package org.kie.scanner;
import org.drools.compiler.kproject.xml.PomModel;
import org.drools.compiler.kproject.xml.PomModelGenerator;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class DependentScopeNamedBeanTest {
public void testPlexusBeanScanning() {
//This is the shortest way I can find a root to
//where the @Dependent scoped bean on the classpath causes guice to fail. The below call goes through
//the following classes:-
// - MavenPomModelGenerator#parse()
// - MavenProjectLoader#parseMavenPom()
// - MavenEmbedder#constructor
// - MavenEmbedderUtils#buildPlexusContainer()
// This builds a PlexusContainer with classpath scanning enabled (to detect classes needing guice injection)
final InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/kjar/pom-kjar.xml" );
final PomModelGenerator generator = new MavenPomModelGenerator();
try {
final PomModel pom = generator.parse( "pom.xml",
is );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
fail( "This should not fail" );