Package de.sub.goobi.export.dms

Source Code of de.sub.goobi.export.dms.AutomaticDmsExportWithoutHibernate

package de.sub.goobi.export.dms;

* This file is part of the Goobi Application - a Workflow tool for the support of mass digitization.
* Visit the websites for more information.
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*         -
*         -
*       -
*       -
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
* Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions
* of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to
* link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and
* conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
* library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obliged to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
* exception statement from your version.

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import ugh.dl.DocStruct;
import ugh.dl.Fileformat;
import ugh.dl.Metadata;
import ugh.exceptions.DocStructHasNoTypeException;
import ugh.exceptions.MetadataTypeNotAllowedException;
import ugh.exceptions.PreferencesException;
import ugh.exceptions.TypeNotAllowedForParentException;
import ugh.exceptions.WriteException;
import ugh.fileformats.excel.RDFFile;
import ugh.fileformats.mets.MetsModsImportExport;
import de.sub.goobi.beans.Benutzer;
import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigMain;
import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigProjects;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.FilesystemHelper;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.Helper;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.enums.MetadataFormat;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.DAOException;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.ExportFileException;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.SwapException;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.UghHelperException;
import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.MetadatenVerifizierungWithoutHibernate;
import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.copier.CopierData;
import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.copier.DataCopier;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.apache.FolderInformation;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.apache.ProcessManager;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.apache.ProcessObject;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.apache.ProjectManager;
import de.sub.goobi.persistence.apache.ProjectObject;

public class AutomaticDmsExportWithoutHibernate extends ExportMetsWithoutHibernate {
  private static final Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(AutomaticDmsExportWithoutHibernate.class);
  ConfigProjects cp;
  private boolean exportWithImages = true;
  private boolean exportFulltext = true;
  private FolderInformation fi;
  private ProjectObject project;
  public final static String DIRECTORY_SUFFIX = "_tif";

  public AutomaticDmsExportWithoutHibernate() {

  public AutomaticDmsExportWithoutHibernate(boolean exportImages) {
    this.exportWithImages = exportImages;

  public void setExportFulltext(boolean exportFulltext) {
    this.exportFulltext = exportFulltext;

   * DMS-Export an eine gewünschte Stelle
   * @param myProzess
   * @param zielVerzeichnis
   * @throws InterruptedException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws WriteException
   * @throws PreferencesException
   * @throws UghHelperException
   * @throws ExportFileException
   * @throws MetadataTypeNotAllowedException
   * @throws DocStructHasNoTypeException
   * @throws DAOException
   * @throws SwapException
   * @throws TypeNotAllowedForParentException
  public boolean startExport(ProcessObject process) throws DAOException, IOException, PreferencesException, WriteException, SwapException, TypeNotAllowedForParentException, InterruptedException {
    this.myPrefs = ProcessManager.getRuleset(process.getRulesetId()).getPreferences();
    this.project =ProjectManager.getProjectById(process.getProjekteID());
    this.cp = new ConfigProjects(this.project.getTitel());
    String atsPpnBand = process.getTitle();

     * -------------------------------- Dokument einlesen
     * --------------------------------
    Fileformat gdzfile;
    Fileformat newfile;
    try { = new FolderInformation(process.getId(), process.getTitle());
      String metadataPath =;
      gdzfile = process.readMetadataFile(metadataPath, this.myPrefs);
      switch (MetadataFormat.findFileFormatsHelperByName(this.project.getFileFormatDmsExport())) {
      case METS:
        newfile = new MetsModsImportExport(this.myPrefs);

      case METS_AND_RDF:
        newfile = new RDFFile(this.myPrefs);

        newfile = new RDFFile(this.myPrefs);

      gdzfile = newfile;

    } catch (Exception e) {
      Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("exportError") + process.getTitle(), e);
      myLogger.error("Export abgebrochen, xml-LeseFehler", e);
      return false;

    String rules = ConfigMain.getParameter("copyData.onExport");
    if (rules != null && !rules.equals("- keine Konfiguration gefunden -")) {
      try {
        new DataCopier(rules).process(new CopierData(newfile, process));
      } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
        // TODO: When merging with issue #166, add this:
        // if (task != null) {
        //     task.setException(e);
        // }         
        Helper.setFehlerMeldung("dataCopier.syntaxError", e.getMessage());
        return false;
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // TODO: When merging with issue #166, add this:
        // if (task != null) {
        //     task.setException(e);
        // }         
        Helper.setFehlerMeldung("dataCopier.runtimeException", e.getMessage());
        return false;


