Package edu.ucla.sspace.lsa

Source Code of edu.ucla.sspace.lsa.LatentSemanticAnalysis

* Copyright 2009 David Jurgens
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

package edu.ucla.sspace.lsa;

import edu.ucla.sspace.basis.BasisMapping;
import edu.ucla.sspace.basis.StringBasisMapping;

import edu.ucla.sspace.common.GenericTermDocumentVectorSpace;

import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.ArrayMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.DiagonalMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.LogEntropyTransform;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrices;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.MatrixFile;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SVD;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Transform;

import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.factorization.SingularValueDecomposition;

import edu.ucla.sspace.text.Document;
import edu.ucla.sspace.text.IteratorFactory;

import edu.ucla.sspace.util.Counter;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.LoggerUtil;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.ObjectCounter;

import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DenseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseDoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseHashDoubleVector;


import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

* An implementation of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA).  This implementation is
* based on two papers.
* <ul>
*   <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif"> Landauer, T. K., Foltz,
*     P. W., and Laham, D. (1998).  Introduction to Latent Semantic
*     Analysis. <i>Discourse Processes</i>, <b>25</b>, 259-284.  Available <a
*     href="">here</a> </li>
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif"> Landauer, T. K., and
*    Dumais, S. T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic
*    Analysis theory of the acquisition, induction, and representation of
*    knowledge.  <i>Psychological Review</i>, <b>104</b>, 211-240.  Available
*    <a href="">here</a>
*    </li>
* </ul> See the Wikipedia page on <a
* href=""> Latent Semantic
* Analysis </a> for an execuative summary.
* <p>
* LSA first processes documents into a word-document matrix where each unique
* word is a assigned a row in the matrix, and each column represents a
* document.  The values of ths matrix correspond to the number of times the
* row's word occurs in the column's document.  After the matrix has been built,
* the <a
* href="">Singular
* Value Decomposition</a> (SVD) is used to reduce the dimensionality of the
* original word-document matrix, denoted as <span style="font-family:Garamond,
* Georgia, serif">A</span>. The SVD is a way of factoring any matrix A into
* three matrices <span style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">U &Sigma;
* V<sup>T</sup></span> such that <span style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia,
* serif"> &Sigma; </span> is a diagonal matrix containing the singular values
* of <span style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">A</span>. The singular
* values of <span style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif"> &Sigma; </span>
* are ordered according to which causes the most variance in the values of
* <span style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">A</span>. The original
* matrix may be approximated by recomputing the matrix with only <span
* style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">k</span> of these singular
* values and setting the rest to 0. The approximated matrix <span
* style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif"> &Acirc; = U<sub>k</sub>
* &Sigma;<sub>k</sub> V<sub>k</sub><sup>T</sup></span> is the least squares
* best-fit rank-<span style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">k</span>
* approximation of <span style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">A</span>.
* LSA reduces the dimensions by keeping only the first <span
* style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">k</span> dimensions from the row
* vectors of <span style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">U</span>.
* These vectors form the <i>semantic space</i> of the words.
* <p>
* This class offers configurable preprocessing and dimensionality reduction.
* through three parameters.  These properties should be specified in the {@code
* Properties} object passed to the {@link #processSpace(Properties)
* processSpace} method.
* <dl style="margin-left: 1em">
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> <code><b>{@value #MATRIX_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY}
*      </b></code> <br>
*      <i>Default:</i> {@link LogEntropyTransform}
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">This variable sets the preprocessing algorithm
*      to use on the term-document matrix prior to computing the SVD.  The
*      property value should be the fully qualified named of a class that
*      implements {@link Transform}.  The class should be public, not abstract,
*      and should provide a public no-arg constructor.<p>
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> <code><b>{@value LSA_DIMENSIONS_PROPERTY}
*      </b></code> <br>
*      <i>Default:</i> {@code 300}
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">The number of dimensions to use for the
*       semantic space.  This value is used as input to the SVD.<p>
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> <code><b>{@value LSA_SVD_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY}
*      </b></code> <br>
*      <i>Default:</i> {@link edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SVD.Algorithm#ANY}
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">This property sets the specific SVD algorithm
*       that LSA will use to reduce the dimensionality of the word-document
*       matrix.  In general, users should not need to set this property, as the
*       default behavior will choose the fastest available on the system.<p>
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> <code><b>{@value RETAIN_DOCUMENT_SPACE_PROPERTY}
*      </b></code> <br>
*      <i>Default:</i> {@code false}
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">This property indicate whether the document
*       space should be retained after {@code processSpace}.  Setting this
*       property to {@code true} will enable the {@link #getDocumentVector(int)
*       getDocumentVector} method. <p>
* </dl> <p>
* <p>
* This class is thread-safe for concurrent calls of {@link
* #processDocument(BufferedReader) processDocument}.  Once {@link
* #processSpace(Properties) processSpace} has been called, no further calls to
* {@code processDocument} should be made.  This implementation does not support
* access to the semantic vectors until after {@code processSpace} has been
* called.
* @see Transform
* @see SingularValueDecomposition
* @author David Jurgens
public class LatentSemanticAnalysis extends GenericTermDocumentVectorSpace
        implements {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * The prefix for naming publically accessible properties
    private static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX =

