* Copyright 2011 David Jurgens
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.ucla.sspace.graph;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.Indexer;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.HashIndexer;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.primitive.IntIterator;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import gnu.trove.map.TIntIntMap;
import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntIntHashMap;
import static edu.ucla.sspace.util.LoggerUtil.verbose;
* A collection of static utility methods for interacting with {@link Graph}
* instances. This class is modeled after the {@link Collections} class.
* <p> Unless otherwise noted, all methods will throw an {@link
* NullPointerException} if passed a {@code null} graph.
public final class Graphs {
private static final Logger LOGGER =
private Graphs() { }
public static <E extends DirectedEdge> DirectedGraph<E> asDirectedGraph(Graph<E> g) {
if (g == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
return (g instanceof DirectedGraph)
? (DirectedGraph<E>)g
: new DirectedGraphAdaptor<E>(g);
public static <E extends WeightedEdge> WeightedGraph<E> asWeightedGraph(Graph<E> g) {
throw new Error();
public static <T,E extends TypedEdge<T>> Multigraph<T,E> asMultigraph(Graph<E> g) {
if (g == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
if (g instanceof Multigraph) {
Multigraph<T,E> m = (Multigraph<T,E>)g;
return m;
return new MultigraphAdaptor<T,E>(g);
* Creates a copy of the provided graph where all vertices are remapped to a
* contiguous range from 0 to {@code g.order()}-1. If the graph's vertices
* are already contiguous, returns the original graph.
public static <E extends Edge> Graph<E> pack(Graph<E> g) {
int order = g.order();
boolean isContiguous = true;
for (int i : g.vertices()) {
if (i >= order) {
isContiguous = false;
if (isContiguous)
return g;
// Map the vertices to a contiguous range
TIntIntMap vMap = new TIntIntHashMap(g.order());
int j = 0;
for (int i : g.vertices())
vMap.put(i, j++);
Graph<E> copy = g.copy(Collections.<Integer>emptySet());
for (int i = 0; i < order; ++i)
for (E e : g.edges())
copy.add(e.<E>clone(vMap.get(e.from()), vMap.get(e.to())));
return copy;
* Shuffles the edges of {@code g} while still preserving the <a
* href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_sequence#Degree_sequence">degree
* sequence</a> of the graph. Each edge in the graph will attempted to be
* conflated with another edge in the graph the specified number of times.
* If the edge cannot be swapped (possible due to the new version of the
* edge already existing), the attempt fails.
* @param g the graph whose elemets will be shuffled
* @param shufflesPerEdge the number of swaps to attempt per edge.
* @return the total number of times an edge's endpoint was swapped with
* another edge's endpoint. At its maximum value, this will be
* {@code shufflesPerEdge * g.size()} assuming that each swap was
* successful. For dense graphs, this return value will be much
* less.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code shufflesPerEdge} is
* non-positive
public static <E extends Edge> int shufflePreserve(Graph<E> g,
int shufflesPerEdge) {
if (shufflesPerEdge < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must shuffle at least once");
return shuffleInternal(g, g.edges(), shufflesPerEdge, new Random());
* Shuffles the edges of {@code g} while still preserving the <a
* href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_sequence#Degree_sequence">degree
* sequence</a> of the graph. Each edge in the graph will attempted to be
* conflated with another edge in the graph the specified number of times.
* If the edge cannot be swapped (possible due to the new version of the
* edge already existing), the attempt fails.
* @param g the graph whose elemets will be shuffled
* @param shufflesPerEdge the number of swaps to attempt per edge.
