* Copyright 2011 David Jurgens
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.ucla.sspace.graph;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.Similarity;
import edu.ucla.sspace.clustering.Assignment;
import edu.ucla.sspace.clustering.Merge;
import edu.ucla.sspace.clustering.SoftAssignment;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.HashMultiMap;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.HashIndexer;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.Indexer;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.MultiMap;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.Pair;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.WorkQueue;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.primitive.IntIterator;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.primitive.IntSet;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.primitive.IntIntMultiMap;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.primitive.IntIntHashMultiMap;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import static edu.ucla.sspace.util.LoggerUtil.verbose;
import static edu.ucla.sspace.util.LoggerUtil.veryVerbose;
* An implmentation of the link clustering described in Ahn, Bagrow, and Lehman
* (2010). This algorithm is a multi-class clustering algorithm that instead of
* clustering the nodes in a graph according to their similarity with eacher,
* clusters the <i>links</i> connecting the nodes to reveal communities that
* connect the nodes. For full information on the algorithm see, <ul>
* <li> Yong-Yeol Ahn, James P. Bagrow and Sune Lehmann. Link communities
* reveal multiscale complexity in networks. Nature 466, 761–764 (05 August
* 2010). Available online <a
* href="http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v466/n7307/full/nature09182.html">here</a>.
* </ul>
* This algorithm automatically determines the number of clusters based on a
* partition density function. Accordingly, the clustering methods take no
* parameters. Calling the {@code cluster} method with a fixed number of
* elements will still cluster the rows, but will ignore the requester number of
* clusters.
* <p> Note that this class is <i>not</i> thread-safe. Each call to clustering
* will cache local information about the clustering result to facilitate the
* {@link #getSolution(int)} and {@link #getSolutionDensity(int)} functions.
* This class provides one configurable property:
* <dl style="margin-left: 1em">
* <dt> <i>Property:</i> <code><b>{@value #KEEP_SIMILARITY_MATRIX_IN_MEMORY_PROPERTY}
* </b></code> <br>
* <i>Default:</i> {@code true}
* <dd style="padding-top: .5em"> If {@code true}, this property specifies the
* edge similarity matrix used by {@link
* HierarchicalAgglomerativeClustering} should be computed once and then
* kept in memory, which is the default behavior. If {@code false}, this
* causes the similarity of two edges to be recomputed on-the-fly whenever
* it is requester. By computing these values on-the-fly, the performance
* will be slowed down, depending on the complexity of the edge similarity
* function. However, this on-the-fly setting allows for clustering large
* graphs whose edge similarity matrix would not regularly fit into memory.
* It is advised that users not tune this parameter unless it is known that
* the similarity matrix will not fit in memory. </p>
* </dl>
* @author David Jurgens
public class LinkClustering implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The logger to which clustering status updates will be written.
private static final Logger LOGGER =
private static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX =
= PROPERTY_PREFIX + ".minEdgeSimilarity";
* The work used by all {@code LinkClustering} instances to perform
* multi-threaded operations.
private static final WorkQueue WORK_QUEUE = WorkQueue.getWorkQueue();
* Instantiates a new {@code LinkClustering} instance.
public LinkClustering() { }
* Computes the similarity of the graph's edges and merges them until the
* specified number of clusters has been reached.
* @param numClusters the number of clusters to return
public <E extends Edge> MultiMap<Integer,Integer> cluster(
final Graph<E> graph, int numClusters, Properties props) {
return singleLink(graph, numClusters);
// throw new Error();
* Computes the similarity of the graph's edges and merges them to select
* the final partitioning that maximizes the overall cluster density.
