* Copyright 2008-2012 LinkedIn, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package voldemort.store.stats;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import voldemort.store.socket.SocketDestination;
import voldemort.store.socket.clientrequest.ClientRequestExecutor;
import voldemort.utils.JmxUtils;
import voldemort.utils.SystemTime;
import voldemort.utils.Time;
import voldemort.utils.pool.QueuedKeyedResourcePool;
* Some convenient statistics to track about the client requests
// TODO: This approach to stats tracking seems scary. All of the getter methods
// query current counters/histograms that are being updated. If you happen to
// use a getter soon after the monitoringInterval has rolled over, then your
// answer is likely statistically insignificant and potentially totally whacked
// out (not a technical term, sorry). Either of the following approaches seem
// like an improvement to me:
// (1) Effectively have two copies of all stats tracking "current" and "prev".
// All the getters would access "last". This means the responses are
// statistically meaningful, but potentially stale. reset() would copy
// "current" to "prev" and then resets "current".
// (2) A more general variant of (1) is to have n copies of all stats tracking.
// The getters would aggregated over all n copies of stats tracking. This
// provides a "sliding" window of statistically valid responses. reset() would
// create a new stats tracking object and delete the oldest stats trackig
// object.
public class ClientSocketStats {
private final ClientSocketStats parent;
private final ConcurrentMap<SocketDestination, ClientSocketStats> statsMap;
private final SocketDestination destination;
private QueuedKeyedResourcePool<SocketDestination, ClientRequestExecutor> pool;
// "Sync checkouts" / KeyedResourcePool::checkout
private final RequestCounter checkoutTimeRequestCounter =
new RequestCounter("client-socket.checkout-time", 60000, true);
// "Async checkouts" / QueuedKeyedResourcePool::registerResourceRequest
private final RequestCounter resourceRequestTimeRequestCounter =
new RequestCounter("client-socket.resource-request-time", 60000, true);
// Connection establishment time. The counter will be reset every 60 seconds
private final RequestCounter connectionEstablishmentRequestCounter =
new RequestCounter("client-socket.checkout-time", 60000, true);
// Sync operation time stats. The counter will be reset every 60 seconds
private final RequestCounter syncOpTimeRequestCounter =
new RequestCounter("client-socket.sync-operations-time", 60000, true);
// Async operation time stats. The counter will be reset every 60 seconds
private final RequestCounter asynOpTimeRequestCounter =
new RequestCounter("client-socket.async-operations-time", 60000, true);
// The histograms will be reset after monitoringInterval
private final AtomicInteger monitoringInterval = new AtomicInteger(60000);
private long startMs;
// FIXME: Change this for a Tehuti Histogram
private final Histogram checkoutQueueLengthHistogram = new Histogram(250, 1);
private final Histogram resourceRequestQueueLengthHistogram = new Histogram(250, 1);
private final String identifierString;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ClientSocketStats.class.getName());
private final Map<Tracked, AtomicInteger> counters;
public static enum Tracked {
private final String name;
private Tracked(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return name;
* To construct a per node stats object
* @param parent An optional parent stats object that will maintain
* aggregate data across many sockets
* @param destination The destination object that defines the node
* @param pool The socket pool that will give out connection information
* @param identifierString The string of identifier
public ClientSocketStats(ClientSocketStats parent,
SocketDestination destination,
QueuedKeyedResourcePool<SocketDestination, ClientRequestExecutor> pool,
String identifierString) {
this.parent = parent;
this.statsMap = null;
this.destination = destination;
this.pool = pool;
this.identifierString = identifierString;
this.startMs = SystemTime.INSTANCE.getMilliseconds();
counters = new EnumMap<Tracked, AtomicInteger>(Tracked.class);
for(Tracked tracked: Tracked.values()) {
counters.put(tracked, new AtomicInteger(0));
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Constructed ClientSocketStatsStats object ("
+ System.identityHashCode(this) + ") with parent object("
+ System.identityHashCode(parent) + ")");
* Construction of a new aggregate stats object
* @param identifierString The string of identifier
public ClientSocketStats(String identifierString) {
this.parent = null;
this.statsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<SocketDestination, ClientSocketStats>();
this.destination = null;
this.pool = null;
this.identifierString = identifierString;
this.startMs = SystemTime.INSTANCE.getMilliseconds();
counters = new EnumMap<Tracked, AtomicInteger>(Tracked.class);
for(Tracked tracked: Tracked.values()) {
counters.put(tracked, new AtomicInteger(0));
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Constructed ClientSocketStatsStats object ("
+ System.identityHashCode(this) + ") with parent object("
+ System.identityHashCode(parent) + ")");
/* get per node stats, create one if not exist */
private ClientSocketStats getOrCreateNodeStats(SocketDestination destination) {
if(destination == null) {
return null;
ClientSocketStats stats = statsMap.get(destination);
if(stats == null) {
ClientSocketStats socketStats = new ClientSocketStats(this,
// The idea here is to avoid registering the bean multiple times.
