/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* http://www.gnu.org/ for further details of the GPL. */
package freenet.client;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import freenet.client.ArchiveManager.ARCHIVE_TYPE;
import freenet.client.FetchException.FetchExceptionMode;
import freenet.client.InsertContext.CompatibilityMode;
import freenet.client.async.BaseManifestPutter;
import freenet.client.async.SplitFileSegmentKeys;
import freenet.crypt.HashResult;
import freenet.crypt.HashType;
import freenet.crypt.SHA256;
import freenet.keys.BaseClientKey;
import freenet.keys.ClientCHK;
import freenet.keys.FreenetURI;
import freenet.keys.Key;
import freenet.support.Fields;
import freenet.support.LogThresholdCallback;
import freenet.support.Logger;
import freenet.support.Logger.LogLevel;
import freenet.support.api.Bucket;
import freenet.support.api.BucketFactory;
import freenet.support.api.RandomAccessBucket;
import freenet.support.compress.Compressor.COMPRESSOR_TYPE;
import freenet.support.io.Closer;
import freenet.support.io.CountedOutputStream;
import freenet.support.io.NullOutputStream;
/** Metadata parser/writer class. */
public class Metadata implements Cloneable, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
static final long FREENET_METADATA_MAGIC = 0xf053b2842d91482bL;
static final int MAX_SPLITFILE_PARAMS_LENGTH = 32768;
/** Soft limit, to avoid memory DoS */
static final int MAX_SPLITFILE_BLOCKS = 1000*1000;
public static final short SPLITFILE_PARAMS_SIMPLE_SEGMENT = 0;
public static final short SPLITFILE_PARAMS_SEGMENT_DEDUCT_BLOCKS = 1;
public static final short SPLITFILE_PARAMS_CROSS_SEGMENT = 2;
// URI at which this Metadata has been/will be inserted.
FreenetURI resolvedURI;
// Name at which this Metadata has been/will be inside container.
String resolvedName;
// Actual parsed data
// document type
DocumentType documentType;
public enum DocumentType {
final byte code;
DocumentType(byte code) {
this.code = code;
static DocumentType byCode(byte b) {
if(b < 0 || b >= values().length) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return values()[b];
short parsedVersion;
// 2 bytes of flags
/** Is a splitfile */
boolean splitfile;
/** Is a DBR */
boolean dbr;
/** No MIME type; on by default as not all doctypes have MIME */
boolean noMIME = true;
/** Compressed MIME type */
boolean compressedMIME;
/** Has extra client-metadata */
boolean extraMetadata;
/** Keys stored in full (otherwise assumed to be CHKs) */
boolean fullKeys;
static final short FLAGS_SPLITFILE = 1;
static final short FLAGS_DBR = 2; // not supported
static final short FLAGS_NO_MIME = 4;
static final short FLAGS_COMPRESSED_MIME = 8;
static final short FLAGS_EXTRA_METADATA = 16;
static final short FLAGS_FULL_KEYS = 32;
// static final short FLAGS_SPLIT_USE_LENGTHS = 64; FIXME not supported, reassign to something else if we need a new flag
static final short FLAGS_COMPRESSED = 128;
static final short FLAGS_TOP_SIZE = 256;
static final short FLAGS_HASHES = 512;
// If parsed version = 1 and splitfile is set and hashes exist, we create the splitfile key from the hashes.
// This flag overrides this behaviour and reads a key anyway.
static final short FLAGS_SPECIFY_SPLITFILE_KEY = 1024;
// We can specify a hash just for this layer as well as hashes for the final content in a multi-layer splitfile.
static final short FLAGS_HASH_THIS_LAYER = 2048;
/** Container archive type
ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType;
/** Compressed splitfile codec
COMPRESSOR_TYPE compressionCodec;
/** The length of the splitfile */
long dataLength;
/** The decompressed length of the compressed data */
long decompressedLength;
/** The MIME type, as a string */
String mimeType;
/** The compressed MIME type - lookup index for the MIME types table.
* Must be between 0 and 32767.
short compressedMIMEValue;
boolean hasCompressedMIMEParams;
short compressedMIMEParams;
/** The simple redirect key */
FreenetURI simpleRedirectKey;
/** Metadata is sometimes used as a key in hashtables. Therefore it needs a persistent hashCode. */
private final int hashCode;
SplitfileAlgorithm splitfileAlgorithm;
public enum SplitfileAlgorithm {
public final short code;
SplitfileAlgorithm(short code) {
this.code = code;
public static SplitfileAlgorithm getByCode(short s) {
if(s < 0 || s >= values().length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad splitfile code");
return values()[s];
public static final int MAX_SIZE_IN_MANIFEST = Short.MAX_VALUE;
/** Splitfile parameters */
byte[] splitfileParams;
/** This includes cross-check blocks. */
int splitfileBlocks;
int splitfileCheckBlocks;
ClientCHK[] splitfileDataKeys;
ClientCHK[] splitfileCheckKeys;
/** Used if splitfile single crypto key is enabled */
byte splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm;
byte[] splitfileSingleCryptoKey;
// If false, the splitfile key can be computed from the hashes. If true, it must be specified.
private boolean specifySplitfileKey;
/** As opposed to hashes of the final content. */
byte[] hashThisLayerOnly;
int blocksPerSegment;
int checkBlocksPerSegment;
int segmentCount;
int deductBlocksFromSegments;
int crossCheckBlocks;
SplitFileSegmentKeys[] segments;
CompatibilityMode minCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
CompatibilityMode maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
// Manifests
/** Manifest entries by name */
HashMap<String, Metadata> manifestEntries;
/** Archive internal redirect: name of file in archive
* SympolicShortLink: Target name*/
String targetName;
ClientMetadata clientMetadata;
private HashResult[] hashes;
public final long topSize;
public final long topCompressedSize;
public final int topBlocksRequired;
public final int topBlocksTotal;
public final boolean topDontCompress;
public final CompatibilityMode topCompatibilityMode;
private static volatile boolean logMINOR;
private static volatile boolean logDEBUG;
static {
Logger.registerLogThresholdCallback(new LogThresholdCallback(){
public void shouldUpdate(){
logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);
logDEBUG = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, this);
public Object clone() {
try {
Metadata meta = (Metadata) super.clone();
return meta;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new Error("Yes it is!");
/** Deep copy those fields that need to be deep copied after clone() */
private void finishClone(Metadata orig) {
if(orig.segments != null) {
segments = new SplitFileSegmentKeys[orig.segments.length];
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
segments[i] = orig.segments[i].clone();
if(hashes != null) {
hashes = new HashResult[orig.hashes.length];
for(int i=0;i<hashes.length;i++)
hashes[i] = orig.hashes[i].clone();
if(manifestEntries != null) {
manifestEntries = new HashMap<String, Metadata>(orig.manifestEntries);
for(Map.Entry<String, Metadata> entry : manifestEntries.entrySet()) {
if(clientMetadata != null)
clientMetadata = clientMetadata.clone();
/** Parse a block of bytes into a Metadata structure.
* Constructor method because of need to catch impossible exceptions.
* @throws MetadataParseException If the metadata is invalid.
public static Metadata construct(byte[] data) throws MetadataParseException {
try {
return new Metadata(data);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw (MetadataParseException)new MetadataParseException("Caught "+e).initCause(e);
* Parse a bucket of data into a Metadata structure.