public <E extends Edge> MultiMap<Integer,Integer> cluster(
final Graph<E> graph, Properties props) {
// Indexer<E> edges = new ObjectIndexer<E>();
// for (E e : graph.edges())
// edges.index(e);
// for (Map.Entry<E,Integer> e : edges)
// System.out.println(e.getValue() + " " + e.getKey());
// System.out.print(",");
// for (int i = 0; i < graph.size(); ++i) {
// E e = edges.lookup(i);
// System.out.print(e.from() + "--" + e.to() + ",");
// }
// System.out.println();
// for (int i = 0; i < graph.size(); ++i) {
// E e = edges.lookup(i);
// System.out.print(e.from() + "--" + e.to() + ",");
// for (int j = 0; j < graph.size(); ++j) {
// if (i == j)
// System.out.print("0");
// else
// System.out.print(getConnectionSimilarity(graph, edges.lookup(i), edges.lookup(j)));
// if (j + 1 < graph.size())
// System.out.print(",");
// }
// System.out.println();
// }
return singleLink(graph);
double minSimilarity = 0d;
String minSimProp =
if (minSimProp != null) {
minSimilarity = Double.parseDouble(minSimProp);
verbose(LOGGER, "thresholding edge pairs with similarity below "
+ minSimilarity);
LOGGER.info("Computing edge similarities");
PriorityQueue<EdgePair> pq = calcuateEdgeSimQueue(graph, minSimilarity);
LOGGER.info("Clustering edges");
return singleLink(pq, graph);
* Performs agglomerative clustering (other than single-linkage) using a
* priority queue (a min-heap) to decide which edges should be clustered
* next
private MultiMap<Integer,Integer> aggloCluster(PriorityQueue<EdgePair> pq,
Graph<? extends Edge> g) {
int numEdges = g.size();
// Index the edges so that we can quickly look up which cluster an edge
// is in
Indexer<Edge> edgeIndexer = new HashIndexer<Edge>();
// Keep a simple int->int mapping from each edge's index to the cluster
// its in. Each edge is assigned to its own cluster at first
int[] edgeToCluster = new int[numEdges];
// Keep track of the vertices in each cluster
IntIntMultiMap clusterToVertices = new IntIntHashMultiMap();
IntIntMultiMap densestSolution = new IntIntHashMultiMap();
// Loop over each edge in the graph and add the vertices for that edge
// to the initial cluster assignment
for (Edge e : g.edges()) {
int initialCluster = edgeIndexer.index(e);
edgeToCluster[initialCluster] = initialCluster;
clusterToVertices.put(initialCluster, e.to());
clusterToVertices.put(initialCluster, e.from());
// Keep track of the size of each cluster so that we can merge the
// smaller into the larger. Each cluster has an initial size of 1
int[] clusterToNumEdges = new int[numEdges];
Arrays.fill(clusterToNumEdges, 1);
// Keep track of how many cluster merges we've performed so that we can
// terminate early when all of the clusters have been merged
int numMerges = 0;
// As we cluster the edges, keep track of the density so that once
// finished, we can recompute the final clustering solution.
double highestDensity = 0d;
int mergeStepsWithHighestDensity = 0;
// While we still have edges to merge and we haven't already merged all
// the clusters togehter (at most numEdges-1 merges can take place)
while (!pq.isEmpty() && numMerges < numEdges-1) {
EdgePair ep = pq.remove();
int cluster1 = edgeToCluster[edgeIndexer.index(ep.edge1())];
int cluster2 = edgeToCluster[edgeIndexer.index(ep.edge2())];
// If the edges are already in the same cluster, we can discard this
// pair without merging (don't update the counter) and continue
// looking for a more similar pair
if (cluster1 == cluster2)
// System.out.printf("%s had the highest similarity%n", ep);
// Figure out which of the clusters is smaller so that we can merge
// appropriately.
int smaller = -1, larger = -1;
if (clusterToNumEdges[cluster1] < clusterToNumEdges[cluster2]) {
smaller = cluster1;
larger = cluster2;
else {
smaller = cluster2;
larger = cluster1;
// Merge the smaller into the larger
for (int k = 0; k < edgeToCluster.length; ++k) {
if (edgeToCluster[k] == smaller)
edgeToCluster[k] = larger;
// Update the size of the larger cluster. Note that the smaller
// cluster still "exists" in the array, but is never referenced
// again.
clusterToNumEdges[larger] += clusterToNumEdges[smaller];
Set<Integer> verticesInSmaller = clusterToVertices.get(smaller);
System.out.printf("Merged %s into %s%n", verticesInSmaller, clusterToVertices.get(larger));
clusterToVertices.putMany(larger, verticesInSmaller);
// Sum the densitites for each partition in this solution.