     * The property to define the {@link Transform} class to be used
     * when processing the space after all the documents have been seen.
    public static final String MATRIX_TRANSFORM_PROPERTY =
        PROPERTY_PREFIX + ".transform";

     * The property to set the number of dimension to which the space should be
     * reduced using the SVD
    public static final String LSA_DIMENSIONS_PROPERTY =
        PROPERTY_PREFIX + ".dimensions";

     * The property to set the specific SVD algorithm used by an instance during
     * {@code processSpace}.  The value should be the name of a {@link
     * edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SVD.Algorithm}.  If this property is unset, any
     * available algorithm will be used according to the ordering defined in
     * {@link SVD}.
    public static final String LSA_SVD_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY =
        PROPERTY_PREFIX + ".svd.algorithm";

     * The property whose boolean value indicate whether the document space
     * should be retained after {@code processSpace}.  Setting this property to
     * {@code true} will enable the {@link #getDocumentVector(int)
     * getDocumentVector} method.
    public static final String RETAIN_DOCUMENT_SPACE_PROPERTY =
        PROPERTY_PREFIX + ".retainDocSpace";

     * The name prefix used with {@link #getName()}
    private static final String LSA_SSPACE_NAME =

     * The document space of the term document based word space If the word
     * space is reduced.  After reduction it is the right factor matrix of the
     * SVD of the word-document matrix.  This matrix is only available after the
     * {@link #processSpace(Transform, SVD.Algorithm, int, boolean)
     * processSpace} method has been called.
    private Matrix documentSpace;

     * The diagonal matrix of the singular values
    private Matrix sigma;

     * The precomputed result of U * Sigma^-1, which is used to project new
     * document vectors into the latent document space.  Since this matrix is
     * potentially large and its use only depends on the number of calls to
     * {@link #project(Document)}, we cache the results with a {@code
     * WeakReference}, letting the result be garbage collected if memory
     * pressure gets too high.
    private transient WeakReference<Matrix> UtimesSigmaInvRef;

     * The left factor matrix of the SVD operation, which is the word space
     * prior to be multiplied by the singular values.
    private Matrix U;
     * The {@link SingularValueDecomposition} algorithm that will decompose the word by
     * document feature space into two smaller feature spaces: a word by class
     * feature space and a class by feature space.
    private final SingularValueDecomposition reducer;

     * The {@link Transform} applied to the term document matrix prior to being
     * reduced.
    private final Transform transform;

     * The final number of latent classes that will be used to represent the
     * word space.
    private final int dimensions;

     * Set the true if the reduced document space will be made accessible.
    private final boolean retainDocumentSpace;

     * Creates a new {@link LatentSemanticAnalysis} instance.  This intializes
     * {@Link LatentSemanticAnalysis} with the default parameters set in the
     * original paper.  This construct initializes this instance such that the
     * document space is <i>not</i> retained.
    public LatentSemanticAnalysis() throws IOException {
        this(false, 300, new LogEntropyTransform(),
             false, new StringBasisMapping());

     * Creates a new {@link LatentSemanticAnalysis} instance with the specified
     * number of dimensions.  This intializes {@Link LatentSemanticAnalysis}
     * with the default parameters set in the original paper for all other
     * parameter values.  This construct initializes this instance such that the
     * document space is <i>not</i> retained.
     * @param dimensions The number of dimensions to retain in the reduced space
    public LatentSemanticAnalysis(int numDimensions) throws IOException {
        this(false, numDimensions, new LogEntropyTransform(),
             false, new StringBasisMapping());