* @throws MetadataParseException If the parsing failed because of invalid metadata.
* @throws IOException If we could not read the metadata from the bucket.
public static Metadata construct(Bucket data) throws MetadataParseException, IOException {
InputStream is = data.getInputStream();
Metadata m;
try {
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(is);
m = new Metadata(dis, data.size());
} finally {
return m;
/** Parse some metadata from a byte[].
* @throws IOException If the data is incomplete, or something wierd happens.
* @throws MetadataParseException */
private Metadata(byte[] data) throws IOException, MetadataParseException {
this(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)), data.length);
public int hashCode() {
return hashCode;
/** Parse some metadata from a DataInputStream
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs, or the data is incomplete. */
public Metadata(DataInputStream dis, long length) throws IOException, MetadataParseException {
hashCode = super.hashCode();
long magic = dis.readLong();
throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid magic "+magic);
short version = dis.readShort();
if(version < 0 || version > 1)
throw new MetadataParseException("Unsupported version "+version);
parsedVersion = version;
try {
documentType = DocumentType.byCode(dis.readByte());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new MetadataParseException("Unsupported document type: "+documentType);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Document type: "+documentType);
boolean compressed = false;
boolean hasTopBlocks = false;
HashResult[] h = null;
if(haveFlags()) {
short flags = dis.readShort();
splitfile = (flags & FLAGS_SPLITFILE) == FLAGS_SPLITFILE;
dbr = (flags & FLAGS_DBR) == FLAGS_DBR;
fullKeys = (flags & FLAGS_FULL_KEYS) == FLAGS_FULL_KEYS;
compressed = (flags & FLAGS_COMPRESSED) == FLAGS_COMPRESSED;
if((flags & FLAGS_HASHES) == FLAGS_HASHES) {
if(version == 0)
throw new MetadataParseException("Version 0 does not support hashes");
h = HashResult.readHashes(dis);
hasTopBlocks = (flags & FLAGS_TOP_SIZE) == FLAGS_TOP_SIZE;
if(hasTopBlocks && version == 0)
throw new MetadataParseException("Version 0 does not support top block data");
hashThisLayerOnly = new byte[32];
hashes = h;
if(hasTopBlocks) {
if(parsedVersion == 0)
throw new MetadataParseException("Top size data not supported in version 0");
topSize = dis.readLong();
topCompressedSize = dis.readLong();
topBlocksRequired = dis.readInt();
topBlocksTotal = dis.readInt();
topDontCompress = dis.readBoolean();
short code = dis.readShort();
&& code != CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_CURRENT.code) { // COMPAT_UNKNOWN is OK but COMPAT_CURRENT should never be seen in published metadata
topCompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.byCode(code);
if(topSize != 0 && topCompatibilityMode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN)
maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1416;
} else {
if(CompatibilityMode.maybeFutureCode(code)) {
Logger.warning(this, "Content may have been inserted with a newer version of Freenet?");
topCompatibilityMode = InsertContext.CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
} else {
throw new MetadataParseException("Bad compatibility mode "+code);
} else {
topSize = 0;
topCompressedSize = 0;
topBlocksRequired = 0;
topBlocksTotal = 0;
topDontCompress = false;
topCompatibilityMode = InsertContext.CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
if(documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Archive manifest");
archiveType = ARCHIVE_TYPE.getArchiveType(dis.readShort());
if(archiveType == null)
throw new MetadataParseException("Unrecognized archive type "+archiveType);
if(splitfile) {
if(parsedVersion >= 1) {
// Splitfile single crypto key.
splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm = dis.readByte();
if(specifySplitfileKey || hashes == null || hashes.length == 0 || !HashResult.contains(hashes, HashType.SHA256)) {
byte[] key = new byte[32];
splitfileSingleCryptoKey = key;
} else {
if(hashThisLayerOnly != null)
splitfileSingleCryptoKey = getCryptoKey(hashThisLayerOnly);
splitfileSingleCryptoKey = getCryptoKey(hashes);
} else {
// Pre-1010 isn't supported, so there is only one possibility.
splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm = Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Splitfile");
dataLength = dis.readLong();
if(dataLength < -1)
throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid real content length "+dataLength);
if(dataLength == -1) {
throw new MetadataParseException("Splitfile must have a real-length");
if(compressed) {
compressionCodec = COMPRESSOR_TYPE.getCompressorByMetadataID(dis.readShort());
if(compressionCodec == null)
throw new MetadataParseException("Unrecognized splitfile compression codec "+compressionCodec);
decompressedLength = dis.readLong();
if(noMIME) {
mimeType = null;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "noMIME enabled");
} else {
if(compressedMIME) {
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Compressed MIME");
short x = dis.readShort();
compressedMIMEValue = (short) (x & 32767); // chop off last bit
hasCompressedMIMEParams = (compressedMIMEValue & 32768) == 32768;
if(hasCompressedMIMEParams) {
compressedMIMEParams = dis.readShort();
if(compressedMIMEParams != 0) {
throw new MetadataParseException("Unrecognized MIME params ID (not yet implemented)");
mimeType = DefaultMIMETypes.byNumber(x);
} else {
// Read an actual raw MIME type
byte l = dis.readByte();
int len = l & 0xff; // positive
byte[] toRead = new byte[len];
// Use UTF-8 for everything, for simplicity
mimeType = new String(toRead, "UTF-8");
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Raw MIME");
throw new MetadataParseException("Does not look like a MIME type: \""+mimeType+"\"");
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "MIME = "+mimeType);
if(dbr) {
throw new MetadataParseException("Do not support DBRs pending decision on putting them in the key!");
if(extraMetadata) {
int numberOfExtraFields = (dis.readShort()) & 0xffff;
for(int i=0;i<numberOfExtraFields;i++) {
short type = dis.readShort();
int len = (dis.readByte() & 0xff);
byte[] buf = new byte[len];
Logger.normal(this, "Ignoring type "+type+" extra-client-metadata field of "+len+" bytes");
extraMetadata = false; // can't parse, can't write
clientMetadata = new ClientMetadata(mimeType);
if((!splitfile) && ((documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST))) {
simpleRedirectKey = readKey(dis);
if(simpleRedirectKey.isCHK()) {
byte algo = ClientCHK.getCryptoAlgorithmFromExtra(simpleRedirectKey.getExtra());
if(algo == Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256) {
minCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1416;
maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.latest();
} else {
// Older.
if (getParsedVersion() == 0) {
minCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1250_EXACT;
maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1251;
} else
minCompatMode = maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1255;
} else if(splitfile) {
try {
splitfileAlgorithm = SplitfileAlgorithm.getByCode(dis.readShort());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid splitfile code");
if(!((splitfileAlgorithm == SplitfileAlgorithm.NONREDUNDANT) ||
(splitfileAlgorithm == SplitfileAlgorithm.ONION_STANDARD)))
throw new MetadataParseException("Unknown splitfile algorithm "+splitfileAlgorithm);
if(splitfileAlgorithm == SplitfileAlgorithm.NONREDUNDANT)
throw new MetadataParseException("Non-redundant splitfile invalid");
int paramsLength = dis.readInt();
throw new MetadataParseException("Too many bytes of splitfile parameters: "+paramsLength);
if(paramsLength > 0) {
splitfileParams = new byte[paramsLength];
} else if(paramsLength < 0) {
throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid splitfile params length: "+paramsLength);
splitfileBlocks = dis.readInt(); // 64TB file size limit :)
if(splitfileBlocks < 0)
throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid number of blocks: "+splitfileBlocks);
if(splitfileBlocks > MAX_SPLITFILE_BLOCKS)
throw new MetadataParseException("Too many splitfile blocks (soft limit to prevent memory DoS): "+splitfileBlocks);
splitfileCheckBlocks = dis.readInt();
if(splitfileCheckBlocks < 0)
throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid number of check blocks: "+splitfileCheckBlocks);
if(splitfileCheckBlocks > MAX_SPLITFILE_BLOCKS)
throw new MetadataParseException("Too many splitfile check-blocks (soft limit to prevent memory DoS): "+splitfileCheckBlocks);
crossCheckBlocks = 0;
if(splitfileAlgorithm == SplitfileAlgorithm.NONREDUNDANT) {
// Don't need to do much - just fetch everything and piece it together.
