* Copyright 2013 LinkedIn, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package voldemort.routing;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import voldemort.VoldemortException;
import voldemort.cluster.Cluster;
import voldemort.cluster.Node;
import voldemort.store.StoreDefinition;
import voldemort.store.system.SystemStoreConstants;
import voldemort.utils.Pair;
import voldemort.utils.Utils;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
* This class wraps up a Cluster object and a StoreDefinition. The methods are
* effectively helper or util style methods for querying the routing plan that
* will be generated for a given routing strategy upon store and cluster
* topology information.
* This object can be expensive to construct. Invocations of getters should be
* O(1) if possible. Lazy initialization of cached values is ideal...
* The intermingling of key-based interfaces and partition-based interfaces is
* ugly in this class. Partition-based interfaces should be in an underlying
* class and then key-based interfaces should wrap those up. Or, all of these
* types of class should implement the getMasterPartition(byte[]) interface from
* RoutingStrategy. Then the caller always does translation from key to
* partition ID, and the *StoreRouting* classes only offer partition-based
* interfaces.
// TODO: Should find a better name for this class. Need to do same for what is
// currently BaseStoreRoutingPlan. Suggestions thus far for this class:
// RoutingInfoHelper, ComplicatedStoreRoutingPlan, ClusterStoreRouter,
// ClusterStoreRoutingPlan. Ideally, the name makes this classes use case
// (expensive construction, fast lookups) clear, and distinct from the use case
// for what is now the BaseStoreRoutingPlan.
// TODO: Review all objects that construct a StoreRoutingPlan to see if the
// usage would be better served by BaseStoreRoutingPlan. The former is expensive
// to construct (many ms) whereas the latter is cheap to construct (us).
public class StoreRoutingPlan {
private final Cluster cluster;
private final StoreDefinition storeDefinition;
private final RoutingStrategy routingStrategy;
private final Node[] partitionToNode;
private final ArrayList<List<Integer>> partitionIdToReplicatingList;
private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> nodeIdToNaryPartitionMap;
private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> nodeIdToZonePrimaryMap;
public StoreRoutingPlan(Cluster cluster, StoreDefinition storeDefinition) {
this.cluster = cluster;
this.storeDefinition = storeDefinition;
this.routingStrategy = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(storeDefinition,
this.partitionToNode = cluster.getPartitionIdToNodeArray();
this.partitionIdToReplicatingList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(this.partitionToNode.length);
for(int partitionId = 0; partitionId < partitionToNode.length; ++partitionId) {
this.nodeIdToNaryPartitionMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
this.nodeIdToZonePrimaryMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
for(int nodeId: cluster.getNodeIds()) {
this.nodeIdToNaryPartitionMap.put(nodeId, new ArrayList<Integer>());
this.nodeIdToZonePrimaryMap.put(nodeId, new ArrayList<Integer>());
for(int masterPartitionId = 0; masterPartitionId < cluster.getNumberOfPartitions(); ++masterPartitionId) {
List<Integer> naryPartitionIds = getReplicatingPartitionList(masterPartitionId);
for(int naryPartitionId: naryPartitionIds) {
int naryNodeId = getNodeIdForPartitionId(naryPartitionId);
for(int nodeId: cluster.getNodeIds()) {
int naryZoneId = cluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getZoneId();
List<Integer> naryPartitionIds = this.nodeIdToNaryPartitionMap.get(nodeId);
List<Integer> zoneNAries = this.nodeIdToZonePrimaryMap.get(nodeId);
for(int naryPartitionId: naryPartitionIds) {
if(getZoneNaryForNodesPartition(naryZoneId, nodeId, naryPartitionId) == 0) {
public Cluster getCluster() {
return cluster;
public StoreDefinition getStoreDefinition() {
return storeDefinition;
* Verify that cluster is congruent to store def wrt zones.
private void verifyClusterStoreDefinition() {
if(SystemStoreConstants.isSystemStore(storeDefinition.getName())) {
// TODO: Once "todo" in StorageService.initSystemStores is complete,
// this early return can be removed and verification can be enabled
// for system stores.
