* ProtocolLib - Bukkit server library that allows access to the Minecraft protocol.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian S. Stangeland
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
* if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
package com.comphenix.protocol;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager.PlayerInjectHooks;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.io.Files;
* Represents the configuration of ProtocolLib.
* @author Kristian
public class ProtocolConfig {
private static final String LAST_UPDATE_FILE = "lastupdate";
private static final String SECTION_GLOBAL = "global";
private static final String SECTION_AUTOUPDATER = "auto updater";
private static final String METRICS_ENABLED = "metrics";
private static final String IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK = "ignore version check";
private static final String BACKGROUND_COMPILER_ENABLED = "background compiler";
private static final String DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED = "debug";
private static final String DETAILED_ERROR = "detailed error";
private static final String INJECTION_METHOD = "injection method";
private static final String SCRIPT_ENGINE_NAME = "script engine";
private static final String SUPPRESSED_REPORTS = "suppressed reports";
private static final String UPDATER_NOTIFY = "notify";
private static final String UPDATER_DOWNLAD = "download";
private static final String UPDATER_DELAY = "delay";
// Defaults
private static final long DEFAULT_UPDATER_DELAY = 43200;
private Plugin plugin;
private Configuration config;
private boolean loadingSections;
private ConfigurationSection global;
private ConfigurationSection updater;
// Last update time
private long lastUpdateTime;
private boolean configChanged;
private boolean valuesChanged;
// Modifications
private int modCount;
public ProtocolConfig(Plugin plugin) {
this(plugin, plugin.getConfig());
public ProtocolConfig(Plugin plugin, Configuration config) {
this.plugin = plugin;
* Reload configuration file.
public void reloadConfig() {
// Reset
configChanged = false;
valuesChanged = false;
this.config = plugin.getConfig();
this.lastUpdateTime = loadLastUpdate();
* Load the last update time stamp from the file system.
* @return Last update time stamp.
private long loadLastUpdate() {
File dataFile = getLastUpdateFile();
if (dataFile.exists()) {
try {
return Long.parseLong(Files.toString(dataFile, Charsets.UTF_8));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Cannot parse " + dataFile + " as a number.");
} catch (IOException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Cannot read " + dataFile);
// Default last update
return 0;
* Store the given time stamp.
* @param value - time stamp to store.
private void saveLastUpdate(long value) {
File dataFile = getLastUpdateFile();
// The data folder must exist
if (dataFile.exists())
try {
Files.write(Long.toString(value), dataFile, Charsets.UTF_8);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot write " + dataFile, e);
* Retrieve the file that is used to store the update time stamp.
* @return File storing the update time stamp.
private File getLastUpdateFile() {
return new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), LAST_UPDATE_FILE);
* Load data sections.
* @param copyDefaults - whether or not to copy configuration defaults.
private void loadSections(boolean copyDefaults) {
if (config != null) {
global = config.getConfigurationSection(SECTION_GLOBAL);
if (global != null) {
updater = global.getConfigurationSection(SECTION_AUTOUPDATER);
// Automatically copy defaults
if (copyDefaults && (!getFile().exists() || global == null || updater == null)) {
loadingSections = true;
if (config != null)
loadingSections = false;
// Inform the user
System.out.println("[ProtocolLib] Created default configuration.");
* Set a particular configuration key value pair.
* @param section - the configuration root.
* @param path - the path to the key.
* @param value - the value to set.
private void setConfig(ConfigurationSection section, String path, Object value) {
configChanged = true;
section.set(path, value);
* Retrieve a reference to the configuration file.
* @return Configuration file on disk.
public File getFile() {
return new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
* Determine if detailed error reporting is enabled. Default FALSE.
* @return TRUE if it is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isDetailedErrorReporting() {
return global.getBoolean(DETAILED_ERROR, false);
* Set whether or not detailed error reporting is enabled.
* @param value - TRUE if it is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
public void setDetailedErrorReporting(boolean value) {
global.set(DETAILED_ERROR, value);
* Retrieve whether or not ProtocolLib should determine if a new version has been released.
* @return TRUE if it should do this automatically, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isAutoNotify() {
return updater.getBoolean(UPDATER_NOTIFY, true);
* Set whether or not ProtocolLib should determine if a new version has been released.
* @param value - TRUE to do this automatically, FALSE otherwise.
public void setAutoNotify(boolean value) {
setConfig(updater, UPDATER_NOTIFY, value);
* Retrieve whether or not ProtocolLib should automatically download the new version.
* @return TRUE if it should, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isAutoDownload() {
return updater != null && updater.getBoolean(UPDATER_DOWNLAD, true);
* Set whether or not ProtocolLib should automatically download the new version.
* @param value - TRUE if it should. FALSE otherwise.
public void setAutoDownload(boolean value) {
setConfig(updater, UPDATER_DOWNLAD, value);
* Determine whether or not debug mode is enabled.
* <p>
* This grants access to the filter command.