blocksPerSegment = -1;
checkBlocksPerSegment = -1;
segmentCount = 1;
deductBlocksFromSegments = 0;
if(splitfileCheckBlocks > 0) {
Logger.error(this, "Splitfile type is SPLITFILE_NONREDUNDANT yet "+splitfileCheckBlocks+" check blocks found!! : "+this);
throw new MetadataParseException("Splitfile type is non-redundant yet have "+splitfileCheckBlocks+" check blocks");
} else if(splitfileAlgorithm == SplitfileAlgorithm.ONION_STANDARD) {
byte[] params = splitfileParams();
int checkBlocks;
if(getParsedVersion() == 0) {
if((params == null) || (params.length < 8))
throw new MetadataParseException("No splitfile params");
blocksPerSegment = Fields.bytesToInt(params, 0);
checkBlocks = Fields.bytesToInt(params, 4);
deductBlocksFromSegments = 0;
int countDataBlocks = splitfileBlocks;
int countCheckBlocks = splitfileCheckBlocks;
if(countDataBlocks == countCheckBlocks) {
// No extra check blocks, so before 1251.
if(blocksPerSegment == 128) {
// Is the last segment small enough that we can't have used even splitting?
int segs = (countDataBlocks + 127) / 128;
int segSize = (countDataBlocks + segs - 1) / segs;
if(segSize == 128) {
// Could be either
minCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1250_EXACT;
maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1250;
} else {
minCompatMode = maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1250_EXACT;
} else {
minCompatMode = maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1250;
} else {
if(checkBlocks == 64) {
// Very old 128/64 redundancy.
minCompatMode = maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
} else {
// Extra block per segment in 1251.
minCompatMode = maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1251;
} else {
// Version 1 i.e. modern.
if(splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm == Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256)
minCompatMode = maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1255;
else if(splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm == Key.ALGO_AES_CTR_256_SHA256) {
minCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1416;
if(maxCompatMode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN)
maxCompatMode = CompatibilityMode.latest();
if(params.length < 10)
throw new MetadataParseException("Splitfile parameters too short for version 1");
short paramsType = Fields.bytesToShort(params, 0);
blocksPerSegment = Fields.bytesToInt(params, 2);
checkBlocks = Fields.bytesToInt(params, 6);
} else
throw new MetadataParseException("Unknown splitfile params type "+paramsType);
deductBlocksFromSegments = Fields.bytesToInt(params, 10);
if(paramsType == Metadata.SPLITFILE_PARAMS_CROSS_SEGMENT) {
crossCheckBlocks = Fields.bytesToInt(params, 14);
} else
deductBlocksFromSegments = 0;
if(topCompatibilityMode != CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN) {
// If we have top compatibility mode, then we can give a definitive answer immediately, with the splitfile key, with dontcompress, etc etc.
if(minCompatMode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN ||
!(minCompatMode.ordinal() > topCompatibilityMode.ordinal() || maxCompatMode.ordinal() < topCompatibilityMode.ordinal())) {
minCompatMode = maxCompatMode = topCompatibilityMode;
} else
throw new MetadataParseException("Top compatibility mode is incompatible with detected compatibility mode: min="+minCompatMode+" max="+maxCompatMode+" top="+topCompatibilityMode);
// FIXME remove this eventually. Will break compat with a few files inserted between 1135 and 1136.
// Work around a bug around build 1135.
// We were splitting as (128,255), but we were then setting the checkBlocksPerSegment to 64.
// Detect this.
if(checkBlocks == 64 && blocksPerSegment == 128 &&
splitfileCheckBlocks == splitfileBlocks - (splitfileBlocks / 128)) {
Logger.normal(this, "Activating 1135 wrong check blocks per segment workaround for "+this);
checkBlocks = 127;
checkBlocksPerSegment = checkBlocks;
segmentCount = (splitfileBlocks + blocksPerSegment + crossCheckBlocks - 1) / (blocksPerSegment + crossCheckBlocks);
// Onion, 128/192.
// Will be segmented.
} else throw new MetadataParseException("Unknown splitfile format: "+splitfileAlgorithm);
segments = new SplitFileSegmentKeys[segmentCount];
if(segmentCount == 1) {
// splitfile* will be overwritten, this is bad
// so copy them
segments[0] = new SplitFileSegmentKeys(splitfileBlocks, splitfileCheckBlocks, splitfileSingleCryptoKey, splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm);
} else {
int dataBlocksPtr = 0;
int checkBlocksPtr = 0;
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
// Create a segment. Give it its keys.
int copyDataBlocks = blocksPerSegment + crossCheckBlocks;
int copyCheckBlocks = checkBlocksPerSegment;
if(i == segments.length - 1) {
// Always accept the remainder as the last segment, but do basic sanity checking.
// In practice this can be affected by various things: 1) On old splitfiles before full even
// segment splitting with deductBlocksFromSegments (i.e. pre-1255), the last segment could be
// significantly smaller than the rest; 2) On 1251-1253, with partial even segment splitting,
// up to 131 data blocks per segment, cutting the check blocks if necessary, and with an extra
// check block if possible, the last segment could have *more* check blocks than the rest.
copyDataBlocks = splitfileBlocks - dataBlocksPtr;
copyCheckBlocks = splitfileCheckBlocks - checkBlocksPtr;
if(copyCheckBlocks <= 0 || copyDataBlocks <= 0)
throw new MetadataParseException("Last segment has bogus block count: total data blocks "+splitfileBlocks+" total check blocks "+splitfileCheckBlocks+" segment size "+blocksPerSegment+" data "+checkBlocksPerSegment+" check "+crossCheckBlocks+" cross check blocks, deduct "+deductBlocksFromSegments+", segments "+segments.length);
} else if(segments.length - i <= deductBlocksFromSegments) {
// Deduct one data block from each of the last deductBlocksFromSegments segments.
// This ensures no segment is more than 1 block larger than any other.