Set<Integer> clusterZoneIds = cluster.getZoneIds();
if(clusterZoneIds.size() > 1) { // Zoned
Map<Integer, Integer> zoneRepFactor = storeDefinition.getZoneReplicationFactor();
Set<Integer> storeDefZoneIds = zoneRepFactor.keySet();
if(!clusterZoneIds.equals(storeDefZoneIds)) {
throw new VoldemortException("Zone IDs in cluster (" + clusterZoneIds
+ ") are incongruent with zone IDs in store defs ("
+ storeDefZoneIds + ")");
for(int zoneId: clusterZoneIds) {
if(zoneRepFactor.get(zoneId) > cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(zoneId)) {
throw new VoldemortException("Not enough nodes ("
+ cluster.getNumberOfNodesInZone(zoneId)
+ ") in zone with id " + zoneId
+ " for replication factor of "
+ zoneRepFactor.get(zoneId) + ".");
} else { // Non-zoned
if(storeDefinition.getReplicationFactor() > cluster.getNumberOfNodes()) {
throw new VoldemortException("Not enough nodes (" + cluster.getNumberOfNodes()
+ ") for replication factor of "
+ storeDefinition.getReplicationFactor() + ".");
* Determines list of partition IDs that replicate the master partition ID.
* @param masterPartitionId
* @return List of partition IDs that replicate the master partition ID.
public List<Integer> getReplicatingPartitionList(int masterPartitionId) {
return partitionIdToReplicatingList.get(masterPartitionId);
* Determines list of partition IDs that replicate the key.
* @param key
* @return List of partition IDs that replicate the given key
public List<Integer> getReplicatingPartitionList(final byte[] key) {
return getReplicatingPartitionList(this.routingStrategy.getMasterPartition(key));
* Determines master partition ID for the key.
* @param key
* @return master partition id
public int getMasterPartitionId(final byte[] key) {
return this.routingStrategy.getMasterPartition(key);
* Determines node ID that hosts the specified partition ID.
* @param partitionId
* @return node id that hosts primary partition id.
public int getNodeIdForPartitionId(int partitionId) {
return partitionToNode[partitionId].getId();
* Determines the partition ID that replicates the key on the given node.
* @param nodeId of the node
* @param key to look up.
* @return partitionId if found, otherwise null.
public Integer getNodesPartitionIdForKey(int nodeId, final byte[] key) {
// this is all the partitions the key replicates to.
List<Integer> partitionIds = getReplicatingPartitionList(key);
for(Integer partitionId: partitionIds) {
// check which of the replicating partitions belongs to the node in
// question
if(getNodeIdForPartitionId(partitionId) == nodeId) {
return partitionId;
return null;
* Converts from partitionId to nodeId. The list of partition IDs,
* partitionIds, is expected to be a "replicating partition list", i.e., the
* mapping from partition ID to node ID should be one to one.
* @param partitionIds List of partition IDs for which to find the Node ID
* for the Node that owns the partition.
* @return List of node ids, one for each partition ID in partitionIds
* @throws VoldemortException If multiple partition IDs in partitionIds map
* to the same Node ID.
private List<Integer> getNodeIdListForPartitionIdList(List<Integer> partitionIds)
throws VoldemortException {
List<Integer> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(partitionIds.size());
for(Integer partitionId: partitionIds) {
int nodeId = getNodeIdForPartitionId(partitionId);
if(nodeIds.contains(nodeId)) {
throw new VoldemortException("Node ID " + nodeId + " already in list of Node IDs.");
} else {
return nodeIds;
* Returns the list of node ids this partition replicates to.
* TODO ideally the {@link RoutingStrategy} should house a routeRequest(int
* partition) method
* @param partitionId
* @return list of node ids
* @throws VoldemortException
public List<Integer> getReplicationNodeList(int partitionId) throws VoldemortException {
return getNodeIdListForPartitionIdList(getReplicatingPartitionList(partitionId));
* Returns all (zone n-ary) partition IDs hosted on the node.