     * -------------------------------- Metadaten validieren
     * --------------------------------

    if (ConfigMain.getBooleanParameter("useMetadatenvalidierung")) {
      MetadatenVerifizierungWithoutHibernate mv = new MetadatenVerifizierungWithoutHibernate();
      if (!mv.validate(gdzfile, this.myPrefs, process.getId(), process.getTitle())) {
        return false;


     * -------------------------------- Speicherort vorbereiten und
     * downloaden --------------------------------
    String zielVerzeichnis;
    File benutzerHome;

    zielVerzeichnis = this.project.getDmsImportImagesPath();
    benutzerHome = new File(zielVerzeichnis);

    /* ggf. noch einen Vorgangsordner anlegen */
    if (this.project.isDmsImportCreateProcessFolder()) {
      benutzerHome = new File(benutzerHome + File.separator + process.getTitle());
      zielVerzeichnis = benutzerHome.getAbsolutePath();
      /* alte Import-Ordner löschen */
      if (!Helper.deleteDir(benutzerHome)) {
        Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Export canceled, Process: " + process.getTitle(), "Import folder could not be cleared");
        return false;
      /* alte Success-Ordner löschen */
      File successFile = new File(this.project.getDmsImportSuccessPath() + File.separator + process.getTitle());
      if (!Helper.deleteDir(successFile)) {
        Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Export canceled, Process: " + process.getTitle(), "Success folder could not be cleared");
        return false;
      /* alte Error-Ordner löschen */
      File errorfile = new File(this.project.getDmsImportErrorPath() + File.separator + process.getTitle());
      if (!Helper.deleteDir(errorfile)) {
        Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Export canceled, Process: " + process.getTitle(), "Error folder could not be cleared");
        return false;

      if (!benutzerHome.exists()) {

     * -------------------------------- der eigentliche Download der Images
     * --------------------------------
    try {
      if (this.exportWithImages) {
        imageDownload(process, benutzerHome, atsPpnBand, DIRECTORY_SUFFIX);
        fulltextDownload(process, benutzerHome, atsPpnBand, DIRECTORY_SUFFIX);
      } else if (this.exportFulltext) {
        fulltextDownload(process, benutzerHome, atsPpnBand, DIRECTORY_SUFFIX);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Export canceled, Process: " + process.getTitle(), e);
      return false;

     * -------------------------------- zum Schluss Datei an gewünschten Ort
     * exportieren entweder direkt in den Import-Ordner oder ins
     * Benutzerhome anschliessend den Import-Thread starten
     * --------------------------------
    if (this.project.isUseDmsImport()) {
      if (MetadataFormat.findFileFormatsHelperByName(this.project.getFileFormatDmsExport()) == MetadataFormat.METS) {
        /* Wenn METS, dann per writeMetsFile schreiben... */
        writeMetsFile(process, benutzerHome + File.separator + atsPpnBand + ".xml", gdzfile, false);
      } else {
        /* ...wenn nicht, nur ein Fileformat schreiben. */
        gdzfile.write(benutzerHome + File.separator + atsPpnBand + ".xml");

      /* ggf. sollen im Export mets und rdf geschrieben werden */
      if (MetadataFormat.findFileFormatsHelperByName(this.project.getFileFormatDmsExport()) == MetadataFormat.METS_AND_RDF) {
        writeMetsFile(process, benutzerHome + File.separator + atsPpnBand + ".mets.xml", gdzfile, false);

      Helper.setMeldung(null, process.getTitle() + ": ", "DMS-Export started");

      if (!ConfigMain.getBooleanParameter("exportWithoutTimeLimit")) {
        /* Success-Ordner wieder löschen */
        if (this.project.isDmsImportCreateProcessFolder()) {
          File successFile = new File(this.project.getDmsImportSuccessPath() + File.separator + process.getTitle());
      // return ;
    return true;

   * run through all metadata and children of given docstruct to trim the
   * strings calls itself recursively
  private void trimAllMetadata(DocStruct inStruct) {
    /* trimm all metadata values */
    if (inStruct.getAllMetadata() != null) {
      for (Metadata md : inStruct.getAllMetadata()) {
        if (md.getValue() != null) {

    /* run through all children of docstruct */
    if (inStruct.getAllChildren() != null) {
      for (DocStruct child : inStruct.getAllChildren()) {

  public void fulltextDownload(ProcessObject myProzess, File benutzerHome, String atsPpnBand, final String ordnerEndung) throws IOException,
      InterruptedException, SwapException, DAOException {

    // Helper help = new Helper();
    // File tifOrdner = new File(myProzess.getImagesTifDirectory());

