFailure(ex, state, context, true);
if(finalResult != null && finalResult != returnBucket) {
if(result != null) {
Bucket data = result.asBucket();
clientCallback.onSuccess(result, ClientGetter.this);
public void onSuccess(File tempFile, long length, ClientMetadata metadata,
ClientGetState state, ClientContext context) {
context.uskManager.checkUSK(uri, persistent(), false);
try {
if (binaryBlobWriter != null && !dontFinalizeBlobWriter) binaryBlobWriter.finalizeBucket();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
onFailure(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to close binary blob stream: "+ioe), null, context);
} catch (BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException e) {
onFailure(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to close binary blob stream, already closed: "+e, e), null, context);
File completionFile = getCompletionFile();
assert(completionFile != null);
Logger.normal(this, "Succeeding via truncation from "+tempFile+" to "+completionFile);
FetchException ex = null;
RandomAccessFile raf = null;
FetchResult result = null;
try {
raf = new RandomAccessFile(tempFile, "rw");
if(raf.length() < length)
throw new IOException("File is shorter than target length "+length);
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(raf.getFD()));
// Check hashes...
DecompressorThreadManager decompressorManager = null;
ClientGetWorkerThread worker = null;
worker = new ClientGetWorkerThread(is, new NullOutputStream(), uri, null, hashes, false, null, ctx.prefetchHook, ctx.tagReplacer, context.linkFilterExceptionProvider);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Waiting for hashing, filtration, and writing to finish");
is = null;
raf = null; // FD is closed.
// We are still here so it worked.
if(!FileUtil.renameTo(tempFile, completionFile))
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to rename from temp file "+tempFile);
// Success!
synchronized(this) {
finished = true;
currentState = null;
expectedMIME = metadata.getMIMEType();
expectedSize = length;
result = new FetchResult(metadata, returnBucket);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed while completing via truncation: "+e, e);
ex = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, e);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Impossible failure while completing via truncation: "+e, e);
ex = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
} catch(FetchException e) {
// Hashes failed.
Logger.error(this, "Caught "+e, e);
ex = e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed while completing via truncation: "+e, e);
ex = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
if(ex != null) {
onFailure(ex, state, context, true);
if(raf != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore.
} else {
clientCallback.onSuccess(result, ClientGetter.this);
* Called when the request fails. Retrying will have already been attempted by the calling state, if
* appropriate; we have tried to get the data, and given up.
* @param e The reason for failure, in the form of a FetchException.
* @param state The failing state.
public void onFailure(FetchException e, ClientGetState state, ClientContext context) {
onFailure(e, state, context, false);
* Internal version. Adds one parameter.
* @param force If true, finished may already have been set. This is usually
* set when called from onSuccess after it has set finished = true.
public void onFailure(FetchException e, ClientGetState state, ClientContext context, boolean force) {
Logger.minor(this, "Failed from "+state+" : "+e+" on "+this, e);
ClientGetState oldState = null;
if(expectedSize > 0 && (e.expectedSize <= 0 || finalBlocksTotal != 0))
e.expectedSize = expectedSize;
if(e.mode == FetchExceptionMode.TOO_BIG && ctx.filterData) {
// Check for MIME type issues first. Because of the filtering behaviour the user needs to see these first.
if(e.finalizedSize()) {
// Since the size is finalized, so must the MIME type be.
String mime = e.getExpectedMimeType();
if(ctx.overrideMIME != null)
mime = ctx.overrideMIME;
if(mime != null && !"".equals(mime)) {
// Even if it's the default, it is set because we have the final size.
