* Copyright 2008-2013 LinkedIn, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package voldemort.utils;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import voldemort.VoldemortException;
import voldemort.client.rebalance.RebalancePlan;
import voldemort.client.rebalance.RebalanceTaskInfo;
import voldemort.cluster.Cluster;
import voldemort.cluster.Node;
import voldemort.cluster.Zone;
import voldemort.routing.StoreRoutingPlan;
import voldemort.server.rebalance.VoldemortRebalancingException;
import voldemort.store.StoreDefinition;
import voldemort.store.StoreDefinitionBuilder;
import voldemort.store.bdb.BdbStorageConfiguration;
import voldemort.store.readonly.ReadOnlyStorageConfiguration;
import voldemort.tools.PartitionBalance;
import voldemort.xml.ClusterMapper;
import voldemort.xml.StoreDefinitionsMapper;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
* RebalanceUtils provide basic functionality for rebalancing.
public class RebalanceUtils {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RebalanceUtils.class);
public final static List<String> canRebalanceList = Arrays.asList(BdbStorageConfiguration.TYPE_NAME,
public final static String currentClusterFileName = "current-cluster.xml";
public final static String finalClusterFileName = "final-cluster.xml";
public final static String finalStoresFileName = "final-stores.xml";
* Verify store definitions are congruent with cluster definition.
* @param cluster
* @param storeDefs
public static void validateClusterStores(final Cluster cluster,
final List<StoreDefinition> storeDefs) {
// Constructing a StoreRoutingPlan has the (desirable in this
// case) side-effect of verifying that the store definition is congruent
// with the cluster definition. If there are issues, exceptions are
// thrown.
for(StoreDefinition storeDefinition: storeDefs) {
new StoreRoutingPlan(cluster, storeDefinition);
// TODO: This method is biased towards the 3 currently supported use cases:
// shuffle, cluster expansion, and zone expansion. There are two other use
// cases we need to consider: cluster contraction (reducing # nodes in a
// zone) and zone contraction (reducing # of zones). We probably want to end
// up pass an enum into this method so we can do proper checks based on use
// case.
* A final cluster ought to be a super set of current cluster. I.e.,
* existing node IDs ought to map to same server, but partition layout can
* have changed and there may exist new nodes.
* @param currentCluster
* @param finalCluster
public static void validateCurrentFinalCluster(final Cluster currentCluster,
final Cluster finalCluster) {
validateClusterPartitionCounts(currentCluster, finalCluster);
validateClusterNodeState(currentCluster, finalCluster);
* An interim cluster ought to be a super set of current cluster. I.e., it
* ought to either be the same as current cluster (every partition is mapped
* to the same node of current & interim), or it ought to have more nodes
* (possibly in new zones) without partitions.
* @param currentCluster
* @param interimCluster
public static void validateCurrentInterimCluster(final Cluster currentCluster,
final Cluster interimCluster) {
validateClusterPartitionCounts(currentCluster, interimCluster);
validateClusterNodeState(currentCluster, interimCluster);
validateClusterPartitionState(currentCluster, interimCluster);
* Interim and final clusters ought to have same partition counts, same
* zones, and same node state. Partitions per node may of course differ.
* @param interimCluster
* @param finalCluster
public static void validateInterimFinalCluster(final Cluster interimCluster,
final Cluster finalCluster) {
validateClusterPartitionCounts(interimCluster, finalCluster);
validateClusterZonesSame(interimCluster, finalCluster);
validateClusterNodeCounts(interimCluster, finalCluster);
validateClusterNodeState(interimCluster, finalCluster);
* Confirms that both clusters have the same number of total partitions.
* @param lhs
* @param rhs
public static void validateClusterPartitionCounts(final Cluster lhs, final Cluster rhs) {
if(lhs.getNumberOfPartitions() != rhs.getNumberOfPartitions())
throw new VoldemortException("Total number of partitions should be equal [ lhs cluster ("
+ lhs.getNumberOfPartitions()
+ ") not equal to rhs cluster ("
+ rhs.getNumberOfPartitions() + ") ]");
* Confirm that all nodes shared between clusters host exact same partition
* IDs and that nodes only in the super set cluster have no partition IDs.
