This file is part of JkernelMachines.
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Copyright David Picard - 2013
package fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.util.algebra.ejml;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.ejml.data.DenseMatrix64F;
import org.ejml.factory.DecompositionFactory;
import org.ejml.interfaces.decomposition.EigenDecomposition;
import org.ejml.ops.CommonOps;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.util.algebra.ThreadedMatrixOperations;
* Wrapper class that uses EJML for Matrix ops, with the API of jkms
* @author picard
public class EJMLMatrixOperations {
* Performs the eigen decomposition of a symmetric matrix:
* A = Q * L * Q'
* with Q orthonormal and L diagonal
* @param A input matrix
* @return an array of two matrices containing {Q, L}
public static double[][][] eig(double[][] A) {
int n = A.length;
EigenDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> dec = DecompositionFactory.eig(n, true, true);
DenseMatrix64F G_ejml = new DenseMatrix64F(A);
double[][] lambda = new double[n][n];
double[][] U = new double[n][];
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
lambda[i][i] = dec.getEigenvalue(i).getMagnitude();
DenseMatrix64F u = dec.getEigenVector(i);
U[i] = Arrays.copyOf(u.data, n);
return new double[][][]{ThreadedMatrixOperations.transi(U), lambda};
* computes the inverse of a matrix
* @param A input matrix
* @return inverse of A
public static double[][] inv(final double[][] A) {
int n = A.length;
DenseMatrix64F A_ejml = new DenseMatrix64F(A);
return null;
double[][] A_inv = new double[n][n];
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
for(int j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) {
A_inv[i][j] = A_ejml.get(i, j);
return A_inv;