// This can happen when
// two threads, both read the stats object as null (three lines
// above) and then try to
// populate the map with their own socketStats object. putifabsent
// returns the existing
// value if the key exists or returns null. The thread that does the
// first put will
// get a null return vale. That thread will then go on to get the
// stats object and register
// the bean. All the other threads will have their stats object
// populated by the return
// value of the putIfAbsent call that will return the existing value
// in the map.
stats = statsMap.putIfAbsent(destination, socketStats);
if(stats == null) {
stats = socketStats;
JmxUtils.registerMbean(new ClientSocketStatsJmx(stats),
+ destination.toString()
+ identifierString));
return stats;
* Record operation for sync ops time
* @param dest Destination of the socket to connect to. Will actually record
* if null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child
* with this param null.
* @param opTimeUs The number of us for the op to finish
public void recordSyncOpTimeNs(SocketDestination dest, long opTimeNs) {
if(dest != null) {
getOrCreateNodeStats(dest).recordSyncOpTimeNs(null, opTimeNs);
recordSyncOpTimeNs(null, opTimeNs);
} else {
* Record operation for async ops time
* @param dest Destination of the socket to connect to. Will actually record
* if null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child
* with this param null.
* @param opTimeUs The number of us for the op to finish
public void recordAsyncOpTimeNs(SocketDestination dest, long opTimeNs) {
if(dest != null) {
getOrCreateNodeStats(dest).recordAsyncOpTimeNs(null, opTimeNs);
recordAsyncOpTimeNs(null, opTimeNs);
} else {
* Record the connection establishment time
* @param dest Destination of the socket to connect to. Will actually record
* if null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child
* with this param null.
* @param connEstTimeUs The number of us to wait before establishing a
* connection
public void recordConnectionEstablishmentTimeUs(SocketDestination dest, long connEstTimeUs) {
if(dest != null) {
getOrCreateNodeStats(dest).recordConnectionEstablishmentTimeUs(null, connEstTimeUs);
recordConnectionEstablishmentTimeUs(null, connEstTimeUs);
} else {
this.connectionEstablishmentRequestCounter.addRequest(connEstTimeUs * Time.NS_PER_US);
* Record the checkout wait time in us
* @param dest Destination of the socket to checkout. Will actually record
* if null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child
* with this param null.
* @param checkoutTimeUs The number of us to wait before getting a socket
public void recordCheckoutTimeUs(SocketDestination dest, long checkoutTimeUs) {
if(dest != null) {
getOrCreateNodeStats(dest).recordCheckoutTimeUs(null, checkoutTimeUs);
recordCheckoutTimeUs(null, checkoutTimeUs);
} else {
this.checkoutTimeRequestCounter.addRequest(checkoutTimeUs * Time.NS_PER_US);
* Record the checkout queue length
* @param dest Destination of the socket to checkout. Will actually record
* if null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child
* with this param null.
* @param queueLength The number of entries in the "synchronous" checkout
* queue.
public void recordCheckoutQueueLength(SocketDestination dest, int queueLength) {
if(dest != null) {
getOrCreateNodeStats(dest).recordCheckoutQueueLength(null, queueLength);
recordCheckoutQueueLength(null, queueLength);
} else {
* Record the resource request wait time in us
* @param dest Destination of the socket for which the resource was
* requested. Will actually record if null. Otherwise will call this
* on self and corresponding child with this param null.
* @param resourceRequestTimeUs The number of us to wait before getting a
* socket
public void recordResourceRequestTimeUs(SocketDestination dest, long resourceRequestTimeUs) {
if(dest != null) {
getOrCreateNodeStats(dest).recordResourceRequestTimeUs(null, resourceRequestTimeUs);
recordResourceRequestTimeUs(null, resourceRequestTimeUs);
} else {
* Time.NS_PER_US);
* Record the resource request queue length
* @param dest Destination of the socket for which resource request is
* enqueued. Will actually record if null. Otherwise will call this
* on self and corresponding child with this param null.