* @param subsetCluster
* @param supersetCluster
public static void validateClusterPartitionState(final Cluster subsetCluster,
final Cluster supersetCluster) {
if(!supersetCluster.getNodeIds().containsAll(subsetCluster.getNodeIds())) {
throw new VoldemortException("Superset cluster does not contain all nodes from subset cluster[ subset cluster node ids ("
+ subsetCluster.getNodeIds()
+ ") are not a subset of superset cluster node ids ("
+ supersetCluster.getNodeIds() + ") ]");
for(int nodeId: subsetCluster.getNodeIds()) {
Node supersetNode = supersetCluster.getNodeById(nodeId);
Node subsetNode = subsetCluster.getNodeById(nodeId);
if(!supersetNode.getPartitionIds().equals(subsetNode.getPartitionIds())) {
throw new VoldemortRebalancingException("Partition IDs do not match between clusters for nodes with id "
+ nodeId
+ " : subset cluster has "
+ subsetNode.getPartitionIds()
+ " and superset cluster has "
+ supersetNode.getPartitionIds());
Set<Integer> nodeIds = supersetCluster.getNodeIds();
for(int nodeId: nodeIds) {
Node supersetNode = supersetCluster.getNodeById(nodeId);
if(!supersetNode.getPartitionIds().isEmpty()) {
throw new VoldemortRebalancingException("New node "
+ nodeId
+ " in superset cluster already has partitions: "
+ supersetNode.getPartitionIds());
* Confirms that both clusters have the same set of zones defined.
* @param lhs
* @param rhs
public static void validateClusterZonesSame(final Cluster lhs, final Cluster rhs) {
Set<Zone> lhsSet = new HashSet<Zone>(lhs.getZones());
Set<Zone> rhsSet = new HashSet<Zone>(rhs.getZones());
throw new VoldemortException("Zones are not the same [ lhs cluster zones ("
+ lhs.getZones() + ") not equal to rhs cluster zones ("
+ rhs.getZones() + ") ]");
* Confirms that both clusters have the same number of nodes by comparing
* set of node Ids between clusters.
* @param lhs
* @param rhs
public static void validateClusterNodeCounts(final Cluster lhs, final Cluster rhs) {
if(!lhs.getNodeIds().equals(rhs.getNodeIds())) {
throw new VoldemortException("Node ids are not the same [ lhs cluster node ids ("
+ lhs.getNodeIds()
+ ") not equal to rhs cluster node ids ("
+ rhs.getNodeIds() + ") ]");
* Confirms that any nodes from supersetCluster that are in subsetCluster
* have the same state (i.e., node id, host name, and ports). Specific
* partitions hosted are not compared.
* @param subsetCluster
* @param supersetCluster
public static void validateClusterNodeState(final Cluster subsetCluster,
final Cluster supersetCluster) {
if(!supersetCluster.getNodeIds().containsAll(subsetCluster.getNodeIds())) {
throw new VoldemortException("Superset cluster does not contain all nodes from subset cluster[ subset cluster node ids ("
+ subsetCluster.getNodeIds()
+ ") are not a subset of superset cluster node ids ("
+ supersetCluster.getNodeIds() + ") ]");
for(Node subsetNode: subsetCluster.getNodes()) {
Node supersetNode = supersetCluster.getNodeById(subsetNode.getId());
if(!subsetNode.isEqualState(supersetNode)) {
throw new VoldemortException("Nodes do not have same state[ subset node state ("
+ subsetNode.getStateString()
+ ") not equal to superset node state ("
+ supersetNode.getStateString() + ") ]");
* Given the current cluster and final cluster, generates an interim cluster
* with empty new nodes (and zones).
* @param currentCluster Current cluster metadata
* @param finalCluster Final cluster metadata
* @return Returns a new interim cluster which contains nodes and zones of
* final cluster, but with empty partition lists if they were not
* present in current cluster.
public static Cluster getInterimCluster(Cluster currentCluster, Cluster finalCluster) {
List<Node> newNodeList = new ArrayList<Node>(currentCluster.getNodes());
for(Node node: finalCluster.getNodes()) {
if(!currentCluster.hasNodeWithId(node.getId())) {
newNodeList.add(UpdateClusterUtils.updateNode(node, new ArrayList<Integer>()));
return new Cluster(currentCluster.getName(),
* Given the current cluster and a zone id that needs to be dropped, this
* method will remove all partitions from the zone that is being dropped and
* move it to the existing zones. The partitions are moved intelligently so
* as not to avoid any data movement in the existing zones.
