* Copyright 2009 Keith Stevens
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.ucla.sspace.common;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.AverageCommonFeatureRank;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.CosineSimilarity;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.EuclideanSimilarity;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.JaccardIndex;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.KendallsTau;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.KLDivergence;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.LinSimilarity;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.PearsonCorrelation;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.SimilarityFunction;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.SpearmanRankCorrelation;
import edu.ucla.sspace.similarity.TanimotoCoefficient;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.DoubleEntry;
import edu.ucla.sspace.util.IntegerEntry;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.CompactSparseIntegerVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DenseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DoubleVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.IntegerVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.Vector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.VectorMath;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.Vectors;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.SparseIntegerVector;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet;
import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet;
* A collection of static methods for computing the similarity, distances,
* correlations, and all other vectorized value comparisons between vectors and
* arrays. This is the primary class for comparing the term and document
* vectors produced by {@link SemanticSpace}.
* @author Keith Stevens
* @author David Jurgens
public class Similarity {
* A type of similarity function to use when generating a {@link Method}
public enum SimType {
* <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity">Cosine similarity</a>
* <a
* href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_product-moment_correlation_coefficient">Pearson
* product moment correlation coefficient</a>
* <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index">Jaccard Index</a>
* <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall%27s_tau">Kendall's
* tau</a>
* <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanimoto_coefficient#Tanimoto_coefficient_.28extended_Jaccard_coefficient.29">Tanimoto Coefficient</a>
* Uninstantiable
private Similarity() { }
* @deprecated The {@link #getSimilarity(SimType,double[],double[])} method
* should be used instead.
* Returns the {@link Method} for getting the similarity of two {@code
* double[]} based on the specified similarity type.
* @throws Error if a {@link NoSuchMethodException} is thrown
public static Method getMethod(SimType similarityType) {
String methodName = null;
switch (similarityType) {
case COSINE:
methodName = "cosineSimilarity";
methodName = "correlation";
methodName = "euclideanSimilarity";
methodName = "spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient";
methodName = "jaccardIndex";
methodName = "averageCommonFeatureRank";
case LIN:
methodName = "linSimilarity";
methodName = "klDivergence";
methodName = "kendallsTau";
methodName = "tanimotoCoefficient";
assert false : similarityType;
Method m = null;
try {
m = Similarity.class.getMethod(methodName,
new Class[] {double[].class, double[].class});
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
// rethrow
throw new Error(nsme);
return m;
public static SimilarityFunction getSimilarityFunction(
SimType similarityType) {
switch (similarityType) {
case COSINE:
return new CosineSimilarity();
return new PearsonCorrelation();
return new EuclideanSimilarity();
return new SpearmanRankCorrelation();
return new JaccardIndex();
return new AverageCommonFeatureRank();
case LIN:
return new LinSimilarity();
return new KLDivergence();
return new KendallsTau();
return new TanimotoCoefficient();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled SimType: " +
* Calculates the similarity of the two vectors using the provided
* similarity measure.
* @param similarityType the similarity evaluation to use when comparing
* {@code a} and {@code b}
* @param a a vector
* @param b a vector
* @return the similarity according to the specified measure
public static double getSimilarity(SimType similarityType,
double[] a, double[] b) {
switch (similarityType) {
case COSINE:
return cosineSimilarity(a, b);
return correlation(a, b);
return euclideanSimilarity(a, b);
return spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(a, b);
return jaccardIndex(a, b);
return averageCommonFeatureRank(a, b);
case LIN:
return linSimilarity(a, b);
return klDivergence(a, b);
return kendallsTau(a, b);
return tanimotoCoefficient(a, b);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled SimType: " +
* Calculates the similarity of the two vectors using the provided
* similarity measure.
* @param similarityType the similarity evaluation to use when comparing
* {@code a} and {@code b}
* @param a a {@code Vector}
* @param b a {@code Vector}
* @return the similarity according to the specified measure
public static <T extends Vector> double getSimilarity(
SimType similarityType, T a, T b) {
switch (similarityType) {
case COSINE:
return cosineSimilarity(a, b);
return correlation(a, b);
return euclideanSimilarity(a, b);
return spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(a, b);
return jaccardIndex(a, b);
return averageCommonFeatureRank(a, b);
case LIN:
return linSimilarity(a, b);
return klDivergence(a, b);
return kendallsTau(a, b);
return tanimotoCoefficient(a, b);
return 0;
* Throws an exception if either array is {@code null} or if the array
* lengths do not match.
private static void check(double[] a, double[] b) {
if (a.length != b.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"input array lengths do not match");
* Throws an exception if either array is {@code null} or if the array
* lengths do not match.
private static void check(int[] a, int[] b) {
if (a.length != b.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"input array lengths do not match");
* Throws an exception if either {@code Vector} is {@code null} or if the
* {@code Vector} lengths do not match.
private static void check(Vector a, Vector b) {
if (a.length() != b.length())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"input vector lengths do not match");
* Returns the cosine similarity of the two arrays.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double cosineSimilarity(double[] a, double[] b) {
double dotProduct = 0.0;
double aMagnitude = 0.0;
double bMagnitude = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < b.length ; i++) {
double aValue = a[i];
double bValue = b[i];
aMagnitude += aValue * aValue;
bMagnitude += bValue * bValue;
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
aMagnitude = Math.sqrt(aMagnitude);
bMagnitude = Math.sqrt(bMagnitude);
return (aMagnitude == 0 || bMagnitude == 0)
? 0
: dotProduct / (aMagnitude * bMagnitude);
* Returns the cosine similarity of the two arrays.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double cosineSimilarity(int[] a, int[] b) {
check(a, b);
long dotProduct = 0;
long aMagnitude = 0;
long bMagnitude = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < b.length ; i++) {
int aValue = a[i];
int bValue = b[i];
aMagnitude += aValue * aValue;
bMagnitude += bValue * bValue;
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
double aMagnitudeSqRt = Math.sqrt(aMagnitude);
double bMagnitudeSqRt = Math.sqrt(bMagnitude);
return (aMagnitudeSqRt == 0 || bMagnitudeSqRt == 0)
? 0
: dotProduct / (aMagnitudeSqRt * bMagnitudeSqRt);
* Returns the cosine similarity of the two {@code DoubleVector}.
public static double cosineSimilarity(DoubleVector a, DoubleVector b) {
double dotProduct = 0.0;
double aMagnitude = a.magnitude();
double bMagnitude = b.magnitude();
// Check whether both vectors support fast iteration over their non-zero
// values. If so, use only the non-zero indices to speed up the
// computation by avoiding zero multiplications
if (a instanceof Iterable && b instanceof Iterable) {
// Check whether we can easily determine how many non-zero values
// are in each vector. This value is used to select the iteration
// order, which affects the number of get(value) calls.
boolean useA =
(a.length() < b.length() ||
(a instanceof SparseVector && b instanceof SparseVector) &&
((SparseVector)a).getNonZeroIndices().length <
// Choose the smaller of the two to use in computing the dot
// product. Because it would be more expensive to compute the
// intersection of the two sets, we assume that any potential
// misses would be less of a performance hit.
