Package com.mojang.escape.gui

Source Code of com.mojang.escape.gui.Bitmap3D

package com.mojang.escape.gui;

import com.mojang.escape.*;
import com.mojang.escape.entities.Entity;
import com.mojang.escape.level.Level;
import com.mojang.escape.level.block.*;

public class Bitmap3D extends Bitmap {
  private double[] zBuffer;
  private double[] zBufferWall;
  private double xCam, yCam, zCam, rCos, rSin, fov, xCenter, yCenter, rot;

  public Bitmap3D(int width, int height) {
    super(width, height);

    zBuffer = new double[width * height];
    zBufferWall = new double[width];

  public void render(Game game) {
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      zBufferWall[x] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) {
      zBuffer[i] = 10000;
    rot = game.player.rot;
    xCam = game.player.x - Math.sin(rot) * 0.3;
    yCam = game.player.z - Math.cos(rot) * 0.3;
    zCam = -0.2 + Math.sin(game.player.bobPhase * 0.4) * 0.01 * game.player.bob - game.player.y;

    xCenter = width / 2.0;
    yCenter = height / 3.0;

    rCos = Math.cos(rot);
    rSin = Math.sin(rot);

    fov = height;

    Level level = game.level;
    int r = 6;

    int xCenter = (int) (Math.floor(xCam));
    int zCenter = (int) (Math.floor(yCam));
    for (int zb = zCenter - r; zb <= zCenter + r; zb++) {
      for (int xb = xCenter - r; xb <= xCenter + r; xb++) {
        Block c = level.getBlock(xb, zb);
        Block e = level.getBlock(xb + 1, zb);
        Block s = level.getBlock(xb, zb + 1);

        if (c instanceof DoorBlock) {
          double rr = 1 / 8.0;
          double openness = 1 - ((DoorBlock) c).openness * 7 / 8;
          if (e.solidRender) {
            renderWall(xb + openness, zb + 0.5 - rr, xb, zb + 0.5 - rr, c.tex, (c.col & 0xfefefe) >> 1, 0, openness);
            renderWall(xb, zb + 0.5 + rr, xb + openness, zb + 0.5 + rr, c.tex, (c.col & 0xfefefe) >> 1, openness, 0);
            renderWall(xb + openness, zb + 0.5 + rr, xb + openness, zb + 0.5 - rr, c.tex, c.col, 0.5 - rr, 0.5 + rr);
          } else {
            renderWall(xb + 0.5 - rr, zb, xb + 0.5 - rr, zb + openness, c.tex, c.col, openness, 0);
            renderWall(xb + 0.5 + rr, zb + openness, xb + 0.5 + rr, zb, c.tex, c.col, 0, openness);
            renderWall(xb + 0.5 - rr, zb + openness, xb + 0.5 + rr, zb + openness, c.tex, (c.col & 0xfefefe) >> 1, 0.5 - rr, 0.5 + rr);


        if (c.solidRender) {
          if (!e.solidRender) {
            renderWall(xb + 1, zb + 1, xb + 1, zb, c.tex, c.col);
          if (!s.solidRender) {
            renderWall(xb, zb + 1, xb + 1, zb + 1, c.tex, (c.col & 0xfefefe) >> 1);
        } else {
          if (e.solidRender) {
            renderWall(xb + 1, zb, xb + 1, zb + 1, e.tex, e.col);
          if (s.solidRender) {
            renderWall(xb + 1, zb + 1, xb, zb + 1, s.tex, (s.col & 0xfefefe) >> 1);
    for (int zb = zCenter - r; zb <= zCenter + r; zb++) {
      for (int xb = xCenter - r; xb <= xCenter + r; xb++) {
        Block c = level.getBlock(xb, zb);

        for (int j = 0; j < c.entities.size(); j++) {
          Entity e = c.entities.get(j);
          for (int i = 0; i < e.sprites.size(); i++) {
            Sprite sprite = e.sprites.get(i);
            renderSprite(e.x + sprite.x, 0 - sprite.y, e.z + sprite.z, sprite.tex, sprite.col);

