Package edu.ucla.sspace.matrix

Source Code of edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrices

* Copyright 2009 David Jurgens
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

package edu.ucla.sspace.matrix;

import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrix.Type;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.MatrixIO.Format;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SVD.Algorithm;

import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseDoubleVector;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

* A class of static methods for manipulating and creating {@code Matrix}
* instances.
* @see Matrix
* @see MatrixIO
public class Matrices {

    private static final Logger LOGGER =

     * The number of bytes in a {@code double}
    private static final int BYTES_PER_DOUBLE = 8;

     * An estimate of the percentage of non-zero elements in a sparse matrix.
    private static final double SPARSE_DENSITY = .00001;

     * Uninstantiable
    private Matrices() { }

     * Returns a {@link Matrix} from a list of {@code DoubleVector}s.  The
     * resulting matrix will be modifiable.  Any modifications will affect the
     * vectors stored in the passed in list.
    public static <T extends DoubleVector> Matrix asMatrix(List<T> vectors) {
        return new ListMatrix<T>(vectors);

     * Returns a {@link SparseMatrix} from a list of {@code
     * SparseDoubleVector}s. The resulting matrix will be modifiable.  Any
     * modifications will affect the vectors stored in the passed in list.
    public static <T extends SparseDoubleVector> SparseMatrix asSparseMatrix(
            List<T> vectors) {
        return new SparseListMatrix<T>(vectors);

     * Returns a {@link SparseMatrix} from a list of {@code
     * SparseDoubleVector}s. The resulting matrix will be modifiable.  Any
     * modifications will affect the vectors stored in the passed in list.
    public static <T extends SparseDoubleVector> SparseMatrix asSparseMatrix(
            List<T> vectors, int columns) {
        return new SparseListMatrix<T>(vectors, columns);

     * Creates a matrix of the given dimensions and selects the matrix
     * implementation by considering the size and density of the new matrix with
     * respect to the available memory for the JVM.
     * @param rows the number of rows in the matrix
     * @param cols the number of columns in the matrix
     * @param isDense whether the returned matrix will contain mostly non-zero
     *        elements
    public static Matrix create(int rows, int cols, boolean isDense) {
        // Estimate the number of bytes that the matrix will take up based on
        // its maximum dimensions and its sparsity.
        long size = (isDense)
            ? (long)rows * (long)cols * BYTES_PER_DOUBLE
            : (long)(rows * (long)cols * (BYTES_PER_DOUBLE * SPARSE_DENSITY));

        Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
        // REMINDER: possibly GC here?
        long available = r.freeMemory();

        // See if it will fit into memory given how much is currently left.
        if (size < available) {
            if (isDense) {
                if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                    LOGGER.finer("too big for ArrayMatrix; creating new " +
                    return new OnDiskMatrix(rows, cols);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.finer("creating new (in memory) ArrayMatrix");
                    return new ArrayMatrix(rows, cols);
            } else {
                LOGGER.finer("can fit sparse in memory; creating " +
                         "new SparseMatrix");
                return new YaleSparseMatrix(rows, cols);
        } else {
            // won't fit into memory
            LOGGER.finer("cannot fit in memory; creating new OnDiskMatrix");
            return new OnDiskMatrix(rows, cols);

     * Returns a copied version of a given matrix.  The returned matrix will
     * have the same dimensionality, values, and sparsity, but it may not have
     * the same exact sub-type.
     * @param matrix the matrix to be copied
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the dimensionality of matrix and
     *         output do not match
     * @return a copied version of matrix
    public static Matrix copy(Matrix matrix) {
        Matrix copiedMatrix = null;
        if (matrix instanceof SparseMatrix)
            copiedMatrix = Matrices.create(
                    matrix.rows(), matrix.columns(), Type.SPARSE_IN_MEMORY);
            copiedMatrix = Matrices.create(
                    matrix.rows(), matrix.columns(), Type.DENSE_IN_MEMORY);
        return copyTo(matrix, copiedMatrix);

     * Copies values from {@code matrix} to {@code output} and returns {@code
     * output}.  {@code output} is assumed to be empty.  This method is useful
     * for uses who wish to specify the type of matrix used during a copy
     * operation.
     * @param matrix the matrix to be copied
     * @param output the matrix storing the copied values.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the dimensionality of matrix and
     *         output do not match
     * @return {@code output}
    public static Matrix copyTo(Matrix matrix, Matrix output) {
        if (matrix.rows() != output.rows() ||
            matrix.columns() != output.columns())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Matrix dimensions must match when copying.");

        if (matrix instanceof SparseMatrix) {
            SparseMatrix smatrix = (SparseMatrix) matrix;