// We do not shrink the check blocks.
segments[i] = new SplitFileSegmentKeys(copyDataBlocks, copyCheckBlocks, splitfileSingleCryptoKey, splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "REQUESTING: Segment "+i+" of "+segments.length+" : "+copyDataBlocks+" data blocks "+copyCheckBlocks+" check blocks");
dataBlocksPtr += copyDataBlocks;
checkBlocksPtr += copyCheckBlocks;
if(dataBlocksPtr != splitfileBlocks)
throw new MetadataParseException("Unable to allocate all data blocks to segments - buggy or malicious inserter");
if(checkBlocksPtr != splitfileCheckBlocks)
throw new MetadataParseException("Unable to allocate all check blocks to segments - buggy or malicious inserter");
for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;i++) {
segments[i].readKeys(dis, false);
for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;i++) {
segments[i].readKeys(dis, true);
if(documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_MANIFEST) {
int manifestEntryCount = dis.readInt();
if(manifestEntryCount < 0)
throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid manifest entry count: "+manifestEntryCount);
manifestEntries = new HashMap<String, Metadata>();
// Parse the sub-Manifest.
if(logMINOR)Logger.minor(this, "Simple manifest, "+manifestEntryCount+" entries");
for(int i=0;i<manifestEntryCount;i++) {
short nameLength = dis.readShort();
byte[] buf = new byte[nameLength];
String name = new String(buf, "UTF-8").intern();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Entry "+i+" name "+name);
short len = dis.readShort();
if(len < 0)
throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid manifest entry size: "+len);
if(len > length)
throw new MetadataParseException("Impossibly long manifest entry: "+len+" - metadata size "+length);
byte[] data = new byte[len];
Metadata m = Metadata.construct(data);
manifestEntries.put(name, m);
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "End of manifest"); // Make it easy to search for it!
if((documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_METADATA_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.SYMBOLIC_SHORTLINK)) {
int len = dis.readShort();
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Reading archive internal redirect length "+len);
byte[] buf = new byte[len];
targetName = new String(buf, "UTF-8");
while(true) {
if(targetName.isEmpty()) throw new MetadataParseException("Invalid target name is empty: \""+new String(buf, "UTF-8")+"\"");
if(targetName.charAt(0) == '/') {
targetName = targetName.substring(1);
} else break;
if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Archive and/or internal redirect: "+targetName+" ("+len+ ')');
private static final byte[] SPLITKEY;
static {
try {
SPLITKEY = "SPLITKEY".getBytes("UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new Error(e);
private static final byte[] CROSS_SEGMENT_SEED;
static {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new Error(e);
public static byte[] getCryptoKey(HashResult[] hashes) {
if(hashes == null || hashes.length == 0 || !HashResult.contains(hashes, HashType.SHA256))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No hashes in getCryptoKey - need hashes to generate splitfile key!");
byte[] hash = HashResult.get(hashes, HashType.SHA256);
return getCryptoKey(hash);
public static byte[] getCryptoKey(byte[] hash) {
// This is exactly the same algorithm used by e.g. JFK for generating multiple session keys from a single generated value.
// The only difference is we use a constant of more than one byte's length here, to avoid having to keep a registry.
MessageDigest md = SHA256.getMessageDigest();
byte[] buf = md.digest();
return buf;
public static byte[] getCrossSegmentSeed(HashResult[] hashes, byte[] hashThisLayerOnly) {
byte[] hash = hashThisLayerOnly;
if(hash == null) {
if(hashes == null || hashes.length == 0 || !HashResult.contains(hashes, HashType.SHA256))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No hashes in getCryptoKey - need hashes to generate splitfile key!");
hash = HashResult.get(hashes, HashType.SHA256);
return getCrossSegmentSeed(hash);
public static byte[] getCrossSegmentSeed(byte[] hash) {
// This is exactly the same algorithm used by e.g. JFK for generating multiple session keys from a single generated value.
// The only difference is we use a constant of more than one byte's length here, to avoid having to keep a registry.
MessageDigest md = SHA256.getMessageDigest();
byte[] buf = md.digest();
return buf;
* Create an empty Metadata object
private Metadata() {
hashCode = super.hashCode();
hashes = null;
// Should be followed by addRedirectionManifest
topSize = 0;
topCompressedSize = 0;
topBlocksRequired = 0;
topBlocksTotal = 0;
topDontCompress = false;
topCompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
* Create a Metadata object and add data for redirection to it.
* @param dir A map of names (string) to either files (same string) or
* directories (more HashMap's)
* @throws MalformedURLException One of the URI:s were malformed
private void addRedirectionManifest(HashMap<String, Object> dir) throws MalformedURLException {
// Simple manifest - contains actual redirects.
// Not archive manifest, which is basically a redirect.
documentType = DocumentType.SIMPLE_MANIFEST;
noMIME = true;
//mimeType = null;
//clientMetadata = new ClientMetadata(null);
manifestEntries = new HashMap<String, Metadata>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: dir.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey().intern();
Object o = entry.getValue();
Metadata target;
if(o instanceof String) {
// External redirect
FreenetURI uri = new FreenetURI((String)o);
target = new Metadata(DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT, null, null, uri, null);
} else if(o instanceof HashMap) {
target = new Metadata();
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not String nor HashMap: "+o);
manifestEntries.put(key, target);
* Create a Metadata object and add data for redirection to it.
* @param dir A map of names (string) to either files (same string) or
* directories (more HashMap's)
* @throws MalformedURLException One of the URI:s were malformed
public static Metadata mkRedirectionManifest(HashMap<String, Object> dir) throws MalformedURLException {
Metadata ret = new Metadata();
return ret;
* Create a Metadata object and add manifest entries from the given map.
* The map can contain either string -> Metadata, or string -> map, the latter
* indicating subdirs.
public static Metadata mkRedirectionManifestWithMetadata(HashMap<String, Object> dir) {
Metadata ret = new Metadata();
return ret;
private void addRedirectionManifestWithMetadata(HashMap<String, Object> dir) {
// Simple manifest - contains actual redirects.
// Not archive manifest, which is basically a redirect.
documentType = DocumentType.SIMPLE_MANIFEST;
noMIME = true;
//mimeType = null;
//clientMetadata = new ClientMetadata(null);
manifestEntries = new HashMap<String, Metadata>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: dir.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey().intern();
if(key.indexOf('/') != -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slashes in simple redirect manifest filenames! (slashes denote sub-manifests): "+key);
Object o = entry.getValue();
if(o instanceof Metadata) {
Metadata data = (Metadata) o;
if(data == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
Logger.debug(this, "Putting metadata for "+key);
manifestEntries.put(key, data);
} else if(o instanceof HashMap) {
if(key.equals("")) {
Logger.error(this, "Creating a subdirectory called \"\" - it will not be possible to access this through fproxy!", new Exception("error"));
HashMap<String, Object> hm = Metadata.forceMap(o);
Logger.debug(this, "Making metadata map for "+key);
Metadata subMap = mkRedirectionManifestWithMetadata(hm);
manifestEntries.put(key, subMap);
Logger.debug(this, "Putting metadata map for "+key);
* Create a Metadata object for an archive which does not have its own
* metadata.
* @param dir A map of names (string) to either files (same string) or
* directories (more HashMap's)
Metadata(HashMap<String, Object> dir, String prefix) {
hashCode = super.hashCode();
hashes = null;
// Simple manifest - contains actual redirects.
// Not archive manifest, which is basically a redirect.
documentType = DocumentType.SIMPLE_MANIFEST;
noMIME = true;
mimeType = null;
clientMetadata = new ClientMetadata();
manifestEntries = new HashMap<String, Metadata>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: dir.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey().intern();
Object o = entry.getValue();
Metadata target;
if(o instanceof String) {
// Archive internal redirect
target = new Metadata(DocumentType.ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT, null, null, prefix+key,
new ClientMetadata(DefaultMIMETypes.guessMIMEType(key, false)));
} else if(o instanceof HashMap) {
target = new Metadata(Metadata.forceMap(o), prefix+key+"/");
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not String nor HashMap: "+o);
manifestEntries.put(key, target);
topSize = 0;
topCompressedSize = 0;
topBlocksRequired = 0;
topBlocksTotal = 0;
topDontCompress = false;
topCompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
* Create a really simple Metadata object.