if (useA) {
DoubleVector t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
for (DoubleEntry e : ((Iterable<DoubleEntry>)b)) {
int index = e.index();
double aValue = a.get(index);
double bValue = e.value();
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
// Check whether both vectors are sparse. If so, use only the non-zero
// indices to speed up the computation by avoiding zero multiplications
else if (a instanceof SparseVector && b instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector svA = (SparseVector)a;
SparseVector svB = (SparseVector)b;
int[] nzA = svA.getNonZeroIndices();
int[] nzB = svB.getNonZeroIndices();
// Choose the smaller of the two to use in computing the dot
// product. Because it would be more expensive to compute the
// intersection of the two sets, we assume that any potential
// misses would be less of a performance hit.
if (a.length() < b.length() ||
nzA.length < nzB.length) {
DoubleVector t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
for (int nz : nzB) {
double aValue = a.get(nz);
double bValue = b.get(nz);
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
// Check if the second vector is sparse. If so, use only the non-zero
// indices of b to speed up the computation by avoiding zero
// multiplications.
else if (b instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector svB = (SparseVector)b;
for (int nz : svB.getNonZeroIndices())
dotProduct += b.get(nz) * a.get(nz);
// Check if the first vector is sparse. If so, use only the non-zero
// indices of a to speed up the computation by avoiding zero
// multiplications.
else if (a instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector svA = (SparseVector)a;
for (int nz : svA.getNonZeroIndices())
dotProduct += b.get(nz) * a.get(nz);
// Otherwise, just assume both are dense and compute the full amount
else {
// Swap the vectors such that the b is the shorter vector and a is
// the longer vector, or of equal length. In the case that the two
// vectors of unequal length, this will prevent any calls to out of
// bounds values in the smaller vector.
if (a.length() < b.length()) {
DoubleVector t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); i++) {
double aValue = a.get(i);
double bValue = b.get(i);
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
return (aMagnitude == 0 || bMagnitude == 0)
? 0 : dotProduct / (aMagnitude * bMagnitude);
* Returns the cosine similarity of the two {@code DoubleVector}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double cosineSimilarity(IntegerVector a, IntegerVector b) {
int dotProduct = 0;
double aMagnitude = a.magnitude();
double bMagnitude = b.magnitude();
// Check whether both vectors support fast iteration over their non-zero
// values. If so, use only the non-zero indices to speed up the
// computation by avoiding zero multiplications
if (a instanceof Iterable && b instanceof Iterable) {
// Check whether we can easily determine how many non-zero values
// are in each vector. This value is used to select the iteration
// order, which affects the number of get(value) calls.
boolean useA =
(a instanceof SparseVector && b instanceof SparseVector)
&& ((SparseVector)a).getNonZeroIndices().length <
// Choose the smaller of the two to use in computing the dot
// product. Because it would be more expensive to compute the
// intersection of the two sets, we assume that any potential
// misses would be less of a performance hit.
if (useA) {
IntegerVector t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
for (IntegerEntry e : ((Iterable<IntegerEntry>)b)) {
int index = e.index();
int aValue = a.get(index);
int bValue = e.value();
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
// Check whether both vectors are sparse. If so, use only the non-zero
// indices to speed up the computation by avoiding zero multiplications
else if (a instanceof SparseVector && b instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector svA = (SparseVector)a;
SparseVector svB = (SparseVector)b;
int[] nzA = svA.getNonZeroIndices();
int[] nzB = svB.getNonZeroIndices();
// Choose the smaller of the two to use in computing the dot
// product. Because it would be more expensive to compute the
// intersection of the two sets, we assume that any potential
// misses would be less of a performance hit.
if (nzA.length < nzB.length) {
for (int nz : nzA) {
int aValue = a.get(nz);
int bValue = b.get(nz);
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
else {
for (int nz : nzB) {
int aValue = a.get(nz);
int bValue = b.get(nz);
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
// Otherwise, just assume both are dense and compute the full amount
else {
for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); i++) {
int aValue = a.get(i);
int bValue = b.get(i);
dotProduct += aValue * bValue;
return (aMagnitude == 0 || bMagnitude == 0)
? 0 : dotProduct / (aMagnitude * bMagnitude);
* Returns the cosine similarity of the two {@code DoubleVector}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double cosineSimilarity(Vector a, Vector b) {
(a instanceof IntegerVector && b instanceof IntegerVector)
? cosineSimilarity((IntegerVector)a, (IntegerVector)b)
: cosineSimilarity(Vectors.asDouble(a), Vectors.asDouble(b));
* Returns the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of the two
* arrays.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double correlation(double[] arr1, double[] arr2) {
check(arr1, arr2);
// REMINDER: this could be made more effecient by not looping
double xSum = 0;
double ySum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; ++i) {
xSum += arr1[i];
ySum += arr2[i];
double xMean = xSum / arr1.length;
double yMean = ySum / arr1.length;
double numerator = 0, xSqSum = 0, ySqSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; ++i) {
double x = arr1[i] - xMean;
double y = arr2[i] - yMean;
numerator += x * y;
xSqSum += (x * x);
ySqSum += (y * y);
if (xSqSum == 0 || ySqSum == 0)
return 0;
return numerator / Math.sqrt(xSqSum * ySqSum);
* Returns the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of the two
* arrays.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double correlation(int[] arr1, int[] arr2) {
check(arr1, arr2);
// REMINDER: this could be made more effecient by not looping
long xSum = 0;
long ySum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; ++i) {
xSum += arr1[i];
ySum += arr2[i];
double xMean = xSum / (double)(arr1.length);
double yMean = ySum / (double)(arr1.length);
double numerator = 0, xSqSum = 0, ySqSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length; ++i) {
double x = arr1[i] - xMean;
double y = arr2[i] - yMean;
numerator += x * y;
xSqSum += (x * x);
ySqSum += (y * y);
return numerator / Math.sqrt(xSqSum * ySqSum);
* Returns the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of the two
* {@code Vector}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double correlation(DoubleVector arr1, DoubleVector arr2) {
check(arr1, arr2);
check(arr1, arr2);
// REMINDER: this could be made more effecient by not looping
double xSum = 0;
double ySum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length(); ++i) {
xSum += arr1.get(i);
ySum += arr2.get(i);
double xMean = xSum / arr1.length();
double yMean = ySum / arr1.length();
double numerator = 0, xSqSum = 0, ySqSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length(); ++i) {
double x = arr1.get(i) - xMean;
double y = arr2.get(i) - yMean;
numerator += x * y;
xSqSum += (x * x);
ySqSum += (y * y);
return numerator / Math.sqrt(xSqSum * ySqSum);
* Returns the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of the two
* {@code Vector}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double correlation(IntegerVector arr1, DoubleVector arr2) {
check(arr1, arr2);
// REMINDER: this could be made more effecient by not looping
double xSum = 0;
double ySum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length(); ++i) {
xSum += arr1.get(i);
ySum += arr2.get(i);
double xMean = xSum / arr1.length();
double yMean = ySum / arr1.length();
double numerator = 0, xSqSum = 0, ySqSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length(); ++i) {
double x = arr1.get(i) - xMean;
double y = arr2.get(i) - yMean;
numerator += x * y;
xSqSum += (x * x);
ySqSum += (y * y);
return numerator / Math.sqrt(xSqSum * ySqSum);
* Returns the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of the two
* {@code Vector}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double correlation(Vector a, Vector b) {
return correlation(Vectors.asDouble(a), Vectors.asDouble(b));
* Returns the euclidian distance between two arrays of {code double}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double euclideanDistance(double[] a, double[] b) {
check(a, b);
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
sum += Math.pow((a[i] - b[i]), 2);
return Math.sqrt(sum);
* Returns the euclidian distance between two arrays of {code double}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double euclideanDistance(int[] a, int[] b) {
check(a, b);
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
sum += Math.pow(a[i] - b[i], 2);
return Math.sqrt(sum);
* Returns the euclidian distance between two {@code DoubleVector}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double euclideanDistance(DoubleVector a, DoubleVector b) {
check(a, b);
if (a instanceof SparseVector && b instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector svA = (SparseVector)a;
SparseVector svB = (SparseVector)b;
int[] aNonZero = svA.getNonZeroIndices();
int[] bNonZero = svB.getNonZeroIndices();
TIntSet union = new TIntHashSet(aNonZero);
double sum = 0;
int[] nzIndices = union.toArray();
for (int nz : nzIndices) {
double x = a.get(nz);
double y = b.get(nz);
double diff = x - y;
sum += diff * diff;
return Math.sqrt(sum);
} else if (b instanceof SparseVector) {
// If b is sparse, use a special case where we use the cached
// magnitude of a and the sparsity of b to avoid most of the
// computations.
