* Copyright 2009 David Jurgens
* This file is part of the S-Space package and is covered under the terms and
* conditions therein.
* The S-Space package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation and distributed hereunder to you.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.ucla.sspace.common;
import edu.ucla.sspace.common.SemanticSpaceIO.SSpaceFormat;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrices;
import edu.ucla.sspace.matrix.Matrix;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.CompactSparseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.DenseVector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.Vector;
import edu.ucla.sspace.vector.Vectors;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOError;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* A {@link SemanticSpace} where all vector data is kept on disk. This class is
* designed for large semantic spaces whose data, even in sparse format, will
* not fit into memory.<p>
* The performance of this class is dependent on the format of the backing
* vector data; {@code .sspace} files in {@link SSpaceFormat#BINARY binary} or
* {@link SSpaceFormat#SPARSE_BINARY sparse binary} format will likely be faster
* for accessing the data due to it being in its native format.<p>
* The {@code getWords} method will return words in the order they are stored on
* disk. Accessing the words in this order will have to a significant
* performance improve over random access. Furtherore, random access to {@link
* SSpaceFormat#TEXT text} and {@link SSpaceFormat#SPARSE_TEXT sparse text}
* formatted matrices will have particularly poor performance for large semantic
* spaces, as the internal cursor to the data will have to restart from the
* beginning of the file.<p>
* This class is thread-safe.
* @see SemanticSpaceIO
* @see StaticSemanticSpace
public class OnDiskSemanticSpace implements SemanticSpace {
private static final Logger LOGGER =
* A mapping of terms to offsets in the file where the word will be found.
* If the {@code .sspace} is in binary, this will be a byte offset;
* otherwise it is a line number in the text file.
private Map<String,Long> termToOffset;
* Whether the underlying semantic space file contains a 4-byte header
* indicating its format. Before version 1.0 this was not required, so this
* flag enables older .sspace files to be manually loaded with a specific
* format, without breaking the binary compatibility of the rest of the
* file.
private final boolean containsHeader;
* The number of dimensions used in this semantic space. This value is set
* when the {@code termToOffset} map is populated and is used for error
* checking in the files.
private int dimensions;
* The name of this semantic space.
private String spaceName;
* The reader for accessing a text-based {@code .sspace} file, or {@code
* null} if the {@code .sspace} file is in binary format.
private RandomAccessBufferedReader textSSpace;
* Byte access for a binary format {@code .sspace} file, or {@code null} if
* the {@code .sspace} file is in text format.
private RandomAccessFile binarySSpace;
* The format of the file that backs this space.
private SSpaceFormat format;
* Creates the {@link OnDiskSemanticSpace} from the file.
* @param filename the name of a semantic space file
* @throws IOException if any I/O exception occurs when reading the semantic
* space data from the file
* @throws Error if the 4-byte header for the file contains an unrecognized
* semantic space format
public OnDiskSemanticSpace(String filename) throws IOException {
this(new File(filename));
* Creates the {@link OnDiskSemanticSpace} from the provided file.
* @param file a file containing a store semantic space
* @throws IOException if any I/O exception occurs when reading the semantic
* space data from the file
* @throws Error if the 4-byte header for the file contains an unrecognized
* semantic space format
public OnDiskSemanticSpace(File file) throws IOException {
containsHeader = true;
SSpaceFormat format = SemanticSpaceIO.getFormat(file);
if (format == null)
throw new Error("Unrecognzied format in " +
"file: " + file.getName());
loadOffsetsFromFormat(file, format);
* Creates the {@link OnDiskSemanticSpace} from the provided file in the
* specified format. This constructor should only be used for loading
* semantic space files that do not have the 4-byte header indicating their
* format.
* @param file a file containing a semantic space
* @param format the format of the semanti space.
* @throws IOException if any I/O exception occurs when reading the semantic
* space data from the file
public OnDiskSemanticSpace(File file, SSpaceFormat format)
throws IOException {
containsHeader = false;
loadOffsetsFromFormat(file, format);
* Loads the words and offets for each word's vector in the semantic space
* file using the format as a guide to how the semantic space data is stored
* in the file.