* @param docType The document type. Must be something that takes a single argument.
* At the moment this means ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT.
* @param arg The argument; in the case of ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT, the filename in
* the archive to read from.
public Metadata(DocumentType docType, ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType, COMPRESSOR_TYPE compressionCodec, String arg, ClientMetadata cm) {
hashCode = super.hashCode();
if((docType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT) || (docType == DocumentType.SYMBOLIC_SHORTLINK)) {
documentType = docType;
this.archiveType = archiveType;
// Determine MIME type
this.clientMetadata = cm;
this.compressionCodec = compressionCodec;
if(cm != null)
targetName = arg;
while(true) {
if(targetName.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid target name is empty: \""+arg+"\"");
if(targetName.charAt(0) == '/') {
targetName = targetName.substring(1);
Logger.error(this, "Stripped initial slash from archive internal redirect on creating metadata: \""+arg+"\"", new Exception("debug"));
} else break;
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
hashes = null;
topSize = 0;
topCompressedSize = 0;
topBlocksRequired = 0;
topBlocksTotal = 0;
topDontCompress = false;
topCompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
* Create a Metadata redircet object that points to resolved metadata inside container.
* @param name the filename in the archive to read from, must be ".metadata-N" scheme.
private Metadata(DocumentType docType, String name) {
hashCode = super.hashCode();
noMIME = true;
if(docType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_METADATA_REDIRECT) {
documentType = docType;
targetName = name;
while(true) {
if(targetName.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid target name is empty: \""+name+"\"");
if(targetName.charAt(0) == '/') {
targetName = targetName.substring(1);
Logger.error(this, "Stripped initial slash from archive internal redirect on creating metadata: \""+name+"\"", new Exception("debug"));
} else break;
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
hashes = null;
topSize = 0;
topCompressedSize = 0;
topBlocksRequired = 0;
topBlocksTotal = 0;
topDontCompress = false;
topCompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
public Metadata(DocumentType docType, ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType, COMPRESSOR_TYPE compressionCodec, FreenetURI uri, ClientMetadata cm) {
this(docType, archiveType, compressionCodec, uri, cm, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN, null);
* Create another kind of simple Metadata object (a redirect or similar object).
* @param docType The document type.
* @param uri The URI pointed to.
* @param cm The client metadata, if any.
public Metadata(DocumentType docType, ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType, COMPRESSOR_TYPE compressionCodec, FreenetURI uri, ClientMetadata cm, long origDataLength, long origCompressedDataLength, int reqBlocks, int totalBlocks, boolean topDontCompress, CompatibilityMode topCompatibilityMode, HashResult[] hashes) {
assert(topCompatibilityMode != CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_CURRENT);
hashCode = super.hashCode();
if(hashes != null && hashes.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.hashes = hashes;
if((docType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT) || (docType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST)) {
documentType = docType;
this.archiveType = archiveType;
this.compressionCodec = compressionCodec;
clientMetadata = cm;
if((cm != null) && !cm.isTrivial()) {
} else {
noMIME = true;
if(uri == null) throw new NullPointerException();
simpleRedirectKey = uri;
if(!(uri.getKeyType().equals("CHK") && !uri.hasMetaStrings()))
fullKeys = true;
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if(origDataLength != 0 || origCompressedDataLength != 0 || reqBlocks != 0 || totalBlocks != 0 || hashes != null) {
this.topSize = origDataLength;
this.topCompressedSize = origCompressedDataLength;
this.topBlocksRequired = reqBlocks;
this.topBlocksTotal = totalBlocks;
this.topDontCompress = topDontCompress;
this.topCompatibilityMode = topCompatibilityMode;
parsedVersion = 1;
} else {
this.topSize = 0;
this.topCompressedSize = 0;
this.topBlocksRequired = 0;
this.topBlocksTotal = 0;
this.topDontCompress = false;
this.topCompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
parsedVersion = 0;
* Create metadata for a splitfile.
* @param algo The splitfile FEC algorithm.
* @param dataURIs The data URIs, including cross-check blocks for each segment.
* @param checkURIs The check URIs.
* @param segmentSize The number of data blocks in a typical segment. Does not include cross-check blocks.
* @param checkSegmentSize The number of check blocks in a typical segment. Does not include cross-check blocks.
* @param deductBlocksFromSegments If this is set, the last few segments will lose a data block, so that all
* the segments are the same size to within 1 block. In older splitfiles, the last segment could be
* significantly smaller, and this impacted on retrievability.
* @param cm The client metadata i.e. MIME type.
* @param dataLength The size of the data that this specific splitfile encodes (as opposed to the final data),
* after compression if necessary.
* @param archiveType The archive type, if the splitfile is a container.
* @param compressionCodec The compression codec used to compress the data.
* @param decompressedLength The length of this specific splitfile's data after it has been decompressed.
* @param isMetadata If true, the splitfile is multi-level metadata i.e. it encodes a bucket full of metadata.
* This usually happens for really big splitfiles, which can be a pyramid of one block with metadata for a
* splitfile full of metadata, that metadata then encodes another splitfile full of metadata, etc. Hence we
* can support very large files.
* @param hashes Various hashes of <b>the final data</b>. There should always be at least an SHA256 hash,
* unless we are inserting with an old compatibility mode.
* @param hashThisLayerOnly Hash of the data in this layer (before compression). Separate from hashes of the
* final data. Not currently verified.
* @param origDataSize The size of the final/original data.
* @param origCompressedDataSize The size of the final/original data after it was compressed.
* @param requiredBlocks The number of blocks required on fetch to reconstruct the final data. Hence as soon
* as we have the top splitfile metadata (i.e. hopefully in the top block), we can show an accurate progress
* bar.
* @param totalBlocks The total number of blocks inserted during the whole insert for the final/original data.
* @param topDontCompress Whether dontCompress was enabled. This allows us to figure out reinsert settings
* more quickly.
* @param topCompatibilityMode The compatibility mode applying to the insert. This allows us to figure out
* reinsert settings more quickly.
* @param splitfileCryptoAlgorithm The block level crypto algorithm for all the blocks in the splitfile.
* @param splitfileCryptoKey The single encryption key used by all blocks in the splitfile. Older splitfiles
* don't have this so have to specify the full keys; newer splitfiles just specify the 32 byte routing key
* for each data or check key.
* @param specifySplitfileKey If false, the splitfile crypto key has been automatically computed from the
* final or this-layer data hash. If true, it has been specified explicitly, either because it is randomly
* generated (this significantly improves security against mobile attacker source tracing and is the default
* for splitfiles under SSKs), or because a file is being reinserted.