SparseVector sb = (SparseVector) b;
int[] bNonZero = sb.getNonZeroIndices();
double sum = 0;
// Get the magnitude for a. This value will often only be computed
// once for the first vector once since the DenseVector caches the
// magnitude, thus saving a large amount of computation.
double aMagnitude = Math.pow(a.magnitude(), 2);
// Compute the difference between the nonzero values of b and the
// corresponding values for a.
for (int index : bNonZero) {
double value = a.get(index);
// Decrement a's value at this index from it's magnitude.
aMagnitude -= Math.pow(value, 2);
sum += Math.pow(value - b.get(index), 2);
// Since the rest of b's values are 0, the difference between a and
// b for these values is simply the magnitude of indices which have
// not yet been traversed in a. This corresponds to the modified
// magnitude that was computed.
sum += aMagnitude;
return (sum < 0d) ? 0 : Math.sqrt(sum);
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i)
sum += Math.pow((a.get(i) - b.get(i)), 2);
return Math.sqrt(sum);
* Returns the euclidian distance between two {@code DoubleVector}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double euclideanDistance(IntegerVector a, IntegerVector b) {
check(a, b);
if (a instanceof SparseVector && b instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector svA = (SparseVector)a;
SparseVector svB = (SparseVector)b;
int[] aNonZero = svA.getNonZeroIndices();
int[] bNonZero = svB.getNonZeroIndices();
HashSet<Integer> sparseIndicesA = new HashSet<Integer>(
double sum = 0;
for (int nonZero : aNonZero) {
sum += Math.pow((a.get(nonZero) - b.get(nonZero)), 2);
for (int nonZero : bNonZero)
if (!sparseIndicesA.contains(bNonZero))
sum += Math.pow(b.get(nonZero), 2);
return sum;
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i)
sum += Math.pow((a.get(i) - b.get(i)), 2);
return Math.sqrt(sum);
* Returns the euclidian distance between two {@code Vector}s.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double euclideanDistance(Vector a, Vector b) {
return euclideanDistance(Vectors.asDouble(a), Vectors.asDouble(b));
* Returns the euclidian similiarty between two arrays of values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double euclideanSimilarity(int[] a, int[] b) {
return 1 / (1 + euclideanDistance(a,b));
* Returns the euclidian similiarty between two arrays of values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double euclideanSimilarity(double[] a, double[] b) {
return 1 / (1 + euclideanDistance(a,b));
* Returns the euclidian similiarty between two arrays of values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double euclideanSimilarity(Vector a, Vector b) {
return 1 / (1 + euclideanDistance(a,b));
* Computes the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index">Jaccard
* index</a> of the two sets of elements.
public static double jaccardIndex(Set<?> a, Set<?> b) {
int intersection = 0;
for (Object o : a) {
if (b.contains(o))
double union = a.size() + b.size() - intersection;
return intersection / union;
* Computes the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index">Jaccard
* index</a> comparing the similarity both arrays when viewed as sets of
* samples.
public static double jaccardIndex(double[] a, double[] b) {
Set<Double> intersection = new HashSet<Double>();
Set<Double> union = new HashSet<Double>();
for (double d : a) {
Set<Double> tmp = new HashSet<Double>();
for (double d : b) {
return ((double)(intersection.size())) / union.size();
* Computes the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index">Jaccard
* index</a> comparing the similarity both arrays when viewed as sets of
* samples.
public static double jaccardIndex(int[] a, int[] b) {
// The BitSets should be faster than a HashMap since it's back by an
// array and operations are just logical bit operations and require no
// auto-boxing. However, if a or b contains large values, then the cost
// of creating the necessary size for the BitSet may outweigh its
// performance. At some point, it would be useful to profile the two
// methods and their associated worst cases. -jurgens
BitSet c = new BitSet();
BitSet d = new BitSet();
BitSet union = new BitSet();
for (int i : a) {
for (int i : b) {
// get the intersection
return ((double)(c.cardinality())) / union.cardinality();
* Computes the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index">Jaccard
* index</a> comparing the similarity both {@code DoubleVector}s when viewed
* as sets of samples.
public static double jaccardIndex(DoubleVector a, DoubleVector b) {
Set<Double> intersection = new HashSet<Double>();
Set<Double> union = new HashSet<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
double d = a.get(i);
Set<Double> tmp = new HashSet<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); ++i) {
double d = b.get(i);
return ((double)(intersection.size())) / union.size();
* Computes the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index">Jaccard
* index</a> comparing the similarity both {@code IntegerVector}s when viewed
* as sets of samples.
public static double jaccardIndex(IntegerVector a, IntegerVector b) {
Set<Integer> intersection = new HashSet<Integer>();
Set<Integer> union = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
int d = a.get(i);
Set<Integer> tmp = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); ++i) {
int d = b.get(i);
return ((double)(intersection.size())) / union.size();
* Computes the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index">Jaccard
* index</a> comparing the similarity both {@code Vector}s when viewed as
* sets of samples.
public static double jaccardIndex(Vector a, Vector b) {
return jaccardIndex(Vectors.asDouble(a), Vectors.asDouble(b));
* Computes the Spearman rank correlation coefficient for the two arrays.
