package com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.util.List;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType;
import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLibrary;
import com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolManager;
import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.BukkitUnwrapper;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.EquivalentConverter;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.Accessors;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.ConstructorAccessor;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.FieldAccessor;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.accessors.MethodAccessor;
import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftReflection;
import com.comphenix.protocol.utility.MinecraftVersion;
* Represents a server ping packet data.
* @author Kristian
public class WrappedServerPing extends AbstractWrapper {
* Lookup of Minecraft versions and ping version numbers.
private static ImmutableMap<MinecraftVersion, Integer> VERSION_NUMBERS =
ImmutableMap.<MinecraftVersion, Integer>builder().
put(MinecraftVersion.WORLD_UPDATE, 4).
put(MinecraftVersion.SKIN_UPDATE, 5).
private static MinecraftVersion LAST_VERSION = MinecraftVersion.SKIN_UPDATE;
// Server ping fields
private static Class<?> SERVER_PING = MinecraftReflection.getServerPingClass();
private static ConstructorAccessor SERVER_PING_CONSTRUCTOR = Accessors.getConstructorAccessor(SERVER_PING);
private static FieldAccessor DESCRIPTION = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(SERVER_PING, MinecraftReflection.getIChatBaseComponentClass(), true);
private static FieldAccessor PLAYERS = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(SERVER_PING, MinecraftReflection.getServerPingPlayerSampleClass(), true);
private static FieldAccessor VERSION = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(SERVER_PING, MinecraftReflection.getServerPingServerDataClass(), true);
private static FieldAccessor FAVICON = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(SERVER_PING, String.class, true);
// For converting to the underlying array
private static EquivalentConverter<Iterable<? extends WrappedGameProfile>> PROFILE_CONVERT =
BukkitConverters.getArrayConverter(GameProfile.class, BukkitConverters.getWrappedGameProfileConverter());
// Server ping player sample fields
private static Class<?> PLAYERS_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getServerPingPlayerSampleClass();
private static ConstructorAccessor PLAYERS_CONSTRUCTOR = Accessors.getConstructorAccessor(PLAYERS_CLASS, int.class, int.class);
private static FieldAccessor[] PLAYERS_INTS = Accessors.getFieldAccessorArray(PLAYERS_CLASS, int.class, true);
private static FieldAccessor PLAYERS_PROFILES = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(PLAYERS_CLASS, GameProfile[].class, true);
private static FieldAccessor PLAYERS_MAXIMUM = PLAYERS_INTS[0];
private static FieldAccessor PLAYERS_ONLINE = PLAYERS_INTS[1];
// Server ping serialization
private static Class<?> GSON_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getMinecraftGsonClass();
private static MethodAccessor GSON_TO_JSON = Accessors.getMethodAccessor(GSON_CLASS, "toJson", Object.class);
private static MethodAccessor GSON_FROM_JSON = Accessors.getMethodAccessor(GSON_CLASS, "fromJson", String.class, Class.class);
private static FieldAccessor PING_GSON = Accessors.getCached(Accessors.getFieldAccessor(
PacketType.Status.Server.OUT_SERVER_INFO.getPacketClass(), GSON_CLASS, true
// Server data fields
private static Class<?> VERSION_CLASS = MinecraftReflection.getServerPingServerDataClass();
private static ConstructorAccessor VERSION_CONSTRUCTOR = Accessors.getConstructorAccessor(VERSION_CLASS, String.class, int.class);
private static FieldAccessor VERSION_NAME = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(VERSION_CLASS, String.class, true);
private static FieldAccessor VERSION_PROTOCOL = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(VERSION_CLASS, int.class, true);
// Get profile from player
private static FieldAccessor ENTITY_HUMAN_PROFILE = Accessors.getFieldAccessor(
MinecraftReflection.getEntityPlayerClass().getSuperclass(), GameProfile.class, true);
// Inner class
private Object players; // may be NULL
private Object version;
* Construct a new server ping initialized with a zero player count, and zero maximum.
* <p>
* Note that the version string is set to 1.7.2.
public WrappedServerPing() {
private WrappedServerPing(Object handle) {
this.players = PLAYERS.get(handle);
this.version = VERSION.get(handle);
* Set the player count and player maximum to the default values.
protected void resetPlayers() {
players = PLAYERS_CONSTRUCTOR.invoke(0, 0);
PLAYERS.set(handle, players);
* Reset the version string to the default state.
protected void resetVersion() {
ProtocolManager manager = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager();
MinecraftVersion minecraftVersion = LAST_VERSION;
// Fetch the latest known version
if (manager != null) {
minecraftVersion = manager.getMinecraftVersion();
version = VERSION_CONSTRUCTOR.invoke(minecraftVersion.toString(), VERSION_NUMBERS.get(minecraftVersion));
VERSION.set(handle, version);
* Construct a wrapped server ping from a native NMS object.