double partitionDensitySum = 0d;
for (Map.Entry<Integer,Set<Integer>> cluster :
clusterToVertices.asMap().entrySet()) {
int numNodesInCluster = cluster.getValue().size();
int numEdgesInCluster = clusterToNumEdges[cluster.getKey()];
// Compute this partition's density, adding it to the sum of all
// partition densities for the current solution
partitionDensitySum +=
computeDensity(numNodesInCluster, numEdgesInCluster);
// Compute the total partition density by averaging the density
// across all partitions, weighted by the number of edges
double partitionDensity =
(2d / numEdges) * partitionDensitySum;
System.out.printf("Merge %d/%d had density %f",
numMerges, numEdges-1, partitionDensity);
veryVerbose(LOGGER, "Merge %d/%d had density %f",
numMerges, numEdges-1, partitionDensity);
if (numMerges % 1000 == 0)
verbose(LOGGER, "Merge %d/%d had density %f",
numMerges, numEdges-1, partitionDensity);
if (partitionDensity > highestDensity) {
highestDensity = partitionDensity;
mergeStepsWithHighestDensity = numMerges;
verbose(LOGGER, "Merge %d had the highest density: %f",
mergeStepsWithHighestDensity, highestDensity);
if (numMerges != numEdges-1) {
LOGGER.info("Found disconnected components in graph; avoiding full merges");
return densestSolution;
* Performs single-linkage agglomerative clustering on the Graph's edges
* using a next-best-merge array. This implementation achieves
* O(n<sup>2</sup>) run-time complexity and O(n) space, which is a
* significant savings over running single-linkage with a max-heap.
private <E extends Edge> MultiMap<Integer,Integer>
singleLink(final Graph<E> g) {
// Index the edges so that we can quickly look up which cluster an edge
// is in
final Indexer<Edge> edgeIndexer = new HashIndexer<Edge>();
for (Edge e : g.edges()) {
// Ignore any information on the edges, such as weights or types, by
// creating our own edges and indexing them
edgeIndexer.index(new SimpleEdge(e.from(), e.to()));
final int numEdges = edgeIndexer.size();
// Keep a simple int->int mapping from each edge's index to (1) the
// cluster its in, (2) the most similar edge to that edge, (3) the
// similarity of the most similar edge.
int[] edgeToCluster = new int[numEdges];
final int[] edgeToMostSim = new int[numEdges];
final double[] edgeToSimOfMostSim = new double[numEdges];
// Keep track of the vertices in each cluster
// IntIntMultiMap clusterToVertices = new IntIntHashMultiMap();
MultiMap<Integer,Integer> clusterToVertices = new HashMultiMap<Integer,Integer>();
MultiMap<Integer,Integer> densestSolution = new HashMultiMap<Integer,Integer>();
// Loop over each edge in the graph and add the vertices for that edge
// to the initial cluster assignment
for (Edge e : g.edges()) {
// Ignore any information on the edges, such as weights or types, by
// creating our own edges.
int initialCluster = edgeIndexer.index(
new SimpleEdge(e.from(), e.to()));
edgeToCluster[initialCluster] = initialCluster;
clusterToVertices.put(initialCluster, e.to());
clusterToVertices.put(initialCluster, e.from());
// Ensure that the reverse lookup table is created in the Indexer ahead
// of time, since threads will be accessing it concurrently
// For each edge, find the most similar cluster updating the relative
// indices of the rowToMostSimilar arrays with the results.
Object taskKey = WORK_QUEUE.registerTaskGroup(g.order());
IntIterator iter1 = g.vertices().iterator();
while (iter1.hasNext()) {
final int v1 = iter1.nextInt();
WORK_QUEUE.add(taskKey, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
veryVerbose(LOGGER, "Computing similarities for " +
"vertex %d", v1);
IntSet neighbors = g.getNeighbors(v1);
IntIterator it1 = neighbors.iterator();
while (it1.hasNext()) {
int v2 = it1.nextInt();
IntIterator it2 = neighbors.iterator();
while (it2.hasNext()) {
int v3 = it2.nextInt();
if (v2 == v3)
double sim = getConnectionSimilarity(
g, v1, v2, v3);
int e1index = edgeIndexer
.find(new SimpleEdge(v1, v2));
int e2index = edgeIndexer
.find(new SimpleEdge(v1, v3));
assert e1index >= 0 : "missing e1";
assert e2index >= 0 : "missing e2";
assert edgeIndexer.lookup(e1index) != null : "e1 is null";
assert edgeIndexer.lookup(e2index) != null : "e2 is null";
// Lock on the canonical instance of e1 before
// updating its similarity values
synchronized(edgeIndexer.lookup(e1index)) {
if (sim > edgeToSimOfMostSim[e1index]) {
edgeToSimOfMostSim[e1index] = sim;
edgeToMostSim[e1index] = e2index;
// Lock on the canonical instance of e2 before
// updating its similarity values
synchronized(edgeIndexer.lookup(e2index)) {
if (sim > edgeToSimOfMostSim[e2index]) {
edgeToSimOfMostSim[e2index] = sim;
edgeToMostSim[e2index] = e1index;
// Keep track of the size of each cluster so that we can merge the
// smaller into the larger. Each cluster has an initial size of 1
int[] clusterToNumEdges = new int[numEdges];
Arrays.fill(clusterToNumEdges, 1);
// As we cluster the edges, keep track of the density so that once
// finished, we can recompute the final clustering solution.