     * Creates a new {@link LatentSemanticAnalysis} instance with the specified
     * number of dimensions, using the specified method for performing the SVD.
     * This intializes {@Link LatentSemanticAnalysis} with the default
     * parameters set in the original paper for all other parameter values.
     * This construct initializes this instance such that the document space is
     * <i>not</i> retained.
     * @param dimensions The number of dimensions to retain in the reduced space
    public LatentSemanticAnalysis(int numDimensions,
                                  SingularValueDecomposition svdMethod)
            throws IOException {
        this(false, numDimensions, new LogEntropyTransform(),
             false, new StringBasisMapping());

     * Creates a new {@link LatentSemanticAnalysis} instance with the specified
     * number of dimensions, which optionally retains both the word and document
     * spaces.  This intializes {@Link LatentSemanticAnalysis} with the default
     * parameters set in the original paper for all other parameter values.
     * @param dimensions The number of dimensions to retain in the reduced space
     * @param retainDocumentSpace If true, the document space will be made
     *        accessible
    public LatentSemanticAnalysis(int numDimensions,
                                  boolean retainDocumentSpace)
            throws IOException {
        this(retainDocumentSpace, numDimensions, new LogEntropyTransform(),
             false, new StringBasisMapping());

     * Constructs a new {@code LatentSemanticAnalysis} using the provided
     * objects for processing.
     * @param retainDocumentSpace If true, the document space will be made
     *        accessible
     * @param dimensions The number of dimensions to retain in the reduced space
     * @param transform The {@link Transform} to apply before reduction
     * @param reducer The {@link SingularValueDecomposition} algorithm to
     *        apply to reduce the transformed term document matrix
     * @param readHeaderToken If true, the first token of each document will be
     *        read and passed to {@link #handleDocumentHeader(int, String)
     *        handleDocumentHeader}, which discards the header
     * @param termToIndex The {@link ConcurrentMap} used to map strings to
     *        indices
     * @throws IOException if this instance encounters any errors when creatng
     *         the backing array files required for processing
    public LatentSemanticAnalysis(boolean retainDocumentSpace,
                                  int dimensions,
                                  Transform transform,
                                  SingularValueDecomposition reducer,
                                  boolean readHeaderToken,
                                  BasisMapping<String, String> termToIndex)
            throws IOException {
        super(readHeaderToken, termToIndex, reducer.getBuilder());
        this.reducer = reducer;
        this.transform = transform;
        this.dimensions = dimensions;
        this.retainDocumentSpace = retainDocumentSpace;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getSpaceName() {
        return LSA_SSPACE_NAME;

     * Returns the semantics of the document as represented by a numeric vector.
     * Note that document semantics may be represented in an entirely different
     * space, so the corresponding semantic dimensions in the word space will be
     * completely unrelated.  However, document vectors may be compared to find
     * those document with similar content.
     * </p>
     * Similar to {@code getVector}, this method is only to be used after {@code
     * processSpace} has been called.  By default, the document space is not
     * retained unless {@code retainDocumentSpace} is set to true.
     * </p>
     * Implementation note: If a specific document ordering is needed, caution
     * should be used when using this class in a multi-threaded environment.
     * Beacuse the document number is based on what order it was
     * <i>processed</i>, no guarantee is made that this will correspond with the
     * original document ordering as it exists in the corpus files.  However, in
     * a single-threaded environment, the ordering will be preserved.
     * @param documentNumber the number of the document according to when it was
     *        processed
     * @return a vector representing the semantics of the document in the
     *         document space.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the document number is out of range.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If the document space has not been retained
     *         or if {@link #processSpace(Properties)} has not been called yet
     *         to finalize this space.
    public DoubleVector getDocumentVector(int documentNumber) {
        if (documentSpace == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "The document space has not been retained or generated.");

        if (documentNumber < 0 || documentNumber >= documentSpace.rows()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Document number is not within the bounds of the number of "
                    + "documents: " + documentNumber);
        return documentSpace.getRowVector(documentNumber);