UnsafeContentTypeException unsafe = ContentFilter.checkMIMEType(mime);
if(unsafe != null) {
e = unsafe.recreateFetchException(e, mime);
while(true) {
if(e.mode == FetchExceptionMode.ARCHIVE_RESTART) {
int ar;
synchronized(this) {
ar = archiveRestarts;
Logger.minor(this, "Archive restart on "+this+" ar="+ar);
if(ar > ctx.maxArchiveRestarts)
e = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.TOO_MANY_ARCHIVE_RESTARTS);
else {
try {
} catch (FetchException e1) {
e = e1;
boolean alreadyFinished = false;
synchronized(this) {
if(finished && !force) {
Logger.error(this, "Already finished - not calling callbacks on "+this, new Exception("error"));
alreadyFinished = true;
finished = true;
oldState = currentState;
currentState = null;
String mime = e.getExpectedMimeType();
if(mime != null)
this.expectedMIME = mime;
if(!alreadyFinished) {
try {
if (binaryBlobWriter != null && !dontFinalizeBlobWriter) binaryBlobWriter.finalizeBucket();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// the request is already failed but fblob creation failed too
// the invalid fblob must be told, more important then an valid but incomplete fblob (ADNF for example)
if(e.mode != FetchExceptionMode.CANCELLED && !force)
e = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to close binary blob stream: "+ioe);
} catch (BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException ee) {
if(e.mode != FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR && e.mode != FetchExceptionMode.CANCELLED && !force)
e = new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to close binary blob stream, already closed: "+ee, ee);
if(e.errorCodes != null && e.errorCodes.isOneCodeOnly())
e = new FetchException(e.errorCodes.getFirstCodeFetch());
if(e.mode == FetchExceptionMode.DATA_NOT_FOUND && super.successfulBlocks > 0)
e = new FetchException(e, FetchExceptionMode.ALL_DATA_NOT_FOUND);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "onFailure("+e+", "+state+") on "+this+" for "+uri, e);
final FetchException e1 = e;
clientCallback.onFailure(e1, ClientGetter.this);
* Cancel the request. This must result in onFailure() being called in order to
* send the client a cancel FetchException, and to removeFrom() the state.
public void cancel(ClientContext context) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Cancelling "+this, new Exception("debug"));
ClientGetState s;
synchronized(this) {
if(super.cancel()) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Already cancelled "+this);
s = currentState;
if(s != null) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Cancelling "+s+" for "+this+" instance "+super.toString());
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Nothing to cancel");
/** Has the fetch completed? */
public synchronized boolean isFinished() {
return finished || cancelled;
/** What was the URI we were fetching? */
public FreenetURI getURI() {
return uri;
* Notify clients listening to our ClientEventProducer of the current progress, in the form of a
* SplitfileProgressEvent.
protected void innerNotifyClients(ClientContext context) {
SplitfileProgressEvent e;
synchronized(this) {
int total = this.totalBlocks;
int minSuccess = this.minSuccessBlocks;
boolean finalized = blockSetFinalized;
if(this.finalBlocksRequired != 0) {
total = finalBlocksTotal;
minSuccess = finalBlocksRequired;
finalized = true;
e = new SplitfileProgressEvent(total, this.successfulBlocks, this.failedBlocks, this.fatallyFailedBlocks, minSuccess, 0, finalized);
// Already off-thread.
ctx.eventProducer.produceEvent(e, context);
* Notify clients that some part of the request has been sent to the network i.e. we have finished
* checking the datastore for at least some part of the request. Sent once only for any given request.
protected void innerToNetwork(ClientContext context) {
context.getJobRunner(persistent()).queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
ctx.eventProducer.produceEvent(new SendingToNetworkEvent(), context);
return false;
* Called when no more blocks will be added to the total, and therefore we can confidently display a
* percentage for the overall progress. Will notify clients with a SplitfileProgressEvent.
public void onBlockSetFinished(ClientGetState state, ClientContext context) {
Logger.minor(this, "Set finished", new Exception("debug"));
* Called when the current state creates a new state and we switch to that. For example, a
* SingleFileFetcher might switch to a SplitFileFetcher. Sometimes this will be called with oldState
* not equal to our currentState; this means that a subsidiary request has changed state, so we
* ignore it.
public void onTransition(ClientGetState oldState, ClientGetState newState, ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
if(currentState == oldState) {
currentState = newState;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Transition: "+oldState+" -> "+newState+" on "+this+" persistent = "+persistent()+" instance = "+super.toString(), new Exception("debug"));
} else {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Ignoring transition: "+oldState+" -> "+newState+" because current = "+currentState+" on "+this+" persistent = "+persistent(), new Exception("debug"));
* Can the request be restarted?
public boolean canRestart() {
if(currentState != null && !finished) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Cannot restart because not finished for "+uri);
return false;
return true;
* Restart the request.
* @param redirect Use this URI instead of the old one.
* @param container The database. We must be on the database thread! See ClientContext for convenience
* methods.
* @return True if we successfully restarted, false if we can't restart.
* @throws FetchException If something went wrong.
public boolean restart(FreenetURI redirect, boolean filterData, ClientContext context) throws FetchException {
ctx.filterData = filterData;
return start(true, redirect, context);
public String toString() {
return super.toString();
// FIXME not persisting binary blob stuff - any stream won't survive shutdown...