double highestDensity = 0d;
int mergeStepsWithHighestDensity = 0;
verbose(LOGGER, "Clustering edges");
// Perform rows-1 merges to merge all elements
int mergeIter = 0;
while (clusterToVertices.size() > 1) {
if (mergeIter % 1000 == 0)
verbose(LOGGER, "Computing dendrogram merge %d/%d",
mergeIter+1, numEdges-1);
//System.out.printf("%n%nStart of merge %d%n", mergeIter);
// Find the edge that has the highest similarity to another edge
int edge1index = -1;
int edge2index = -1; // set during iteration
double highestSim = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < edgeToSimOfMostSim.length; ++i) {
// System.out.printf("%d is most sim to %d with %f%n", i,
// edgeToMostSim[i], edgeToSimOfMostSim[i]);
if (edgeToSimOfMostSim[i] > highestSim) {
int c1 = edgeToCluster[i];
int mostSim = edgeToMostSim[i];
int c2 = edgeToCluster[mostSim];
if (c1 != c2) {
highestSim = edgeToSimOfMostSim[i];
edge1index = i;
edge2index = edgeToMostSim[i];
int cluster1index = -1;
int cluster2index = -1;
// No more similar pairs (disconnected graph?) so merge two
// arbitrary clusters and continue
if (edge1index == -1) {
Iterator<Integer> it = clusterToVertices.keySet().iterator();
cluster1index = it.next();
cluster2index = it.next(); // by contract, we have > 2 clusters
else {
cluster1index = edgeToCluster[edge1index];
cluster2index = edgeToCluster[edge2index];
// When merging clusters each of size > 2, it could be that
// additional pairs of the two clusters also had higher similarity
// and were next in the next-best-merge. However, because these two
// edges are already in the cluster, we can discard their merge (by
// setting the similarity to the minimum value) and continue on.
// Note that we do not need to update the next-most similar to these
// edges, as that similarity will alread be recorded by the other
// edges that are not these two.
if (cluster1index == cluster2index) {
edgeToSimOfMostSim[edge1index] = -2d;
// Note that since we are skipping this round, we do not
// increment the mergeIter counter
// We will merge this iteration
// System.out.printf("Merging c%d (size: %d) with c%d (size: %d)%n",
// cluster2index, clusterToVertices.get(cluster2index).size(),
// cluster1index, clusterToVertices.get(cluster1index).size());
Set<Integer> verticesInSmaller = clusterToVertices.get(cluster2index);
// System.out.printf("Merged %d:%s into %d:%s with simiarity %f%n",
// cluster2index, verticesInSmaller,
// cluster1index, clusterToVertices.get(cluster1index),
// highestSim);
clusterToVertices.putMany(cluster1index, verticesInSmaller);
clusterToNumEdges[cluster1index] +=clusterToNumEdges[cluster2index];
// Short circuit on the last iteration since we don't need to scan
// through the list of edges again to update their most-similar-edge
if (clusterToVertices.size() == 1)
// Update the similarity for the second edge so that it is no longer
// merged with another edge. Even if it is more similar, we maintain
// the invariant that only the cluster1index is valid after a merge
// operation
edgeToSimOfMostSim[edge1index] = -3d;
edgeToSimOfMostSim[edge2index] = -4d;
// For all the edges not in the current cluster, find the most
// similar data point to the now-merged cluster. Note that this
// process doesn't need to update the nearest neighbors of these
// nodes, as they should still be valid post-merge.