* <p> This implementation properly accounts for ties according to the
* procedure specified in <i>Nonparametric Statistics for The Behavioral
* Sciences</i> by Sidney Siegel and N. John Castellan Jr. Second
* Ed. (1988).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(double[] a,
double[] b) {
check(a, b);
int N = a.length;
int NcubedMinusN = (N * N * N) - N;
// Convert a and b into rankings. The last value of this array is the
// correction factor for computing the correlation based on the number
// of ties. (Eq. 9.6; p. 239). Note that the ranks are not integers
// beacused tied values are assigned the average of their ranks (e.g.,
// a tie at positions 1 and 2 would be be assigned a rank of 1.5).
double[] rankedA = rank(a);
double[] rankedB = rank(b);
double sumDiffs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rankedA.length - 1; ++i) {
double diff = rankedA[i] - rankedB[i];
sumDiffs += diff * diff;
double aCorrectionFactor = rankedA[rankedA.length - 1];
double bCorrectionFactor = rankedB[rankedB.length - 1];
double tiesSum = aCorrectionFactor + bCorrectionFactor;
// Compute Spearman's rho using Eq. 9.7 (p. 239)
return (NcubedMinusN - (6 * sumDiffs) - ((tiesSum) / 2d))
/ Math.sqrt((NcubedMinusN * NcubedMinusN)
- (tiesSum * NcubedMinusN)
+ (aCorrectionFactor * bCorrectionFactor));
* Computes the Spearman rank correlation coefficient for the two arrays.
* <p> This implementation properly accounts for ties according to the
* procedure specified in <i>Nonparametric Statistics for The Behavioral
* Sciences</i> by Sidney Siegel and N. John Castellan Jr. Second
* Ed. (1988).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(int[] a, int[] b) {
int N = a.length;
int NcubedMinusN = (N * N * N) - N;
// Convert a and b into rankings. The last value of this array is the
// correction factor for computing the correlation based on the number
// of ties. (Eq. 9.6; p. 239). Note that the ranks are not integers
// beacused tied values are assigned the average of their ranks (e.g.,
// a tie at positions 1 and 2 would be be assigned a rank of 1.5).
double[] rankedA = rank(a);
double[] rankedB = rank(b);
double sumDiffs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rankedA.length - 1; ++i) {
double diff = rankedA[i] - rankedB[i];
sumDiffs += diff * diff;
double aCorrectionFactor = rankedA[rankedA.length - 1];
double bCorrectionFactor = rankedB[rankedB.length - 1];
double tiesSum = aCorrectionFactor + bCorrectionFactor;
// Compute Spearman's rho using Eq. 9.7 (p. 239)
return (NcubedMinusN - (6 * sumDiffs) - ((tiesSum) / 2d))
/ Math.sqrt((NcubedMinusN * NcubedMinusN)
- (tiesSum * NcubedMinusN)
+ (aCorrectionFactor * bCorrectionFactor));
* Computes the ranks of the values of {@code vals}, returning their ranks
* plus an addition array index representing the correction value when using
* the ranks to compute the correlation (see Eq. 9.6; p. 239 in
* Nonparametric Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences).
static double[] rank(int[] vals) {
IntRank[] ranked = new IntRank[vals.length];
for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; ++i)
ranked[i] = new IntRank(vals[i], i);
double[] ranks = new double[vals.length + 1];
int correctionFactor = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ranked.length; ++i) {
// Determine how many ties (if any) occur at this rank
int ties = 0;
for (int j = i + 1; j < ranked.length
&& ranked[i].val == ranked[j].val; ++j, ++ties)
if (ties == 0)
ranks[ranked[i].index] = i+1;
else {
// Each tie is computed as the average of the ties' ranks, e.g.,
// two tie at rank 2 would be averaged as rank (2 + 3) / 2 = 2.5
double rank = i + 1 + (ties / 2d);
for (int j = i; j < i + ties + 1; ++j)
ranks[ranked[j].index] = rank;
// Skip to next non-tied value
i += ties;
// Change ties from the number of *additional* tied elements to
// the *total* number of tied elements when computing the
// correction factor.
ties += 1;
correctionFactor += ((ties * ties * ties) - ties);
ranks[ranks.length - 1] = correctionFactor;
return ranks;
static class IntRank implements Comparable<IntRank> {
int index;
int val;
public IntRank(int val, int index) {
this.val = val;
this.index = index;
public int compareTo(IntRank r) { return val - r.val; }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof IntRank) {
IntRank r = (IntRank)o;
return r.val == val && r.index == index;
return false;
public int hashCode() { return val; }
public String toString() {
return "(v:" + val +")[" + index + "]";
* Computes the ranks of the values of {@code vals}, returning their ranks
* plus an addition array index representing the correction value when using
* the ranks to compute the correlation (see Eq. 9.6; p. 239 in
* Nonparametric Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences).
static double[] rank(double[] vals) {
DoubleRank[] ranked = new DoubleRank[vals.length];
for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; ++i)
ranked[i] = new DoubleRank(vals[i], i);
double[] ranks = new double[vals.length + 1];
int correctionFactor = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ranked.length; ++i) {
// Determine how many ties (if any) occur at this rank
int ties = 0;
for (int j = i + 1; j < ranked.length
&& ranked[i].val == ranked[j].val; ++j, ++ties)
if (ties == 0)
ranks[ranked[i].index] = i+1;
else {
// Each tie is computed as the average of the ties' ranks, e.g.,
// two tie at rank 2 would be averaged as rank (2 + 3) / 2 = 2.5
double rank = i + 1 + (ties / 2d);
for (int j = i; j < i + ties + 1; ++j)
ranks[ranked[j].index] = rank;
// Skip to next non-tied value
i += ties;
// Change ties from the number of *additional* tied elements to
// the *total* number of tied elements when computing the
// correction factor.
ties += 1;
correctionFactor += ((ties * ties * ties) - ties);
ranks[ranks.length - 1] = correctionFactor;
return ranks;
static class DoubleRank implements Comparable<DoubleRank> {
int index;
double val;
public DoubleRank(double val, int index) {
this.val = val;
this.index = index;
public int compareTo(DoubleRank r) { return Double.compare(val, r.val); }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof DoubleRank) {
DoubleRank r = (DoubleRank)o;
return r.val == val && r.index == index;
return false;
public int hashCode() { return index; }
public String toString() {
return "(v:" + val +")[" + index + "]";
* Computes the Spearman rank correlation coefficient for the two {@code
* DoubleVector} instances.
* <p> This implementation properly accounts for ties according to the
* procedure specified in <i>Nonparametric Statistics for The Behavioral
* Sciences</i> by Sidney Siegel and N. John Castellan Jr. Second
* Ed. (1988).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(DoubleVector a,
DoubleVector b) {
// NOTE: should this code ever be on the critical path, we should
// re-implement it to operate on the Vector instances themselves
return spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(a.toArray(), b.toArray());
* Computes the Spearman rank correlation coefficient for the two {@code
* IntegerVector} instances.
