package com.comphenix.protocol.utility;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor;
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy;
import com.comphenix.protocol.PacketType;
import com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FuzzyReflection;
* Static methods for accessing Minecraft methods.
* @author Kristian
public class MinecraftMethods {
// For player connection
private volatile static Method sendPacketMethod;
// For network manager
private volatile static Method networkManagerHandle;
private volatile static Method networkManagerPacketRead;
// For packet
private volatile static Method packetReadByteBuf;
private volatile static Method packetWriteByteBuf;
* Retrieve the send packet method in PlayerConnection/NetServerHandler.
* @return The send packet method.
public static Method getSendPacketMethod() {
if (sendPacketMethod == null) {
Class<?> serverHandlerClass = MinecraftReflection.getNetServerHandlerClass();
try {
sendPacketMethod = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(serverHandlerClass).getMethodByName("sendPacket.*");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// We can't use the method below on Netty
if (MinecraftReflection.isUsingNetty()) {
sendPacketMethod = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(serverHandlerClass).
getMethodByParameters("sendPacket", MinecraftReflection.getPacketClass());
return sendPacketMethod;
Map<String, Method> netServer = getMethodList(
serverHandlerClass, MinecraftReflection.getPacketClass());
Map<String, Method> netHandler = getMethodList(
MinecraftReflection.getNetHandlerClass(), MinecraftReflection.getPacketClass());
// Remove every method in net handler from net server
for (String methodName : netHandler.keySet()) {
// The remainder is the send packet method
if (netServer.size() == 1) {
Method[] methods = netServer.values().toArray(new Method[0]);
sendPacketMethod = methods[0];
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find the sendPacket method in NetServerHandler/PlayerConnection.");
return sendPacketMethod;
* Retrieve the disconnect method for a given player connection.
* @param playerConnection - the player connection.
* @return The
public static Method getDisconnectMethod(Class<? extends Object> playerConnection) {
try {
return FuzzyReflection.fromClass(playerConnection).getMethodByName("disconnect.*");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Just assume it's the first String method
return FuzzyReflection.fromObject(playerConnection).getMethodByParameters("disconnect", String.class);
* Retrieve the handle(Packet, GenericFutureListener[]) method of network manager.
* <p>
* This only exists in version 1.7.2 and above.
* @return The handle method.
public static Method getNetworkManagerHandleMethod() {
if (networkManagerHandle == null) {
networkManagerHandle = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(MinecraftReflection.getNetworkManagerClass(), true).
getMethodByParameters("handle", MinecraftReflection.getPacketClass(), GenericFutureListener[].class);
return networkManagerHandle;
* Retrieve the packetRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Packet) method of NetworkMananger.
* <p>
* This only exists in version 1.7.2 and above.
* @return The packetRead method.
public static Method getNetworkManagerReadPacketMethod() {
if (networkManagerPacketRead == null) {
networkManagerPacketRead = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(MinecraftReflection.getNetworkManagerClass(), true).
getMethodByParameters("packetRead", ChannelHandlerContext.class, MinecraftReflection.getPacketClass());
return networkManagerPacketRead;
* Retrieve a method mapped list of every method with the given signature.
* @param source - class source.
* @param params - parameters.
* @return Method mapped list.
private static Map<String, Method> getMethodList(Class<?> source, Class<?>... params) {
FuzzyReflection reflect = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(source, true);
return reflect.getMappedMethods(
reflect.getMethodListByParameters(Void.TYPE, params)
* Retrieve the method.
* <p>
* This only exists in version 1.7.2 and above.
* @return The packet read method.
public static Method getPacketReadByteBufMethod() {
return packetReadByteBuf;
* Retrieve the Packet.write(PacketDataSerializer) method.
* <p>
* This only exists in version 1.7.2 and above.
* @return The packet write method.
public static Method getPacketWriteByteBufMethod() {
return packetWriteByteBuf;
* Initialize the two read() and write() methods.
private static void initializePacket() {
// Initialize the methods
if (packetReadByteBuf == null || packetWriteByteBuf == null) {
// This object will allow us to detect which methods were called
Enhancer enhancer = EnhancerFactory.getInstance().createEnhancer();
enhancer.setCallback(new MethodInterceptor() {
public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy proxy)
throws Throwable {
if (method.getName().contains("read"))
throw new ReadMethodException();
if (method.getName().contains("write"))
throw new WriteMethodException();
return proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args);
// Create our proxy object
Object javaProxy = enhancer.create(
new Class<?>[] { ByteBuf.class },
new Object[] { UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer() }
Object lookPacket = new PacketContainer(PacketType.Play.Client.BLOCK_PLACE).getHandle();
List<Method> candidates = FuzzyReflection.fromClass(MinecraftReflection.getPacketClass()).
getMethodListByParameters(Void.TYPE, new Class<?>[] { MinecraftReflection.getPacketDataSerializerClass() });
// Look through all the methods
for (Method method : candidates) {
try {
method.invoke(lookPacket, javaProxy);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof ReadMethodException)
// Must be the reader
packetReadByteBuf = method;
else if (e.getCause() instanceof WriteMethodException)
packetWriteByteBuf = method;
throw new RuntimeException("Inner exception.", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Generic reflection error.", e);
if (packetReadByteBuf == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find");
if (packetWriteByteBuf == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find Packet.write(PacketDataSerializer)");
* An internal exception used to detect read methods.
* @author Kristian
private static class ReadMethodException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public ReadMethodException() {
super("A read method was executed.");
* An internal exception used to detect write methods.
* @author Kristian
private static class WriteMethodException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public WriteMethodException() {
super("A write method was executed.");