int mostSimEdgeToCurCluster = -1;
highestSim = -5d;
Edge e1 = edgeIndexer.lookup(edge1index);
Edge e2 = edgeIndexer.lookup(edge2index);
// System.out.printf("Cluster assignments halfway into merge %d: %s%n",
// mergeIter, Arrays.toString(edgeToCluster));
for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) {
int cId = edgeToCluster[i];
if (cId == cluster1index) {
// See if the most similar edge is also an edge in cluster1,
// in which case we should invalidate its similarity since
// the clusters are already merged
// int mostSimEdge = edgeToMostSim[i];
// if (edgeToCluster[mostSimEdge] == cluster2index)
// edgeToSimOfMostSim[i] = Double.MIN_VALUE;
else if (cId == cluster2index) {
edgeToCluster[i] = cluster1index;
// See if the most similar edge is also an edge in cluster1,
// in which case we should invalidate its similarity since
// the clusters are already merged
// int mostSimEdge = edgeToMostSim[i];
// if (edgeToCluster[mostSimEdge] == cluster1index)
// edgeToSimOfMostSim[i] = Double.MIN_VALUE;
Edge e3 = edgeIndexer.lookup(i);
assert e1 != null : "e1 is null, edge1index: " + edge1index;
assert e2 != null : "e2 is null, edge2index: " + edge2index;
assert e3 != null : "e3 is null, edge3index: " + i + ", debug:" + debug(edgeIndexer, numEdges);
double simToE1 = getConnectionSimilarity(g, e1, e3);
double simToE2 = getConnectionSimilarity(g, e2, e3);
// System.out.printf("Comparing %s with %s: %f%n", e1, e3, simToE1);
// System.out.printf("Comparing %s with %s: %f%n", e2, e3, simToE2);
double sim = Math.max(simToE1, simToE2);
if (sim > highestSim) {
highestSim = sim;
mostSimEdgeToCurCluster = i;
// System.out.printf("Most similar edge to edge %d is %d%n",
// edge1index, mostSimEdgeToCurCluster);
edgeToMostSim[edge1index] = mostSimEdgeToCurCluster;
edgeToSimOfMostSim[edge1index] = highestSim;
// Sum the densitites for each partition in this solution.
double partitionDensitySum = 0d;
int edgeSum = 0, nodeSum = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer,Set<Integer>> cluster :
clusterToVertices.asMap().entrySet()) {
int numNodesInCluster = cluster.getValue().size();
int numEdgesInCluster = clusterToNumEdges[cluster.getKey()];
edgeSum += numEdgesInCluster;
// System.out.printf("Cluster %d: %d nodes, %d edges -> %f%n",
// cluster.getKey(), numNodesInCluster,
// numEdgesInCluster,
// computeDensity(numNodesInCluster, numEdgesInCluster));
// Compute this partition's density, adding it to the sum of all
// partition densities for the current solution
partitionDensitySum +=
computeDensity(numNodesInCluster, numEdgesInCluster);
// System.out.printf(" %d: %s%n", cluster.getKey(), cluster.getValue());
assert edgeSum == numEdges : "Adding edges somewhere";
// Compute the total partition density by averaging the density
// across all partitions, weighted by the number of edges
double partitionDensity =
(2d / numEdges) * partitionDensitySum;
// System.out.printf("Merge %d/%d had density %f%n",
// mergeIter, numEdges-1, partitionDensity);
veryVerbose(LOGGER, "Merge %d/%d had density %f",
mergeIter, numEdges-1, partitionDensity);
if (mergeIter % 1000 == 0)
verbose(LOGGER, "Merge %d/%d had density %f",
mergeIter, numEdges-1, partitionDensity);
if (partitionDensity > highestDensity) {
highestDensity = partitionDensity;
mergeStepsWithHighestDensity = mergeIter;
// System.out.printf("Merge %d had the highest density: %f%n",
// mergeStepsWithHighestDensity, highestDensity);
verbose(LOGGER, "Merge %d had the highest density: %f",
mergeStepsWithHighestDensity, highestDensity);
return densestSolution;
private static String debug(Indexer<Edge> indexer, int numEdges) {
for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
System.out.println(i + ": " + indexer.lookup(i));
return "";
* Performs single-linkage agglomerative clustering on the Graph's edges
* using a next-best-merge array until the specified number of clusters has
* been reached. This implementation achieves O(n<sup>2</sup>) run-time
* complexity and O(n) space, which is a significant savings over running
* single-linkage with a max-heap.
* @param numClusters the number of clusters to produce
private <E extends Edge> MultiMap<Integer,Integer> singleLink(
final Graph<E> g, int numClusters) {
final int numEdges = g.size();
if (numClusters < 1 || numClusters > numEdges)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid range for number of clusters: " + numClusters);
// Index the edges so that we can quickly look up which cluster an edge
// is in
final Indexer<Edge> edgeIndexer = new HashIndexer<Edge>();
// Keep a simple int->int mapping from each edge's index to (1) the
// cluster its in, (2) the most similar edge to that edge, (3) the
// similarity of the most similar edge.
int[] edgeToCluster = new int[numEdges];
final int[] edgeToMostSim = new int[numEdges];
final double[] edgeToSimOfMostSim = new double[numEdges];
// Keep track of the vertices in each cluster
MultiMap<Integer,Integer> clusterToVertices = new HashMultiMap<Integer,Integer>();
// Loop over each edge in the graph and add the vertices for that edge
// to the initial cluster assignment
for (Edge e : g.edges()) {
int initialCluster = edgeIndexer.index(
new SimpleEdge(e.from(), e.to()));
edgeToCluster[initialCluster] = initialCluster;
clusterToVertices.put(initialCluster, e.to());
clusterToVertices.put(initialCluster, e.from());
// Ensure that the reverse lookup table is created in the Indexer ahead
// of time, since threads will be accessing it concurrently
// For each edge, find the most similar cluster updating the relative
// indices of the rowToMostSimilar arrays with the results.