* @param handle - the native object.
* @return The wrapped server ping object.
public static WrappedServerPing fromHandle(Object handle) {
return new WrappedServerPing(handle);
* Construct a wrapper server ping from an encoded JSON string.
* @param json - the JSON string.
* @return The wrapped server ping.
public static WrappedServerPing fromJson(String json) {
return fromHandle(GSON_FROM_JSON.invoke(PING_GSON.get(null), json, SERVER_PING));
* Retrieve the message of the day.
* @return The messge of the day.
public WrappedChatComponent getMotD() {
return WrappedChatComponent.fromHandle(DESCRIPTION.get(handle));
* Set the message of the day.
* @param description - message of the day.
public void setMotD(WrappedChatComponent description) {
DESCRIPTION.set(handle, description.getHandle());
* Set the message of the day.
* @param description - the message.
public void setMotD(String message) {
* Retrieve the compressed PNG file that is being displayed as a favicon.
* @return The favicon, or NULL if no favicon will be displayed.
public CompressedImage getFavicon() {
String favicon = (String) FAVICON.get(handle);
return (favicon != null) ? CompressedImage.fromEncodedText(favicon) : null;
* Set the compressed PNG file that is being displayed.
* @param image - the new compressed image or NULL if no favicon should be displayed.
public void setFavicon(CompressedImage image) {
FAVICON.set(handle, (image != null) ? image.toEncodedText() : null);
* Retrieve the displayed number of online players.
* @see {@link #setPlayersOnline(int)} for more information.
* @return The displayed number.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the player count has been hidden via {@link #setPlayersVisible(boolean)}.
public int getPlayersOnline() {
if (players == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("The player count has been hidden.");
return (Integer) PLAYERS_ONLINE.get(players);
* Set the displayed number of online players.
* <p>
* As of 1.7.2, this is completely unrestricted, and can be both positive and
* negative, as well as higher than the player maximum.
* @param online - online players.
public void setPlayersOnline(int online) {
if (players == null)
PLAYERS_ONLINE.set(players, online);
* Retrieve the displayed maximum number of players.
* @see {@link #setPlayersMaximum(int)} for more information.
* @return The maximum number.
* @throws IllegalStateException If the player maximum has been hidden via {@link #setPlayersVisible(boolean)}.
public int getPlayersMaximum() {
if (players == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("The player maximum has been hidden.");
return (Integer) PLAYERS_MAXIMUM.get(players);
* Set the displayed maximum number of players.
* <p>
* The 1.7.2 accepts any value as a player maximum, positive or negative. It even permits a player maximum that
* is less than the player count.
* @param maximum - maximum player count.
public void setPlayersMaximum(int maximum) {
if (players == null)
PLAYERS_MAXIMUM.set(players, maximum);
* Set whether or not the player count and player maximum is visible.
* <p>
* Note that this may set the current player count and maximum to their respective real values.
* @param visible - TRUE if it should be visible, FALSE otherwise.
public void setPlayersVisible(boolean visible) {
if (isPlayersVisible() != visible) {
if (visible) {
// Recreate the count and maximum
Server server = Bukkit.getServer();
} else {
PLAYERS.set(handle, players = null);
* Determine if the player count and maximum is visible.
* <p>
* If not, the client will display ??? in the same location.
* @return TRUE if the player statistics is visible, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isPlayersVisible() {
return players != null;
* Retrieve a copy of all the logged in players.
* @return Logged in players or an empty list if no player names will be displayed.
public ImmutableList<WrappedGameProfile> getPlayers() {
if (players == null)
return ImmutableList.of();
Object playerProfiles = PLAYERS_PROFILES.get(players);
if (playerProfiles == null)
return ImmutableList.of();
return ImmutableList.copyOf(PROFILE_CONVERT.getSpecific(playerProfiles));
* Set the displayed list of logged in players.
* @param profile - every logged in player.
public void setPlayers(Iterable<? extends WrappedGameProfile> profile) {
if (players == null)
PLAYERS_PROFILES.set(players, (profile != null) ? PROFILE_CONVERT.getGeneric(GameProfile[].class, profile) : null);
* Set the displayed lst of logged in players.
* @param players - the players to display.
public void setBukkitPlayers(Iterable<? extends Player> players) {
List<WrappedGameProfile> profiles = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Player player : players) {
GameProfile profile = (GameProfile) ENTITY_HUMAN_PROFILE.get(BukkitUnwrapper.getInstance().unwrapItem(player));
* Retrieve the version name of the current server.
* @return The version name.
public String getVersionName() {
return (String) VERSION_NAME.get(version);
* Set the version name of the current server.