* This is achieved by moving the partitions to nodes in the surviving zones
* that is zone-nry to that partition in the surviving zone.
* @param currentCluster Current cluster metadata
* @return Returns an interim cluster with empty partition lists on the
* nodes from the zone being dropped
public static Cluster vacateZone(Cluster currentCluster, int dropZoneId) {
Cluster returnCluster = Cluster.cloneCluster(currentCluster);
// Go over each node in the zone being dropped
for(Integer nodeId: currentCluster.getNodeIdsInZone(dropZoneId)) {
// For each node grab all the partitions it hosts
for(Integer partitionId: currentCluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getPartitionIds()) {
// Now for each partition find a new home..which would be a node
// in one of the existing zones
int finalZoneId = -1;
int finalNodeId = -1;
int adjacentPartitionId = partitionId;
do {
adjacentPartitionId = (adjacentPartitionId + 1)
% currentCluster.getNumberOfPartitions();
finalNodeId = currentCluster.getNodeForPartitionId(adjacentPartitionId).getId();
finalZoneId = currentCluster.getZoneForPartitionId(adjacentPartitionId).getId();
if(adjacentPartitionId == partitionId) {
logger.error("ParititionId " + partitionId + "stays unchanged \n");
} else {
logger.info("ParititionId " + partitionId
+ " goes together with partition " + adjacentPartitionId
+ " on node " + finalNodeId + " in zone " + finalZoneId);
returnCluster = UpdateClusterUtils.createUpdatedCluster(returnCluster,
} while(finalZoneId == dropZoneId);
return returnCluster;
* Given a interim cluster with a previously vacated zone, constructs a new
* cluster object with the drop zone completely removed
* @param intermediateCluster
* @param dropZoneId
* @return adjusted cluster with the zone dropped
public static Cluster dropZone(Cluster intermediateCluster, int dropZoneId) {
// Filter out nodes that don't belong to the zone being dropped
Set<Node> survivingNodes = new HashSet<Node>();
for(int nodeId: intermediateCluster.getNodeIds()) {
if(intermediateCluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getZoneId() != dropZoneId) {
// Filter out dropZoneId from all zones
Set<Zone> zones = new HashSet<Zone>();
for(int zoneId: intermediateCluster.getZoneIds()) {
if(zoneId == dropZoneId) {
List<Integer> proximityList = intermediateCluster.getZoneById(zoneId)
proximityList.remove(new Integer(dropZoneId));
zones.add(new Zone(zoneId, proximityList));
return new Cluster(intermediateCluster.getName(),
* Similar to {@link RebalanceUtils#vacateZone(Cluster, int)}, takes the
* current store definitions in the cluster and creates store definitions
* with the specified zone effectively dropped.
* In order to drop a zone, we adjust the total replication factor and
* remove zone replication factor for the dropped zone
* @param currentStoreDefs
* @param dropZoneId
* @return the adjusted list of store definitions
public static List<StoreDefinition> dropZone(List<StoreDefinition> currentStoreDefs,
int dropZoneId) {
List<StoreDefinition> adjustedStoreDefList = new ArrayList<StoreDefinition>();
for(StoreDefinition storeDef: currentStoreDefs) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> zoneRepFactorMap = storeDef.getZoneReplicationFactor();
if(!zoneRepFactorMap.containsKey(dropZoneId)) {
throw new VoldemortException("Store " + storeDef.getName()
+ " does not have replication factor for zone "
+ dropZoneId);
StoreDefinitionBuilder adjustedStoreDefBuilder = StoreDefinitionUtils.getBuilderForStoreDef(storeDef);
if(!storeDef.hasPreferredReads()) {
if(!storeDef.hasPreferredWrites()) {
// Copy all zone replication factor entries except for dropped zone
HashMap<Integer, Integer> adjustedZoneRepFactorMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for(Integer zoneId: zoneRepFactorMap.keySet()) {
if(zoneId != dropZoneId) {
adjustedZoneRepFactorMap.put(zoneId, zoneRepFactorMap.get(zoneId));
// adjust the replication factor
int zoneRepFactor = zoneRepFactorMap.get(dropZoneId);
- zoneRepFactor);
return adjustedStoreDefList;
* For a particular stealer node find all the primary partitions tuples it
* will steal.