        for (int i = 0; i < c.sprites.size(); i++) {
          Sprite sprite = c.sprites.get(i);
          renderSprite(xb + sprite.x, 0 - sprite.y, zb + sprite.z, sprite.tex, sprite.col);


  private void renderFloor(Level level) {
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
      double yd = ((y + 0.5) - yCenter) / fov;

      boolean floor = true;
      double zd = (4 - zCam * 8) / yd;
      if (yd < 0) {
        floor = false;
        zd = (4 + zCam * 8) / -yd;

      for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        if (zBuffer[x + y * width] <= zd) continue;

        double xd = (xCenter - x) / fov;
        xd *= zd;

        double xx = xd * rCos + zd * rSin + (xCam + 0.5) * 8;
        double yy = zd * rCos - xd * rSin + (yCam + 0.5) * 8;

        int xPix = (int) (xx * 2);
        int yPix = (int) (yy * 2);
        int xTile = xPix >> 4;
        int yTile = yPix >> 4;

        Block block = level.getBlock(xTile, yTile);
        int col = block.floorCol;
        int tex = block.floorTex;
        if (!floor) {
          col = block.ceilCol;
          tex = block.ceilTex;

        if (tex < 0) {
          zBuffer[x + y * width] = -1;
        } else {
          zBuffer[x + y * width] = zd;
          pixels[x + y * width] = Art.floors.pixels[((xPix & 15) + (tex % 8) * 16) + ((yPix & 15) + (tex / 8) * 16) * 128] * col;


  private void renderSprite(double x, double y, double z, int tex, int color) {
    double xc = (x - xCam) * 2 - rSin * 0.2;
    double yc = (y - zCam) * 2;
    double zc = (z - yCam) * 2 - rCos * 0.2;

    double xx = xc * rCos - zc * rSin;
    double yy = yc;
    double zz = zc * rCos + xc * rSin;

    if (zz < 0.1) return;

    double xPixel = xCenter - (xx / zz * fov);
    double yPixel = (yy / zz * fov + yCenter);

    double xPixel0 = xPixel - height / zz;
    double xPixel1 = xPixel + height / zz;

    double yPixel0 = yPixel - height / zz;
    double yPixel1 = yPixel + height / zz;

    int xp0 = (int) Math.ceil(xPixel0);
    int xp1 = (int) Math.ceil(xPixel1);
    int yp0 = (int) Math.ceil(yPixel0);
    int yp1 = (int) Math.ceil(yPixel1);

    if (xp0 < 0) xp0 = 0;
    if (xp1 > width) xp1 = width;
    if (yp0 < 0) yp0 = 0;
    if (yp1 > height) yp1 = height;
    zz *= 4;
    for (int yp = yp0; yp < yp1; yp++) {
      double ypr = (yp - yPixel0) / (yPixel1 - yPixel0);
      int yt = (int) (ypr * 16);
      for (int xp = xp0; xp < xp1; xp++) {
        double xpr = (xp - xPixel0) / (xPixel1 - xPixel0);
        int xt = (int) (xpr * 16);
        if (zBuffer[xp + yp * width] > zz) {
          int col = Art.sprites.pixels[(xt + tex % 8 * 16) + (yt + (tex / 8) * 16) * 128];
          if (col >= 0) {
            pixels[xp + yp * width] = col * color;
            zBuffer[xp + yp * width] = zz;


  private void renderWall(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int tex, int color) {
    renderWall(x0, y0, x1, y1, tex, color, 0, 1);

  private void renderWall(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int tex, int color, double xt0, double xt1) {
    double xc0 = ((x0 - 0.5) - xCam) * 2;
    double yc0 = ((y0 - 0.5) - yCam) * 2;

    double xx0 = xc0 * rCos - yc0 * rSin;
    double u0 = ((-0.5) - zCam) * 2;
    double l0 = ((+0.5) - zCam) * 2;
    double zz0 = yc0 * rCos + xc0 * rSin;

    double xc1 = ((x1 - 0.5) - xCam) * 2;
    double yc1 = ((y1 - 0.5) - yCam) * 2;