            // Copy a sparse matrix by only iterating over the non zero
            // values in each row.
            for (int row = 0; row < matrix.rows(); ++row) {
                SparseDoubleVector rowVec = smatrix.getRowVector(row);
                for (int col : rowVec.getNonZeroIndices())
                    output.set(row, col, rowVec.get(col));
        } else {
            for (int row = 0; row < matrix.rows(); ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < matrix.columns(); ++col)
                    output.set(row, col, matrix.get(row, col));
        return output;

     * Creates a new {@code Matrix} based on the provided type, with the
     * provided dimensions
     * @param matrixType the type of matrix to create
     * @param rows the number of rows in the matrix
     * @param cols the number of columns in the matrix
    public static Matrix create(int rows, int cols, Type matrixType) {
        switch (matrixType) {
            case SPARSE_IN_MEMORY:
                return new YaleSparseMatrix(rows, cols);
            case DENSE_IN_MEMORY:
                return new ArrayMatrix(rows, cols);
            case DIAGONAL_IN_MEMORY:
                return new DiagonalMatrix(rows);
            case SPARSE_ON_DISK:
                //return new SparseOnDiskMatrix(rows, cols);
                // REMDINER: implement me
                return new OnDiskMatrix(rows, cols);
            case DENSE_ON_DISK:
                return new OnDiskMatrix(rows, cols);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Unknown matrix type: " + matrixType);

     * Returns a {@link MatrixBuilder} in the default format of the fastest
     * available {@link SVD.Algorithm SVD algorithm}.
     * @return a matrix builder to be used in creating a matrix for use with the
     *         {@link SVD} class
    public static MatrixBuilder getMatrixBuilderForSVD() {
        return getMatrixBuilderForSVD(false);

     * Returns a {@link MatrixBuilder} in the default format of the fastest
     * available {@link SVD.Algorithm SVD algorithm} that will optionally
     * transpose the matrix data on input
     * @param transpose {@code true} if the input columns to the {@code
     *        MatrixBuilder} should be transposed (i.e. become rows) in the
     *        final matrix
     * @return a matrix builder to be used in creating a matrix for use with the
     *         {@link SVD} class
    public static MatrixBuilder getMatrixBuilderForSVD(boolean transpose) {
        Algorithm fastest = SVD.getFastestAvailableAlgorithm();
        // In the unlikely case that this is called when no SVD support is
        // available, return a default instance rather than error out.  This
        // enables programs that call this method without invoking the SVD (or
        // those that do so optionally) to continue working without error.
        if (fastest == null) {
            LOGGER.warning("no SVD support detected.  Returning default " +
                           "matrix builder instead");
            return new MatlabSparseMatrixBuilder(transpose);
        switch (fastest) {
        case SVDLIBC:
            return new SvdlibcSparseBinaryMatrixBuilder(transpose);

        // In all other cases, use the sparse Matlab format, as it covers both
        // Matlab and Octave.  This format doesn't matter much for Jama or Colt,
        // as both formats need to have the matrix loaded back into memory in
        // order to perform the SVD.
            return new MatlabSparseMatrixBuilder(transpose);

     * Returns {@code true} if the format is likely to produce a dense matrix.
     * Due to the actual matrix contents being unknown, the return value is
     * actual a best-effort guess.
     * @param format the format of a matrix on disk
     * @return {@code true} if the matrix is likely to be a dense matrix
    static boolean isDense(Format format) {
        switch (format) {
            case DENSE_TEXT:
            case SVDLIBC_DENSE_TEXT:
            case SVDLIBC_DENSE_BINARY:
                return true;
            case MATLAB_SPARSE:
            case SVDLIBC_SPARSE_TEXT:
            case SVDLIBC_SPARSE_BINARY:
                return false;
                // We should never get here unless another format is added and
                // this method is never updated
                assert false : format;
        return true;

    private static Matrix multiplyRightDiag(Matrix m1, Matrix m2) {
        Matrix resultMatrix = create(m1.rows(), m2.columns(), true);
        for (int r = 0; r < m1.rows(); ++r) {
            double[] row = m1.getRow(r);
            for (int c = 0; c < m2.columns(); ++c) {
                double value = m2.get(c, c);
                resultMatrix.set(r, c, value * row[c]);
        return resultMatrix;

