* PermissionsEx - Permissions plugin for Bukkit
* Copyright (C) 2011 t3hk0d3 http://www.tehkode.ru
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package ru.tehkode.permissions;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import ru.tehkode.permissions.backends.PermissionBackend;
import ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.PermissionsExConfig;
import ru.tehkode.permissions.events.PermissionEvent;
import ru.tehkode.permissions.events.PermissionSystemEvent;
import ru.tehkode.permissions.exceptions.PermissionBackendException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* @author t3hk0d3
public class PermissionManager {
public final static int TRANSIENT_PERMISSION = 0;
protected ConcurrentMap<String, PermissionUser> users = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
protected ConcurrentMap<String, PermissionGroup> groups = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
protected PermissionBackend backend = null;
private final PermissionsExConfig config;
private final NativeInterface nativeI;
private final Logger logger;
protected ScheduledExecutorService executor;
private final Map<String, ScheduledFuture<?>> clearTimedGroupsTasks = new HashMap<>();
protected boolean debugMode = false;
protected boolean allowOps = false;
protected boolean userAddGroupsLast = false;
protected PermissionMatcher matcher = new RegExpMatcher();
public PermissionManager(PermissionsExConfig config, Logger logger, NativeInterface nativeI) throws PermissionBackendException {
this.config = config;
this.logger = logger;
this.nativeI = nativeI;
this.debugMode = config.isDebug();
this.allowOps = config.allowOps();
this.userAddGroupsLast = config.userAddGroupsLast();
UUID getServerUUID() {
return nativeI.getServerUUID();
public boolean shouldCreateUserRecords() {
return config.createUserRecords();
public PermissionsExConfig getConfiguration() {
return config;
void scheduleTimedGroupsCheck(long nextExpiration, final String identifier) {
ScheduledFuture<?> future = clearTimedGroupsTasks.get(identifier);
long newDelay = (nextExpiration - (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));
if (future == null || future.isDone() || future.getDelay(TimeUnit.SECONDS) > newDelay) {
clearTimedGroupsTasks.put(identifier, executor.schedule(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, newDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
* Check if specified player has specified permission
* @param player player object
* @param permission permission string to check against
* @return true on success false otherwise
public boolean has(Player player, String permission) {
return this.has(player.getUniqueId(), permission, player.getWorld().getName());
* Check if player has specified permission in world
* @param player player object
* @param permission permission as string to check against
* @param world world's name as string
* @return true on success false otherwise
public boolean has(Player player, String permission, String world) {
return this.has(player.getUniqueId(), permission, world);
* Check if player with name has permission in world
* @param playerName player name
* @param permission permission as string to check against
* @param world world's name as string
* @return true on success false otherwise
public boolean has(String playerName, String permission, String world) {
PermissionUser user = this.getUser(playerName);
if (user == null) {
return false;
return user.has(permission, world);
* Check if player with UUID has permission in world
* @param playerId player name
* @param permission permission as string to check against
* @param world world's name as string
* @return true on success false otherwise
public boolean has(UUID playerId, String permission, String world) {
PermissionUser user = this.getUser(playerId);
return user != null && user.has(permission, world);
* Return user's object
* @param username get PermissionUser with given name
* @return PermissionUser instance
public PermissionUser getUser(String username) {
if (username == null || username.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null or empty name passed! Name must not be empty");
try {
if (username.length() != 36) { // Speedup for things def not uuids
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a uuid, try stuff");
return getUser(UUID.fromString(username)); // Username is uuid as string, just use it
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
UUID userUUID = nativeI.nameToUUID(username);
boolean online = userUUID != null && nativeI.isOnline(userUUID);
if (userUUID != null && (nativeI.isOnline(userUUID) || backend.hasUser(userUUID.toString()))) {
return getUser(userUUID.toString(), username, online);
} else {
// The user is offline and unconverted, so we'll just have to return an unconverted user.
return getUser(username, null, false);
* Update a user in cache. This method is thread-safe and should only be called in async phases of login.