* @param nodeId
* @return all zone n-ary partition IDs hosted on the node in an unordered
* list.
public List<Integer> getZoneNAryPartitionIds(int nodeId) {
return nodeIdToNaryPartitionMap.get(nodeId);
* Returns all zone-primary partition IDs on node. A zone-primary means zone
* n-ary==0. Zone-primary nodes are generally pseudo-masters in the zone and
* receive get traffic for some partition Id.
* @param nodeId
* @return all primary partition IDs (zone n-ary == 0) hosted on the node.
public List<Integer> getZonePrimaryPartitionIds(int nodeId) {
return nodeIdToZonePrimaryMap.get(nodeId);
* checks if zone has a zone n-ary for partition Id. False should only be
* returned in zone expansion use cases.
* @param zoneId
* @param zoneNAry zone n-ary replica to confirm
* @param partitionId
* @return true iff partitionId has zone-nary replica in zone id .
// TODO: add unit test.
public boolean zoneNAryExists(int zoneId, int zoneNAry, int partitionId) {
int currentZoneNAry = -1;
for(int replicatingNodeId: getReplicationNodeList(partitionId)) {
Node replicatingNode = cluster.getNodeById(replicatingNodeId);
if(replicatingNode.getZoneId() == zoneId) {
if(currentZoneNAry == zoneNAry) {
return true;
return false;
* Determines the zone n-ary replica level of the specified partitionId on
* the node id in zone id.
* @param zoneId
* @param nodeId
* @param partitionId
* @return zone n-ary replica level of the partition id on the node id in
* the zone id (primary == 0, secondary == 1, ...)
// TODO: add unit test.
public int getZoneNaryForNodesPartition(int zoneId, int nodeId, int partitionId) {
if(cluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getZoneId() != zoneId) {
throw new VoldemortException("Node " + nodeId + " is not in zone " + zoneId
+ "! The node is in zone "
+ cluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getZoneId());
List<Integer> replicatingNodeIds = getReplicationNodeList(partitionId);
int zoneNAry = -1;
for(int replicatingNodeId: replicatingNodeIds) {
Node replicatingNode = cluster.getNodeById(replicatingNodeId);
// bump up the replica number once you encounter a node in the given
// zone
if(replicatingNode.getZoneId() == zoneId) {
if(replicatingNodeId == nodeId) {
return zoneNAry;
if(zoneNAry > 0) {
throw new VoldemortException("Node " + nodeId + " not a replica for partition "
+ partitionId + " in given zone " + zoneId);
} else {
throw new VoldemortException("Could not find any replicas for partition Id "
+ partitionId + " in given zone " + zoneId);
* Determines if the key replicates to the given node
* @param key
* @param nodeId
* @return true if the key belongs to the node as some replica
public boolean checkKeyBelongsToNode(byte[] key, int nodeId) {
List<Integer> nodePartitions = cluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getPartitionIds();
List<Integer> replicatingPartitions = getReplicatingPartitionList(key);
// remove all partitions from the list, except those that belong to the
// node
return replicatingPartitions.size() > 0;
// TODO: (refactor) Move from static methods to non-static methods that use
// this object's cluster and storeDefinition member for the various
// check*BelongsTo* methods. Also, tweak internal members to make these
// checks easier/faster.