* <p> This implementation properly accounts for ties according to the
* procedure specified in <i>Nonparametric Statistics for The Behavioral
* Sciences</i> by Sidney Siegel and N. John Castellan Jr. Second
* Ed. (1988).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(IntegerVector a,
IntegerVector b) {
// NOTE: should this code ever be on the critical path, we should
// re-implement it to operate on the Vector instances themselves
return spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(a.toArray(), b.toArray());
* Computes the Spearman rank correlation coefficient for the two {@code
* Vector} instances.
* <p> This implementation properly accounts for ties according to the
* procedure specified in <i>Nonparametric Statistics for The Behavioral
* Sciences</i> by Sidney Siegel and N. John Castellan Jr. Second
* Ed. (1988).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(Vector a,
Vector b) {
return spearmanRankCorrelationCoefficient(Vectors.asDouble(a),
* Computes the Average Common Feature Rank between the two feature arrays.
* Uses the top 20 features for comparison.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double averageCommonFeatureRank(double[] a,
double[] b) {
class Pair{
public int i;
public double v;
public Pair(int index, double value){i=index;v=value;}
public void set(int index, double value){
class PairCompare implements Comparator<Pair>{
// note that 1 and -1 have been switched so that sort will sort in
// descending order
// this method sorts by value first, then by index
public int compare(Pair o1, Pair o2){
if(o1.v < o2.v) return 1;
else if(o1.v > o2.v) return -1;
if(o1.i < o2.i) return 1;
else if(o1.i > o2.i) return -1;
return 0;
public boolean equals(Pair o1, Pair o2){
return (compare(o1,o2)==0)?true:false;
check(a, b);
int size=a.length;
// number of features to compare
// calculate how much 10% is, rounded up.
//int n = (int)Math.ceil(a.length/10.0);
int n = 20;
// generate array of index-value pairs for a
Pair[] a_index = new Pair[size];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
a_index[i] = new Pair(i,a[i]);
// generate array of index-value pairs for b
Pair[] b_index = new Pair[size];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
b_index[i] = new Pair(i,b[i]);
// sort the features in a_rank by weight
Arrays.sort(a_index, new PairCompare());
// sort the features in b_rank by weight
Arrays.sort(b_index, new PairCompare());
// a_index are index-value pairs, ordered by rank
// this loop changes to a_rank which are rank-value, ordered by index
// make indices start at 1 so inv(ind) is defined for all indices
Pair[] a_rank = new Pair[size];
int last_i = 1;
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
Pair x = a_index[i];
// share rank if tied
if(i>0 && a_index[i].v==a_index[i-1].v)
a_rank[x.i] = new Pair(last_i,x.v);
a_rank[x.i] = new Pair(i+1,x.v);
// do the same for b_index and b_rank
Pair[] b_rank = new Pair[size];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
Pair x = b_index[i];
// share rank if tied
if(i>0 && b_index[i].v==b_index[i-1].v)
b_rank[x.i] = new Pair(last_i,x.v);
b_rank[x.i] = new Pair(i+1,x.v);
// get best ranked n elements
// nTop will be the top n ranking dimensions by weight
// where nTop[i] is the ith highest ranking dimension (i.e. feature)
int[] nTop = new int[n];
boolean[] seenbefore = new boolean[size];
int a_i=0;
int b_i=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
// skip over features already encountered
while(a_i<size && seenbefore[a_index[a_i].i])
while(b_i<size && seenbefore[b_index[b_i].i])
// assign rank by highest weight
// select the index from A when max(A)>max(B)
&& 1 == (new PairCompare()).compare(a_index[a_i],b_index[b_i])
nTop[i] = a_index[a_i].i;
nTop[i] = b_index[b_i].i;
// computer the sum of the average rank for each top feature and divide
// by the number of top features
double sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
sum += 0.5*(a_rank[nTop[i]].i+b_rank[nTop[i]].i);
//return sum/n;
return n/sum;
* Computes the Average Common Feature Rank between the two feature arrays.
* Uses the top 20 features for comparison. Converts types and calls
* averageCommonFeatureRank(double[],double[])
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double averageCommonFeatureRank(Vector a, Vector b) {
return averageCommonFeatureRank(Vectors.asDouble(a).toArray(),
* Computes the Average Common Feature Rank between the two feature arrays.
* Uses the top 20 features for comparison. Converts types and calls
* averageCommonFeatureRank(Vector,Vector)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double averageCommonFeatureRank(int[] a,
int[] b) {
return averageCommonFeatureRank(Vectors.asVector(a),
* Computes the lin similarity measure, which is motivated by information
* theory priniciples. This works best if both vectors have already been
* weighted using point-wise mutual information. This similarity measure is
* described in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">D. Lin, "Automatic
* Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words" <i> Proceedings of the 36th
* Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and
* 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
* </i>, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1998.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double linSimilarity(DoubleVector a, DoubleVector b) {
check(a, b);
// The total amount of information contained in a.
double aInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in b.
double bInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in both vectors.
double combinedInformation = 0;
// Special case when both vectors are sparse vectors.
if (a instanceof SparseVector &&
b instanceof SparseVector) {
// Convert both vectors to sparse vectors.
SparseVector sa = (SparseVector) a;
int[] aNonZeros = sa.getNonZeroIndices();
SparseVector sb = (SparseVector) b;
int[] bNonZeros = sb.getNonZeroIndices();
// If b is the smaller vector swap it with a. This allows the dot
// product to work over the vector with the smallest number of non
// zero values.
if (bNonZeros.length < aNonZeros.length) {
SparseVector temp = sa;
int[] tempNonZeros = aNonZeros;
sa = sb;
aNonZeros = bNonZeros;
sb = temp;
bNonZeros = tempNonZeros;
// Compute the combined information by iterating over the vector
// with the smallest number of non zero values.
for (int index : aNonZeros) {
double aValue = a.get(index);
double bValue = b.get(index);
aInformation += aValue;
combinedInformation += aValue + bValue;
// Compute the information from the other vector by iterating over
// it's non zero values.
for (int index : bNonZeros) {
bInformation += b.get(index);
else {
// Compute the information between the two vectors by iterating over
// all known values.
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
double aValue = a.get(i);
aInformation += aValue;
double bValue = b.get(i);
bInformation += bValue;
if (aValue != 0d && bValue != 0d)
combinedInformation += aValue + bInformation;
return combinedInformation / (aInformation + bInformation);
* Computes the lin similarity measure, which is motivated by information
* theory priniciples. This works best if both vectors have already been
* weighted using point-wise mutual information. This similarity measure is
* described in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">D. Lin, "Automatic
* Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words" <i> Proceedings of the 36th
* Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and
* 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
* </i>, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1998.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double linSimilarity(IntegerVector a, IntegerVector b) {
check(a, b);
// The total amount of information contained in a.
double aInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in b.
double bInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in both vectors.
double combinedInformation = 0;
// Special case when both vectors are sparse vectors.
if (a instanceof SparseVector &&
b instanceof SparseVector) {
// Convert both vectors to sparse vectors.
