Package edu.ucla.sspace.hal

Source Code of edu.ucla.sspace.hal.HyperspaceAnalogueToLanguage

* Copyright 2009 Alex Nau
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

package edu.ucla.sspace.hal;

import edu.ucla.sspace.basis.BasisMapping;
import edu.ucla.sspace.basis.StringBasisMapping;

import edu.ucla.sspace.common.SemanticSpace;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.Statistics;

import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.AtomicGrowingSparseHashMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.MatrixEntropy;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.MatrixEntropy.EntropyStats;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.SparseMatrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.YaleSparseMatrix;

import edu.ucla.sspace.text.IteratorFactory;

import edu.ucla.sspace.util.BoundedSortedMultiMap;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.MultiMap;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.Pair;

import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.CompactSparseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseHashDoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseDoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.Vector;


import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

* A {@code SemanticSpace} implementation of the Hyperspace Analogue to Language
* (HAL) algorithm described by Lund and Burgess.  This implementation is based
* on the following paper: <ul>
*   <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif"> K. Lund and C. Burgess
*     Producing high-dimensional semantic spaces from lexical Co-occurrence
*     <i>Behavior Research Methods, Instrumentation, and Computers</i>, 28,
*     pages 203-208, 1996.  Available <a
*     href="">here</a>
</ul> See <a href="">here</a> for
*  additional papers that use HAL.  <p>
* HAL is based on recording the co-occurrence of words in a sparse matrix.  HAL
* also incorporates word order information by treating the co-occurrences of
* two words <i>x</i> <i>y</i> as being different than <i>y</i> <i>x</i>.  Each
* word is assigned a unique index in the co-occurrence matrix.  For some word
* <i>x</i>, when another word <i>x</i> co-occurs before, matrix entry
* <i>x</i>,<i>y</i> is update.  Similarly, when <i>y</i> co-occurs after, the
* matrix entry <i>y</i>,<i>x</i> is updated.  Therefore the full semantic
* vector for any words is its row vector concatenated with its column
* vector.<p>
* Typically, the full vectors are used (for an N x N matrix, these are 2*N in
* length).  However, HAL also offers two posibilities for dimensionality
* reduction.  Not all columns provide equal amount of information that can be
* used to distinguish the meanings of the words.  Specifically, the information
* theoretic <a
* href="">entropy</a> of each
* column can be calculated as a way of ordering the columns by their
* importance.  Using this ranking, either a fixed number of columns may be
* retained, or a threshold may be set to filter out low-entropy columns.
* <p>
* A {@link HyperspaceAnalogueToLanguage} model is defined by four parameters.
* The default constructor uses reasonable parameters that match those mentioned
* in the original publication.  For alternate models, appropriate values must
* be passed in through the full constructor.  The four parameters are:
* <dl style="margin-left: 1em">
* <dt> <i>Parameter:</i> {@code windowSize} </br>
*      <i>Default:</i> 5
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">This parameter sets size of the sliding
* co-occurrence window such that the {@code windowSize} words before and the {@code
* windowSize} words after the focus word will be used to count co-occurances.
* This model always uses symmetric windows.
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> {@code weighting} </br>
*      <i>Default:</i> {@link LinearWeighting}
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">This parameter sets the {@link
* WeightingFunction} used to weight co-occurrences between two words based on
* the number of interleaving words, i.e. the distance between the two words in
* the sliding window.  HAL traditionally uses a ramped, linear weighting where
* those words occurring closets receive more weight, with a linear decrease
* based on distance.
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> {@code retainColumns} </br>
*      <i>Default:</i> -1
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">If set to a positive value, this
* parameter enables dimensionality reduction by retaining only {@code
* retainColumns} columns.  Columns will be ordered according to their entropy,
* and the {@code retainColumns} columns with the highest entropy will be
* retained.  This parameter cannot be set in conjunction with {@code columnThreshold}
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> {@code columnThreshold} </br>
*      <i>Default:</i> -1
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em">If set to a positive value, this parameter enables dimensionality
*      reduction by retaining only those columns whose entropy is above the
*      specified threshold.  This parameter may not be set concurrently with
*      {@code retainColumns}.
* </dl>
* <p>
* For models that require a non-symmetric window, a special {@link
* WeightingFunction} can be used which assigns a weight of {@code 0} to
* co-occurrences that match the non-symmetric window size.
* @author Alex Nau
* @author David Jurgens
* @see SemanticSpace
* @see WeightingFunction
public class HyperspaceAnalogueToLanguage implements SemanticSpace {