* @param queueLength The number of entries in the "asynchronous" resource
* request queue.
public void recordResourceRequestQueueLength(SocketDestination dest, int queueLength) {
if(dest != null) {
getOrCreateNodeStats(dest).recordResourceRequestQueueLength(null, queueLength);
recordResourceRequestQueueLength(null, queueLength);
} else {
public void incrementCount(SocketDestination dest, Tracked metric) {
if(dest != null) {
getOrCreateNodeStats(dest).incrementCount(null, metric);
incrementCount(null, metric);
} else {
public int getCount(Tracked metric) {
return counters.get(metric).get();
// Getters for checkout stats
public int getCheckoutCount() {
return (int) checkoutTimeRequestCounter.getCount();
public double getAvgCheckoutWaitMs() {
return checkoutTimeRequestCounter.getAverageTimeInMs();
public double getCheckoutTimeMsQ10th() {
return checkoutTimeRequestCounter.getQ10LatencyMs();
public double getCheckoutTimeMsQ50th() {
return checkoutTimeRequestCounter.getQ50LatencyMs();
public double getCheckoutTimeMsQ99th() {
return checkoutTimeRequestCounter.getQ99LatencyMs();
public Histogram getCheckoutQueueLengthHistogram() {
return this.checkoutQueueLengthHistogram;
// Getters for resourceRequest stats
public int resourceRequestCount() {
return (int) resourceRequestTimeRequestCounter.getCount();
* @return 0 if there have been no resourceRequest invocations
public double getAvgResourceRequestTimeMs() {
return resourceRequestTimeRequestCounter.getAverageTimeInMs();
public double getResourceRequestTimeMsQ10th() {
return resourceRequestTimeRequestCounter.getQ10LatencyMs();
public double getResourceRequestTimeMsQ50th() {
return resourceRequestTimeRequestCounter.getQ50LatencyMs();
public double getResourceRequestTimeMsQ99th() {
return resourceRequestTimeRequestCounter.getQ99LatencyMs();
public Histogram getResourceRequestQueueLengthHistogram() {
return this.resourceRequestQueueLengthHistogram;
// Getters for (queued)pool stats
public int getConnectionsActive(SocketDestination destination) {
if(destination == null) {
return pool.getTotalResourceCount();
} else {
return pool.getTotalResourceCount(destination);
public int getConnectionsInPool(SocketDestination destination) {
if(destination == null) {
return pool.getCheckedInResourceCount();
} else {
return pool.getCheckedInResourcesCount(destination);
// Getters for connection establishment stats
public double getAvgConnectionEstablishmentMs() {
return this.connectionEstablishmentRequestCounter.getAverageTimeInMs();
public double getConnectionEstablishmentQ99LatencyMs() {
return this.connectionEstablishmentRequestCounter.getQ99LatencyMs();
// Getters for sync op time
public double getSyncOpTimeMsAvg() {
return this.syncOpTimeRequestCounter.getAverageTimeInMs();
public double getSyncOpTimeMsQ95th() {
return this.syncOpTimeRequestCounter.getQ95LatencyMs();
public double getSyncOpTimeMsQ99th() {
return this.syncOpTimeRequestCounter.getQ99LatencyMs();
// Getters for async op time
public double getAsyncOpTimeMsAvg() {
return this.asynOpTimeRequestCounter.getAverageTimeInMs();
public double getAsyncOpTimeMsQ95th() {
return this.asynOpTimeRequestCounter.getQ95LatencyMs();
public double getAsyncOpTimeMsQ99th() {
return this.asynOpTimeRequestCounter.getQ99LatencyMs();
// Config & administrivia interfaces
public void setMonitoringInterval(int count) {
public int getMonitoringInterval() {
return this.monitoringInterval.get();
protected void checkMonitoringInterval() {
int durationMs = this.monitoringInterval.get();
// reset aggregated stats and all the node stats for new interval
if(parent == null && statsMap != null) {
long now = SystemTime.INSTANCE.getMilliseconds();
if(now - this.startMs > durationMs) {
// reset all children
Iterator<SocketDestination> it = statsMap.keySet().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
ClientSocketStats stats = statsMap.get(it.next());
// reset itself
* Reset all of the stats counters
protected void resetForInterval() {
// harmless race conditions amongst all of this counter resetting:
this.startMs = SystemTime.INSTANCE.getMilliseconds();
public void setPool(QueuedKeyedResourcePool<SocketDestination, ClientRequestExecutor> pool) {
this.pool = pool;
public ConcurrentMap<SocketDestination, ClientSocketStats> getStatsMap() {
return statsMap;
SocketDestination getDestination() {
return destination;
* Unregister all MBeans
public void close() {
Iterator<SocketDestination> it = getStatsMap().keySet().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
try {
SocketDestination destination = it.next();
+ destination.toString()
+ identifierString));
} catch(Exception e) {}