    private static Matrix multiplyBothDiag(Matrix m1, Matrix m2) {
        Matrix resultMatrix = new DiagonalMatrix(m1.rows());
        for (int i = 0; i < m1.rows(); ++i)
            resultMatrix.set(i, i, m1.get(i, i) * m2.get(i, i));
        return resultMatrix;

    private static Matrix multiplyLeftDiag(Matrix m1, Matrix m2) {
        Matrix resultMatrix = create(m1.rows(), m2.columns(), true);
        for (int r = 0; r < m1.rows(); ++r) {
            double element = m1.get(r, r);
            double[] m2Row = m2.getRow(r);
            for (int c = 0; c < m2.columns(); ++c)
                resultMatrix.set(r, c, element * m2Row[c]);
        return resultMatrix;

    public static Matrix multiply(Matrix m1, Matrix m2) {
        if (m1.columns() != m2.rows())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "The number of columns in the first matrix (%d) do not match " +
                "the number of rows in the second matrix (%d).", m1.columns(),

  if (m1.columns() != m2.rows())
      return null;
  if (m2 instanceof DiagonalMatrix) {
            if (m1 instanceof DiagonalMatrix)
                return multiplyBothDiag(m1, m2);
                return multiplyRightDiag(m1, m2);
  } else if (m1 instanceof DiagonalMatrix) {
            return multiplyLeftDiag(m1, m2);

        // Multiply diagnonal matricies with simpler algorithms.
        if (m2 instanceof DiagonalMatrix) {
          if (m1 instanceof DiagonalMatrix)
            return multiplyBothDiag(m1, m2);
            return multiplyRightDiag(m1, m2);
        } else if (m1 instanceof DiagonalMatrix) {
          return multiplyLeftDiag(m1, m2);

        int size = m1.columns();
        Matrix resultMatrix = create(m1.rows(), m2.columns(), true);
        for (int r = 0; r < m1.rows(); ++r) {
            double[] row = m1.getRow(r);
            for (int c = 0; c < m2.columns(); ++c) {
                double resultValue = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < row.length; ++i)
                    resultValue += row[i] * m2.get(i, c);
                resultMatrix.set(r, c, resultValue);
        return resultMatrix;

     * Returns a new {@code Matrix} that has been resized from the original,
     * truncating values if smaller, or adding zero elements if larger.
    public static Matrix resize(Matrix matrix, int rows, int columns) {
        // REMDINER: the third argument decides whether the matrix is dense or
        // not.  If new sparse matrices are added, there should be addiional
        // cases.  Ideally, we should put in a package method for determining
        // whether a given matrix instance is sparse and/or on disk. -jurgens
        boolean isDense = !(matrix instanceof SparseMatrix ||
                             matrix instanceof DiagonalMatrix);
        Matrix resized = create(rows, columns, isDense);
        int r = Math.min(rows, matrix.rows());
        int c = Math.min(columns, matrix.columns());
        for (int row = 0; row < r; ++row) {
            for (int col = 0; col < c; ++col) {
                resized.set(row, col, matrix.get(row, col));

        return resized;

     * Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) matrix backed by the provided
     * {@code Matrix}.
     * @param m the matrix to be made thread-safe
     * @return a synchronized (thread-safe) view of the provided
     *         matrix.
    public static AtomicMatrix synchronizedMatrix(Matrix m) {
        return new SynchronizedMatrix(m);

     * Returns a synchronized (thread-safe) matrix backed by the provided
     * {@code SparseMatrix}.
     * @param m the matrix to be made thread-safe
     * @return a synchronized (thread-safe) view of the provided sparse matrix.
     *         The returned matrix will also be a {@link SparseMatrix}
    public static AtomicMatrix synchronizedSparseMatrix(SparseMatrix m) {
        return new SynchronizedSparseMatrix(m);

     * Returns the transpose of the input matrix, i.e. where every element (i,j)
     * in the output has the value of the element at (j,i) in the input.
    public static Matrix transpose(Matrix matrix) {
        // Create a transposed view of the data.  If the data was already
        // transposed, return the original matrix
        return (matrix instanceof TransposedMatrix)
            ? ((TransposedMatrix)matrix).m
            : new TransposedMatrix(matrix);

Related Classes of edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrices

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