SparseVector sa = (SparseVector) a;
int[] aNonZeros = sa.getNonZeroIndices();
SparseVector sb = (SparseVector) b;
int[] bNonZeros = sb.getNonZeroIndices();
// If b is the smaller vector swap it with a. This allows the dot
// product to work over the vector with the smallest number of non
// zero values.
if (bNonZeros.length < aNonZeros.length) {
SparseVector temp = sa;
int[] tempNonZeros = aNonZeros;
sa = sb;
aNonZeros = bNonZeros;
sb = temp;
bNonZeros = tempNonZeros;
// Compute the combined information by iterating over the vector
// with the smallest number of non zero values.
for (int index : aNonZeros) {
double aValue = a.get(index);
double bValue = b.get(index);
aInformation += aValue;
combinedInformation += aValue + bValue;
// Compute the information from the other vector by iterating over
// it's non zero values.
for (int index : bNonZeros) {
bInformation += b.get(index);
else {
// Compute the information between the two vectors by iterating over
// all known values.
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
double aValue = a.get(i);
aInformation += aValue;
double bValue = b.get(i);
bInformation += bValue;
if (aValue != 0d && bValue != 0d)
combinedInformation += aValue + bInformation;
return combinedInformation / (aInformation + bInformation);
* Computes the lin similarity measure, which is motivated by information
* theory priniciples. This works best if both vectors have already been
* weighted using point-wise mutual information. This similarity measure is
* described in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">D. Lin, "Automatic
* Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words" <i> Proceedings of the 36th
* Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and
* 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
* </i>, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1998.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double linSimilarity(Vector a, Vector b) {
check(a, b);
// The total amount of information contained in a.
double aInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in b.
double bInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in both vectors.
double combinedInformation = 0;
// Special case when both vectors are sparse vectors.
if (a instanceof SparseVector &&
b instanceof SparseVector) {
// Convert both vectors to sparse vectors.
SparseVector sa = (SparseVector) a;
int[] aNonZeros = sa.getNonZeroIndices();
SparseVector sb = (SparseVector) b;
int[] bNonZeros = sb.getNonZeroIndices();
// If b is the smaller vector swap it with a. This allows the dot
// product to work over the vector with the smallest number of non
// zero values.
if (bNonZeros.length < aNonZeros.length) {
SparseVector temp = sa;
int[] tempNonZeros = aNonZeros;
sa = sb;
aNonZeros = bNonZeros;
sb = temp;
bNonZeros = tempNonZeros;
// Compute the combined information by iterating over the vector
// with the smallest number of non zero values.
for (int index : aNonZeros) {
double aValue = a.getValue(index).doubleValue();
double bValue = b.getValue(index).doubleValue();
aInformation += aValue;
combinedInformation += aValue + bValue;
// Compute the information from the other vector by iterating over
// it's non zero values.
for (int index : bNonZeros) {
bInformation += b.getValue(index).doubleValue();
else {
// Compute the information between the two vectors by iterating over
// all known values.
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
double aValue = a.getValue(i).doubleValue();
aInformation += aValue;
double bValue = b.getValue(i).doubleValue();
bInformation += bValue;
if (aValue != 0d && bValue != 0d)
combinedInformation += aValue + bInformation;
return combinedInformation / (aInformation + bInformation);
* Computes the lin similarity measure, which is motivated by information
* theory priniciples. This works best if both vectors have already been
* weighted using point-wise mutual information. This similarity measure is
* described in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">D. Lin, "Automatic
* Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words" <i> Proceedings of the 36th
* Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and
* 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
* </i>, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1998.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double linSimilarity(double[] a, double[] b) {
check(a, b);
// The total amount of information contained in a.
double aInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in b.
double bInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in both vectors.
double combinedInformation = 0;
// Compute the information between the two vectors by iterating over
// all known values.
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
aInformation += a[i];
bInformation += b[i];
if (a[i] != 0d && b[i] != 0d)
combinedInformation += a[i] + b[i];
return combinedInformation / (aInformation + bInformation);
* Computes the lin similarity measure, which is motivated by information
* theory priniciples. This works best if both vectors have already been
* weighted using point-wise mutual information. This similarity measure is
* described in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">D. Lin, "Automatic
* Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words" <i> Proceedings of the 36th
* Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and
* 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
* </i>, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1998.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double linSimilarity(int[] a, int[] b) {
check(a, b);
// The total amount of information contained in a.
double aInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in b.
double bInformation = 0;
// The total amount of information contained in both vectors.
double combinedInformation = 0;
// Compute the information between the two vectors by iterating over
// all known values.
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
aInformation += a[i];
bInformation += b[i];
if (a[i] != 0d && b[i] != 0d)
combinedInformation += a[i] + b[i];
return combinedInformation / (aInformation + bInformation);
* Computes the K-L Divergence of two probability distributions {@code A}
* and {@code B} where the vectors {@code a} and {@code b} correspond to
* {@code n} samples from each respective distribution. The divergence
* between two samples is non-symmetric and is frequently used as a distance
* metric between vectors from a semantic space. This metric is described
* in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">S. Kullback and R. A.
* Leibler, "On Information and Sufficiency", <i>The Annals of
* Mathematical Statistics</i> 1951.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double klDivergence(DoubleVector a, DoubleVector b) {
check(a, b);
double divergence = 0;
// Iterate over just the non zero values of a if it is a sparse vector.
if (a instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector sa = (SparseVector) a;
int[] aNonZeros = sa.getNonZeroIndices();
for (int index : aNonZeros) {
double aValue = a.get(index);
double bValue = b.get(index);
// Ignore values from b that are zero, since they would cause a
// divide by zero error.
if (bValue != 0d)
divergence += aValue * Math.log(aValue / bValue);
// Otherwise iterate over all values and ignore any that are zero.
else {
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
double aValue = a.get(i);
double bValue = b.get(i);
if (bValue == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The KL-divergence is not defined when a[i] > 0 and " +
"b[i] == 0.");
// Ignore values from b that are zero, since they would cause a
// divide by zero error.
else if (aValue != 0d)
divergence += aValue * Math.log(aValue / bValue);
return divergence;
* Computes the K-L Divergence of two probability distributions {@code A}
* and {@code B} where the vectors {@code a} and {@code b} correspond to
* {@code n} samples from each respective distribution. The divergence
* between two samples is non-symmetric and is frequently used as a distance
* metric between vectors from a semantic space. This metric is described
* in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">S. Kullback and R. A.