* @param crossSegmentBlocks The number of cross-check blocks. If this is specified, we are using
* cross-segment redundancy. This greatly improves reliability on files over 80MB, see bug #3370.
public Metadata(SplitfileAlgorithm algo, ClientCHK[] dataURIs, ClientCHK[] checkURIs, int segmentSize, int checkSegmentSize, int deductBlocksFromSegments,
ClientMetadata cm, long dataLength, ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType, COMPRESSOR_TYPE compressionCodec, long decompressedLength, boolean isMetadata, HashResult[] hashes, byte[] hashThisLayerOnly, long origDataSize, long origCompressedDataSize, int requiredBlocks, int totalBlocks, boolean topDontCompress, CompatibilityMode topCompatibilityMode, byte splitfileCryptoAlgorithm, byte[] splitfileCryptoKey, boolean specifySplitfileKey, int crossSegmentBlocks) {
assert(topCompatibilityMode != CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_CURRENT);
hashCode = super.hashCode();
this.hashes = hashes;
this.hashThisLayerOnly = hashThisLayerOnly;
if(hashThisLayerOnly != null)
if(hashThisLayerOnly.length != 32) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
documentType = DocumentType.MULTI_LEVEL_METADATA;
else {
if(archiveType != null) {
documentType = DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST;
this.archiveType = archiveType;
} else documentType = DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT;
splitfile = true;
splitfileAlgorithm = algo;
this.dataLength = dataLength;
this.compressionCodec = compressionCodec;
splitfileBlocks = dataURIs.length;
splitfileCheckBlocks = checkURIs.length;
splitfileDataKeys = dataURIs;
splitfileCheckKeys = checkURIs;
clientMetadata = cm;
this.compressionCodec = compressionCodec;
this.decompressedLength = decompressedLength;
if(cm != null)
if(topCompatibilityMode.ordinal() < CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1255.ordinal()) {
if(splitfileCryptoKey != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if(hashes != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if(deductBlocksFromSegments != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
origDataSize = 0;
origCompressedDataSize = 0;
requiredBlocks = 0;
totalBlocks = 0;
parsedVersion = 0;
} else {
if(splitfileCryptoKey == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
parsedVersion = 1;
if(origDataSize != 0) {
topSize = origDataSize;
topCompressedSize = origCompressedDataSize;
topBlocksRequired = requiredBlocks;
topBlocksTotal = totalBlocks;
// Bug for bug compatibility ...
if(topCompatibilityMode.ordinal() >= CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1466.ordinal()) {
this.topDontCompress = topDontCompress;
this.topCompatibilityMode = topCompatibilityMode;
} else {
this.topDontCompress = false;
this.topCompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
} else {
topSize = 0;
topCompressedSize = 0;
topBlocksRequired = 0;
topBlocksTotal = 0;
this.topDontCompress = false;
this.topCompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
if(parsedVersion == 0) {
splitfileParams = Fields.intsToBytes(new int[] { segmentSize, checkSegmentSize } );
} else {
boolean deductBlocks = (deductBlocksFromSegments != 0);
short mode;
int len = 10;
if(crossSegmentBlocks == 0) {
if(deductBlocks) {
len += 4;
} else {
} else {
len += 8;
splitfileParams = new byte[len];
byte[] b = Fields.shortToBytes(mode);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, splitfileParams, 0, 2);
// FIXME we set the params but we don't include the values in the metadata.
// We don't set keys either.
// The format of the Metadata object is different for creating one from scratch for
// inserting vs constructing it from a serialized metadata document.
b = Fields.intsToBytes(new int[] { segmentSize, checkSegmentSize, deductBlocksFromSegments, crossSegmentBlocks } );
b = Fields.intsToBytes(new int[] { segmentSize, checkSegmentSize, deductBlocksFromSegments } );
b = Fields.intsToBytes(new int[] { segmentSize, checkSegmentSize } );
System.arraycopy(b, 0, splitfileParams, 2, b.length);
this.splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm = splitfileCryptoAlgorithm;
this.splitfileSingleCryptoKey = splitfileCryptoKey;
this.specifySplitfileKey = specifySplitfileKey;
if(splitfileCryptoKey == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Splitfile with parsed version 1 must have a crypto key");
// FIXME set up segments?
private boolean keysValid(ClientCHK[] keys) {
for(ClientCHK key: keys)
if(key.getNodeCHK().getRoutingKey() == null) return false;
return true;
* Set the MIME type to a string. Compresses it if possible for transit.
private void setMIMEType(String type) {
noMIME = false;
short s = DefaultMIMETypes.byName(type);
if(s >= 0) {
compressedMIME = true;
compressedMIMEValue = s;
} else {
compressedMIME = false;
mimeType = type;
* Write the data to a byte array.
* @throws MetadataUnresolvedException
public byte[] writeToByteArray() throws MetadataUnresolvedException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error("Could not write to byte array: "+e, e);
return baos.toByteArray();
public long writtenLength() throws MetadataUnresolvedException {
CountedOutputStream cos = new CountedOutputStream(new NullOutputStream());
try {
writeTo(new DataOutputStream(cos));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error("Could not write to CountedOutputStream: "+e, e);
return cos.written();
* Read a key using the current settings.
* @throws IOException
* @throws MalformedURLException If the key could not be read due to an error in parsing the key.
* REDFLAG: May want to recover from these in future, hence the short length.
private FreenetURI readKey(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
// Read URL
if(fullKeys) {
return FreenetURI.readFullBinaryKeyWithLength(dis);
} else {
return ClientCHK.readRawBinaryKey(dis).getURI();
* Write a key using the current settings.
* @throws IOException
* @throws MalformedURLException If an error in the key itself prevented it from being written.
private void writeKey(DataOutputStream dos, FreenetURI freenetURI) throws IOException {
if(fullKeys) {
} else {
String[] meta = freenetURI.getAllMetaStrings();
if((meta != null) && (meta.length > 0))
throw new MalformedURLException("Not a plain CHK");
BaseClientKey key = BaseClientKey.getBaseKey(freenetURI);
if(key instanceof ClientCHK) {
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Full keys must be enabled to write non-CHKs");
private void writeCHK(DataOutputStream dos, ClientCHK chk) throws IOException {
if(fullKeys) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Full keys not supported on splitfiles");
} else {
/** Is a manifest? */
public boolean isSimpleManifest() {
return documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_MANIFEST;
* Get the sub-document in a manifest file with the given name.
* @throws MetadataParseException
public Metadata getDocument(String name) {
return manifestEntries.get(name);
* Return and remove a specific document. Used in persistent requests
* so that when removeFrom() is called, the default document won't be
* removed, since it is being processed.
public Metadata grabDocument(String name) {
return manifestEntries.remove(name);
* The default document is the one which has an empty name.
* @throws MetadataParseException
public Metadata getDefaultDocument() {
return getDocument("");
* Return and remove the default document. Used in persistent requests
* so that when removeFrom() is called, the default document won't be
* removed, since it is being processed.
public Metadata grabDefaultDocument() {
return grabDocument("");
* Get all documents in the manifest (ignores default doc).
* @throws MetadataParseException
public HashMap<String, Metadata> getDocuments() {
HashMap<String, Metadata> docs = new HashMap<String, Metadata>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Metadata> entry: manifestEntries.entrySet()) {
String st = entry.getKey();
if (st.length()>0)
docs.put(st, entry.getValue());
return docs;
* Does the metadata point to a single URI?
public boolean isSingleFileRedirect() {
return ((!splitfile) &&
((documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.MULTI_LEVEL_METADATA) ||
(documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST)));
* Return the single target of this URI.
public FreenetURI getSingleTarget() {
return simpleRedirectKey;
* Is this a Archive manifest?
public boolean isArchiveManifest() {
return documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST;
* Is this a archive internal metadata redirect?