    double xx1 = xc1 * rCos - yc1 * rSin;
    double u1 = ((-0.5) - zCam) * 2;
    double l1 = ((+0.5) - zCam) * 2;
    double zz1 = yc1 * rCos + xc1 * rSin;

    xt0 *= 16;
    xt1 *= 16;

    double zClip = 0.2;

    if (zz0 < zClip && zz1 < zClip) return;

    if (zz0 < zClip) {
      double p = (zClip - zz0) / (zz1 - zz0);
      zz0 = zz0 + (zz1 - zz0) * p;
      xx0 = xx0 + (xx1 - xx0) * p;
      xt0 = xt0 + (xt1 - xt0) * p;

    if (zz1 < zClip) {
      double p = (zClip - zz0) / (zz1 - zz0);
      zz1 = zz0 + (zz1 - zz0) * p;
      xx1 = xx0 + (xx1 - xx0) * p;
      xt1 = xt0 + (xt1 - xt0) * p;

    double xPixel0 = xCenter - (xx0 / zz0 * fov);
    double xPixel1 = xCenter - (xx1 / zz1 * fov);

    if (xPixel0 >= xPixel1) return;
    int xp0 = (int) Math.ceil(xPixel0);
    int xp1 = (int) Math.ceil(xPixel1);
    if (xp0 < 0) xp0 = 0;
    if (xp1 > width) xp1 = width;

    double yPixel00 = (u0 / zz0 * fov + yCenter);
    double yPixel01 = (l0 / zz0 * fov + yCenter);
    double yPixel10 = (u1 / zz1 * fov + yCenter);
    double yPixel11 = (l1 / zz1 * fov + yCenter);

    double iz0 = 1 / zz0;
    double iz1 = 1 / zz1;

    double iza = iz1 - iz0;

    double ixt0 = xt0 * iz0;
    double ixta = xt1 * iz1 - ixt0;
    double iw = 1 / (xPixel1 - xPixel0);

    for (int x = xp0; x < xp1; x++) {
      double pr = (x - xPixel0) * iw;
      double iz = iz0 + iza * pr;

      if (zBufferWall[x] > iz) continue;
      zBufferWall[x] = iz;
      int xTex = (int) ((ixt0 + ixta * pr) / iz);

      double yPixel0 = yPixel00 + (yPixel10 - yPixel00) * pr - 0.5;
      double yPixel1 = yPixel01 + (yPixel11 - yPixel01) * pr;

      int yp0 = (int) Math.ceil(yPixel0);
      int yp1 = (int) Math.ceil(yPixel1);
      if (yp0 < 0) yp0 = 0;
      if (yp1 > height) yp1 = height;

      double ih = 1 / (yPixel1 - yPixel0);
      for (int y = yp0; y < yp1; y++) {
        double pry = (y - yPixel0) * ih;
        int yTex = (int) (16 * pry);
        pixels[x + y * width] = Art.walls.pixels[((xTex) + (tex % 8) * 16) + (yTex + tex / 8 * 16) * 128] * color;
        zBuffer[x + y * width] = 1 / iz * 4;

  public void postProcess(Level level) {
    for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) {
      double zl = zBuffer[i];
      if (zl < 0) {
        int xx = ((int) Math.floor((i % width) - rot * 512 / (Math.PI * 2))) & 511;
        int yy = i / width;
        pixels[i] =[xx + yy * 512] * 0x444455;
      } else {
        int xp = (i % width);
        int yp = (i / width) * 14;

        double xx = ((i % width - width / 2.0) / width);
        int col = pixels[i];
        int brightness = (int) (300 - zl * 6 * (xx * xx * 2 + 1));
        brightness = (brightness + ((xp + yp) & 3) * 4) >> 4 << 4;
        if (brightness < 0) brightness = 0;
        if (brightness > 255) brightness = 255;

        int r = (col >> 16) & 0xff;
        int g = (col >> 8) & 0xff;
        int b = (col) & 0xff;

        r = r * brightness / 255;
        g = g * brightness / 255;
        b = b * brightness / 255;

        pixels[i] = r << 16 | g << 8 | b;

Related Classes of com.mojang.escape.gui.Bitmap3D

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