* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.alibaba.wasp.master.handler;
import com.alibaba.wasp.ChildrenExistException;
import com.alibaba.wasp.EntityGroupInfo;
import com.alibaba.wasp.ServerName;
import com.alibaba.wasp.TableLockedException;
import com.alibaba.wasp.TableNotDisabledException;
import com.alibaba.wasp.TableNotFoundException;
import com.alibaba.wasp.executor.EventHandler;
import com.alibaba.wasp.master.AssignmentManager;
import com.alibaba.wasp.master.FMasterServices;
import com.alibaba.wasp.master.FServerManager;
import com.alibaba.wasp.master.TableLockManager;
import com.alibaba.wasp.meta.FMetaEditor;
import com.alibaba.wasp.meta.FMetaReader;
import com.alibaba.wasp.meta.FTable;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Threads;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Handler to delete a table.
public class DeleteTableHandler extends EventHandler {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DeleteTableHandler.class);
private final byte[] tableName;
private final String tableNameStr;
private final AssignmentManager assignmentManager;
private FTable ftable;
private TableLockManager tableLockManager;
public DeleteTableHandler(byte[] tableName, FMasterServices server,
AssignmentManager assignmentManager) throws TableNotFoundException,
IOException {
super(server, EventType.C_M_DELETE_TABLE);
this.tableName = tableName;
this.tableNameStr = Bytes.toString(tableName);
this.assignmentManager = assignmentManager;
this.tableLockManager = server.getTableLockManager();
// Check if table exists
if (!FMetaReader.tableExists(server.getConfiguration(), this.tableNameStr)) {
throw new TableNotFoundException(tableNameStr);
if (!this.assignmentManager.getZKTable().isDisabledTable(tableNameStr)) {
throw new TableNotDisabledException(tableNameStr);
ftable = FMetaReader.getTable(server.getConfiguration(), tableNameStr);
if (ftable.isRootTable()) {
List<FTable> childTables = FMetaReader.getChildTable(
server.getConfiguration(), tableNameStr);
if (childTables != null && childTables.size() > 0) {
throw new ChildrenExistException(tableNameStr + " has child");
if (tableLockManager.lockTable(tableNameStr)) {
LOG.info("lock table '" + tableNameStr + "' by DeleteTableHandler");
} else {
throw new TableLockedException(tableNameStr + " has been locked. ");
public void process() throws IOException {
try {
LOG.info("Attempting to delete the table " + this.tableNameStr);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error trying to delete the table " + this.tableNameStr, e);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
LOG.error("Error trying to delete the table " + this.tableNameStr, e);
} finally {
protected void handleDeleteTable()
throws IOException, KeeperException {
List<EntityGroupInfo> egis = null;
if (ftable.isRootTable()) {
egis = FMetaReader.getTableEntityGroups(
server.getConfiguration(), Bytes.toBytes(tableNameStr));
} else {
egis = new ArrayList<EntityGroupInfo>();
long waitTime = server.getConfiguration().getLong(
"wasp.master.wait.on.entityGroup", 5 * 60 * 1000);
for (EntityGroupInfo entityGroup : egis) {
long done = System.currentTimeMillis() + waitTime;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < done) {
if (!assignmentManager.getEntityGroupStates().isEntityGroupInTransition(entityGroup))
LOG.debug("Waiting on entityGroup to clear entityGroups in transition; "
+ assignmentManager.getEntityGroupStates().getEntityGroupTransitionState(entityGroup));
if (assignmentManager.getEntityGroupStates().isEntityGroupInTransition(entityGroup)) {
throw new IOException("Waited wasp.master.wait.on.entityGroup (" + waitTime
+ "ms) for entityGroup to leave entityGroup "
+ entityGroup.getEntityGroupNameAsString() + " in transitions");
LOG.debug("Deleting entityGroup "
+ entityGroup.getEntityGroupNameAsString() + " from FMETA and FS");
// Remove entityGroup from FMETA
FMetaEditor.deleteEntityGroup(server.getConfiguration(), entityGroup);
// Delete entityGroup from FS
LOG.debug("Deleting table" + tableNameStr + " from fmeta");
// Delete table from FMETA
FMetaEditor.dropTable(server.getConfiguration(), tableNameStr);
// notify server to clean the table's meta cache.
FServerManager serverManager = ((FMasterServices) server)
for (ServerName serverName : serverManager.getOnlineServersList()) {
serverManager.sendDisableTable(serverName, tableNameStr);
LOG.debug("Setting table" + tableNameStr + " deleted on ZK");
// If entry for this table in zk, and up in AssignmentManager, remove it.
LOG.debug("Successfully delete table" + tableNameStr);
public String toString() {
String name = "UnknownServerName";
if (server != null && server.getServerName() != null) {
name = server.getServerName().toString();
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + name + "-" + getSeqid() + "-"
+ tableNameStr;