* @param ident The user identifier
* @param fallbackName Fallback name for user
public void cacheUser(String ident, String fallbackName) {
getUser(ident, fallbackName, true);
* Return object of specified player
* @param player player object
* @return PermissionUser instance
public PermissionUser getUser(Player player) {
return this.getUser(player.getUniqueId().toString(), player.getName(), true);
public PermissionUser getUser(UUID uid) {
final String identifier = uid.toString();
if (users.containsKey(identifier)) {
return getUser(identifier, null, false);
String fallbackName = nativeI.UUIDToName(uid);
return getUser(identifier, fallbackName, fallbackName != null);
private PermissionUser getUser(String identifier, String fallbackName, boolean store) {
PermissionUser user = users.get(identifier);
if (user != null) {
return user;
PermissionsUserData data = backend.getUserData(identifier);
if (data != null) {
if (fallbackName != null) {
if (data.isVirtual() && backend.hasUser(fallbackName)) {
if (isDebug()) {
getLogger().info("Converting user " + fallbackName + " (UUID " + identifier + ") to UUID-based storage");
PermissionsUserData oldData = backend.getUserData(fallbackName);
if (oldData.setIdentifier(identifier)) {
data = oldData;
data.setOption("name", fallbackName, null);
resetUser(fallbackName); // In case somebody requested the old user but conversion was previously unsuccessful
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("User already exists with new id " + identifier + " (converting from " + fallbackName + ")");
user = new PermissionUser(identifier, data, this);
if (store) {
PermissionUser newUser = this.users.put(identifier, user);
if (newUser != null) {
user = newUser;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("User " + identifier + " is null");
return user;
* Return all registered user objects
* @return unmodifiable list of users
public Set<PermissionUser> getUsers() {
Set<PermissionUser> users = new HashSet<>();
for (Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
for (String name : backend.getUserIdentifiers()) {
users.add(getUser(name, null, false));
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(users);
* Return users currently cached in memory
* @return A copy of the list of users cached in memory
public Set<PermissionUser> getActiveUsers() {
return new HashSet<>(users.values());
public Collection<String> getUserIdentifiers() {
return backend.getUserIdentifiers();
public Collection<String> getUserNames() {
return backend.getUserNames();
Set<PermissionUser> getActiveUsers(String groupName, boolean inheritance) {
Set<PermissionUser> users = new HashSet<>();
for (PermissionUser user : this.getActiveUsers()) {
if (user.inGroup(groupName, inheritance)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(users);
Set<PermissionUser> getActiveUsers(String groupName) {
return getActiveUsers(groupName, false);
* Return all users in group
* @param groupName group's name
* @return PermissionUser array
public Set<PermissionUser> getUsers(String groupName, String worldName) {
return getUsers(groupName, worldName, false);
public Set<PermissionUser> getUsers(String groupName) {
return getUsers(groupName, false);
* Return all users in group and descendant groups
* @param groupName group's name
* @param inheritance true return members of descendant groups of specified group
* @return PermissionUser array for groupnName
public Set<PermissionUser> getUsers(String groupName, String worldName, boolean inheritance) {
Set<PermissionUser> users = new HashSet<>();
for (PermissionUser user : this.getUsers()) {
if (user.inGroup(groupName, worldName, inheritance)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(users);
public Set<PermissionUser> getUsers(String groupName, boolean inheritance) {
Set<PermissionUser> users = new HashSet<>();
for (PermissionUser user : this.getUsers()) {
if (user.inGroup(groupName, inheritance)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(users);
* Reset in-memory object of specified user
* @param userName user's name
public void resetUser(String userName) {
public void resetUser(Player ply) {
* Clear cache for specified user
* @param userName
public void clearUserCache(String userName) {
PermissionUser user = this.getUser(userName);
if (user != null) {
public void clearUserCache(UUID uid) {
PermissionUser user = this.getUser(uid);
if (user != null) {
* Clear cache for specified player
* @param player
public void clearUserCache(Player player) {
* Return object for specified group
* @param groupname group's name
* @return PermissionGroup object
public PermissionGroup getGroup(String groupname) {
if (groupname == null || groupname.isEmpty()) {
return null;
PermissionGroup group = groups.get(groupname.toLowerCase());
if (group == null) {
PermissionsGroupData data = this.backend.getGroupData(groupname);
if (data != null) {
group = new PermissionGroup(groupname, data, this);
PermissionGroup oldGroup;
if ((oldGroup = this.groups.putIfAbsent(groupname.toLowerCase(), group)) != null) {
return oldGroup;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error initializing group " + groupname, e);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Group " + groupname + " is null");
return group;
* Return all groups
* @return PermissionGroup array
public List<PermissionGroup> getGroupList() {
List<PermissionGroup> ret = new LinkedList<>();
for (String name : backend.getGroupNames()) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(ret);
public PermissionGroup[] getGroups() {
return getGroupList().toArray(new PermissionGroup[0]);
* Return all child groups of specified group
* @param groupName group's name
* @return PermissionGroup array
public List<PermissionGroup> getGroups(String groupName, String worldName) {