* @param rnd the source of randomness used to shuffle the graph's edges
* @return the total number of times an edge's endpoint was swapped with
* another edge's endpoint. At its maximum value, this will be
* {@code shufflesPerEdge * g.size()} assuming that each swap was
* successful. For dense graphs, this return value will be much
* less.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code shufflesPerEdge} is
* non-positive
public static <E extends Edge> int shufflePreserve(Graph<E> g,
int shufflesPerEdge,
Random rnd) {
if (shufflesPerEdge < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must shuffle at least once");
return shuffleInternal(g, g.edges(), shufflesPerEdge, rnd);
* Shuffles the edges in {@code edges} using the provided graph {@code g} to
* check whether the permuted edges created by the shuffling process already
* exist.
private static <E extends Edge> int shuffleInternal(
Graph<E> g, Set<E> edges, int shufflesPerEdge,
Random rand) {
int totalShuffles = 0;
int origSize = g.size();
int numEdges = edges.size();
if (numEdges < 2)
return 0;
// Copy the edges into an array so that we can easily swap them and
// perform random access on them without needing to do O(n) traversal to
// access an arbitrary edge. Because the edge type is a generic, we
// have to reflectively create an array for its type.
E tmp = edges.iterator().next();
E[] edgeArray = (E[])Array.newInstance(tmp.getClass(), 1);
edgeArray = edges.toArray(edgeArray);
for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i) {
for (int swap = 0; swap < shufflesPerEdge; ++swap) {
// Pick another vertex to conflate with i that is not i
int j = i;
while (i == j)
j = rand.nextInt(numEdges);
E e1 = edgeArray[i];
E e2 = edgeArray[j];
// For non-directed graphs, we should randomly flip the edge
// orientation to guard against situations where some vertices
// only appear on either to() or from().
if (!(e1 instanceof DirectedEdge) && rand.nextDouble() < .5)
e1 = e1.<E>flip();
if (!(e2 instanceof DirectedEdge) && rand.nextDouble() < .5)
e2 = e2.<E>flip();
// Swap their end points
E swapped1 = e1.<E>clone(e1.from(), e2.to());
E swapped2 = e2.<E>clone(e2.from(), e1.to());
// Check that the new edges do not already exist in the graph
// and that they are not self edges
if (g.contains(swapped1) || g.contains(swapped2))
else if (swapped1.from() == swapped1.to()
|| swapped2.from() == swapped2.to()) {
// Remove the old edges
boolean r1 = g.remove(edgeArray[i]);
boolean r2 = g.remove(edgeArray[j]);
// Put in the swapped-end-point edges
// Update the in-memory edges set so that if these edges are drawn
// again, they don't point to old edges
edgeArray[i] = swapped1;
edgeArray[j] = swapped2;
assert g.size() == origSize : "Added an extra edge of either "
+ swapped1 + " or " + swapped2;
return totalShuffles;
* Shuffles the edges of {@code g} while still preserving the <a
* href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_sequence#Degree_sequence">degree
* sequence</a> of the graph and that edges are only swapped with those of
* the same type, thereby preserving the number of edges of a single type
* attached to each node. Each edge in the graph will attempted to be
* conflated with another edge in the graph the specified number of times.
* If the edge cannot be swapped (possible due to the new version of the
* edge already existing), the attempt fails.
* <p> Note that the {@link Multigraph#subview(Set,Set)} method makes it
* possilble to shuffle the edges for only a subset of the types in the
* multigraph.
* @param g the graph whose elemets will be shuffled
* @param shufflesPerEdge the number of swaps to attempt per edge.
* @return the total number of times an edge's endpoint was swapped with
* another edge's endpoint. At its maximum value, this will be
* {@code shufflesPerEdge * g.size()} assuming that each swap was
* successful. For dense graphs, this return value will be much
* less.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code shufflesPerEdge} is
* non-positive
public static <T,E extends TypedEdge<T>> int
shufflePreserveType(Multigraph<T,E> g, int shufflesPerEdge) {
return shufflePreserveType(g, shufflesPerEdge, new Random());
* Shuffles the edges of {@code g} while still preserving the <a
* href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_sequence#Degree_sequence">degree
* sequence</a> of the graph and that edges are only swapped with those of
* the same type. Each edge in the graph will attempted to be conflated
* with another edge in the graph the specified number of times. If the
* edge cannot be swapped (possible due to the new version of the edge
* already existing), the attempt fails.