Object taskKey = WORK_QUEUE.registerTaskGroup(g.order());
IntIterator iter1 = g.vertices().iterator();
while (iter1.hasNext()) {
final int v1 = iter1.nextInt();
WORK_QUEUE.add(taskKey, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
veryVerbose(LOGGER, "Computing similarities for " +
"vertex %d", v1);
IntSet neighbors = g.getNeighbors(v1);
IntIterator it1 = neighbors.iterator();
while (it1.hasNext()) {
int v2 = it1.nextInt();
IntIterator it2 = neighbors.iterator();
while (it2.hasNext()) {
int v3 = it2.nextInt();
if (v2 == v3)
double sim = getConnectionSimilarity(
g, v1, v2, v3);
int e1index = edgeIndexer
.index(new SimpleEdge(v1, v2));
int e2index = edgeIndexer
.index(new SimpleEdge(v1, v3));
// Lock on the canonical instance of e1 before
// updating its similarity values
synchronized(edgeIndexer.lookup(e1index)) {
if (sim > edgeToSimOfMostSim[e1index]) {
edgeToSimOfMostSim[e1index] = sim;
edgeToMostSim[e1index] = e2index;
// Lock on the canonical instance of e2 before
// updating its similarity values
synchronized(edgeIndexer.lookup(e2index)) {
if (sim > edgeToSimOfMostSim[e2index]) {
edgeToSimOfMostSim[e2index] = sim;
edgeToMostSim[e2index] = e1index;
// Keep track of the size of each cluster so that we can merge the
// smaller into the larger. Each cluster has an initial size of 1
int[] clusterToNumEdges = new int[numEdges];
Arrays.fill(clusterToNumEdges, 1);
verbose(LOGGER, "Clustering edges");
// Keep merging until we reach the desired number of clusters
int mergeIter = 0;
while (clusterToVertices.size() > numClusters) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Computing dendrogram merge {0}/{1}",
new Object[] { mergeIter+1, numEdges-1 });
// Find the edge that has the highest similarity to another edge
int edge1index = -1;
int edge2index = -1; // set during iteration
double highestSim = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < edgeToSimOfMostSim.length; ++i) {
if (edgeToSimOfMostSim[i] > highestSim) {
int c1 = edgeToCluster[i];
int mostSim = edgeToMostSim[i];
int c2 = edgeToCluster[mostSim];
if (c1 != c2) {
highestSim = edgeToSimOfMostSim[i];
edge1index = i;
edge2index = edgeToMostSim[i];
int cluster1index = -1;
int cluster2index = -1;
// No more similar pairs (disconnected graph?) so merge two
// arbitrary clusters and continue
if (edge1index == -1) {
Iterator<Integer> it = clusterToVertices.keySet().iterator();
cluster1index = it.next();
cluster2index = it.next(); // by contract, we have > 2 clusters
else {
cluster1index = edgeToCluster[edge1index];
cluster2index = edgeToCluster[edge2index];
assert cluster1index != cluster2index : "merging same cluster";
// System.out.printf("Merging c%d (size: %d) with c%d (size: %d)%n",
// cluster2index, clusterToVertices.get(cluster2index).size(),
// cluster1index, clusterToVertices.get(cluster1index).size());
Set<Integer> verticesInSmaller = clusterToVertices.get(cluster2index);
clusterToVertices.putMany(cluster1index, verticesInSmaller);
clusterToNumEdges[cluster1index] +=clusterToNumEdges[cluster2index];
// Short circuit on the last iteration since we don't need to scan
// through the list of edges again to update their most-similar-edge
if (mergeIter == numEdges - 2)
// Update the similarity for the second edge so that it is no longer
// merged with another edge. Even if it is more similar, we maintain
// the invariant that only the cluster1index is valid after a merge
// operation
edgeToSimOfMostSim[edge1index] = -2d;
edgeToSimOfMostSim[edge2index] = -3d;
// For all the edges not in the current cluster, find the most
// similar data point to the now-merged cluster. Note that this
// process doesn't need to update the nearest neighbors of these
// nodes, as they should still be valid post-merge.
