* Copyright 2010 The gwtquery plugins team.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.Scheduler.ScheduledCommand;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Position;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.GwtEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HasHandlers;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.UmbrellaException;
import com.google.gwt.query.client.Function;
import com.google.gwt.query.client.GQuery;
import com.google.gwt.query.client.plugins.MousePlugin;
import com.google.gwt.query.client.plugins.Plugin;
import com.google.gwt.query.client.plugins.events.GqEvent;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.DraggableOptions.DragFunction;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.DraggableOptions.HelperType;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.DraggableOptions.RevertOption;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.DraggableOptions.SelectFunction;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.events.BeforeDragStartEvent;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.events.DragContext;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.events.DragEvent;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.events.DragStartEvent;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.events.DragStopEvent;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.events.DraggableSelectedEvent;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.events.DraggableUnselectedEvent;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.plugins.CursorPlugin;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.plugins.DraggablePlugin;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.plugins.GroupSelectedPlugin;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.plugins.OpacityPlugin;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.plugins.ScrollPlugin;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.plugins.SnapPlugin;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.plugins.StackPlugin;
import gwtquery.plugins.draggable.client.plugins.ZIndexPlugin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Draggable plugin for GwtQuery
public class Draggable extends MousePlugin {
* Interface containing all css classes used in this plug-in
public static interface CssClassNames {
String GWT_DRAGGABLE = "gwtQuery-draggable";
String GWT_DRAGGABLE_DISABLED = "gwtQuery-draggable-disabled";
String GWT_DRAGGABLE_DRAGGING = "gwtQuery-draggable-dragging";
private class DragCaller extends StartCaller {
public DragCaller(DragContext ctx, DraggableHandler dragHandler, GqEvent e) {
super(ctx, dragHandler, e);
public void call(DraggablePlugin plugin) {
plugin.onDrag(dragHandler, ctx, e);
private static interface PluginCaller {
void call(DraggablePlugin plugin);
private class StartCaller implements PluginCaller {
protected DragContext ctx;
protected DraggableHandler dragHandler;
protected GqEvent e;
public StartCaller(DragContext ctx, DraggableHandler dragHandler, GqEvent e) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.dragHandler = dragHandler;
this.e = e;
public void call(DraggablePlugin plugin) {
plugin.onStart(dragHandler, ctx, e);
private class StopCaller extends StartCaller {
public StopCaller(DragContext ctx, DraggableHandler dragHandler, GqEvent e) {
super(ctx, dragHandler, e);
public void call(DraggablePlugin plugin) {
plugin.onStop(dragHandler, ctx, e);
public static final Class<Draggable> Draggable = Draggable.class;
public static final String DRAGGABLE_HANDLER_KEY = "draggableHandler";
static List<Element> selectedDraggables;
private static Map<String, DraggablePlugin> draggablePlugins;
// Register the plugin in GQuery
static {
GQuery.registerPlugin(Draggable.class, new Plugin<Draggable>() {
public Draggable init(GQuery gq) {
return new Draggable(gq);
// register the different draggable plugins
registerDraggablePlugin(new OpacityPlugin());
registerDraggablePlugin(new ScrollPlugin());
registerDraggablePlugin(new CursorPlugin());
registerDraggablePlugin(new ZIndexPlugin());
registerDraggablePlugin(new StackPlugin());
registerDraggablePlugin(new SnapPlugin());
registerDraggablePlugin(new GroupSelectedPlugin());
selectedDraggables = new ArrayList<Element>();
* Register a draggable plugin that will be called during the drag operation
* @param plugin
public static void registerDraggablePlugin(DraggablePlugin plugin) {
if (draggablePlugins == null) {
draggablePlugins = new HashMap<String, DraggablePlugin>();
draggablePlugins.put(plugin.getName(), plugin);
private static void trigger(GwtEvent<?> e, DragFunction callback,
DragContext dragContext, HasHandlers handlerManager) {
if (handlerManager != null && e != null) {
if (callback != null) {
private boolean dragStart = false;
* Constructor
* @param gq
protected Draggable(GQuery gq) {
* Remove the draggable behavior to the selected elements. This method
* releases resources used by the plugin and should be called when an element
* is removed of the DOM.
* @return
public Draggable destroy() {
for (Element e : elements()) {
return this;
* Make the selected elements draggable with default options
* @return
public Draggable draggable() {
return draggable(new DraggableOptions(), null);
* Make the selected elements draggable by using the <code>options</code>
* @param options options to use during the drag operation
* @return
public Draggable draggable(DraggableOptions options) {
return draggable(options, null);
* Make the selected elements draggable by using the <code>options</code>. All
* drag events will be fired on the <code>eventBus</code>
* @param options options to use during the drag operation
* @param eventBus The eventBus to use to fire events.
* @return
public Draggable draggable(DraggableOptions options, HasHandlers eventBus) {
this.eventBus = eventBus;
for (Element e : elements()) {
if (options.getHelperType() == HelperType.ORIGINAL
&& !positionIsFixedAbsoluteOrRelative(e.getStyle().getPosition())) {
if (options.isDisabled()) {
DraggableHandler handler = new DraggableHandler(options);
$(e).data(DRAGGABLE_HANDLER_KEY, handler);
return this;
* Make the selected elements draggable with default options. All drag events
* will be fired on the <code>eventBus</code>
* @param eventBus The eventBus to use to fire events.
* @return
public Draggable draggable(HasHandlers eventBus) {
return draggable(new DraggableOptions(), eventBus);
* Get the {@link DraggableOptions} for the first element.
* @return
public DraggableOptions options() {
DraggableHandler handler = data(DRAGGABLE_HANDLER_KEY,
if (handler != null) {
return handler.getOptions();
return null;
* Set the DraggableOptions on each element.
