package com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.ClassResolver;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Registration;
import static com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.Util.*;
import static com.esotericsoftware.minlog.Log.*;
/** Resolves classes by ID or by fully qualified class name.
* @author Nathan Sweet <> */
public class DefaultClassResolver implements ClassResolver {
static public final byte NAME = -1;
protected Kryo kryo;
protected final IntMap<Registration> idToRegistration = new IntMap();
protected final ObjectMap<Class, Registration> classToRegistration = new ObjectMap();
protected IdentityObjectIntMap<Class> classToNameId;
protected IntMap<Class> nameIdToClass;
protected ObjectMap<String, Class> nameToClass;
protected int nextNameId;
private int memoizedClassId = -1;
private Registration memoizedClassIdValue;
private Class memoizedClass;
private Registration memoizedClassValue;
public void setKryo (Kryo kryo) {
this.kryo = kryo;
public Registration register (Registration registration) {
if (registration == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("registration cannot be null.");
if (TRACE) {
if (registration.getId() == NAME) {
trace("kryo", "Register class name: " + className(registration.getType()) + " ("
+ registration.getSerializer().getClass().getName() + ")");
} else {
trace("kryo", "Register class ID " + registration.getId() + ": " + className(registration.getType()) + " ("
+ registration.getSerializer().getClass().getName() + ")");
classToRegistration.put(registration.getType(), registration);
idToRegistration.put(registration.getId(), registration);
if (registration.getType().isPrimitive()) classToRegistration.put(getWrapperClass(registration.getType()), registration);
return registration;
public Registration registerImplicit (Class type) {
return register(new Registration(type, kryo.getDefaultSerializer(type), NAME));
public Registration getRegistration (Class type) {
if (type == memoizedClass) return memoizedClassValue;
Registration registration = classToRegistration.get(type);
if (registration != null) {
memoizedClass = type;
memoizedClassValue = registration;
return registration;
public Registration getRegistration (int classID) {
return idToRegistration.get(classID);
public Registration writeClass (Output output, Class type) {
if (type == null) {
if (TRACE || (DEBUG && kryo.getDepth() == 1)) log("Write", null);
output.writeVarInt(Kryo.NULL, true);
return null;
Registration registration = kryo.getRegistration(type);
if (registration.getId() == NAME)
writeName(output, type, registration);
else {
if (TRACE) trace("kryo", "Write class " + registration.getId() + ": " + className(type));
output.writeVarInt(registration.getId() + 2, true);
return registration;
protected void writeName (Output output, Class type, Registration registration) {
output.writeVarInt(NAME + 2, true);
if (classToNameId != null) {
int nameId = classToNameId.get(type, -1);
if (nameId != -1) {
if (TRACE) trace("kryo", "Write class name reference " + nameId + ": " + className(type));
output.writeVarInt(nameId, true);
// Only write the class name the first time encountered in object graph.
if (TRACE) trace("kryo", "Write class name: " + className(type));
int nameId = nextNameId++;
if (classToNameId == null) classToNameId = new IdentityObjectIntMap();
classToNameId.put(type, nameId);
output.writeVarInt(nameId, true);
public Registration readClass (Input input) {
int classID = input.readVarInt(true);
switch (classID) {
case Kryo.NULL:
if (TRACE || (DEBUG && kryo.getDepth() == 1)) log("Read", null);
return null;
case NAME + 2: // Offset for NAME and NULL.
return readName(input);
if (classID == memoizedClassId) return memoizedClassIdValue;
Registration registration = idToRegistration.get(classID - 2);
if (registration == null) throw new KryoException("Encountered unregistered class ID: " + (classID - 2));
if (TRACE) trace("kryo", "Read class " + (classID - 2) + ": " + className(registration.getType()));
memoizedClassId = classID;
memoizedClassIdValue = registration;
return registration;
protected Registration readName (Input input) {
int nameId = input.readVarInt(true);
if (nameIdToClass == null) nameIdToClass = new IntMap();
Class type = nameIdToClass.get(nameId);
if (type == null) {
// Only read the class name the first time encountered in object graph.
String className = input.readString();
if (nameToClass != null) type = nameToClass.get(className);
if (type == null) {
try {
type = Class.forName(className, false, kryo.getClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new KryoException("Unable to find class: " + className, ex);
if (nameToClass == null) nameToClass = new ObjectMap();
nameToClass.put(className, type);
nameIdToClass.put(nameId, type);
if (TRACE) trace("kryo", "Read class name: " + className);
} else {
if (TRACE) trace("kryo", "Read class name reference " + nameId + ": " + className(type));
return kryo.getRegistration(type);
public void reset () {
if (!kryo.isRegistrationRequired()) {
if (classToNameId != null) classToNameId.clear();
if (nameIdToClass != null) nameIdToClass.clear();
nextNameId = 0;