     * Logger for HAL
    private static final Logger LOGGER =

     * The default number of words before and after the focus word to include
    public static final int DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE = 5;

     * A mapping from terms to initial indices in the co-occurrence matrix.
    private final BasisMapping<String, String> termToIndex;

     * The number of words to consider in one direction to create the symmetric
     * window
    private final int windowSize;

     * If set to a positive value, this parameter sets a threshold on the
     * columns to be retained.  This cannot be used in conjunction with {@code
     * retainColumns}.
    private final double columnThreshold;

     * If set to a positive value, this parameter sets the number of highest
     * entropy columns to retain.  This cannot be used in conjunction with
     * {@code columnThreshold}.
    private final int retainColumns;

     * The type of weight to apply to a the co-occurrence word based on its
     * relative location
    private final WeightingFunction weighting;

     * The number that keeps track of the index values of words
    private int wordIndexCounter;

     * The matrix used for storing weight co-occurrence statistics of those
     * words that occur both before and after.
    private AtomicGrowingSparseHashMatrix cooccurrenceMatrix;

     * The reduced matrix, if columns are to be dropped.
    private SparseMatrix reduced;

     * Constructs a new instance using the default parameters used in the
     * original publication.
    public HyperspaceAnalogueToLanguage() {
        this(new StringBasisMapping(),
             new LinearWeighting(),

     * Constructs a {@link HyperspaceAnalogueToLanguage} instance using the
     * provided parameters.
     * @param basis A mapping from tokens to dimensions.  This may be preset to
     *              ensure a known column ordering or to prevent particular
     *              tokens from being analyzed.
     * @param windowSize a positive integer that specifies the size of a
     *                   symmetric sliding co-occurence window.
     * @param weightFunction A {@link WeightingFunction} that scores a
     *                       co-occurrence between two words based on the
     *                       distance between them in the co-occurrence window.
     * @param columnThreshold An optional, positive threshold.  If set, only
     *                        columns with an entropy above this value will be
     *                        retained as dimensions.  Note, this cannot be used
     *                        in conjunction with {@code retainColumns}.
     * @param retainColumns An optional, positive number of columns.  If set,
     *                      only the {@code retainColumns} columns with the
     *                      highest entropy will be retained. Note that this
     *                      cannot be used in conjunction with {@code
     *                      columnThreshold}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If: either{@code basis} or {@code
     *                                  weightFunction} are {@code null}.
     *                                  {@code windowSize} is non-positive, or
     *                                  {@code columnThreshold} and {@code
     *                                  retainColumns} are both set to positive
     *                                  values.
    public HyperspaceAnalogueToLanguage(BasisMapping<String, String> basis,
                                        int windowSize,
                                        WeightingFunction weightFunction,
                                        double columnThreshold,
                                        int retainColumns) {
        this.cooccurrenceMatrix = new AtomicGrowingSparseHashMatrix();
        this.termToIndex = basis;
        this.windowSize = windowSize;
        this.weighting = weightFunction;
        this.columnThreshold = columnThreshold;
        this.retainColumns = retainColumns;
        reduced = null;
        wordIndexCounter = 0;

        // Validate all the parameters early to prevent processing with invalid
        // parameters.
        if (basis == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "basis mapping must not be null");
        if (weightFunction == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "weightFunction must not be null");
        if (windowSize <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Window size must be a positive, non-negative integer.\n" +
                    "Given: " + windowSize);
        if (columnThreshold > -1d && retainColumns > 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "columnThreshold and retainColumns cannot both be active.\n" +
                    "columnThreshold: " + columnThreshold + "\n" +
                    "retainColumns: " + retainColumns+ "\n");

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void  processDocument(BufferedReader document) throws IOException {
        Queue<String> nextWords = new ArrayDeque<String>();
        Queue<String> prevWords = new ArrayDeque<String>();

        Iterator<String> documentTokens =

        String focus = null;