* @param name - the new version name.
public void setVersionName(String name) {
VERSION_NAME.set(version, name);
* Retrieve the protocol number.
* @return The protocol.
public int getVersionProtocol() {
return (Integer) VERSION_PROTOCOL.get(version);
* Set the version protocol
* @param protocol - the protocol number.
public void setVersionProtocol(int protocol) {
VERSION_PROTOCOL.set(version, protocol);
* Retrieve a deep copy of the current wrapper object.
* @return The current object.
public WrappedServerPing deepClone() {
WrappedServerPing copy = new WrappedServerPing();
WrappedChatComponent motd = getMotD();
copy.setMotD(motd != null ? motd.deepClone() : null);
if (isPlayersVisible()) {
} else {
return copy;
* Retrieve the underlying JSON representation of this server ping.
* @return The JSON representation.
public String toJson() {
return (String) GSON_TO_JSON.invoke(PING_GSON.get(null), handle);
public String toString() {
return "WrappedServerPing< " + toJson() + ">";
* Represents a compressed favicon.
* @author Kristian
// Should not have been an inner class ... oh well.
public static class CompressedImage {
protected volatile String mime;
protected volatile byte[] data;
protected volatile String encoded;
* Represents a compressed image with no content.
protected CompressedImage() {
// Derived class should initialize some of the fields
* Construct a new compressed image.
* @param mime - the mime type.
* @param data - the raw compressed image data.
public CompressedImage(String mime, byte[] data) {
this.mime = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mime, "mime cannot be NULL"); = Preconditions.checkNotNull(data, "data cannot be NULL");
* Retrieve a compressed image from an input stream.
* @param input - the PNG as an input stream.
* @return The compressed image.
* @throws IOException If we cannot read the input stream.
public static CompressedImage fromPng(InputStream input) throws IOException {
return new CompressedImage("image/png", ByteStreams.toByteArray(input));
* Retrieve a compressed image from a byte array of a PNG file.
* @param data - the file as a byte array.
* @return The compressed image.
public static CompressedImage fromPng(byte[] data) {
return new CompressedImage("image/png", data);
* Retrieve a compressed image from a base-64 encoded PNG file.
* @param base64 - the base 64-encoded PNG.
* @return The compressed image.
public static CompressedImage fromBase64Png(String base64) {
try {
return new EncodedCompressedImage("data:image/png;base64," + base64);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Remind the caller
throw new IllegalReferenceCountException("Must be a pure base64 encoded string. Cannot be an encoded text.", e);
* Retrieve a compressed image from an image.
* @param image - the image.
* @throws IOException If we were unable to compress the image.
public static CompressedImage fromPng(RenderedImage image) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(image, "png", output);
return new CompressedImage("image/png", output.toByteArray());
* Retrieve a compressed image from an encoded text.
* @param text - the encoded text.
* @return The corresponding compressed image.
public static CompressedImage fromEncodedText(String text) {
return new EncodedCompressedImage(text);
* Retrieve the MIME type of the image.
* <p>
* This is image/png in vanilla Minecraft.
* @return The MIME type.
public String getMime() {
return mime;
* Retrieve a copy of the underlying data array.
* @return The underlying compressed image.
public byte[] getDataCopy() {
return getData().clone();
* Retrieve the underlying data, with no copying.
* @return The underlying data.
protected byte[] getData() {
return data;
* Uncompress and return the stored image.
* @return The image.
* @throws IOException If the image data could not be decoded.
public BufferedImage getImage() throws IOException {
return ByteArrayInputStream(getData()));
* Convert the compressed image to encoded text.
* @return The encoded text.
public String toEncodedText() {
if (encoded == null) {
final ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(getData());
String computed = "data:" + mime + ";base64," +
encoded = computed;
return encoded;
* Represents a compressed image that starts out as an encoded base 64 string.
* @author Kristian
private static class EncodedCompressedImage extends CompressedImage {
public EncodedCompressedImage(String encoded) {
this.encoded = Preconditions.checkNotNull(encoded, "encoded favicon cannot be NULL");
* Ensure that we have decoded the content of the encoded text.
protected void initialize() {
if (mime == null || data == null) {
* Decode the encoded text.
protected void decode() {
for (String segment : Splitter.on(";").split(encoded)) {
if (segment.startsWith("data:")) {
this.mime = segment.substring(5);
} else if (segment.startsWith("base64,")) {
byte[] encoded = segment.substring(7).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
ByteBuf decoded = Base64.decode(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(encoded));
// Read into a byte array
byte[] data = new byte[decoded.readableBytes()];
decoded.readBytes(data); = data;
} else {
// We will ignore these segments
protected byte[] getData() {
return super.getData();
public String getMime() {
return super.getMime();
public String toEncodedText() {
return encoded;