* Copyright 2009 LinkedIn, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package voldemort.utils;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import voldemort.cluster.Cluster;
import voldemort.cluster.Node;
import voldemort.cluster.Zone;
* ClusterGenerator generates a cluster.xml file given either a list of hosts or
* a list of ClusterNodeDescriptor instances.
* <p/>
* This is largely the same as the generate_cluster_xml.py script, but was
* created because we need to be able to create new cluster.xml files
* dynamically from JUnit. It seemed overly kludgey to have a script that calls
* Java that then calls Python.
* <p/>
* <b>A note about host names</b>: the host name that is referred to in this
* class is a system's <i>internal</i> host name, rather than its external name.
* That is, depending on the network topology, a system may have an internal
* host name by which it is known by in its local network and an external host
* name by which it's known by systems external to that network.
* <p/>
* For example, EC2 systems have both internal host names and external host
* names. When a system external to EC2 (e.g. a developer's machine or a machine
* running a testing framework) wants to communicate with EC2 (via SSH, et al.),
* he must use the EC2 instance's external host name. However, for the EC2
* instances to communicate amongst themselves (e.g. when running the Voldemort
* tests), the Voldemort cluster nodes and Voldemort test nodes must use the
* internal host name. The external host name is used by the development/testing
* system to reach EC2 for orchestrating the testing. But the communication of
* the test and server nodes in the test are all on the same network, using the
* internal host name.
* @see ClusterNodeDescriptor
public class ClusterGenerator {
private final static long SEED = 5276239082346L;
* Creates a list of ClusterNodeDescriptor instances given a list of host
* names. The returned list of ClusterNodeDescriptor have only the host
* name, ID, and partition list attributes set.
* <p/>
* The list of partitions is randomly distributed over the list of hosts
* using a hard-coded random seed. This mimics the behavior of
* generate_cluster_xml.py.
* <p/>
* <b>Please see "A note about host names"</b> in the class' JavaDoc for
* important clarification as to the type of host names used.
* @param hostNames <i>Internal</i> host name
* @param numPartitions Number of partitions <b>per host</b>
* @return List of ClusterNodeDescriptor
public List<ClusterNodeDescriptor> createClusterNodeDescriptors(List<String> hostNames,
int numPartitions) {
HashMap<Integer, List<String>> zoneToHostName = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();
zoneToHostName.put(Zone.DEFAULT_ZONE_ID, hostNames);
return createClusterNodeDescriptors(zoneToHostName, numPartitions);
* Creates a list of ClusterNodeDescriptor instances
* @param zoneToHostNames A mapping from zone to list of host names
* @param numPartitions Number of partitions per host
* @return List of ClusterNodeDescriptor
private List<ClusterNodeDescriptor> createClusterNodeDescriptors(HashMap<Integer, List<String>> zoneToHostNames,
int numPartitions) {
int numHosts = 0;
for(List<String> hostNames: zoneToHostNames.values()) {
numHosts += hostNames.size();
// Create a list of integers [0..totalPartitions).
