This file is part of JkernelMachines.
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Copyright David Picard - 2010
package fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.classifier;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.kernel.Kernel;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.threading.ThreadedMatrixOperator;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.type.TrainingSample;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.util.DebugPrinter;
* <p>
* Kernel SVM classifier implementing the LaSVM algorithm
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Fast Kernel Classifiers with Online and Active Learning</b><br />
* Antoine Bordes, Seyda Ertekin, Jason Weston and Léon Bottou<br />
* <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research, 6:1579-1619, September 2005. </i>
* </p>
* @author picard
public final class LaSVM<T> implements KernelSVM<T>, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -831288193185967121L;
private Kernel<T> kernel;
private List<TrainingSample<T>> tlist; //training set
private T[] tarray;
private boolean[] S;
private double[] alphas;
private int[] y;
private double[] g;//gradient on support vectors
private double[] Cmin, Cmax; // minmax for support vectors
private int imin, imax;
private double gmin, gmax;
private double[][] kmatrix;
private boolean minmaxFlag = false;
private double[] kmaxmin;
private LinkedList<Integer> trainQueue;
private double b = 0; // bias
private double C = 1.0; //hyperparameter C
private int E = 5; //number of epochs
private static final double tau = 1e-15;
private static final int initSampling = 5;
transient DebugPrinter debug = new DebugPrinter();
* Constructor with specific kernel
* @param k the kernel used by this classifier
public LaSVM(Kernel<T> k)
this.kernel = k;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see fr.lip6.classifier.Classifier#train(fr.lip6.type.TrainingSample)
public void train(TrainingSample<T> t) {
if(tlist == null) {
tlist = new ArrayList<TrainingSample<T>>();
else {
//compute kernel
kmatrix = kernel.getKernelMatrix(tlist);
int idx = tlist.size()-1;
// update variables
S = Arrays.copyOf(S, tlist.size());
S[idx] = true;
alphas = Arrays.copyOf(alphas, tlist.size());
y = Arrays.copyOf(y, tlist.size());
y[idx] = t.label;
g = Arrays.copyOf(g, tlist.size());
g[idx] = y[idx];
for(int s = 0 ; s < alphas.length ; s++)
g[idx] -= alphas[s] * kmatrix[idx][s];
kmaxmin = Arrays.copyOf(kmaxmin, tlist.size());
imin = -1;
imax = -1;
minmaxFlag = false;
//set minmax
Cmin = Arrays.copyOf(Cmin, tlist.size());
Cmax = Arrays.copyOf(Cmax, tlist.size());
Cmin[y.length-1] = Math.min(C*y[y.length-1] , 0);
Cmax[y.length-1] = Math.max(C*y[y.length-1], 0);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see fr.lip6.classifier.Classifier#train(java.util.List)
public void train(List<TrainingSample<T>> l) {
tlist = new ArrayList<TrainingSample<T>>();
if(tlist.isEmpty()) {
// handle single label
int yref = tlist.get(0).label;
boolean single = true;
for(TrainingSample<T> t : tlist) {
if(t.label != yref) {
single = false;
if(single) {
// default to parzen
tarray = (T[]) new Object[tlist.size()];
for(int i = 0 ; i < tarray.length ; i++)
tarray[i] = tlist.get(i).sample;
alphas = new double[tlist.size()];
Arrays.fill(alphas, yref*C);
S = new boolean[tlist.size()];
Arrays.fill(S, true);
y = new int[tlist.size()];
Arrays.fill(y, yref);
//init S and gs
private void train()
trainQueue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
for(int e = 0 ; e < E ; e++)
//do one pass over the entire (shuffled) training set
for(int i = 0 ; i < tlist.size() ; i++)
// Collections.shuffle(trainQueue);
//step 2.