* @param currentCluster The cluster definition of the existing cluster
* @param finalCluster The final cluster definition
* @param stealNodeId Node id of the stealer node
* @return Returns a list of primary partitions which this stealer node will
* get
public static List<Integer> getStolenPrimaryPartitions(final Cluster currentCluster,
final Cluster finalCluster,
final int stealNodeId) {
List<Integer> finalList = new ArrayList<Integer>(finalCluster.getNodeById(stealNodeId)
List<Integer> currentList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if(currentCluster.hasNodeWithId(stealNodeId)) {
currentList = currentCluster.getNodeById(stealNodeId).getPartitionIds();
} else {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Current cluster does not contain stealer node (cluster : [[["
+ currentCluster + "]]], node id " + stealNodeId + ")");
return finalList;
* Print log to the following logger ( Info level )
* @param batchId Task id
* @param logger Logger class
* @param message The message to print
public static void printBatchLog(int batchId, Logger logger, String message) {
logger.info("[Rebalance batch id " + batchId + "] " + message);
* Print log to the following logger ( Info level )
* @param batchId
* @param taskId
* @param logger
* @param message
public static void printBatchTaskLog(int batchId, int taskId, Logger logger, String message) {
logger.info("[Rebalance batch/task id " + batchId + "/" + taskId + "] " + message);
* Print log to the following logger ( Error level )
* @param taskId Stealer node id
* @param logger Logger class
* @param message The message to print
public static void printErrorLog(int taskId, Logger logger, String message, Exception e) {
if(e == null) {
logger.error("Task id " + Integer.toString(taskId) + "] " + message);
} else {
logger.error("Task id " + Integer.toString(taskId) + "] " + message, e);
* Given a list of store definitions, makes sure that rebalance supports all
* of them. If not it throws an error.
* @param storeDefList List of store definitions
* @return Filtered list of store definitions which rebalancing supports
public static List<StoreDefinition> validateRebalanceStore(List<StoreDefinition> storeDefList) {
List<StoreDefinition> returnList = new ArrayList<StoreDefinition>(storeDefList.size());
for(StoreDefinition def: storeDefList) {
if(!def.isView() && !canRebalanceList.contains(def.getType())) {
throw new VoldemortException("Rebalance does not support rebalancing of stores of type "
+ def.getType() + " - " + def.getName());
} else if(!def.isView()) {
} else {
logger.debug("Ignoring view " + def.getName() + " for rebalancing");
return returnList;
* Given the initial and final cluster dumps it into the output directory
* @param currentCluster Initial cluster metadata
* @param finalCluster Final cluster metadata
* @param outputDirName Output directory where to dump this file
* @param filePrefix String to prepend to the initial & final cluster
* metadata files
* @throws IOException
public static void dumpClusters(Cluster currentCluster,
Cluster finalCluster,
String outputDirName,
String filePrefix) {
dumpClusterToFile(outputDirName, filePrefix + currentClusterFileName, currentCluster);
dumpClusterToFile(outputDirName, filePrefix + finalClusterFileName, finalCluster);
* Given the current and final cluster dumps it into the output directory
* @param currentCluster Initial cluster metadata
* @param finalCluster Final cluster metadata
* @param outputDirName Output directory where to dump this file
* @throws IOException
public static void dumpClusters(Cluster currentCluster,
Cluster finalCluster,
String outputDirName) {
dumpClusters(currentCluster, finalCluster, outputDirName, "");
* Prints a cluster xml to a file.
* @param outputDirName
* @param fileName
* @param cluster
public static void dumpClusterToFile(String outputDirName, String fileName, Cluster cluster) {
if(outputDirName != null) {
File outputDir = new File(outputDirName);
if(!outputDir.exists()) {
try {
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(outputDirName, fileName),
new ClusterMapper().writeCluster(cluster));
} catch(IOException e) {
logger.error("IOException during dumpClusterToFile: " + e);
* Prints a stores xml to a file.
