This file is part of JkernelMachines.
JkernelMachines is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
JkernelMachines is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Copyright David Picard - 2010
package fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.classifier;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.kernel.Kernel;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.kernel.typed.DoubleLinear;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.kernel.typed.GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.threading.ThreadPoolServer;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.threading.ThreadedMatrixOperator;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.type.TrainingSample;
import fr.lip6.jkernelmachines.util.DebugPrinter;
* <p>
* Implementation of the QNPKL solver.<br/>
* Original java code
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Learning geometric combinations of Gaussian kernels with alternating Quasi-Newton algorithm </b><br/>
* Picard, D. and Thome, N. and Cord, M and Rakotomamonjy, A. <br/>
* <i>Proceedings of the 20th ESANN conference, 2012, Bruges, 79-84</i>
* </p>
* @author dpicard
public class DoubleQNPKL implements KernelSVM<double[]>, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5475712590325368437L;
List<TrainingSample<double[]>> listOfExamples;
List<Double> listOfExampleWeights;
List<Double> listOfKernelWeights;
int dim = 0;
transient DebugPrinter debug = new DebugPrinter();
LaSVM<double[]> svm;
DoubleLinear linear = new DoubleLinear();
double stopGap = 1e-7;
double num_cleaning = 1e-7;
double p_norm = 1;
boolean hasNorm = false;
double C = 1e0;
//scaling factor
double d_lambda = 1e-1;
//elementary cost matrix
double[][] lambda_matrix = null;
double oldObjective;
* Default constructor
public DoubleQNPKL()
listOfKernelWeights = new ArrayList<Double>();
listOfExamples = new ArrayList<TrainingSample<double[]>>();
listOfExampleWeights = new ArrayList<Double>();
public void train(TrainingSample<double[]> t) {
if(listOfExamples == null)
listOfExamples = new ArrayList<TrainingSample<double[]>>();
public void train(List<TrainingSample<double[]>> l) {
long tim = System.currentTimeMillis();
dim = l.get(0).sample.length;
debug.println(2, "training on "+dim+" kernels and "+l.size()+" examples");
//0. init lists
listOfExamples = new ArrayList<TrainingSample<double[]>>();
//1. init kernels
weights = new double[dim];
//normalize to cst trace and init weights to 1/N
for(int i = 0 ; i < dim; i++) {
// weights[i] = Math.pow(1/(double)dim, 1/(double)p_norm);
weights[i] = 1.0/dim;
// weights[i] = 0.5/Math.sqrt(dim);
// weights[i] = 1.0/(dim*dim);
//1 train first svm
GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2 kernel = new GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2(weights);
svm = trainSVM(kernel);
double[] a = svm.getAlphas();
//update lambda matrix before objective computation
updateLambdaMatrix(a, kernel);
//compute old value of objective function
oldObjective = computeObj(a);
debug.println(2, "+ initial objective : "+oldObjective);
debug.println(3, "+ initial weights : "+Arrays.toString(weights));
//2. big loop
double gap = 0;
//perform one step
double objEvol = performPKLStep();
if(objEvol < 0)
debug.println(1, "Error, performPKLStep return wrong value");
gap = 1 - objEvol;
debug.println(1, "+ objective_gap : "+(float)gap);
debug.println(1, "+");
while(gap >= stopGap);
//3. get minimal objective svm and weights
listOfKernelWeights = new ArrayList<Double>();
for(int i = 0 ; i < weights.length; i++)
kernel = new GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2(weights);
svm = trainSVM(kernel);
//update lambdamatrix
a = svm.getAlphas();
updateLambdaMatrix(a, kernel);
//3. compute obj
double obj = computeObj(a);
debug.println(2, "+ final objective : "+obj);
//4. save examples weights
for(double d : svm.getAlphas())
debug.println(3, "kernel weights : "+listOfKernelWeights);
debug.println(1, "PKL trained in "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-tim)+" milis.");
* perform one approximate second order gradient descent step
* @param kernels
* @param weights
* @param l
* @return the objective gap
private double performPKLStep()
//store new as old for the loop
double objective = oldObjective;
double[] oldWeights = weights;
//train new svm
GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2 k = new GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2(weights);
LaSVM<double[]> svm = trainSVM(k);
//update lambdamatrix
double[] a = svm.getAlphas();
updateLambdaMatrix(a, k);
//compute grad
double[] gNew = computeGrad(k);
//estimate B
double[] B = computeB(gNew);
double lambda = 1.;
//1. update weights.