// step 3
// while(optim(-1, -1));
// step 4
int iter = 100000;
while(optim(-1, -1) && iter-- > 0);
if(iter == 0)
debug.println(2, "*** lasvm : too much reprocess.");
//clear non sv
for(int s = 0 ; s < S.length ; s++)
if(alphas[s] == 0)
S[s] = false;
alphas[s] = 0.;
//update b and delta
b = (gmax + gmin) /2;
tarray = (T[]) new Object[tlist.size()];
for(int i = 0 ; i < tarray.length ; i++)
tarray[i] = tlist.get(i).sample;
//clear cache
kmatrix = null;
public void retrain()
//rebuild matrix
kmatrix = kernel.getKernelMatrix(tlist);
//rebuild gradient
final double[] tmp = new double[g.length];
(new ThreadedMatrixOperator(){
public void doLines(double[][] matrix, int from, int to) {
for(int index = from ; index < to ; index++)
tmp[index] = y[index];
for(int s = 0 ; s < matrix[index].length ; s++)
tmp[index] -= alphas[s] * kmatrix[index][s];
g = tmp;
// refresh all sv
// step 4
int iter = 100000;
while(optim(-1, -1) && iter-- > 0);
if(iter == 0)
debug.println(2, "*** lasvm : too much reprocess.");
//init by adding a few samples to S
private void init()
S = new boolean[tlist.size()];
Arrays.fill(S, false);
alphas = new double[tlist.size()];
y = new int[tlist.size()];
g = new double[tlist.size()];
kmaxmin = new double[tlist.size()];
imin = -1;
imax = -1;
minmaxFlag = false;
//set minmax
Cmin = new double[tlist.size()];
Cmax = new double[tlist.size()];
for(int i = 0 ; i < Cmin.length ; i++)
y[i] = tlist.get(i).label;
Cmin[i] = Math.min(C*y[i] , 0);
Cmax[i] = Math.max(C*y[i], 0);
//compute kernel
kmatrix = kernel.getKernelMatrix(tlist);
//add at most min(initSampling, maxpos) positives examples
//and min(initSampling, maxneg) negatives samples
int nbpos = 0 , nbneg = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < alphas.length ; i++)
if(y[i] == 1 && nbpos < initSampling)
S[i] = true;
g[i] = 1; //initial gradient is y
if(y[i] == -1 && nbneg < initSampling)
S[i] = true;
g[i] = -1; //initial gradient is y
if(nbpos > initSampling && nbneg > initSampling)
private final void minmax()
imin = -1;
imax = -1;
for(int s =0 ; s < S.length ; s++)
double as = alphas[s];
double gs = g[s];
if(as > Cmin[s] && gs < gmin)
gmin = gs;
imin = s;
if(as < Cmax[s] && gs > gmax)
gmax = gs;
imax = s;
minmaxFlag = true;
private boolean optim(int imin, int imax)
if(imin < 0)
imin = this.imin;
if(imax < 0)
imax = this.imax;
if(imin < 0 || imax < 0)
return false;
gmin = g[imin];
gmax = g[imax];
double gmaxmin = g[imax] - g[imin];
if(gmaxmin < tau)
return false;
//max admissible step
double step = Math.min(alphas[imin] - Cmin[imin], Cmax[imax] - alphas[imax]);
if(step == 0)
return false;
double kminmin = kmatrix[imin][imin];
double kmaxmax = kmatrix[imax][imax];
double kminmax = kmatrix[imin][imax];
step = Math.min((gmaxmin)/(kminmin+kmaxmax-2*kminmax), step);
alphas[imax] += step;
alphas[imin] -= step;
for(int s = 0 ; s < S.length ; s++)
kmaxmin[s] = kmatrix[imax][s] - kmatrix[imin][s];
for(int s = 0 ; s < S.length ; s++)
g[s] -= step * kmaxmin[s];
minmaxFlag = false;
return true;
private boolean process(int k)
//bail out if S contains t
return false;
//bail out if non labeled example
if(y[k] != 1 && y[k] != -1)
return false;
//compute gradient
alphas[k] = 0;
double gk = y[k];
for(int s = 0 ; s < S.length ; s++)
gk -= alphas[s] * kmatrix[k][s];
//decide insertion
if(gmin < gmax)
if( (Cmin[k] >= 0 && gk< gmin) || ( Cmax[k] <= 0 && gk > gmax))
return false;
S[k] = true;
g[k] = gk;
minmaxFlag = false; // we changed g
//find violating pair
if(Cmin[k] >= 0)
optim(-1, k);
optim(k, -1);
return true;
private boolean reprocess()
//optim violating pair
boolean status = optim(-1, -1);
//reduce expansion
//4. research for gmax and gmin
//prune S
for(int s = 0 ; s < S.length ; s++)
if(S[s] && alphas[s] == 0)
if(y[s] == -1)
if( g[s] >= gmax)
S[s] = false;
else if(g[s] <= gmin)
S[s] = false;
return status;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see fr.lip6.classifier.Classifier#valueOf(java.lang.Object)
public final double valueOf(T e) {
if(S == null) {
return 0;
double r = b;
//cache kernel
double[] kline = new double[S.length];
for(int s = 0 ; s < alphas.length ; s++)
kline[s] = kernel.valueOf(tarray[s], e);
//do product
for(int s = 0 ; s < S.length ; s++)
r += alphas[s] * kline[s];
return r;
* Tells the hyperparamter C
* @return C
public double getC() {
return C;
* Sets the hyperparameter C
* @param c the hyperparameter C
public void setC(double c) {
C = c;
* Tells the number of epochs used for training
* @return the number of epochs
public int getE() {
return E;
* Sets the number of epochs used for training
* @param e the number of epochs
public void setE(int e) {
E = e;
* Tells the numerical precision
* @return the numerical precision
public double getTau() {
return tau;
* Tells the array of support vector coefficients
* @return the array of support vector coefficients
public double[] getAlphas() {
double[] a = new double[alphas.length];
for(int s = 0 ; s < a.length ; s++)
a[s] = alphas[s] * y[s];
return a;
* Tells the bias term
* @return the bias term
public double getB() {
return b;
* Sets the bias term
* @param b the new bias term
public void setB(double b) {
this.b = b;
* Tells the kernel used by this classifier
* @return the kernel used by this classifier
public Kernel<T> getKernel() {
return kernel;
* Sets the kernel used by this classifier
* @param kernel the kernel to use
public void setKernel(Kernel<T> kernel) {
this.kernel = kernel;
* Creates and returns a copy of this object.
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
public LaSVM<T> copy() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return (LaSVM<T>) super.clone();