* @return
public boolean isArchiveMetadataRedirect() {
return documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_METADATA_REDIRECT;
* Is this a Archive internal redirect?
* @return
public boolean isArchiveInternalRedirect() {
return documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT;
* Return the name of the document referred to in the archive,
* if this is a archive internal redirect.
public String getArchiveInternalName() {
if ((documentType != DocumentType.ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT) && (documentType != DocumentType.ARCHIVE_METADATA_REDIRECT)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return targetName;
* Return the name of the document referred to in the dir,
* if this is a symbolic short link.
public String getSymbolicShortlinkTargetName() {
if (documentType != DocumentType.SYMBOLIC_SHORTLINK) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return targetName;
* Return the client metadata (MIME type etc).
public ClientMetadata getClientMetadata() {
return clientMetadata;
/** Is this a splitfile manifest? */
public boolean isSplitfile() {
return splitfile;
/** Is this a simple splitfile? */
public boolean isSimpleSplitfile() {
return splitfile && (documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT);
/** Is multi-level/indirect metadata? */
public boolean isMultiLevelMetadata() {
return documentType == DocumentType.MULTI_LEVEL_METADATA;
/** What kind of archive is it? */
public ARCHIVE_TYPE getArchiveType() {
return archiveType;
/** Change the document type to a simple redirect. Used by the archive code
* to fetch split Archive manifests.
public void setSimpleRedirect() {
documentType = DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT;
/** Is this a simple redirect?
* (for KeyExplorer)
public boolean isSimpleRedirect() {
return documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT;
/** Is noMime enabled?
* (for KeyExplorer)
public boolean isNoMimeEnabled() {
return noMIME;
/** get the resolved name (".metada-N")
* (for KeyExplorer)
public String getResolvedName() {
return resolvedName;
/** Is this a symbilic shortlink? */
public boolean isSymbolicShortlink() {
return documentType == DocumentType.SYMBOLIC_SHORTLINK;
/** Write the metadata as binary.
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurred while writing the data.
* @throws MetadataUnresolvedException */
public void writeTo(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException, MetadataUnresolvedException {
dos.writeShort(parsedVersion); // version
boolean hasTopBlocks = topBlocksRequired != 0 || topBlocksTotal != 0 || topSize != 0 || topCompressedSize != 0 || topCompatibilityMode != CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN;
if(haveFlags()) {
short flags = 0;
if(splitfile) flags |= FLAGS_SPLITFILE;
if(dbr) flags |= FLAGS_DBR;
if(noMIME) flags |= FLAGS_NO_MIME;
if(compressedMIME) flags |= FLAGS_COMPRESSED_MIME;
if(extraMetadata) flags |= FLAGS_EXTRA_METADATA;
if(fullKeys) flags |= FLAGS_FULL_KEYS;
if(compressionCodec != null) flags |= FLAGS_COMPRESSED;
if(hashes != null) flags |= FLAGS_HASHES;
if(hasTopBlocks) {
assert(parsedVersion >= 1);
flags |= FLAGS_TOP_SIZE;
if(specifySplitfileKey) flags |= FLAGS_SPECIFY_SPLITFILE_KEY;
if(hashThisLayerOnly != null) flags |= FLAGS_HASH_THIS_LAYER;
if(hashes != null)
HashResult.write(hashes, dos);
if(hashThisLayerOnly != null) {
assert(hashThisLayerOnly.length == 32);
if(hasTopBlocks) {
if(documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST) {
short code = archiveType.metadataID;
if(splitfile) {
if(parsedVersion >= 1) {
// Splitfile single crypto key.
if(specifySplitfileKey || hashes == null || hashes.length == 0 || !HashResult.contains(hashes, HashType.SHA256)) {
if(compressionCodec != null) {
if(!noMIME) {
if(compressedMIME) {
int x = compressedMIMEValue;
if(hasCompressedMIMEParams) x |= 32768;
} else {
byte[] data = mimeType.getBytes("UTF-8");
if(data.length > 255) throw new Error("MIME type too long: "+data.length+" bytes: "+mimeType);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No DBR support yet");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No extra metadata support yet");
if((!splitfile) && ((documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST))) {
writeKey(dos, simpleRedirectKey);
} else if(splitfile) {
if(splitfileParams != null) {
} else
if(segments != null) {
for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;i++) {
segments[i].writeKeys(dos, false);
for(int i=0;i<segmentCount;i++) {
segments[i].writeKeys(dos, true);
} else {
if(splitfileSingleCryptoKey == null) {
for(int i=0;i<splitfileBlocks;i++)
writeCHK(dos, splitfileDataKeys[i]);
for(int i=0;i<splitfileCheckBlocks;i++)
writeCHK(dos, splitfileCheckKeys[i]);
} else {
for(int i=0;i<splitfileBlocks;i++)
for(int i=0;i<splitfileCheckBlocks;i++)
if(documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_MANIFEST) {
boolean kill = false;
LinkedList<Metadata> unresolvedMetadata = null;
for(Map.Entry<String, Metadata> entry: manifestEntries.entrySet()) {
String name = entry.getKey();
byte[] nameData = name.getBytes("UTF-8");
if(nameData.length > Short.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Manifest name too long");
Metadata meta = entry.getValue();
try {
byte[] data = meta.writeToByteArray();
if(data.length > MAX_SIZE_IN_MANIFEST) {
FreenetURI uri = meta.resolvedURI;
String n = meta.resolvedName;
if(uri != null) {
meta = new Metadata(DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT, null, null, uri, null);
data = meta.writeToByteArray();
} else if (n != null) {
meta = new Metadata(DocumentType.ARCHIVE_METADATA_REDIRECT, n);
data = meta.writeToByteArray();
} else {
kill = true;
if(unresolvedMetadata == null)
unresolvedMetadata = new LinkedList<Metadata>();
} catch (MetadataUnresolvedException e) {
Metadata[] metas = e.mustResolve;
if(unresolvedMetadata == null)
unresolvedMetadata = new LinkedList<Metadata>();
for(Metadata m: metas)
kill = true;
if(kill) {
Metadata[] meta =
unresolvedMetadata.toArray(new Metadata[unresolvedMetadata.size()]);
throw new MetadataUnresolvedException(meta, "Manifest data too long and not resolved");
if((documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_METADATA_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.SYMBOLIC_SHORTLINK)) {
byte[] data = targetName.getBytes("UTF-8");
if(data.length > Short.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Archive internal redirect name too long");
* have this metadata flags?
public boolean haveFlags() {
return ((documentType == DocumentType.SIMPLE_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.MULTI_LEVEL_METADATA)
|| (documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST) || (documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_INTERNAL_REDIRECT)
|| (documentType == DocumentType.ARCHIVE_METADATA_REDIRECT) || (documentType == DocumentType.SYMBOLIC_SHORTLINK));
* Get the splitfile type.