     * Returns the number of documents processed by {@link
     * LatentSemanticAnalysis} if the document space has been retained.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If the document space has not been
     *         retained.
    public int documentSpaceSize() {
        if (documentSpace == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "The document space has not yet been generated.");

        return documentSpace.rows();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param properties {@inheritDoc} See this class's {@link
     *        LatentSemanticAnalysis javadoc} for the full list of supported
     *        properties.
    public void processSpace(Properties properties) {
        // Perform any optional transformations (e.g., tf-idf) on the
        // term-document matrix
        MatrixFile processedSpace = processSpace(transform);, "reducing to %d dimensions", dimensions);

        // Compute the SVD on the term-document space
        reducer.factorize(processedSpace, dimensions);

        wordSpace = reducer.dataClasses();

        U = reducer.getLeftVectors();
        sigma = reducer.getSingularValues();
        // Save the reduced document space if requested.
        if (retainDocumentSpace) {
            LoggerUtil.verbose(LOG, "loading in document space");

            // We transpose the document space to provide easier access to
            // the document vectors, which in the un-transposed version are
            // the columns.
            documentSpace = Matrices.transpose(reducer.classFeatures());

     * Projects this document into the latent document space based on the
     * distirbution of terms contained within it
     * @param doc A document whose contents are to be mapped into the latent
     *        document space of this instance.  The contents of this document
     *        are tokenized using the existing {@link IteratorFactory} settings.
     *        Note that tokens that are not in the word space of this {@link
     *        LatentSemanticAnalysis} instance will be ignored, so documents
     *        that consist mostly of unseen terms will likely not be represented
     *        well.
     * @return the projected version of {@code doc} in this instances latent
     *         document space, using the recognized terms in the document
     * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #processSpace(Properties)} has
     *         not yet been called (that is, no latent document space exists
     *         yet).
    public DoubleVector project(Document doc) {
        // Check that we can actually project the document
        if (wordSpace == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "processSpace has not been called, so the latent document " +
                "space does not yet exist");

        // Tokenize the document using the existing tokenization rules
        Iterator<String> docTokens =
        // Ensure that when we are projecting the new document that we do not
        // add any new terms to this space's basis.
        int numDims = termToIndex.numDimensions();

        // Iterate through the document's tokens and build the document
        // representation for those terms that have an existing basis in the
        // space
        SparseDoubleVector docVec = new SparseHashDoubleVector(numDims);
        while (docTokens.hasNext()) {
            int dim = termToIndex.getDimension(;
            if (dim >= 0)
                docVec.add(dim, 1d);
        // Transform the vector according to this instance's transform's state,
        // which should normalize the vector as the original vectors were.
        DoubleVector transformed = transform.transform(docVec);

        // Represent the document as a 1-column matrix       
        Matrix queryAsMatrix = new ArrayMatrix(1, numDims);
        for (int nz : docVec.getNonZeroIndices())
            queryAsMatrix.set(0, nz, transformed.get(nz));
        // Project the new document vector, d, by using
        //   d * U_k * Sigma_k^-1
        // where k is the dimensionality of the LSA space
        Matrix UtimesSigmaInv = null;
        // We cache the reuslts of the U_k * Sigma_k^-1 multiplication since
        // this will be the same for all projections.
        while (UtimesSigmaInv == null) {
            if (UtimesSigmaInvRef != null
                    && ((UtimesSigmaInv = UtimesSigmaInvRef.get()) != null))
            int rows = sigma.rows();
            double[] sigmaInv = new double[rows];
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
                sigmaInv[i] = 1d / sigma.get(i, i);
            DiagonalMatrix sigmaInvMatrix = new DiagonalMatrix(sigmaInv);

            UtimesSigmaInv =
                Matrices.multiply(U, sigmaInvMatrix);
            // Update the field with the new reference to the precomputed matrix
            UtimesSigmaInvRef = new WeakReference<Matrix>(UtimesSigmaInv);

        // Compute the resulting projected vector as a matrix
        Matrix result = Matrices.multiply(queryAsMatrix, UtimesSigmaInv);

        // Copy out the vector itself so that we don't retain a reference to the
        // matrix as a result of its getRowVector call, which isn't guaranteed
        // to return a copy.
        int cols = result.columns();
        DoubleVector projected = new DenseVector(result.columns());
        for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
            projected.set(i, result.get(0, i));
        return projected;

Related Classes of edu.ucla.sspace.lsa.LatentSemanticAnalysis

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