* Add a block to the binary blob.
protected void addKeyToBinaryBlob(ClientKeyBlock block, ClientContext context) {
if(binaryBlobWriter == null) return;
synchronized(this) {
if(finished) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Add key to binary blob for "+this+" but already finished");
Logger.minor(this, "Adding key "+block.getClientKey().getURI()+" to "+this, new Exception("debug"));
try {
binaryBlobWriter.addKey(block, context);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to write key to binary blob stream: "+e, e);
onFailure(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to write key to binary blob stream: "+e), null, context);
} catch (BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to write key to binary blob stream (already closed??): "+e, e);
onFailure(new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.BUCKET_ERROR, "Failed to write key to binary blob stream (already closed??): "+e), null, context);
/** Are we collecting a binary blob? */
protected boolean collectingBinaryBlob() {
return binaryBlobWriter != null;
/** Called when we know the MIME type of the final data
* @throws FetchException */
public void onExpectedMIME(ClientMetadata clientMetadata, ClientContext context) throws FetchException {
if(finalizedMetadata) return;
String mime = null;
mime = clientMetadata.getMIMEType();
if(ctx.overrideMIME != null)
mime = ctx.overrideMIME;
if(mime == null || mime.equals("")) return;
synchronized(this) {
expectedMIME = mime;
if(ctx.filterData) {
UnsafeContentTypeException e = ContentFilter.checkMIMEType(mime);
if(e != null) {
throw e.createFetchException(mime, expectedSize);
if(forceCompatibleExtension != null)
context.getJobRunner(persistent()).queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
String mime;
synchronized(this) {
mime = expectedMIME;
ctx.eventProducer.produceEvent(new ExpectedMIMEEvent(mime), context);
return false;
private void checkCompatibleExtension(String mimeType) throws FetchException {
FilterMIMEType type = ContentFilter.getMIMEType(mimeType);
if(type == null)
// Not our problem, will be picked up elsewhere.
if(!DefaultMIMETypes.isValidExt(mimeType, forceCompatibleExtension))
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.MIME_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_EXTENSION);
/** Called when we have some idea of the length of the final data */
public void onExpectedSize(final long size, ClientContext context) {
if(finalizedMetadata) return;
if(finalBlocksRequired != 0) return;
expectedSize = size;
context.getJobRunner(persistent()).queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
ctx.eventProducer.produceEvent(new ExpectedFileSizeEvent(size), context);
return false;
/** Called when we are fairly sure that the expected MIME and size won't change */
public void onFinalizedMetadata() {
finalizedMetadata = true;
/** Are we sure the expected MIME and size won't change? */
public boolean finalizedMetadata() {
return finalizedMetadata;
/** @return The expected MIME type, if we know it. */
public synchronized String expectedMIME() {
return expectedMIME;
/** @return The expected size of the returned data, if we know it. Could change. */
public synchronized long expectedSize() {
return expectedSize;
/** @return The callback to be notified when we complete the request. */
public ClientGetCallback getClientCallback() {
return clientCallback;
/** Get the metadata snoop callback */
public SnoopMetadata getMetaSnoop() {
return snoopMeta;
/** Set a callback to snoop on metadata during fetches. Call this before
* starting the request. */
public SnoopMetadata setMetaSnoop(SnoopMetadata newSnoop) {
SnoopMetadata old = snoopMeta;
snoopMeta = newSnoop;
return old;
/** Get the intermediate data snoop callback */
public SnoopBucket getBucketSnoop() {
return snoopBucket;
/** Set a callback to snoop on buckets (all intermediary data - metadata, containers) during fetches.
