/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.client.async;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import freenet.keys.ClientKeyBlock;
import freenet.keys.Key;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.api.BucketFactory;
import freenet.support.io.BucketTools;
* Helper class to write FBlobs. Threadsafe, allows multiple getters to
* write to the same BinaryBlobWriter.
* @author saces
public final class BinaryBlobWriter {
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
static {
private final HashSet<Key> _binaryBlobKeysAddedAlready;
private final BucketFactory _bf;
private final ArrayList<Bucket> _buckets;
private final Bucket _out;
private final boolean _isSingleBucket;
private boolean _started = false;
private boolean _finalized = false;
private transient DataOutputStream _stream_cache = null;
* Persistent/'BigFile' constructor
* @param bf BucketFactory to generate internal buckets from
public BinaryBlobWriter(BucketFactory bf) {
_binaryBlobKeysAddedAlready = new HashSet<Key>();
_buckets = new ArrayList<Bucket>();
_bf = bf;
_out = null;
_isSingleBucket = false;
* Transient constructor
* @param out Bucket to write the result to
public BinaryBlobWriter(Bucket out) {
_binaryBlobKeysAddedAlready = new HashSet<Key>();
_buckets = null;
_bf = null;
_out = out;
_isSingleBucket = true;
private DataOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException, BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException {
if (_finalized) {
throw new BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException("Already finalized (getting final data) on "+this);
if (_stream_cache==null) {
if (_isSingleBucket) {
_stream_cache = new DataOutputStream(_out.getOutputStream());
} else {
Bucket newBucket = _bf.makeBucket(-1);
_stream_cache = new DataOutputStream(newBucket.getOutputStream());
if (!_started) {
_started = true;
return _stream_cache;
* Add a block to the binary blob.
* @throws IOException
* @throws BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException
public synchronized void addKey(ClientKeyBlock block, ClientContext context) throws IOException, BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException {
Key key = block.getKey();
if(_binaryBlobKeysAddedAlready.contains(key)) return;
BinaryBlob.writeKey(getOutputStream(), block.getBlock(), key);
* finalize the return bucket
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException
public void finalizeBucket() throws IOException, BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException {
if (_finalized) {
throw new BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException("Already finalized (closing blob).");
private void finalizeBucket(boolean mark) throws IOException, BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException {
if (_finalized) throw new BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException("Already finalized (closing blob - 2).");
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Finalizing binary blob "+this, new Exception("debug"));
if (!_isSingleBucket) {
if (!mark && (_buckets.size()==1)) {
Bucket out = _bf.makeBucket(-1);
getSnapshot(out, mark);
for (int i=0,n=_buckets.size(); i<n;i++) {
if (mark) {
_buckets.add(0, out);
} else if (mark){
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(getOutputStream());
try {
} finally {
if (mark) {
_finalized = true;
public synchronized void getSnapshot(Bucket bucket) throws IOException, BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException {
if (_buckets.isEmpty()) return;
if (_finalized) {
BucketTools.copy(_buckets.get(0), bucket);
getSnapshot(bucket, true);
private void getSnapshot(Bucket bucket, boolean addEndmarker) throws IOException, BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException {
if (_buckets.isEmpty()) return;
if (_finalized) {
throw new BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException("Already closed (getting final data snapshot)");
OutputStream out = bucket.getOutputStream();
try {
for (int i=0,n=_buckets.size(); i<n;i++) {
BucketTools.copyTo(_buckets.get(i), out, -1);
if (addEndmarker) {
DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(out);
} finally {
public synchronized Bucket getFinalBucket() {
if (!_finalized) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not finalized!");
if (_isSingleBucket) {
return _out;
} else {
return _buckets.get(0);
public static class BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
public BinaryBlobAlreadyClosedException(String message) {
public boolean isFinalized() {
return _finalized;