* @param file a file containing semantic space data
* @param format the format of the data in the file
* @throws IOException if any I/O exception occurs when reading the semantic
* space data from the file
private void loadOffsetsFromFormat(File file, SSpaceFormat format)
throws IOException {
this.format = format;
spaceName = file.getName();
// NOTE: Use a LinkedHashMap here because this will ensure that the
// words are returned in the same row-order as the matrix. This
// generates better disk I/O behavior for accessing the matrix since
// each word is directly after the previous on disk.
termToOffset = new LinkedHashMap<String,Long>();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int dims = -1;
RandomAccessFile raf = null;
RandomAccessBufferedReader lnr = null;
switch (format) {
case TEXT:
lnr = new RandomAccessBufferedReader(file);
dims = loadTextOffsets(lnr);
case BINARY:
raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
dims = loadBinaryOffsets(raf);
lnr = new RandomAccessBufferedReader(file);
dims = loadSparseTextOffsets(lnr);
raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
dims = loadSparseBinaryOffsets(raf);
assert false : format;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.fine("loaded " + format + " .sspace file in " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");
this.dimensions = dims;
this.binarySSpace = raf;
this.textSSpace = lnr;
* Loads the {@link SemanticSpace} from the {@code TEXT} formatted file,
* adding its words to {@link #termToOffset} and returning the number of
* dimensions for each vector
* @param textSSpace a file in {@link SSpaceFormat#TEXT text} format
* @return the number of dimensions for vectors in the loaded semantic space
private int loadTextOffsets(RandomAccessBufferedReader textSSpace)
throws IOException {
String line = textSSpace.readLine();
if (line == null)
throw new IOError(new Throwable(
"An empty file has been passed in"));
// Strip off the 4-byte (2 char) header
if (containsHeader)
line = line.substring(4);
String[] dimensionStrs = line.split("\\s");
int dimensions = Integer.parseInt(dimensionStrs[1]);
int row = 1;
while ((line = textSSpace.readLine()) != null) {
String[] termVectorPair = line.split("\\|");
termToOffset.put(termVectorPair[0], Long.valueOf(row));
return dimensions;
* Loads a vector from the backing semantic space file in {@code TEXT}
* format using the predetermined offet for the word.
* @param word a word in the semantic space
* @return the vector for the word or {@code null} if the word does not
* exist in the semantic space
private double[] loadTextVector(String word) throws IOException {
Long lineNumber = termToOffset.get(word);
if (lineNumber == null)
return null;
// skip to the line where the word's vector is found
String line = textSSpace.readLine();
double[] row = new double[dimensions];
String[] termVectorPair = line.split("\\|");
String[] values = termVectorPair[1].split("\\s");
if (values.length != dimensions) {
throw new IOError(new Throwable(
"improperly formated semantic space file"));
for (int c = 0; c < dimensions; ++c) {
double d = Double.parseDouble(values[c]);
row[c] = d;
return row;
* Loads the {@link SemanticSpace} from the text formatted file, adding its
* words to {@link #termToOffset} and returning the {@code Matrix}
* containing
* the space's vectors.
* @param sspaceFile a file in {@link SSpaceFormat#TEXT text} format
private int loadSparseTextOffsets(RandomAccessBufferedReader textSSpace)
throws IOException {
String line = textSSpace.readLine();
if (line == null)
throw new IOError(new Throwable(
"An empty file has been passed in"));
// Strip off the 4-byte (2 char) header
if (containsHeader) {
line = line.substring(4);
String[] dimensions = line.split("\\s");
int columns = Integer.parseInt(dimensions[1]);
int rows = Integer.parseInt(dimensions[0]);
int row = 1;
while ((line = textSSpace.readLine()) != null) {
String[] termVectorPair = line.split("\\|");
termToOffset.put(termVectorPair[0], Long.valueOf(row));
if ((row - 1) != rows)
throw new IOException(String.format(
"Different number of rows than specified (%d): %d", rows, row));
return columns;
* Loads a vector from the backing semantic space file in {@code
* SPARSE_TEXT} format using the predetermined offet for the word.
* @param word a word in the semantic space
* @return the vector for the word or {@code null} if the word does not
* exist in the semantic space
private double[] loadSparseTextVector(String word) throws IOException {
Long lineNumber = termToOffset.get(word);
if (lineNumber == null)
return null;
// skip to the line where the word's vector is found
String line = textSSpace.readLine();
if (line == null)
System.out.printf("%s -> null row %d%n", word, lineNumber);
double[] row = new double[dimensions];
String[] termVectorPair = line.split("\\|");
String[] values = termVectorPair[1].split(",");
// even indicies are columns, odd are the values
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i +=2 ) {
int col = Integer.parseInt(values[i]);
double val = Double.parseDouble(values[i+1]);
row[col] = val;
return row;
* Loads the {@link SemanticSpace} from the binary formatted file, adding
* its words to {@link #termToOffset} and returning the {@code Matrix}
* containing the space's vectors.