        // Rather than updating the matrix every time an occurrence is seen,
        // keep a thread-local count of what needs to be modified in the matrix
        // and update after the document has been processed.  This saves
        // potential contention from concurrent writes.
        Map<Pair<Integer>,Double> matrixEntryToCount =
            new HashMap<Pair<Integer>,Double>();

        //Load the first windowSize words into the Queue
        for(int i = 0;  i < windowSize && documentTokens.hasNext(); i++)

        while(!nextWords.isEmpty()) {

            // Load the top of the nextWords Queue into the focus word
            focus = nextWords.remove();

            // Add the next word to nextWords queue (if possible)
            if (documentTokens.hasNext())

            // If the filter does not accept this word, skip the semantic
            // processing, continue with the next word
            if (!focus.equals(IteratorFactory.EMPTY_TOKEN)) {
                int focusIndex = termToIndex.getDimension(focus);
                // Only process co-occurrences with words with non-negative
                // dimensions.
                if (focusIndex >= 0) {
                    // in front of the focus word
                    int wordDistance = -windowSize + (windowSize - prevWords.size());
                    addTokens(prevWords, focusIndex, wordDistance, matrixEntryToCount);

            // last, put this focus word in the prev words and shift off the
            // front if it is larger than the window
            if (prevWords.size() > windowSize)

        // Once the document has been processed, update the co-occurrence matrix
        // accordingly.
        for (Map.Entry<Pair<Integer>,Double> e : matrixEntryToCount.entrySet()){
            Pair<Integer> p = e.getKey();
            cooccurrenceMatrix.addAndGet(p.x, p.y, e.getValue());

     * Adds co-occurrence counts between the list of previous words in {@code
     * words} and the focus word represented by {@code focusIndex} which start
     * at {@code distance} tokens away from the focus word.  All Counts will be
     * added into {@code matrixEntryToCount}.
    private void addTokens(Queue<String> words,
                           int focusIndex,
                           int distance,
                           Map<Pair<Integer>, Double> matrixEntryToCount) {
        for (String word : words) {
            // skip adding co-occurence values for words that are not
            // accepted by the filter
            if (!word.equals(IteratorFactory.EMPTY_TOKEN)) {
                int index = termToIndex.getDimension(word);
                if (index >= 0) {
                    // Get the current number of times that the focus word has
                    // co-occurred with this word before after it.  Weight the
                    // word appropriately baed on distance
                    Pair<Integer> p = new Pair<Integer>(index, focusIndex);
                    double value = weighting.weight(distance, windowSize);
                    Double curCount = matrixEntryToCount.get(p);
                    matrixEntryToCount.put(p, (curCount == null)
                                           ? value : value + curCount);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Set<String> getWords() {
        // If no documents have been processed, it will be empty
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(termToIndex.keySet());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Vector getVector(String word) {
        Integer index = termToIndex.getDimension(word);
        if (index == null)
            return null;
        // If the matrix hasn't had columns dropped then the returned vector
        // will be the combination of the word's row and column
        else if (reduced == null) {
            // NOTE: the matrix could be asymmetric if the a word has only
            // appeared on one side of a context (its row or column vector would
            // never have been set).  Therefore, check the index with the matrix
            // size first.
            SparseDoubleVector rowVec = (index < cooccurrenceMatrix.rows())
                ? cooccurrenceMatrix.getRowVectorUnsafe(index)
                : new CompactSparseVector(termToIndex.numDimensions());
            SparseDoubleVector colVec = (index < cooccurrenceMatrix.columns())
                ? cooccurrenceMatrix.getColumnVectorUnsafe(index)
                : new CompactSparseVector(termToIndex.numDimensions());

            return new ConcatenatedSparseDoubleVector(rowVec, colVec);

        // The co-occurrence matrix has had columns dropped so the vector is
        // just the word's row
        return reduced.getRowVector(index);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getVectorLength() {
        if (cooccurrenceMatrix != null)
            return cooccurrenceMatrix.columns() + cooccurrenceMatrix.rows();
        return reduced.columns();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void processSpace(Properties properties) {
        // Ensure that the bottom right corner of the matrix has a valid value
        // so that we always create a 2 * n set of dimensions in the default
        // case.
        if (cooccurrenceMatrix.get(termToIndex.numDimensions() - 1,
                                   termToIndex.numDimensions() - 1) == 0d)
            cooccurrenceMatrix.set(termToIndex.numDimensions() - 1,
                                   termToIndex.numDimensions() - 1,

        if (columnThreshold > -1d)
        if (retainColumns > 0)