* Leibler, "On Information and Sufficiency", <i>The Annals of
* Mathematical Statistics</i> 1951.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double klDivergence(IntegerVector a, IntegerVector b) {
check(a, b);
double divergence = 0;
// Iterate over just the non zero values of a if it is a sparse vector.
if (a instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector sa = (SparseVector) a;
int[] aNonZeros = sa.getNonZeroIndices();
for (int index : aNonZeros) {
double aValue = a.get(index);
double bValue = b.get(index);
if (bValue == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The KL-divergence is not defined when a[i] > 0 and " +
"b[i] == 0.");
// Ignore values from b that are zero, since they would cause a
// divide by zero error.
else if (aValue != 0d)
divergence += aValue * Math.log(aValue / bValue);
// Otherwise iterate over all values and ignore any that are zero.
else {
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
double aValue = a.get(i);
double bValue = b.get(i);
if (bValue == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The KL-divergence is not defined when a[i] > 0 and " +
"b[i] == 0.");
// Ignore values from b that are zero, since they would cause a
// divide by zero error.
else if (aValue != 0d)
divergence += aValue * Math.log(aValue / bValue);
return divergence;
* Computes the K-L Divergence of two probability distributions {@code A}
* and {@code B} where the vectors {@code a} and {@code b} correspond to
* {@code n} samples from each respective distribution. The divergence
* between two samples is non-symmetric and is frequently used as a distance
* metric between vectors from a semantic space. This metric is described
* in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">S. Kullback and R. A.
* Leibler, "On Information and Sufficiency", <i>The Annals of
* Mathematical Statistics</i> 1951.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double klDivergence(Vector a, Vector b) {
check(a, b);
double divergence = 0;
// Iterate over just the non zero values of a if it is a sparse vector.
if (a instanceof SparseVector) {
SparseVector sa = (SparseVector) a;
int[] aNonZeros = sa.getNonZeroIndices();
for (int index : aNonZeros) {
double aValue = a.getValue(index).doubleValue();
double bValue = b.getValue(index).doubleValue();
if (bValue == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The KL-divergence is not defined when a[i] > 0 and " +
"b[i] == 0.");
// Ignore values from b that are zero, since they would cause a
// divide by zero error.
else if (aValue != 0d)
divergence += aValue * Math.log(aValue / bValue);
// Otherwise iterate over all values and ignore any that are zero.
else {
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
double aValue = a.getValue(i).doubleValue();
double bValue = b.getValue(i).doubleValue();
if (bValue == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The KL-divergence is not defined when a[i] > 0 and " +
"b[i] == 0.");
// Ignore values from a that are zero, since they would cause a
// divide by zero error.
else if (aValue != 0d)
divergence += aValue * Math.log(aValue / bValue);
return divergence;
* Computes the K-L Divergence of two probability distributions {@code A}
* and {@code B} where the vectors {@code a} and {@code b} correspond to
* {@code n} samples from each respective distribution. The divergence
* between two samples is non-symmetric and is frequently used as a distance
* metric between vectors from a semantic space. This metric is described
* in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">S. Kullback and R. A.
* Leibler, "On Information and Sufficiency", <i>The Annals of
* Mathematical Statistics</i> 1951.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double klDivergence(double[] a, double[] b) {
check(a, b);
double divergence = 0;
// Iterate over all values and ignore any that are zero.
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
// Ignore values from a that are zero, since they would cause a
// divide by zero error.
if (b[i] == 0d)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The KL-divergence is not defined when a[i] > 0 and " +
"b[i] == 0.");
else if (a[i] != 0d)
divergence += a[i] * Math.log(a[i]/ b[i]);
return divergence;
* Computes the K-L Divergence of two probability distributions {@code A}
* and {@code B} where the vectors {@code a} and {@code b} correspond to
* {@code n} samples from each respective distribution. The divergence
* between two samples is non-symmetric and is frequently used as a distance
* metric between vectors from a semantic space. This metric is described
* in more detail in the following paper:
* <li style="font-family:Garamond, Georgia, serif">S. Kullback and R. A.
* Leibler, "On Information and Sufficiency", <i>The Annals of
* Mathematical Statistics</i> 1951.
* </li>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double klDivergence(int[] a, int[] b) {
check(a, b);
double divergence = 0;
// Iterate over all values and ignore any that are zero.
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
// Ignore values from a that are zero, since they would cause a
// divide by zero error.
if (b[i] == 0d)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The KL-divergence is not defined when a[i] > 0 and " +
"b[i] == 0.");
else if (a[i] != 0d)
divergence += a[i] * Math.log(a[i]/ b[i]);
return divergence;
* Computes <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall%27s_tau">Kendall's
* tau</a> of the values in the two arrays. This method uses tau-b, which
* is suitable for arrays with duplicate values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two arrays are
* not the same.
public static double kendallsTau(double[] a, double[] b) {
return kendallsTau(Vectors.asVector(a), Vectors.asVector(b));
* Computes <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall%27s_tau">Kendall's
* tau</a> of the values in the two arrays. This method uses tau-b, which
* is suitable for arrays with duplicate values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two arrays are
* not the same.
public static double kendallsTau(int[] a, int[] b) {
return kendallsTau(Vectors.asVector(a), Vectors.asVector(b));
* Computes <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall%27s_tau">Kendall's
* tau</a> of the values in the two vectors. This method uses tau-b, which
* is suitable for vectors with duplicate values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double kendallsTau(Vector a, Vector b) {
return kendallsTau(Vectors.asDouble(a), Vectors.asDouble(b));
* Computes <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall%27s_tau">Kendall's
* tau</a> of the values in the two vectors. This method uses tau-b, which
* is suitable for vectors with duplicate values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double kendallsTau(DoubleVector a, DoubleVector b) {
check(a, b);
// NOTE: slow n^2 version. Needs to be replaced at some point with the
// n-log-n method and to take into account sparse vectors. -jurgens
int length = a.length();
double numerator = 0;
// For both a and b, keep track of how many times each position i tied
// with some other position for rank.
SparseIntegerVector tiesInA = new CompactSparseIntegerVector(length);
SparseIntegerVector tiesInB = new CompactSparseIntegerVector(length);
boolean foundTies = false;
int concordant = 0;
int discordant = 0;
// For all pairs, track how many pairs satisfy the ordering
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
for (int j = i+1; j < length; ++j) {
// NOTE: this value will be 1 if there exists an match or
// "concordance" in the ordering of the two pairs. Otherwise
// it, will be a -1 of the pairs are not matched or are
// "discordant.
double ai = a.get(i);
double aj = a.get(j);
double bi = b.get(i);
double bj = b.get(j);
// Check for ties
boolean atie = ai == aj;
if (ai == aj) {
tiesInA.add(i, 1);
foundTies = true;
if (bi == bj) {
tiesInB.add(i, 1);
foundTies = true;
// If there was a tied rank, don't count the comparisons towards
// the concordance totals
if (ai != aj && bi != bj) {
if ((ai < aj && bi < bj) || (ai > aj && bi > bj))
int n = concordant - discordant;
double d = (.5 * (length * (length-1)));
if (foundTies) {
// IMPORTANT NOTE: for the summations, add 1 to the number of ties,
// rather than subtract 1. All the online pseudo code has (ties *
// (ties - 1)) / 2, which assumes that for a tied rank, ties will
// always have a value of 2 or more. I think they're double
// counting ties somehow, so we add 1 to account for this. Most
// importantly, adding 1 causes all the online Kendall's tau
// calculators to agree with our result.