double[] wNew = new double[weights.length];
double Z = 0;
for(int x = 0 ; x < wNew.length ; x++) {
wNew[x] = weights[x] - lambda * B[x] * gNew[x];
if(wNew[x] < num_cleaning)
wNew[x] = 0;
Z += wNew[x];
if(hasNorm) {
for(int x = 0 ; x < wNew.length ; x++)
wNew[x] /= Z;
//2. retrain SVM
k = new GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2(wNew);
svm = trainSVM(k);
//update lambdamatrix
a = svm.getAlphas();
updateLambdaMatrix(a, k);
//3. compute obj
double obj = computeObj(a);
//4. check for decrease
if(obj >= objective)
debug.print(3, ".");
lambda /= 10;
//store obj
objective = obj;
//store weights
weights = wNew;
debug.println(3, "");
}while(lambda > num_cleaning);
//store gradient
g = gNew;
//store diff weights
if(diffWeights == null)
diffWeights = new double[weights.length];
for(int x = 0 ; x < weights.length ; x++)
diffWeights[x] = weights[x] - oldWeights[x];
debug.println(3, "++++++ w : "+Arrays.toString(weights));
//store new Objective
double gap = objective / oldObjective;
oldObjective = objective;
return gap;
double[] diffWeights;
double[] g;
double[] weights;
double[] B;
/** calcul du gradient en chaque beta */
private double[] computeGrad(GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2 kernel)
debug.print(3, "++++++ g : ");
final double grad[] = new double[dim];
//l1 regularizer
// Arrays.fill(grad, dim);
// for(int x = 0 ; x < dim ; x++)
// grad[x] *= kernel.getGammas()[x];
//1 job par ligne
ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = ThreadPoolServer.getThreadPoolExecutor();
Queue<Future<?>> futures = new LinkedList<Future<?>>();
class GradRunnable implements Runnable {
GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2 kernel;
int i;
public GradRunnable(GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2 kernel, int i) {
this.kernel = kernel;
this.i = i;
public void run() {
double[][] matrix = kernel.distanceMatrixUnthreaded(listOfExamples, i);
double sum = 0;
for(int x = 0 ; x < matrix.length ; x++)
if(lambda_matrix[x] != null)
for(int y = 0 ; y < matrix.length ; y++)
sum += matrix[x][y]*lambda_matrix[x][y];
// grad[i] = 0.5*sum/(matrix.length*matrix.length);
grad[i] += 0.5*sum;
for(int i = 0 ; i < grad.length ; i++) {
Runnable r = new GradRunnable(kernel, i);
//wait for all jobs
try {
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("error with grad :");
//numerical cleaning
for(int i = 0 ; i < grad.length; i++)
if(Math.abs(grad[i]) < num_cleaning)
grad[i] = 0.0;
return grad;
/** calcul du gradient second en chaque beta */
private double[] computeB(double[] gNew)
if(B == null || diffWeights == null)
B = new double[gNew.length];
Arrays.fill(B, d_lambda);
for(int x = 0 ; x < g.length ; x++)
double b = (gNew[x] - g[x]);
debug.print(3, " gn-g : "+b+" wn-w : "+diffWeights[x]);
if(b != 0)
b = diffWeights[x] / b;
debug.println(3, " b : "+b);
B[x] = Math.max(num_cleaning, b); // positive curvature only
//B[x] = Math.min(b, 1.0/d_lambda); // axis cooling only
debug.println(3, "++++++ B : "+Arrays.toString(B));
return B;
/** compute obj */
private double computeObj(double[] a)
double obj1 = 0, obj3 = 0;
//sum of alpha
for(double aa : a)
obj1 += aa;
for(int x = 0 ; x < lambda_matrix.length; x++)
if(lambda_matrix[x] == null)
for(int y = 0 ; y < lambda_matrix.length; y++)
if(lambda_matrix[x][y] == 0)
obj3 += lambda_matrix[x][y];
double obj = obj1 - 0.5*obj3;
debug.println(3, "+++ obj : "+obj+"\t(obj1 : "+obj1+" obj3 : "+(-.5*obj3)+")");
return obj;
/** compute the lambda matrix */
