package me.aurous.utils.playlist;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import me.aurous.player.Settings;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* @author Andrew
public class YouTubeDataFetcher {
* @author Andrew
* Formats all needed variables into a CSV which will be added to
* the selected playList Album name is missing so we will leave it
* blank, need to find a suitable api
* @return
public static String buildPlayListLine(String youTubeVideo) {
// System.out.println(youTubeVideo);
if (!youTubeVideo.startsWith("http")) {
return "";
final String id = getYouTubeID(youTubeVideo);
youTubeVideo = formatYouTubeURL(id);
final String JSON_DATA = getVideoJSON(id);
if (JSON_DATA.isEmpty()) {
return "";
final String thumbNail = getCoverArt(id);
final String youTubeTitle = getVideoTitle(JSON_DATA);
final String artist = (getArtist(JSON_DATA, youTubeTitle));
final String songTitle = (getSongtitle(youTubeTitle));
final String duration = getDuration(JSON_DATA);
final String date = getDate();
final String user = Settings.getUserName();
final String line = String.format("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s",
songTitle, artist, duration, date, user, "", thumbNail,
return line;
private static int checkStatus(final String url) {
try {
final URL u = new URL(url);
final HttpURLConnection huc = (HttpURLConnection) u
huc.setRequestMethod("GET"); // OR huc.setRequestMethod ("HEAD");
final int code = huc.getResponseCode();
return code;
} catch (final IOException e) {
return 400;
private static String formatYouTubeURL(final String id) {
final String url = "";
final String rebuiltURL = String.format(url, id);
return rebuiltURL;
* @author Andrew
* Extracts the artist from the video title
public static String getArtist(final String JSON_DATA,
final String videoTitle) {
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*?(?=-)");
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(videoTitle);
while (matcher.find()) {
final String artist = getUploader(JSON_DATA);
return artist.trim();
* @author Andrew
* Formats the id into the YouTube cover image format as highest
* resolution possible. If format changes will get from the JSON
public static String getCoverArt(final String id) {
final String coverArt;
if (checkStatus("" + id + "/maxresdefault.jpg") != 404) {
coverArt = String.format(
"", id);
} else {
coverArt = String.format("",
return coverArt;
* @author Andrew
* Calculates a Spotify-like shorthand date
public static String getDate() {
final Date now = new Date();
final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d",
final String asWeek = dateFormat.format(now);
return asWeek;
* @author Andrew
* Gets the total seconds a youtube video last
public static String getDuration(final String JSON_DATA) {
final String duration = "";
try {
final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(JSON_DATA);
final JSONObject dataObject = json.getJSONObject("entry");
final JSONObject mediaGroup = dataObject
final JSONObject yt_duration = mediaGroup
final int total_duration_seconds = Integer.parseInt(yt_duration
return MediaUtils.calculateTime(total_duration_seconds);
} catch (final JSONException e) {
return duration;
* @author Andrew
* Extracts the artist from the video title
public static String getSongtitle(final String videoTitle) {
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\-(.*)$");
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(videoTitle);
while (matcher.find()) {
return videoTitle.trim();
* @author Andrew
* Gets the total seconds a youtube video last
public static String getUploader(final String JSON_DATA) {
final String duration = "";
try {
final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(JSON_DATA);
final JSONObject dataObject = json.getJSONObject("entry");
final JSONArray author = dataObject.getJSONArray("author");
final JSONObject userInfo = author.getJSONObject(0);
final JSONObject userNameObject = userInfo.getJSONObject("name");
final String username = userNameObject.getString("$t");
return username;
} catch (final JSONException e) {
return duration;
* @author Andrew
* Gets remote JSON via the GDATA Api which should never time out
* since no key is needed
public static String getVideoJSON(final String videoID) {
URL url; // The URL to read
HttpURLConnection conn; // The actual connection to the web page
BufferedReader rd; // Used to read results from the web page
String line; // An individual line of the web page HTML
String result = ""; // A long string containing all the HTML
final String gData = String.format("%s%s%s", API_URL, videoID,
if (gData.equals("")) {
return "";
// System.out.println(gData);
try {
url = new URL(gData);
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
rd = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
result += line;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return "";
return result;
* @author Andrew
* Pulls the title of the video down from JSON
public static String getVideoTitle(final String JSON_DATA) {
String title = "";
try {
final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(JSON_DATA);
final JSONObject dataObject = json.getJSONObject("entry");
final JSONObject mediaGroup = dataObject
final JSONObject media_title = mediaGroup
title = media_title.getString("$t");
title = MediaUtils.cleanString(title);
return title;
} catch (final JSONException e) {
return title;
* @author Andrew
* gets a YouTube video ID from a url
public static String getYouTubeID(final String url) {
if (url.contains("embed")) {
return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
final String id = "";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(YOUTUBE_REGEX);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url);
if (matcher.matches()) {
return id;
private static String YOUTUBE_REGEX = "^[^v]+v=(.{11}).*";
private static String API_URL = "";