double aSum = 0;
for (int i : tiesInA.getNonZeroIndices()) {
int ties = tiesInA.get(i);
aSum += (ties * (ties + 1) * .5);
double bSum = 0;
for (int i : tiesInB.getNonZeroIndices()) {
int ties = tiesInB.get(i);
bSum += (ties * (ties + 1) * .5);
return n / Math.sqrt((d - aSum) * (d - bSum));
return n / d;
* Computes <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendall%27s_tau">Kendall's
* tau</a> of the values in the two vectors. This method uses tau-b, which
* is suitable for vectors with duplicate values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double kendallsTau(IntegerVector a, IntegerVector b) {
check(a, b);
// NOTE: slow n^2 version. Needs to be replaced at some point with the
// n-log-n method and to take into account sparse vectors. -jurgens
int length = a.length();
double numerator = 0;
// For both a and b, keep track of how many times each position i tied
// with some other position for rank.
SparseIntegerVector tiesInA = new CompactSparseIntegerVector(length);
SparseIntegerVector tiesInB = new CompactSparseIntegerVector(length);
boolean foundTies = false;
int concordant = 0;
int discordant = 0;
// For all pairs, track how many pairs satisfy the ordering
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
for (int j = i+1; j < length; ++j) {
// NOTE: this value will be 1 if there exists an match or
// "concordance" in the ordering of the two pairs. Otherwise
// it, will be a -1 of the pairs are not matched or are
// "discordant.
int ai = a.get(i);
int aj = a.get(j);
int bi = b.get(i);
int bj = b.get(j);
// Check for ties
boolean atie = ai == aj;
if (ai == aj) {
tiesInA.add(i, 1);
foundTies = true;
if (bi == bj) {
tiesInB.add(i, 1);
foundTies = true;
// If there was a tied rank, don't count the comparisons towards
// the concordance totals
if (ai != aj && bi != bj) {
if ((ai < aj && bi < bj) || (ai > aj && bi > bj))
int n = concordant - discordant;
double d = (.5 * (length * (length-1)));
if (foundTies) {
// IMPORTANT NOTE: for the summations, add 1 to the number of ties,
// rather than subtract 1. All the online pseudo code has (ties *
// (ties - 1)) / 2, which assumes that for a tied rank, ties will
// always have a value of 2 or more. I think they're double
// counting ties somehow, so we add 1 to account for this. Most
// importantly, adding 1 causes all the online Kendall's tau
// calculators to agree with our result.
double aSum = 0;
for (int i : tiesInA.getNonZeroIndices()) {
int ties = tiesInA.get(i);
aSum += (ties * (ties + 1) * .5);
double bSum = 0;
for (int i : tiesInB.getNonZeroIndices()) {
int ties = tiesInB.get(i);
bSum += (ties * (ties + 1) * .5);
return n / Math.sqrt((d - aSum) * (d - bSum));
return n / d;
* Computes the <a
* href="http://www.unesco.org/webworld/idams/advguide/Chapt4_2.htm">Goodman-Kruskal
* Gamma coefficient</a>, which is preferrable to Kendall's τ and
* Spearman's ρ when there are many ties in the data.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double goodmanKruskalGamma(DoubleVector a, DoubleVector b) {
check(a, b);
// NOTE: slow n^2 version. Needs to be replaced at some point with the
// n-log-n method and to take into account sparse vectors. -jurgens
int length = a.length();
double numerator = 0;
int concordant = 0;
int discordant = 0;
// For all pairs, track how many pairs satisfy the ordering
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
for (int j = i+1; j < length; ++j) {
// NOTE: this value will be 1 if there exists an match or
// "concordance" in the ordering of the two pairs. Otherwise
// it, will be a -1 of the pairs are not matched or are
// "discordant.
double ai = a.get(i);
double aj = a.get(j);
double bi = b.get(i);
double bj = b.get(j);
// If there was a tied rank, don't count the comparisons towards
// the concordance totals
if (ai != aj && bi != bj) {
if ((ai < aj && bi < bj) || (ai > aj && bi > bj))
int cd = concordant + discordant;
return (cd == 0)
? 0
: ((double)(concordant - discordant)) / cd;
* Returns the Tanimoto coefficient of the two {@code double} array instances.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two arrays are
* not the same.
public static double tanimotoCoefficient(double[] a, double[] b) {
return tanimotoCoefficient(Vectors.asVector(a), Vectors.asVector(b));
* Returns the Tanimoto coefficient of the two {@code int} array instances.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two arrays are
* not the same.
public static double tanimotoCoefficient(int[] a, int[] b) {
return tanimotoCoefficient(Vectors.asVector(a), Vectors.asVector(b));
* Returns the Tanimoto coefficient of the two {@link Vector} instances.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double tanimotoCoefficient(Vector a, Vector b) {
return tanimotoCoefficient(Vectors.asDouble(a), Vectors.asDouble(b));
* Returns the Tanimoto coefficient of the two {@link DoubleVector} instances.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double tanimotoCoefficient(DoubleVector a, DoubleVector b) {
// IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: The Tanimoto coefficient uses the square of the
// vector magnitudes, which we could compute by just summing the square
// of the vector values. This would save a .sqrt() call from the
// .magnitude() call. However, we expect that this method might be
// called multiple times. Therefore, we square the .magnitude() which
// should only be two multiplications instaned of |nz| multiplications
// on the second call (assuming the vector instances cache their
// magnitude, which almost all do).
double aMagnitude = a.magnitude();
double bMagnitude = b.magnitude();
if (aMagnitude == 0 || bMagnitude == 0)
return 0;
double dotProduct = VectorMath.dotProduct(a, b);
double aMagSq = aMagnitude * aMagnitude;
double bMagSq = bMagnitude * bMagnitude;
return dotProduct / (aMagSq + bMagSq - dotProduct);
* Returns the Tanimoto Coefficient of the two {@code IntegerVector}
* instances
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the length of the two vectors are
* not the same.
public static double tanimotoCoefficient(IntegerVector a, IntegerVector b) {
// IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: The Tanimoto coefficient uses the squart of the
// vector magnitudes, which we could compute by just summing the square
// of the vector values. This would save a .sqrt() call from the
// .magnitude() call. However, we expect that this method might be
// called multiple times. Therefore, we square the .magnitude() which
// should only be two multiplications instaned of |nz| multiplications
// on the second call (assuming the vector instances cache their
// magnitude, which almost all do).
double aMagnitude = a.magnitude();
double bMagnitude = b.magnitude();
if (aMagnitude == 0 || bMagnitude == 0)
return 0;
int dotProduct = VectorMath.dotProduct(a, b);
double aMagSq = aMagnitude * aMagnitude;
double bMagSq = bMagnitude * bMagnitude;
return dotProduct / (aMagSq + bMagSq - dotProduct);