int mostSimEdgeToCurCluster = -1;
highestSim = -4d;
Edge e1 = edgeIndexer.lookup(edge1index);
Edge e2 = edgeIndexer.lookup(edge2index);
for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) {
int cId = edgeToCluster[i];
if (cId == cluster1index) {
// See if the most similar edge is also an edge in cluster1,
// in which case we should invalidate its similarity since
// the clusters are already merged
// int mostSimEdge = edgeToMostSim[i];
// if (edgeToCluster[mostSimEdge] == cluster2index)
// edgeToSimOfMostSim[i] = Double.MIN_VALUE;
else if (cId == cluster2index) {
edgeToCluster[i] = cluster1index;
// See if the most similar edge is also an edge in cluster1,
// in which case we should invalidate its similarity since
// the clusters are already merged
// int mostSimEdge = edgeToMostSim[i];
// if (edgeToCluster[mostSimEdge] == cluster1index)
// edgeToSimOfMostSim[i] = Double.MIN_VALUE;
Edge e3 = edgeIndexer.lookup(i);
double simToE1 = getConnectionSimilarity(g, e1, e3);
double simToE2 = getConnectionSimilarity(g, e2, e3);
double sim = Math.max(simToE1, simToE2);
if (sim > highestSim) {
highestSim = sim;
mostSimEdgeToCurCluster = i;
edgeToMostSim[edge1index] = mostSimEdgeToCurCluster;
edgeToSimOfMostSim[edge1index] = highestSim;
return clusterToVertices;
* Computes the density of the provided partition of edges
protected double computeDensity(int numNodes, int numEdges) {
// Special case when the number of nodes is 2, which has a density of 0
if (numNodes == 2)
return 0;
return numEdges * (numEdges - numNodes + 1d)
/ (numNodes - 1d) / (numNodes - 2d);
* Calculates the similarity between all pair-wise combinations of edges,
* returning a max-heap ({@link PriorityQueue}) which has the most similar
* edges appear at the top. This method assumes that the only similarities
* that matter are those that occur between two edges that share a vertex.
* @param graph a graph whose edges are to be compared
* @param minSimilarity an optional parameter for discarding edge pairs
* whose similarity is below this value, which can save space held by
* low-similairty pairs that are never used in the merging process.
* However, setting this value too high results can result in
* incomplete or incorrect merge sequences.
* @return the similarity matrix
private <E extends Edge> PriorityQueue<EdgePair> calcuateEdgeSimQueue(
final Graph<E> graph, final double minSimilarity) {
final int numVertices = graph.order();
final int numEdges = graph.size();
double avgDegree = numEdges / (double)numVertices;
final int numComparisons = (int)(((avgDegree * (avgDegree+1)) / 2) * numVertices);
// System.out.printf("size: %d, order: %d, avg. degree: %f, expected num comparisons: %d%n",
// numEdges, numVertices, avgDegree, numComparisons);
final PriorityQueue<EdgePair> pq =
new PriorityQueue<EdgePair>(numComparisons);
Object key = WORK_QUEUE.registerTaskGroup(graph.order());
IntIterator iter1 = graph.vertices().iterator();
while (iter1.hasNext()) {
final int v1 = iter1.nextInt();
WORK_QUEUE.add(key, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
veryVerbose(LOGGER, "Computing similarities for " +
"vertex %d", v1);
//Set<E> adjList = graph.getAdjacencyList(v1);
IntSet neighbors = graph.getNeighbors(v1);
// Create a thread-local PriorityQueue that will hold
// the edge similarities for this vertex. Once all the
// simialrites have been computed, we can update the
// thread-shared queue with minimal locking
PriorityQueue<EdgePair> localQ =
new PriorityQueue<EdgePair>(neighbors.size());
IntIterator it1 = neighbors.iterator();
// for (E e1 : adjList) {
while (it1.hasNext()) {
// int v2 = (e1.to() == v1) ? e1.from() : e1.to();
int v2 = it1.nextInt();
IntIterator it2 = neighbors.iterator();
// for (Edge e2 : graph.getAdjacencyList(v1)) {
while (it2.hasNext()) {
int v3 = it2.nextInt();
if (v2 == v3)
// if (e1.equals(e2))
// break;
// int v3 = (e2.to() == v1) ? e2.from() : e2.to();
float sim = (float)
getConnectionSimilarity(graph, v1, v2, v3);
// System.out.printf("(%d, %d), (%d, %d) : %f%n",
// Math.min(v1, v2),
// Math.max(v1, v2),
// Math.min(v1, v3),
// Math.max(v1, v3), sim);
if (sim > minSimilarity)
// localQ.add(new EdgePair(-sim, e1, e2));
localQ.add(new EdgePair(-sim, v1, v2, v3));
synchronized(pq) {
int comps = pq.size();
veryVerbose(LOGGER, "%d/%d comparisons " +
"completed (%f)", comps, numComparisons,
(double)comps / numComparisons);
return pq;
* Computes the connection similarity for the two edges, first calculating
* the impost and keystones nodes. If the edges are not connected, returns
* 0.
