* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package de.whitewashing.php.cs.command;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.netbeans.api.extexecution.ExecutionDescriptor;
import org.netbeans.api.extexecution.ExecutionService;
import org.netbeans.api.extexecution.ExternalProcessBuilder;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
import org.openide.cookies.LineCookie;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.text.Line;
* @author benny
public class CodeSniffer {
public static final String PARAM_STANDARD = "--standard=%s";
public static final String PARAM_REPORT = "--report=xml";
private String shellScript;
private String codingStandard;
private boolean showWarnings;
public void setShellScript(String shellScript) {
this.shellScript = shellScript;
public CodeSniffer(String shellScript, String codingStandard, boolean showWarnings) {
this.shellScript = shellScript;
this.codingStandard = codingStandard;
this.showWarnings = showWarnings;
public boolean isEnabled() {
if(this.shellScript == null || this.shellScript.equals("")) {
return false;
} else {
File shellFile = new File(this.shellScript);
return shellFile.isFile() && shellFile.canExecute();
public String getVersion() {
if(!isEnabled()) {
return "?";
ExternalProcessBuilder procBuilder = new ExternalProcessBuilder(this.shellScript)
try {
ProcessExecutor executor = new ProcessExecutor();
Reader executedProcess = executor.execute(procBuilder);
// Handle PHP Exceptions
String versionLine = this.getStringFromReader(executedProcess);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?:CodeSniffer.*?)(?:v\\.?(?:ersion)?\\s+)([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)?)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(versionLine);
if(!m.find()) {
return "?";
return m.group(1);
} catch(CodeSnifferPhpException e) {
DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(e.getMessage(), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE));
return "?";
} catch(java.io.IOException e) {
return "?";
public List<String> getAvailableStandards() {
if (this.isEnabled() == false) {
return new ArrayList<String>();
try {
ExternalProcessBuilder procBuilder = new ExternalProcessBuilder(this.shellScript)
ProcessExecutor executor = new ProcessExecutor();
StupidStandardsOutputParser parser = new StupidStandardsOutputParser();
Reader executedProcess = executor.execute(procBuilder);
// Handle PHP Exceptions
return parser.parse(executedProcess);
} catch(java.io.IOException e) {
DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(e.getMessage(), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE));
return new ArrayList<String>();
public CodeSnifferXmlLogResult execute(FileObject fo) {
return execute(fo, false);
public CodeSnifferXmlLogResult execute(FileObject fo, boolean annotateLines) {
final File parent = FileUtil.toFile(fo.getParent());
if(parent == null || this.isEnabled() == false) {
return CodeSnifferXmlLogResult.empty();
// Executes PHPCS
ExternalProcessBuilder externalProcessBuilder;
if (this.showWarnings) {
externalProcessBuilder = new ExternalProcessBuilder(this.shellScript)
.addArgument(String.format(PARAM_STANDARD, this.codingStandard))
} else {
externalProcessBuilder = new ExternalProcessBuilder(this.shellScript)
.addArgument(String.format(PARAM_STANDARD, this.codingStandard))
CodeSnifferXmlLogParser parser = new CodeSnifferXmlLogParser();
Reader executedProcess = new ProcessExecutor().execute(externalProcessBuilder);
CodeSnifferXmlLogResult rs = CodeSnifferXmlLogResult.empty();
try {
// Handle PHP Exceptions
// Parse response
rs = parser.parse(executedProcess);
if(annotateLines) {
annotateWithCodingStandardHints(fo, rs);
// Check if we have no errors at all
if(rs.getCsErrors().isEmpty() && rs.getCsWarnings().isEmpty())
DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message("Great!\nNo errors or warnings found.", NotifyDescriptor.INFORMATION_MESSAGE));
} catch(java.io.IOException e) {
DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(e.getMessage(), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE));
// Progress bar finish
return rs;
private void annotateWithCodingStandardHints(FileObject fo, CodeSnifferXmlLogResult rs) {
CodeSnifferFileListener l = new CodeSnifferFileListener();
try {
DataObject d = DataObject.find(fo);
LineCookie cookie = d.getCookie(LineCookie.class);
Line.Set lineSet = null;
Line line = null;
for (int i = 0; i < rs.getCsErrors().size(); i++) {
lineSet = cookie.getLineSet();
line = lineSet.getOriginal(rs.getCsErrors().get(i).getLineNum());
for (int i = 0; i < rs.getCsWarnings().size(); i++) {
lineSet = cookie.getLineSet();
line = lineSet.getOriginal(rs.getCsWarnings().get(i).getLineNum());
} catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) {
* Creates a simple string from the given input reader.
* This method will not handle exceptions.
* @param reader The raw input stream.
* @return String
private String getStringFromReader(Reader reader)
throws IOException
return new BufferedReader(reader).readLine();
* Small utility class that is used to execute an external CodeSniffer process.
class ProcessExecutor {
* Executes the given process and returns a reader instance with the
* STDOUT result of the process.
* @param builder A configured process builder instance.
* @return Reader
public Reader execute(ExternalProcessBuilder builder) {
builder = builder.redirectErrorStream(true);
CodeSnifferOutput output = new CodeSnifferOutput();
ExecutionDescriptor descriptor = new ExecutionDescriptor()
ExecutionService service = ExecutionService.newService(builder, descriptor, "PHP Coding Standards");
Future<Integer> task = service.run();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
return output.getReader();
* Reads the stream searching for fatal errors when executing PHPCS
public void handlePhpExceptions(Reader reader)
throws CodeSnifferPhpException, IOException
BufferedReader output = new BufferedReader(reader);
String ln;
while((ln = output.readLine()) != null) {
String message = "";
// Treats fatal errors and parse errors that PHP may throw
if(ln.indexOf("Fatal error:") >= 0 || ln.indexOf("Parse error:") >= 0) {
if(ln.indexOf("Fatal error:") >= 0) {
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(
"Fatal error:\\s+(.*(?:line\\s+|:)[0-9]+)",
message = m.group(1);
} else if(ln.indexOf("Parse error:") >= 0) {
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(
"Parse error:\\s+(.*(?:line\\s+|:)[0-9]+)",
message = m.group(1);
String finalMessage = "A fatal error occured, check your PHPCS installation.";
finalMessage += "\nError:\n" + message;
throw new CodeSnifferPhpException(finalMessage);
* Utility class that parses the textual output of the CodeSniffer -i option
* and creates a list of available coding standards.
class StupidStandardsOutputParser {
private final String DEFAULT_STANDARDS = "Zend, PEAR, PHPCS, Squiz and MySource";
private List<String> parse(Reader reader) {
String output = this.getStringFromReader(reader);
List<String> standards = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] parts = output.split(" and ");
parts = parts[0].split(",");
for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; ++i) {
parts = parts[0].split(" ");
standards.add(parts[parts.length - 1].trim());
return standards;
* Creates a simple string from the given input reader. This method will
* return a default set of CodeSniffer standards when an IOException
* occures during the parsing process.
* @param reader The raw input stream with codesniffer data.
* @return String
private String getStringFromReader(Reader reader) {
try {
return CodeSniffer.this.getStringFromReader(reader);
} catch (IOException e) {