* @param outputDirName
* @param fileName
* @param list of storeDefs
public static void dumpStoreDefsToFile(String outputDirName,
String fileName,
List<StoreDefinition> storeDefs) {
if(outputDirName != null) {
File outputDir = new File(outputDirName);
if(!outputDir.exists()) {
try {
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(outputDirName, fileName),
new StoreDefinitionsMapper().writeStoreList(storeDefs));
} catch(IOException e) {
logger.error("IOException during dumpStoreDefsToFile: " + e);
* Prints a balance analysis to a file.
* @param outputDirName
* @param baseFileName suffix '.analysis' is appended to baseFileName.
* @param partitionBalance
public static void dumpAnalysisToFile(String outputDirName,
String baseFileName,
PartitionBalance partitionBalance) {
if(outputDirName != null) {
File outputDir = new File(outputDirName);
if(!outputDir.exists()) {
try {
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(outputDirName, baseFileName + ".analysis"),
} catch(IOException e) {
logger.error("IOException during dumpAnalysisToFile: " + e);
* Prints the plan to a file.
* @param outputDirName
* @param plan
public static void dumpPlanToFile(String outputDirName, RebalancePlan plan) {
if(outputDirName != null) {
File outputDir = new File(outputDirName);
if(!outputDir.exists()) {
try {
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(outputDirName, "plan.out"), plan.toString());
} catch(IOException e) {
logger.error("IOException during dumpPlanToFile: " + e);
public static int countTaskStores(List<RebalanceTaskInfo> infos) {
int count = 0;
for(RebalanceTaskInfo info: infos) {
count += info.getPartitionStoreCount();
return count;
* Given a list of partition plans and a set of stores, copies the store
* names to every individual plan and creates a new list
* @param existingPlanList Existing partition plan list
* @param storeDefs List of store names we are rebalancing
* @return List of updated partition plan
public static List<RebalanceTaskInfo> filterTaskPlanWithStores(List<RebalanceTaskInfo> existingPlanList,
List<StoreDefinition> storeDefs) {
List<RebalanceTaskInfo> plans = Lists.newArrayList();
List<String> storeNames = StoreDefinitionUtils.getStoreNames(storeDefs);
for(RebalanceTaskInfo existingPlan: existingPlanList) {
RebalanceTaskInfo info = RebalanceTaskInfo.create(existingPlan.toJsonString());
// Filter the plans only for stores given
HashMap<String, List<Integer>> storeToPartitions = info.getStoreToPartitionIds();
HashMap<String, List<Integer>> newStoreToPartitions = Maps.newHashMap();
for(String storeName: storeNames) {
newStoreToPartitions.put(storeName, storeToPartitions.get(storeName));
return plans;
* Given a list of partition infos, generates a map of stealer / donor node
* to list of partition infos
* @param rebalanceTaskPlanList Complete list of partition plans
* @param groupByStealerNode Boolean indicating if we want to group by
* stealer node ( or donor node )
* @return Flattens it into a map on a per node basis
public static HashMap<Integer, List<RebalanceTaskInfo>> groupPartitionsTaskByNode(List<RebalanceTaskInfo> rebalanceTaskPlanList,
boolean groupByStealerNode) {
HashMap<Integer, List<RebalanceTaskInfo>> nodeToTaskInfo = Maps.newHashMap();
if(rebalanceTaskPlanList != null) {
for(RebalanceTaskInfo partitionInfo: rebalanceTaskPlanList) {
int nodeId = groupByStealerNode ? partitionInfo.getStealerId()
: partitionInfo.getDonorId();
List<RebalanceTaskInfo> taskInfos = nodeToTaskInfo.get(nodeId);
if(taskInfos == null) {
taskInfos = Lists.newArrayList();
nodeToTaskInfo.put(nodeId, taskInfos);
return nodeToTaskInfo;
* Wait to shutdown service
* @param executorService Executor service to shutdown
* @param timeOutSec Time we wait for
public static void executorShutDown(ExecutorService executorService, long timeOutSec) {
try {
executorService.awaitTermination(timeOutSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.warn("Error while stoping executor service.", e);
public static ExecutorService createExecutors(int numThreads) {
return Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads, new ThreadFactory() {
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
Thread thread = new Thread(r);
return thread;