return getGroups(groupName, worldName, false);
public List<PermissionGroup> getGroups(String groupName) {
return getGroups(groupName, null);
* Return all descendants or child groups for groupName
* @param groupName group's name
* @param inheritance true: only direct child groups would be returned
* @return unmodifiable PermissionGroup list for specified groupName
public List<PermissionGroup> getGroups(String groupName, String worldName, boolean inheritance) {
List<PermissionGroup> groups = new LinkedList<>();
for (PermissionGroup group : this.getGroupList()) {
if (!groups.contains(group) && group.isChildOf(groupName, worldName, inheritance)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(groups);
public List<PermissionGroup> getGroups(String groupName, boolean inheritance) {
List<PermissionGroup> groups = new ArrayList<>();
for (World world : Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds()) {
groups.addAll(getGroups(groupName, world.getName(), inheritance));
// Common space users
groups.addAll(getGroups(groupName, null, inheritance));
return Collections.unmodifiableList(groups);
* Return all known default groups
* @param worldName World to check (will include global scope)
* @return All default groups
public List<PermissionGroup> getDefaultGroups(String worldName) {
List<PermissionGroup> defaults = new LinkedList<>();
for (PermissionGroup grp : getGroupList()) {
if (grp.isDefault(worldName) || (worldName != null && grp.isDefault(null))) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(defaults);
* Reset in-memory object for groupName
* @param groupName group's name
public PermissionGroup resetGroup(String groupName) {
return this.groups.remove(groupName.toLowerCase());
void preloadGroups() {
for (PermissionGroup group : getGroupList()) {
* Set debug mode
* @param debug true enables debug mode, false disables
public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
this.debugMode = debug;
* Return current state of debug mode
* @return true debug is enabled, false if disabled
public boolean isDebug() {
return debugMode;
* Return groups of specified rank ladder
* @param ladderName
* @return Map of ladder, key - rank of group, value - group object. Empty map if ladder does not exist
public Map<Integer, PermissionGroup> getRankLadder(String ladderName) {
Map<Integer, PermissionGroup> ladder = new HashMap<>();
for (PermissionGroup group : this.getGroupList()) {
if (!group.isRanked()) {
if (group.getRankLadder().equalsIgnoreCase(ladderName)) {
ladder.put(group.getRank(), group);
return ladder;
* Return array of world names who has world inheritance
* @param worldName World name
* @return Array of parent world, if world does not exist return empty array
public List<String> getWorldInheritance(String worldName) {
return backend.getWorldInheritance(worldName);
* Set world inheritance parents for world
* @param world world name which inheritance should be set
* @param parentWorlds array of parent world names
public void setWorldInheritance(String world, List<String> parentWorlds) {
backend.setWorldInheritance(world, parentWorlds);
for (PermissionUser user : getActiveUsers()) { // Clear user cache
* Return current backend
* @return current backend object
public PermissionBackend getBackend() {
return this.backend;
* Set backend to specified backend.
* This would also cause backend resetting.
* @param backendName name of backend to set to
public void setBackend(String backendName) throws PermissionBackendException {
synchronized (this) {
this.backend = createBackend(backendName);
* Creates a backend but does not set it as the active backend. Useful for data transfer & such
* @param backendName Name of the configuration section which describes this backend
public PermissionBackend createBackend(String backendName) throws PermissionBackendException {
ConfigurationSection config = this.config.getBackendConfig(backendName);
String backendType = config.getString("type");
if (backendType == null) {
config.set("type", backendType = backendName);
return PermissionBackend.getBackend(backendType, this, config);
* Register new timer task
* @param task TimerTask object
* @param delay delay in seconds
protected void registerTask(TimerTask task, int delay) {
if (executor == null || delay == TRANSIENT_PERMISSION) {
executor.schedule(task, delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
* Reset all in-memory groups and users, clean up runtime stuff, reloads backend
public void reset() throws PermissionBackendException {
* Reset all in-memory groups and users, clean up runtime stuff, reloads backend
* @param callEvent Call the reload event
public void reset(boolean callEvent) throws PermissionBackendException {
if (this.backend != null) {
if (callEvent) this.callEvent(PermissionSystemEvent.Action.RELOADED);
public void end() {
try {
if (this.backend != null) {
this.backend = null;
} catch (PermissionBackendException ignore) {
// Ignore because we're shutting down so who cares
executor = null;
public void initTimer() {
if (executor != null) {
executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
protected void clearCache() {
// Close old timed Permission Timer
private void initBackend() throws PermissionBackendException {
protected void callEvent(PermissionEvent event) {
protected void callEvent(PermissionSystemEvent.Action action) {
this.callEvent(new PermissionSystemEvent(getServerUUID(), action));
public PermissionMatcher getPermissionMatcher() {
return matcher;
public void setPermissionMatcher(PermissionMatcher matcher) {
this.matcher = matcher;
public Collection<String> getGroupNames() {
return backend.getGroupNames();
public Logger getLogger() {
return logger;
public ScheduledExecutorService getExecutor() {
return executor;