    // download sources
    File sources = new File(fi.getSourceDirectory());
    if (sources.exists() && sources.list().length > 0) {
      File destination = new File(benutzerHome + File.separator
          + atsPpnBand + "_src");
      if (!destination.exists()) {
      File[] dateien = sources.listFiles();
      for (int i = 0; i < dateien.length; i++) {
        File meinZiel = new File(destination + File.separator
            + dateien[i].getName());
        Helper.copyFile(dateien[i], meinZiel);
    File ocr = new File(fi.getOcrDirectory());
    if (ocr.exists()) {
      File[] folder = ocr.listFiles();
      for (File dir : folder) {
        if (dir.isDirectory() && dir.list().length > 0) {
          String suffix = dir.getName().substring(dir.getName().lastIndexOf("_"));
          File destination = new File(benutzerHome + File.separator + atsPpnBand + suffix);
          if (!destination.exists()) {
          File[] files = dir.listFiles();
          for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            File target = new File(destination + File.separator + files[i].getName());
            Helper.copyFile(files[i], target);
//    File sources = new File(fi.getSourceDirectory());
//    if (sources.exists()) {
//      File destination = new File(benutzerHome + File.separator
//          + atsPpnBand + "_src");
//      if (!destination.exists()) {
//        destination.mkdir();
//      }
//      File[] dateien = sources.listFiles();
//      for (int i = 0; i < dateien.length; i++) {
//        File meinZiel = new File(destination + File.separator
//            + dateien[i].getName());
//        Helper.copyFile(dateien[i], meinZiel);
//      }
//    }
//    File txtFolder = new File(;
//    if (txtFolder.exists()) {
//      File destination = new File(benutzerHome + File.separator + atsPpnBand + "_txt");
//      if (!destination.exists()) {
//        destination.mkdir();
//      }
//      File[] dateien = txtFolder.listFiles();
//      for (int i = 0; i < dateien.length; i++) {
//        File meinZiel = new File(destination + File.separator + dateien[i].getName());
//        Helper.copyFile(dateien[i], meinZiel);
//      }
//    }
//    File wordFolder = new File(;
//    if (wordFolder.exists()) {
//      File destination = new File(benutzerHome + File.separator + atsPpnBand + "_wc");
//      if (!destination.exists()) {
//        destination.mkdir();
//      }
//      File[] dateien = wordFolder.listFiles();
//      for (int i = 0; i < dateien.length; i++) {
//        File meinZiel = new File(destination + File.separator + dateien[i].getName());
//        Helper.copyFile(dateien[i], meinZiel);
//      }
//    }
//    File pdfFolder = new File(;
//    if (pdfFolder.exists()) {
//      File destination = new File(benutzerHome + File.separator + atsPpnBand + "_pdf");
//      if (!destination.exists()) {
//        destination.mkdir();
//      }
//      File[] dateien = pdfFolder.listFiles();
//      for (int i = 0; i < dateien.length; i++) {
//        File meinZiel = new File(destination + File.separator + dateien[i].getName());
//        Helper.copyFile(dateien[i], meinZiel);
//      }
//    }

  public void imageDownload(ProcessObject myProzess, File benutzerHome, String atsPpnBand, final String ordnerEndung) throws IOException,
      InterruptedException, SwapException, DAOException {
     * -------------------------------- erstmal alle Filter
     * --------------------------------
    // FilenameFilter filterTifDateien = new FilenameFilter() {
    // public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
    // return name.endsWith(".tif");
    // }
    // };

     * -------------------------------- dann den Ausgangspfad ermitteln
     * --------------------------------
    File tifOrdner = new File(;

     * -------------------------------- jetzt die Ausgangsordner in die
     * Zielordner kopieren --------------------------------
    if (tifOrdner.exists() && tifOrdner.list().length > 0) {
      File zielTif = new File(benutzerHome + File.separator + atsPpnBand + ordnerEndung);

      /* bei Agora-Import einfach den Ordner anlegen */
      if (this.project.isUseDmsImport()) {
        if (!zielTif.exists()) {
      } else {
         * wenn kein Agora-Import, dann den Ordner mit
         * Benutzerberechtigung neu anlegen
        Benutzer myBenutzer = (Benutzer) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm.myBenutzer}");
        try {
                    FilesystemHelper.createDirectoryForUser(zielTif.getAbsolutePath(), myBenutzer.getLogin());        } catch (Exception e) {
          Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Export canceled, error", "could not create destination directory");
          myLogger.error("could not create destination directory", e);

      /* jetzt den eigentlichen Kopiervorgang */

      File[] dateien = tifOrdner.listFiles(Helper.dataFilter);
      for (int i = 0; i < dateien.length; i++) {
        File meinZiel = new File(zielTif + File.separator + dateien[i].getName());
        Helper.copyFile(dateien[i], meinZiel);


Related Classes of de.sub.goobi.export.dms.AutomaticDmsExportWithoutHibernate

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