* @param sspaceFile a file in {@link SSpaceFormat#BINARY binary} format
private int loadBinaryOffsets(RandomAccessFile binarySSpace)
throws IOException {
// Reader off the 4-byte header if it exists
if (containsHeader)
int rows = binarySSpace.readInt();
int cols = binarySSpace.readInt();
for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
String word = binarySSpace.readUTF();
termToOffset.put(word, binarySSpace.getFilePointer());
// read and discard the rest of the vector
for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
return cols;
* Loads a vector from the backing semantic space file in {@code BINARY}
* format using the predetermined offet for the word.
* @param word a word in the semantic space
* @return the vector for the word or {@code null} if the word does not
* exist in the semantic space
private double[] loadBinaryVector(String word) throws IOException {
Long byteOffset = termToOffset.get(word);
if (byteOffset == null)
return null;
double[] vector = new double[dimensions];
for (int col = 0; col < dimensions; ++col) {
vector[col] = binarySSpace.readDouble();
return vector;
* Loads the {@link SemanticSpace} from the binary formatted file, adding
* its words to {@link #termToOffset} and returning the {@code Matrix}
* containing the space's vectors.
* @param sspaceFile a file in {@link SSpaceFormat#BINARY binary} format
private int loadSparseBinaryOffsets(RandomAccessFile binarySSpace)
throws IOException {
// Reader off the 4-byte header if it exists
if (containsHeader) {
int header = binarySSpace.readInt();
int rows = binarySSpace.readInt();
int cols = binarySSpace.readInt();
for (long row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
String word = binarySSpace.readUTF();
termToOffset.put(word, binarySSpace.getFilePointer());
// read and discard the rest of the vector
int nonZero = binarySSpace.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < nonZero; ++i) {
return cols;
* Loads a vector from the backing semantic space file in {@code
* SPARSE_BINARY} format using the predetermined offet for the word.
* @param word a word in the semantic space
* @return the vector for the word or {@code null} if the word does not
* exist in the semantic space
private double[] loadSparseBinaryVector(String word) throws IOException {
Long byteOffset = termToOffset.get(word);
if (byteOffset == null)
return null;
int nonZero = binarySSpace.readInt();
double[] vector = new double[dimensions];
for (int i = 0; i < nonZero; ++i) {
int col = binarySSpace.readInt();
double val = binarySSpace.readDouble();
vector[col] = val;
return vector;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set<String> getWords() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(termToOffset.keySet());
* {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IOError if any {@code IOException} occurs when reading the data
* from the underlying semantic space file.
public synchronized Vector getVector(String word) {
try {
switch (format) {
case TEXT:
return new DenseVector(loadTextVector(word));
case BINARY:
return new DenseVector(loadBinaryVector(word));
return new CompactSparseVector(loadSparseTextVector(word));
return new CompactSparseVector(loadSparseBinaryVector(word));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// rethrow as something catastrophic must have happened to the
// underlying .sspace file
throw new IOError(ioe);
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getSpaceName() {
return spaceName;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getVectorLength() {
return dimensions;
* Not supported; throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if called.
public void processDocument(BufferedReader document) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"OnDiskSemanticSpace instances cannot be updated");
* Not supported; throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if called.
public void processSpace(Properties props) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"OnDiskSemanticSpace instances cannot be updated");
* A utility class for randomly seeking in in a text file. The current
* implementation is only able to see in one direction internally, so calls
* to seek to a previous location cause the entire file to be re-read up to
* the desire position. Accordingly, calls to sequential positions will
* operate much faster.
private static class RandomAccessBufferedReader {
* The file from which the data is being read
private final File backingFile;
* The reader into the contents of the file
private BufferedReader current;
* The number for the line that will be returned next by {@code
* readLine}
private int currentLineNumber;
* Creates a random access reader for the file and initializes its
* position at the first line.
* @param f the file to be accessed
public RandomAccessBufferedReader(File f) throws IOException {
backingFile = f;
* Returns the number of the line that will next be returned by {@link
* #nextLine()}.
* @return the line number of the next line that will be returned.
public int getLineNumber() {
return currentLineNumber;
* Move the reader to the specified line number. The next call to
* {@code readLine} will return the line at that number.
* @param lineNum the number of the line that should next be returned
public void moveToLine(int lineNum) throws IOException {
// If we are trying to go backward in the stream, close it and
// restart from the beginning
if (lineNum < currentLineNumber) {
for (int i = currentLineNumber; i < lineNum; ++i) {
// Update to the new line number
currentLineNumber = lineNum;
* Returns the line in the file at the current position and advances the
* current position to the next line.
* @return the line at the current position
public String readLine() throws IOException {
return current.readLine();
* Resets the position of this reader to the very first line in the
* file.
private void reset() throws IOException {
current = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(backingFile));
currentLineNumber = 0;