* @return TRUE if it is, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isDebug() {
return global.getBoolean(DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED, false);
* Set whether or not debug mode is enabled.
* @param value - TRUE if it is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
public void setDebug(boolean value) {
setConfig(global, DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED, value);
* Retrieve an immutable list of every suppressed report type.
* @return Every suppressed report type.
public ImmutableList<String> getSuppressedReports() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(global.getStringList(SUPPRESSED_REPORTS));
* Set the list of suppressed report types,
* @param reports - suppressed report types.
public void setSuppressedReports(List<String> reports) {
global.set(SUPPRESSED_REPORTS, Lists.newArrayList(reports));
* Retrieve the amount of time to wait until checking for a new update.
* @return The amount of time to wait.
public long getAutoDelay() {
// Note that the delay must be greater than 59 seconds
return Math.max(updater.getInt(UPDATER_DELAY, 0), DEFAULT_UPDATER_DELAY);
* Set the amount of time to wait until checking for a new update.
* <p>
* This time must be greater than 59 seconds.
* @param delaySeconds - the amount of time to wait.
public void setAutoDelay(long delaySeconds) {
// Silently fix the delay
if (delaySeconds < DEFAULT_UPDATER_DELAY)
setConfig(updater, UPDATER_DELAY, delaySeconds);
* The version of Minecraft to ignore the built-in safety feature.
* @return The version to ignore ProtocolLib's satefy.
public String getIgnoreVersionCheck() {
return global.getString(IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK, "");
* Sets under which version of Minecraft the version safety feature will be ignored.
* <p>
* This is useful if a server operator has tested and verified that a version of ProtocolLib works,
* but doesn't want or can't upgrade to a newer version.
* @param ignoreVersion - the version of Minecraft where the satefy will be disabled.
public void setIgnoreVersionCheck(String ignoreVersion) {
setConfig(global, IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK, ignoreVersion);
* Retrieve whether or not metrics is enabled.
* @return TRUE if metrics is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isMetricsEnabled() {
return global.getBoolean(METRICS_ENABLED, true);
* Set whether or not metrics is enabled.
* <p>
* This setting will take effect next time ProtocolLib is started.
* @param enabled - whether or not metrics is enabled.
public void setMetricsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
setConfig(global, METRICS_ENABLED, enabled);
* Retrieve whether or not the background compiler for structure modifiers is enabled or not.
* @return TRUE if it is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
public boolean isBackgroundCompilerEnabled() {
return global.getBoolean(BACKGROUND_COMPILER_ENABLED, true);
* Set whether or not the background compiler for structure modifiers is enabled or not.
* <p>
* This setting will take effect next time ProtocolLib is started.
* @param enabled - TRUE if is enabled/running, FALSE otherwise.
public void setBackgroundCompilerEnabled(boolean enabled) {
setConfig(global, BACKGROUND_COMPILER_ENABLED, enabled);
* Retrieve the last time we updated, in seconds since 1970.01.01 00:00.
* @return Last update time.
public long getAutoLastTime() {
return lastUpdateTime;
* Set the last time we updated, in seconds since 1970.01.01 00:00.
* <p>
* Note that this is not considered to modify the configuration, so the modification count
* will not be incremented.
* @param lastTimeSeconds - new last update time.
public void setAutoLastTime(long lastTimeSeconds) {
this.valuesChanged = true;
this.lastUpdateTime = lastTimeSeconds;
* Retrieve the unique name of the script engine to use for filtering.
* @return Script engine to use.
public String getScriptEngineName() {
return global.getString(SCRIPT_ENGINE_NAME, "JavaScript");
* Set the unique name of the script engine to use for filtering.
* <p>
* This setting will take effect next time ProtocolLib is started.
* @param name - name of the script engine to use.
public void setScriptEngineName(String name) {
setConfig(global, SCRIPT_ENGINE_NAME, name);
* Retrieve the default injection method.
* @return Default method.
public PlayerInjectHooks getDefaultMethod() {
return PlayerInjectHooks.NETWORK_SERVER_OBJECT;
* Retrieve the injection method that has been set in the configuration, or use a default value.
* @return Injection method to use.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the configuration option is malformed.
public PlayerInjectHooks getInjectionMethod() throws IllegalArgumentException {
String text = global.getString(INJECTION_METHOD);
// Default hook if nothing has been set
PlayerInjectHooks hook = getDefaultMethod();
if (text != null)
hook = PlayerInjectHooks.valueOf(text.toUpperCase().replace(" ", "_"));
return hook;
* Set the starting injection method to use.
* @return Injection method.
public void setInjectionMethod(PlayerInjectHooks hook) {
setConfig(global, INJECTION_METHOD, hook.name());
* Retrieve the number of modifications made to this configuration.
* @return The number of modifications.
public int getModificationCount() {
return modCount;
* Save the current configuration file.
public void saveAll() {
if (valuesChanged)
if (configChanged)
// And we're done
valuesChanged = false;
configChanged = false;