public SplitfileAlgorithm getSplitfileType() {
return splitfileAlgorithm;
public ClientCHK[] getSplitfileDataKeys() {
return splitfileDataKeys;
public ClientCHK[] getSplitfileCheckKeys() {
return splitfileCheckKeys;
public boolean isCompressed() {
return compressionCodec != null;
public COMPRESSOR_TYPE getCompressionCodec() {
return compressionCodec;
public long dataLength() {
return dataLength;
public byte[] splitfileParams() {
return splitfileParams;
public long uncompressedDataLength() {
return this.decompressedLength;
public FreenetURI getResolvedURI() {
return resolvedURI;
public void resolve(FreenetURI uri) {
this.resolvedURI = uri;
public void resolve(String name) {
this.resolvedName = name;
public RandomAccessBucket toBucket(BucketFactory bf) throws MetadataUnresolvedException, IOException {
RandomAccessBucket b = bf.makeBucket(-1);
DataOutputStream dos = null;
boolean success = false;
try {
dos = new DataOutputStream(b.getOutputStream());
dos = null;
b.setReadOnly(); // Must be after dos.close()
success = true;
return b;
} finally {
if(!success) b.free();
public boolean isResolved() {
return (resolvedURI != null) || (resolvedName != null);
public void setArchiveManifest() {
ARCHIVE_TYPE type = ARCHIVE_TYPE.getArchiveType(clientMetadata.getMIMEType());
archiveType = type;
documentType = DocumentType.ARCHIVE_MANIFEST;
public String getMIMEType() {
if(clientMetadata == null) return null;
return clientMetadata.getMIMEType();
public void clearSplitfileKeys() {
splitfileDataKeys = null;
splitfileCheckKeys = null;
segments = null;
public int countDocuments() {
return manifestEntries.size();
* Helper for composing manifests<BR>
* It is a replacement for mkRedirectionManifestWithMetadata, used in BaseManifestPutter
* <PRE>
* Metadata item = <Redirect to a html>
* SimpleManifestComposer smc = new SimpleManifestComposer();
* smc.add("index.html", item);
* smc.add("", item); // make it the default item
* SimpleManifestComposer subsmc = new SimpleManifestComposer();
* subsmc.add("content.txt", item2);
* smc.add("data", subsmc.getMetadata();
* Metadata manifest = smc.getMetadata();
* // manifest contains now a structure like returned from mkRedirectionManifestWithMetadata
* </PRE>
* @see BaseManifestPutter
public static class SimpleManifestComposer {
private Metadata m;
* Create a new compose helper (an empty dir)
public SimpleManifestComposer() {
m = new Metadata();
m.documentType = DocumentType.SIMPLE_MANIFEST;
m.noMIME = true;
m.manifestEntries = new HashMap<String, Metadata>();
* Add an item to the manifest
* @param String the item name
* @param item
public void addItem(String name, Metadata item) {
if (name == null || item == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (m == null) throw new IllegalStateException("You can't call it after getMetadata()");
if (m.manifestEntries.containsKey(name)) throw new IllegalStateException("You can't add a item twice: '"+name+"'");
m.manifestEntries.put(name, item);
* stop editing and return the metadata object
* @return the composed metadata object
public Metadata getMetadata() {
// after handing off the metadata object it is read only.
Metadata result = m;
m = null;
return result;
public String dump() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
dump(0, sb);
return sb.toString();
public void dump(int indent, StringBuffer sb) {
dumpline(indent, sb, "");
dumpline(indent, sb, "Document type: "+documentType);
dumpline(indent, sb, "Flags: sf="+splitfile+" dbr="+dbr+" noMIME="+noMIME+" cmime="+compressedMIME+" extra="+extraMetadata+" fullkeys="+fullKeys);
if(archiveType != null)
dumpline(indent, sb, "Archive type: "+archiveType);
if(compressionCodec != null)
dumpline(indent, sb, "Compression codec: "+compressionCodec);
if(simpleRedirectKey != null)
dumpline(indent, sb, "Simple redirect: "+simpleRedirectKey);
if(splitfile) {
dumpline(indent, sb, "Splitfile algorithm: "+splitfileAlgorithm);
dumpline(indent, sb, "Splitfile blocks: "+splitfileBlocks);
dumpline(indent, sb, "Splitfile blocks: "+splitfileCheckBlocks);
if(targetName != null)
dumpline(indent, sb, "Target name: "+targetName);
if(manifestEntries != null) {
for(Map.Entry<String, Metadata> entry : manifestEntries.entrySet()) {
dumpline(indent, sb, "Entry: "+entry.getKey()+":");
entry.getValue().dump(indent + 1, sb);
private void dumpline(int indent, StringBuffer sb, String string) {
for(int i=0;i<indent;i++) sb.append(' ');
** Casts the given object to {@code HashMap<String, Object>}, for dismissing
** compiler warnings. Use only when you are sure the object matches this type!
public static HashMap<String, Object> forceMap(Object o) {
return (HashMap<String, Object>)o;
public short getParsedVersion() {
return parsedVersion;
public boolean hasTopData() {
return topSize != 0 || topCompressedSize != 0 || topBlocksRequired != 0 || topBlocksTotal != 0;
public HashResult[] getHashes() {
return hashes;
/** If there is a custom (not computed from hashes) splitfile key, return it.
* Else return null. */
public byte[] getCustomSplitfileKey() {
return splitfileSingleCryptoKey;
return null;
public byte[] getSplitfileCryptoKey() {
return splitfileSingleCryptoKey;
public byte[] getHashThisLayerOnly() {
return hashThisLayerOnly;
public byte getSplitfileCryptoAlgorithm() {
return splitfileSingleCryptoAlgorithm;
public CompatibilityMode getTopCompatibilityMode() {
return topCompatibilityMode;
public boolean getTopDontCompress() {
return topDontCompress;
public short getTopCompatibilityCode() {
return topCompatibilityMode.code;
public CompatibilityMode getMinCompatMode() {
return minCompatMode;
public CompatibilityMode getMaxCompatMode() {
return maxCompatMode;
public int getCrossCheckBlocks() {
return crossCheckBlocks;
public int getCheckBlocksPerSegment() {
return checkBlocksPerSegment;
public int getDataBlocksPerSegment() {
return blocksPerSegment;
public int getSegmentCount() {
return segmentCount;
// FIXME gross hack due to database/memory issues... remove and make segments final.
public SplitFileSegmentKeys[] grabSegmentKeys() throws FetchException {
synchronized(this) {
if(segments == null && splitfileDataKeys != null && splitfileCheckKeys != null)
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Please restart the download, need to re-parse metadata due to internal changes");
SplitFileSegmentKeys[] segs = segments;
segments = null;
return segs;
public SplitFileSegmentKeys[] getSegmentKeys() throws FetchException {
synchronized(this) {
if(segments == null && splitfileDataKeys != null && splitfileCheckKeys != null)
throw new FetchException(FetchExceptionMode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Please restart the download, need to re-parse metadata due to internal changes");
return segments;
public int getDeductBlocksFromSegments() {
return deductBlocksFromSegments;
/** Return a best-guess compatibility mode, guaranteed not to be
public CompatibilityMode guessCompatibilityMode() {
CompatibilityMode mode = getTopCompatibilityMode();
if(mode != CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN) return mode;
CompatibilityMode min = minCompatMode;
CompatibilityMode max = maxCompatMode;
if(max == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_CURRENT)
max = CompatibilityMode.latest();
if(min == max) return min;
if(min == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN &&
max != CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN)
return max;
if(max == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN &&
min != CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_UNKNOWN)
return min;
return max;
public static boolean isValidSplitfileCryptoAlgorithm(byte cryptoAlgorithm) {
return cryptoAlgorithm == 0 || Key.isValidCryptoAlgorithm(cryptoAlgorithm);