* Check that the key belongs to one of the partitions in the map of replica
* type to partitions
* @param keyPartitions Preference list of the key
* @param nodePartitions Partition list on this node
* @param replicaToPartitionList Mapping of replica type to partition list
* @return Returns a boolean to indicate if this belongs to the map
public static boolean checkKeyBelongsToPartition(List<Integer> keyPartitions,
List<Integer> nodePartitions,
HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> replicaToPartitionList) {
// Check for null
replicaToPartitionList = Utils.notNull(replicaToPartitionList);
for(int replicaNum = 0; replicaNum < keyPartitions.size(); replicaNum++) {
// If this partition belongs to node partitions + master is in
// replicaToPartitions list -> match
if(nodePartitions.contains(keyPartitions.get(replicaNum))) {
List<Integer> partitionsToMove = replicaToPartitionList.get(replicaNum);
if(partitionsToMove != null && partitionsToMove.size() > 0) {
if(partitionsToMove.contains(keyPartitions.get(0))) {
return true;
return false;
* Check that the key belongs to one of the partitions in the map of replica
* type to partitions
* @param nodeId Node on which this is running ( generally stealer node )
* @param key The key to check
* @param replicaToPartitionList Mapping of replica type to partition list
* @param cluster Cluster metadata
* @param storeDef The store definition
* @return Returns a boolean to indicate if this belongs to the map
public static boolean checkKeyBelongsToPartition(int nodeId,
byte[] key,
HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>> replicaToPartitionList,
Cluster cluster,
StoreDefinition storeDef) {
boolean checkResult = false;
|| storeDef.getRoutingStrategyType()
.equals(RoutingStrategyType.TO_ALL_LOCAL_PREF_STRATEGY)) {
checkResult = true;
} else {
List<Integer> keyPartitions = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(storeDef,
List<Integer> nodePartitions = cluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getPartitionIds();
checkResult = StoreRoutingPlan.checkKeyBelongsToPartition(keyPartitions,
return checkResult;
* Given a key and a list of steal infos give back a list of stealer node
* ids which will steal this.
* @param key Byte array of key
* @param stealerNodeToMappingTuples Pairs of stealer node id to their
* corresponding [ partition - replica ] tuples
* @param cluster Cluster metadata
* @param storeDef Store definitions
* @return List of node ids
public static List<Integer> checkKeyBelongsToPartition(byte[] key,
Set<Pair<Integer, HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>>> stealerNodeToMappingTuples,
Cluster cluster,
StoreDefinition storeDef) {
List<Integer> keyPartitions = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(storeDef,
List<Integer> nodesToPush = Lists.newArrayList();
for(Pair<Integer, HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>> stealNodeToMap: stealerNodeToMappingTuples) {
List<Integer> nodePartitions = cluster.getNodeById(stealNodeToMap.getFirst())
stealNodeToMap.getSecond())) {
return nodesToPush;
* Checks if a given partition is stored in the node.
* @param partition
* @param nodeId
* @param cluster
* @param storeDef
* @return true if partition belongs to node for given store
public static boolean checkPartitionBelongsToNode(int partition,
int nodeId,
Cluster cluster,
StoreDefinition storeDef) {
List<Integer> nodePartitions = cluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getPartitionIds();
List<Integer> replicatingPartitions = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(storeDef,
return replicatingPartitions.size() > 0;
* @param key
* @param nodeId
* @param cluster
* @param storeDef
* @return true if the key belongs to the node as some replica
public static boolean checkKeyBelongsToNode(byte[] key,
int nodeId,
Cluster cluster,
StoreDefinition storeDef) {
List<Integer> nodePartitions = cluster.getNodeById(nodeId).getPartitionIds();
List<Integer> replicatingPartitions = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(storeDef,
// remove all partitions from the list, except those that belong to the
// node
return replicatingPartitions.size() > 0;
* Determines which node hosts partition id with specified n-ary level in
* specified zone.
* @param zoneId
* @param zoneNary
* @param partitionId
* @return node ID that hosts zone n-ary replica of partition.
// TODO: add unit test.
public int getNodeIdForZoneNary(int zoneId, int zoneNary, int partitionId) {
List<Integer> replicatingNodeIds = getReplicationNodeList(partitionId);
int zoneNAry = -1;
for(int replicatingNodeId: replicatingNodeIds) {
Node replicatingNode = cluster.getNodeById(replicatingNodeId);
// bump up the counter if we encounter a replica in the given zone
if(replicatingNode.getZoneId() == zoneId) {
// when the counter matches up with the replicaNumber we need, we
// are done.
if(zoneNAry == zoneNary) {
return replicatingNode.getId();
if(zoneNAry == 0) {
throw new VoldemortException("Could not find any replicas for the partition "
+ partitionId + " in given zone " + zoneId);
} else {
throw new VoldemortException("Could not find " + zoneNary
+ " replicas for the partition " + partitionId
+ " in given zone " + zoneId + ". Only found " + zoneNAry);