* Call this before starting the request. */
public SnoopBucket setBucketSnoop(SnoopBucket newSnoop) {
SnoopBucket old = snoopBucket;
snoopBucket = newSnoop;
return old;
private int finalBlocksRequired;
private int finalBlocksTotal;
public void onExpectedTopSize(long size, long compressed, int blocksReq, int blocksTotal, ClientContext context) {
if(finalBlocksRequired != 0 || finalBlocksTotal != 0) return;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "New format metadata has top data: original size "+size+" (compressed "+compressed+") blocks "+blocksReq+" / "+blocksTotal);
onExpectedSize(size, context);
this.finalBlocksRequired = this.minSuccessBlocks + blocksReq;
this.finalBlocksTotal = this.totalBlocks + blocksTotal;
public void onSplitfileCompatibilityMode(final CompatibilityMode min,
final CompatibilityMode max, final byte[] customSplitfileKey,
final boolean dontCompress, final boolean bottomLayer, final boolean definitiveAnyway,
ClientContext context) {
context.getJobRunner(persistent()).queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
ctx.eventProducer.produceEvent(new SplitfileCompatibilityModeEvent(min, max, customSplitfileKey, dontCompress, bottomLayer || definitiveAnyway), context);
return false;
public void onHashes(HashResult[] hashes, ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
if(this.hashes != null) {
if(!HashResult.strictEquals(hashes, this.hashes))
Logger.error(this, "Two sets of hashes?!");
this.hashes = hashes;
HashResult[] clientHashes = hashes;
if(persistent()) clientHashes = HashResult.copy(hashes);
final HashResult[] h = clientHashes;
context.getJobRunner(persistent()).queueNormalOrDrop(new PersistentJob() {
public boolean run(ClientContext context) {
ctx.eventProducer.produceEvent(new ExpectedHashesEvent(h), context);
return false;
public void enterCooldown(ClientGetState state, long wakeupTime, ClientContext context) {
synchronized(this) {
if(state != currentState) return;
if(wakeupTime == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
// Ignore.
// FIXME implement when implement clearCooldown().
// It means everything that can be started has been started.
} else {
// Already off-thread.
ctx.eventProducer.produceEvent(new EnterFiniteCooldownEvent(wakeupTime), context);
public void clearCooldown(ClientGetState state) {
// Ignore for now. FIXME.
public Bucket getBlobBucket() {
return binaryBlobWriter.getFinalBucket();
public byte[] getClientDetail(ChecksumChecker checker) throws IOException {
if(clientCallback instanceof PersistentClientCallback) {
return getClientDetail((PersistentClientCallback)clientCallback, checker);
} else
return new byte[0];
/** Called for a persistent request after startup.
* @throws ResumeFailedException */
public void innerOnResume(ClientContext context) throws ResumeFailedException {
if(currentState != null)
try {
} catch (FetchException e) {
currentState = null;
Logger.error(this, "Failed to resume: "+e, e);
throw new ResumeFailedException(e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Severe serialization problems, lost a class silently etc.
Logger.error(this, "Failed to resume: "+e, e);
throw new ResumeFailedException(e);
// returnBucket is responsibility of the callback.
protected ClientBaseCallback getCallback() {
return clientCallback;
/** If the request is simple, e.g. a single, final splitfile fetch, then write enough
* information to continue the request. Otherwise write a marker indicating that this is not
* true, and return false. We don't need to write the expected MIME type, hashes etc, as the
* caller will write them.
* @throws IOException
public boolean writeTrivialProgress(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
if(!(this.binaryBlobWriter == null && this.snoopBucket == null && this.snoopMeta == null && initialMetadata == null)) {
return false;
ClientGetState state = null;
synchronized(this) {
state = currentState;
if(state == null || !(state instanceof SplitFileFetcher)) {
return false;
SplitFileFetcher fetcher = (SplitFileFetcher) state;
if(fetcher.cb != this) {
return false;
return ((SplitFileFetcher)state).writeTrivialProgress(dos);
public boolean resumeFromTrivialProgress(DataInputStream dis, ClientContext context) throws IOException {
if(dis.readBoolean()) {
try {
currentState = new SplitFileFetcher(this, dis, context);
resumedFetcher = true;
return true;
} catch (StorageFormatException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to restore from splitfile, restarting: "+e, e);
return false;
} catch (ResumeFailedException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to restore from splitfile, restarting: "+e, e);
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.error(this, "Failed to restore from splitfile, restarting: "+e, e);
return false;
} else return false;
public boolean resumedFetcher() {
return resumedFetcher;
public void onShutdown(ClientContext context) {
ClientGetState state;
synchronized(this) {
state = currentState;
if(state != null)
public boolean isCurrentState(ClientGetState state) {
synchronized(this) {
return currentState == state;
public File getCompletionFile() {
if(returnBucket == null) return null;
if(!(returnBucket instanceof FileBucket)) return null;
// Just a plain FileBucket. Not a temporary, not delayed free, etc.
return ((FileBucket)returnBucket).getFile();
public ClientRequestSchedulerGroup getSchedulerGroup() {
return this;