int totalPartitions = numHosts * numPartitions;
List<Integer> allPartitionIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 0; i < totalPartitions; i++)
Random random = new Random(SEED);
Collections.shuffle(allPartitionIds, random);
List<ClusterNodeDescriptor> list = new ArrayList<ClusterNodeDescriptor>();
int nodeId = 0;
for(int zoneId = 0; zoneId < zoneToHostNames.size(); zoneId++) {
List<String> hostNames = zoneToHostNames.get(zoneId);
for(int i = 0; i < hostNames.size(); i++) {
String hostName = hostNames.get(i);
List<Integer> partitions = allPartitionIds.subList(nodeId * numPartitions,
(nodeId + 1) * numPartitions);
ClusterNodeDescriptor cnd = new ClusterNodeDescriptor();
return list;
* Creates a list of ClusterNodeDescriptor instances
* @param zoneToHostNames A mapping from zone to list of host names
* @param cluster The cluster describing the various hosts
* @return List of ClusterNodeDescriptor
public List<ClusterNodeDescriptor> createClusterNodeDescriptors(HashMap<Integer, List<String>> zoneToHostNames,
Cluster cluster) {
if(cluster.getNumberOfZones() != zoneToHostNames.size())
throw new IllegalStateException("zone size does not match");
int numHosts = 0;
for(List<String> hostNames: zoneToHostNames.values()) {
numHosts += hostNames.size();
if(cluster.getNumberOfNodes() > numHosts)
throw new IllegalStateException("cluster size exceeds the number of available instances");
List<ClusterNodeDescriptor> list = new ArrayList<ClusterNodeDescriptor>();
int nodeId = 0;
for(int zoneId = 0; zoneId < zoneToHostNames.size(); zoneId++) {
List<String> hostNames = zoneToHostNames.get(zoneId);
for(int i = 0; i < cluster.getNumberOfNodes(); i++) {
Node node = cluster.getNodeById(nodeId);
String hostName = hostNames.get(i);
List<Integer> partitions = node.getPartitionIds();
ClusterNodeDescriptor cnd = new ClusterNodeDescriptor();
return list;
* @param hostNames <i>Internal</i> host name
* @param cluster Number of partitions <b>per host</b>
* @return List of ClusterNodeDescriptor
public List<ClusterNodeDescriptor> createClusterNodeDescriptors(List<String> hostNames,
Cluster cluster) {
HashMap<Integer, List<String>> zoneToHostName = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();
zoneToHostName.put(Zone.DEFAULT_ZONE_ID, hostNames);
return createClusterNodeDescriptors(zoneToHostName, cluster);
* Creates a String representing the format used by cluster.xml given the
* cluster name, host names, and number of partitions for each host.
* @param clusterName Name of cluster
* @param zoneToHostNames Zone to list of HostNames map
* @param numPartitions Number of partitions <b>per host</b>
* @return String of formatted XML as used by cluster.xml
public String createClusterDescriptor(String clusterName,
HashMap<Integer, List<String>> zoneToHostNames,
int numPartitions) {
List<ClusterNodeDescriptor> clusterNodeDescriptors = createClusterNodeDescriptors(zoneToHostNames,
return createClusterDescriptor(clusterName, clusterNodeDescriptors);
* Creates a String representing the format used by cluster.xml given the
* cluster name and a list of ClusterNodeDescriptor instances.
* @param clusterName Name of cluster
* @param clusterNodeDescriptors List of ClusterNodeDescriptor instances
* with which the string is generated
* @return String of formatted XML as used by cluster.xml
public String createClusterDescriptor(String clusterName,
List<ClusterNodeDescriptor> clusterNodeDescriptors) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
pw.println("\t<name>" + clusterName + "</name>");
StringBuffer nodesBuffer = new StringBuffer();
Set<Integer> zoneIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
for(ClusterNodeDescriptor cnd: clusterNodeDescriptors) {
String partitions = StringUtils.join(cnd.getPartitions(), ", ");
if(nodesBuffer.length() > 0)
nodesBuffer.append("\t\t<id>" + cnd.getId() + "</id>\n");
nodesBuffer.append("\t\t<host>" + cnd.getHostName() + "</host>\n");
nodesBuffer.append("\t\t<http-port>" + cnd.getHttpPort() + "</http-port>\n");
nodesBuffer.append("\t\t<socket-port>" + cnd.getSocketPort() + "</socket-port>\n");
nodesBuffer.append("\t\t<admin-port>" + cnd.getAdminPort() + "</admin-port>\n");
nodesBuffer.append("\t\t<partitions>" + partitions + "</partitions>\n");
nodesBuffer.append("\t\t<zone-id>" + cnd.getZoneId() + "</zone-id>\n");
// Insert zones
for(Integer zoneId: zoneIds) {
pw.println("\t\t<zone-id>" + zoneId + "</zone-id>");
pw.println("\t\t<proximity-list>" + generateProximityList(zoneId, zoneIds.size())
+ "</proximity-list>");
// Insert servers
return sw.toString();
* Generate sequential proximity list
* @param zoneId Id of the Zone for which the proximity List is being
* generated
* @param totalZones Total number of zones
* @return String of list of zones
private String generateProximityList(int zoneId, int totalZones) {
List<Integer> proximityList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int currentZoneId = (zoneId + 1) % totalZones;
for(int i = 0; i < (totalZones - 1); i++) {
currentZoneId = (currentZoneId + 1) % totalZones;
return StringUtils.join(proximityList, ", ");