* <p> Note that the {@link Multigraph#subview(Set,Set)} method makes it
* possilble to shuffle the edges for only a subset of the types in the
* multigraph.
* @param g the graph whose elemets will be shuffled
* @param shufflesPerEdge the number of swaps to attempt per edge.
* @param rnd the source of randomness used to shuffle the graph's edges
* @return the total number of times an edge's endpoint was swapped with
* another edge's endpoint. At its maximum value, this will be
* {@code shufflesPerEdge * g.size()} assuming that each swap was
* successful. For dense graphs, this return value will be much
* less.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code shufflesPerEdge} is
* non-positive
public static <T,E extends TypedEdge<T>> int
shufflePreserveType(Multigraph<T,E> g, int shufflesPerEdge,
Random rnd) {
if (shufflesPerEdge < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must shuffle at least once");
int totalShuffles = 0;
int order = g.order();
int size = g.size();
// Iterate through all of the types in the graph, shuffling only edges
// of that type. The shuffling process per type could potentially alter
// the state of the map's type mapping. Therefore, copy the set of edge
// types prior to mutating the map in order to avoid a
// ConcurrentModificationException
Set<T> types = new HashSet<T>(g.edgeTypes());
for (T type : types) {
Set<E> edges = g.edges(type);
// Shuffle the edges of the current type only
int shuffles = shuffleInternal(g, edges, shufflesPerEdge, rnd);
totalShuffles += shuffles;
verbose(LOGGER, "Made %d shuffles for %d edges of type %s",
shuffles, edges.size(), type);
assert order == g.order() : "Changed the number of vertices";
assert size == g.size() : "Changed the number of edges";
return totalShuffles;
* To-do
public static <T extends Edge> Graph<T> synchronizedGraph(Graph<T> g) {
throw new Error();
* Converts the provided graph into a <a
* href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_graph">line graph</a>, where each
* edge is mapped to a vertex and edges that share vertices are connected by
* an edge in the line graph.
* @return the line graph for the input graph
public static <E extends Edge, G extends Graph<E>> Graph<Edge>
toLineGraph(G graph) {
return toLineGraph(graph, new HashIndexer<E>());
* Converts the provided graph into a <a
* href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_graph">line graph</a>, where each
* edge is mapped to a vertex and edges that share vertices are connected by
* an edge in the line graph, using {@code edgeIndices} to specify the
* mapping between edges in the input graph and their corresponding vertices
* in the line graph. If an edge is not mapped to a vertex in {@code
* edgeIndices}, a new mapping will be added for it.
* @return the line graph for the input graph
public static <E extends Edge, G extends Graph<E>> Graph<Edge>
toLineGraph(G graph, Indexer<E> edgeIndices) {
Graph<Edge> lineGraph = new SparseUndirectedGraph();
IntIterator verts = graph.vertices().iterator();
while (verts.hasNext()) {
int v = verts.nextInt();
Set<E> adjacent = graph.getAdjacencyList(v);
// For each pair of edges connected to the same vertex, add them as
// vertices in the line graph and connect them by an edge
for (E e1 : adjacent) {
int e1vertex = edgeIndices.index(e1);
for (E e2 : adjacent) {
if (e1.equals(e2))
new SimpleEdge(e1vertex, edgeIndices.index(e2)));
return lineGraph;
* Returns a pretty-print string version of the graph as an adjacency matrix
* where a 1 indicates an edge and a 0 indicates no edge.
public static String toAdjacencyMatrixString(Graph<?> g) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(g.order() * (g.order() + 1));
for (Integer from : g.vertices()) {
for (Integer to : g.vertices()) {
Edge e = new SimpleDirectedEdge(from, to);
if (g.contains(e))
return sb.toString();
* To-do
public static <T extends Edge> Graph<T> unmodifiable(Graph<T> g) {
throw new Error();