* @see #getConnectionSimilarity(Graph,int,int,int)
private <E extends Edge> double getConnectionSimilarity(
Graph<E> graph, Edge e1, Edge e2) {
int e1to = e1.to();
int e1from = e1.from();
int e2to = e2.to();
int e2from = e2.from();
if (e1to == e2to)
return getConnectionSimilarity(graph, e1to, e1from, e2from);
else if (e1to == e2from)
return getConnectionSimilarity(graph, e1to, e1from, e2to);
else if (e1from == e2to)
return getConnectionSimilarity(graph, e1from, e1to, e2from);
else if (e1from == e2from)
return getConnectionSimilarity(graph, e1from, e1to, e2to);
return 0;
* Computes the similarity of the two edges as the Jaccard index of the
* neighbors of two impost nodes. The impost nodes are the two nodes the
* edges do not have in common. Subclasses may override this method to
* define a new method for computing edge similarity.
* <p><i>Implementation Note</i>: Subclasses that wish to override this
* behavior should be aware that this method is likely to be called by
* multiple threads and therefor should make provisions to be thread safe.
* In addition, this method may be called more than once per edge pair if
* the similarity matrix is being computed on-the-fly.
* @param sm a matrix containing the connections between edges. A non-zero
* value in location (i,j) indicates a node <i>i</i> is connected to
* node <i>j</i> by an edge.
* @param e1 an edge to be compared with {@code e2}
* @param e2 an edge to be compared with {@code e1}
* @return the similarity of the edges.a
protected <E extends Edge> double getConnectionSimilarity(
Graph<E> graph, int keystone, int impost1, int impost2) {
IntSet n1 = graph.getNeighbors(impost1);
IntSet n2 = graph.getNeighbors(impost2);
int n1size = n1.size();
int n2size = n2.size();
// Swap based on size prior to searching for which vertices are in
// common
if (n1size > n2size) {
IntSet tmp = n2;
n2 = n1;
n1 = tmp;
int t = impost1;
impost1 = impost2;
impost2 = t;
int inCommon = 0;
IntIterator it = n1.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
int v = it.nextInt();
if (n2.contains(v))
if (n2.contains(impost1))
if (n1.contains(impost2))
// NOTE: it doesn't matter that n1 and n2's sizes might be potentually
// switched since we're doing a commutative operation
return (double)inCommon / (n1size + n2size + 2 - inCommon);
* A structure for holding the indices of two {@link Edge} instances and
* their corresponding negative similarity. The similarity is negated so
* that when sorted, the edge pair with the highest similarity appears at
* the front of the {@link PriorityQueue}.
private static class EdgePair implements Comparable<EdgePair> {
// int e1, e2;
int keystone;
int impost1;
int impost2;
// double negSim;
float negSim;
public EdgePair(float negSim, Edge e1, Edge e2) {
// this.e1 = e1;
// this.e2 = e2;
// this.negSim = negSim;
throw new Error();
public EdgePair(float negSim, int keystone, int impost1, int impost2) {
this.keystone = keystone;
this.impost1 = impost1;
this.impost2 = impost2;
this.negSim = negSim;
public int compareTo(EdgePair ep) {
// return Double.compare(negSim, ep.negSim);
return Float.compare(negSim, ep.negSim);
public Edge edge1() { return new SimpleEdge(keystone, impost1); }
public Edge edge2() { return new SimpleEdge(keystone, impost2); }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof EdgePair) {
EdgePair ep = (EdgePair)o;
return keystone == ep.keystone
&& impost1 == ep.impost1
&& impost2 == ep.impost2
&& negSim == ep.negSim;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
// return e1.hashCode() ^ e2.hashCode();
return impost1 ^ impost2 ^ keystone;
public String toString() {
int i = Math.min(impost1, impost2);
int j = Math.max(impost1, impost2);
return i + "-" + keystone + "-" + j + ": " + (-negSim);