private void updateLambdaMatrix(final double[] a, GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2 kernel)
final double [][] matrix = kernel.getKernelMatrix(listOfExamples);
if(lambda_matrix == null)
lambda_matrix = new double[matrix.length][matrix.length];
debug.println(3, "+ update lambda matrix");
ThreadedMatrixOperator factory = new ThreadedMatrixOperator()
public void doLines(double[][] m , int from , int to) {
for(int index = from ; index < to ; index++)
if(a[index] == 0) {
m[index] = null;
if(m[index] == null)
m[index] = new double[matrix.length];
int l1 = listOfExamples.get(index).label;
double al1 = a[index]*l1;
for(int j = 0 ; j < m[index].length ; j++)
int l2 = listOfExamples.get(j).label;
m[index][j] = al1 * l2 * a[j] * matrix[index][j];
lambda_matrix = factory.getMatrix(lambda_matrix);
private LaSVM<double[]> trainSVM(GeneralizedDoubleGaussL2 kernel)
LaSVM<double[]> svm = new LaSVM<double[]>(kernel);
debug.println(3, "+ training svm");
return svm;
public double valueOf(double[] e) {
return svm.valueOf(e);
* Tells the hyperparameter C
public double getC() {
return C;
* Sets the hyperparameter C
public void setC(double c) {
C = c;
* Sets norm constraint
public void setPNorm(double p)
p_norm = p;
/** Sets stopping criterion */
public void setStopGap(double w)
stopGap = w;
/** Tells numerical cleaning threashold */
public double getNum_cleaning() {
return num_cleaning;
/** Sets numerical threshold */
public void setNum_cleaning(double num_cleaning) {
this.num_cleaning = num_cleaning;
/** Tells weights of training samples */
public List<Double> getExampleWeights() {
return listOfExampleWeights;
/** Tells weights of kernels */
public List<Double> getListOfKernelWeights()
return listOfKernelWeights;
/** Tells weights of kernels as array */
public double[] getKernelWeights()
double[] w = new double[listOfKernelWeights.size()];
for(int x = 0 ; x < listOfKernelWeights.size(); x++)
w[x] = listOfKernelWeights.get(x);
return w;
public double[] getAlphas() {
return svm.getAlphas();
public void setKernel(Kernel<double[]> k) {
// nothing
public Kernel<double[]> getKernel() {
return svm.getKernel();
class GradMAtrixOperator extends ThreadedMatrixOperator {
double[] grad;
Map<Integer, double[][]> matrices = new HashMap<Integer, double[][]>();
public void addMatrix(int i, double[][] m) {
matrices.put(i, m);
public void setGrad(double[] g) {
this.grad = g;
public void clearMatrices() {
public void doLines(double[][] matrix , int from , int to) {
Map<Integer, Double> summ = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
for(int i : matrices.keySet()) {
double sum = 0;
double[][] m = matrices.get(i);
for(int x = from ; x < to; x++)
if(lambda_matrix[x] == null)
for(int y = 0 ; y < matrix.length; y++)
sum += m[x][y] * lambda_matrix[x][y];
summ.put(i, sum);
synchronized(grad) {
for(int i : summ.keySet())
grad[i] += 0.5 * summ.get(i);
/** Tells if use a norm constraint */
public boolean isHasNorm() {
return hasNorm;
/** Sets use of norm constraint */
public void setHasNorm(boolean hasNorm) {
this.hasNorm = hasNorm;
* Creates and returns a copy of this object.
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
public DoubleQNPKL copy() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return (DoubleQNPKL) super.clone();
* Returns the p_norm parameters
* @return p_norm
public double getPNorm() {
return p_norm;
* Returns the stopping criterion
* @return stopGap
public double getStopGap() {
return stopGap;