     * Drops all but the specified number of columns, retaining those that have
     * the highest information theoretic entropy.
     * @param columns the number of columns to keep
    private void retainOnly(int columns) {"Sorting the columns by entropy and computing the top " +
                    columns + " columns to retain");

        int words = termToIndex.numDimensions();
        MultiMap<Double,Integer> entropyToIndex =
            new BoundedSortedMultiMap<Double,Integer>(
                    columns, false, true, true);

        // Compute the entropy of each row and column.
        EntropyStats stats = MatrixEntropy.entropy(cooccurrenceMatrix);

        // Add the entropy values for each column.  Since the rows will be
        // concatenated as columns, they represent currently non-existing
        // columns beyond the number of words.
        for (int col = 0; col < words; ++col)
            entropyToIndex.put(stats.colEntropy[col], col);
        for (int row = 0; row < words; ++row)
            entropyToIndex.put(stats.rowEntropy[row], row+words);

        Set<Integer> indicesToKeep =
            new HashSet<Integer>(entropyToIndex.values());"Reducing to " + columns + " highest entropy columns.");
        reduced = retainColumns(indicesToKeep);
        cooccurrenceMatrix = null;

     * Calculates the entropy of all the columns in the co-occurrence matrix and
     * removes those columns that are below the threshold, setting {@link
     * #reduced} to the remaining columns.
     * @param threshold
    private void thresholdColumns(double threshold) {"Computing the columns which are equal to or above the " +
                    "specified threshold");

        int words = termToIndex.numDimensions();
        Set<Integer> colsToRetain = new HashSet<Integer>();

        // Compute the entropy of each row and column.
        EntropyStats stats = MatrixEntropy.entropy(cooccurrenceMatrix);

        // Compare the entropy of each column to the threshold and save and
        // indices that pass the threshold. Since the rows will be concatenated
        // as columns, they represent currently non-existing columns beyond the
        // number of words.
        for (int col = 0; col < words; ++col)
            if (stats.colEntropy[col] >= threshold)

        for (int row = 0; row < words; ++row)
            if (stats.rowEntropy[row] >= threshold)
                colsToRetain.add(row+words);"Retaining " + colsToRetain.size() + "/" + (words*2) +
                    " columns, which passed the threshold of " + threshold);

        reduced = retainColumns(colsToRetain);
        cooccurrenceMatrix = null;

     * Returns a reduced and concatenated version of {@code cooccurrenceMatrix}
     * which has only the columns specified in {@code indicesToKeep}.
    private SparseMatrix retainColumns(Set<Integer> indicesToKeep) {
        int words = termToIndex.numDimensions();
        int cols = indicesToKeep.size();

        // Create a mapping from old indices to their new index value.
        Map<Integer, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        int newIndex = 0;
        for (Integer index : indicesToKeep)
            indexMap.put(index, newIndex++);

        // Create a reduced matrix that will have only the selected columns in
        // the final space.
        SparseMatrix reduced = new YaleSparseMatrix(
                words, indicesToKeep.size());

        // Iterate over the sparse values in the matrix for added efficiency.
        for (int row = 0; row < words; ++ row) {
            SparseDoubleVector sv = cooccurrenceMatrix.getRowVector(row);
            for (int col : sv.getNonZeroIndices()) {
                double v = cooccurrenceMatrix.get(row, col);

                // If the original column was retained, get it's new index
                // value and add it to the reduced matrix.
                Integer newColIndex = indexMap.get(col);
                if (newColIndex != null)
                    reduced.set(row, newColIndex, v);

                // If the transposed row column was retained, get it's new index
                // value and add it to the reduced matrix.  This turns the col
                // value into the row and the new index as the column.
                newColIndex = indexMap.get(row + words);
                if (newColIndex != null)
                    reduced.set(col, newColIndex, v);

        return reduced;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getSpaceName() {
        return "hal-semantic-space";

Related Classes of edu.ucla.sspace.hal.HyperspaceAnalogueToLanguage

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