* @param options
* @return
public Draggable options(DraggableOptions options) {
for (Element e : elements()) {
DraggableHandler handler = $(e).data(DRAGGABLE_HANDLER_KEY,
if (handler != null) {
return this;
protected String getPluginName() {
return "draggable";
protected boolean mouseCapture(Element draggable, GqEvent event) {
DraggableHandler handler = $(draggable).data(DRAGGABLE_HANDLER_KEY,
return handler != null && handler.getHelper() == null
&& !handler.getOptions().isDisabled()
&& isHandleClicked(draggable, event);
protected boolean mouseClick(Element element, GqEvent event) {
// react on click event only if no metakey is pressed, if no drag occurs and
// if more than one element are selected
if (!event.isMetaKeyPressed() && !dragStart
&& selectedDraggables.size() > 1) {
DraggableHandler dragHandler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(element);
DraggableOptions options = dragHandler.getOptions();
select(element, options.getSelectedClassName());
dragStart = false;
return !event.isMetaKeyPressed();
protected boolean mouseDown(Element draggable, GqEvent event) {
DraggableHandler dragHandler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(draggable);
DraggableOptions options = dragHandler.getOptions();
if (!options.isMultipleSelection()) {
// ensure all previously selected element are unselected
} else {
if (event.isMetaKeyPressed()) {
if (selectedDraggables.contains(draggable)) {
} else if (canBeSelected(draggable, dragHandler)) {
select(draggable, options.getSelectedClassName());
} else if (!selectedDraggables.contains(draggable)) {
// if no meta key pressed and if the draggable is not selected ,
// deselect all and select the draggable.
select(draggable, options.getSelectedClassName());
return super.mouseDown(draggable, event) && !event.isMetaKeyPressed();
protected boolean mouseDrag(Element currentDraggable, GqEvent event) {
dragStart = true;
boolean result = false;
DragContext ctx = new DragContext(currentDraggable, currentDraggable,
result |= mouseDragImpl(ctx,
DraggableHandler.getInstance(currentDraggable), event, false);
for (Element draggable : selectedDraggables) {
if (draggable != currentDraggable) {
ctx = new DragContext(draggable, currentDraggable, selectedDraggables);
result |= mouseDragImpl(ctx, DraggableHandler.getInstance(draggable),
event, false);
return result;
protected boolean mouseStart(Element currentDraggable, GqEvent event) {
boolean result = false;
DraggableHandler dragHandler = getHandler(currentDraggable);
DraggableOptions options = dragHandler.getOptions();
// if the currentDraggable have not the same scope has the other selected
// draggable or doesn't accept multi selection, unselect all
if (!canBeSelected(currentDraggable, dragHandler)
|| !options.isMultipleSelection()) {
// if the currentDraggable is not yet selected and can be selected,
// select it
if (!selectedDraggables.contains(currentDraggable)
&& canBeSelected(currentDraggable, dragHandler)
&& options.isMultipleSelection()) {
GWT.log("select element");
select(currentDraggable, options.getSelectedClassName());
// select other draggable elements if select options is set
SelectFunction selectFunction = options.getSelect();
if (selectFunction != null) {
GQuery followers = selectFunction.selectElements();
followers.each(new Function() {
public void f(Element e) {
DraggableHandler handler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(e);
if (handler != null) {
GWT.log("Select automatic selected element " + e.getId());
select(e, handler.getOptions().getSelectedClassName());
// first call mouseStart for the initial draggable
DragContext ctx = new DragContext(currentDraggable, currentDraggable,
result |= mouseStartImpl(ctx, event);
// call mouseStartImpl for the others
for (Element draggable : selectedDraggables) {
if (draggable != currentDraggable) {
ctx = new DragContext(draggable, currentDraggable, selectedDraggables);
result |= mouseStartImpl(ctx, event);
return result;
protected boolean mouseStop(Element initialDraggable, final GqEvent event) {
boolean result = false;
DragContext ctx = new DragContext(initialDraggable, initialDraggable,
result |= mouseStopImpl(ctx, event);
for (Element draggable : selectedDraggables) {
if (draggable != initialDraggable) {
ctx = new DragContext(draggable, initialDraggable, selectedDraggables);
result |= mouseStopImpl(ctx, event);
DraggableOptions options = getOptions(initialDraggable);
// deselect automatic selected elements
// select other draggable elements if select options is set
SelectFunction selectFunction = options.getSelect();
if (selectFunction != null) {
GQuery followers = selectFunction.selectElements();
for (Element e : followers.elements()) {
return result;
private void callPlugins(PluginCaller caller, DraggableOptions options) {
for (DraggablePlugin plugin : draggablePlugins.values()) {
if (plugin.hasToBeExecuted(options)) {
private boolean canBeSelected(Element draggable, DraggableHandler handler) {
if (selectedDraggables.isEmpty()) {
return true;
String selectedScope = DraggableHandler.getInstance(
String currentScope = handler.getOptions().getScope();
return currentScope.equals(selectedScope);
private DragAndDropManager getDragAndDropManager() {
return DragAndDropManager.getInstance();
private DraggableHandler getHandler(Element draggable) {
return DraggableHandler.getInstance(draggable);
private DraggableOptions getOptions(Element draggable) {
DraggableHandler handler = getHandler(draggable);
return handler != null ? handler.getOptions() : null;
private boolean isHandleClicked(Element draggable, final GqEvent event) {
DraggableOptions options = getOptions(draggable);
// if no handle or if specified handle is not inside the draggable element,
// continue
if (options.getHandle() == null
|| $(options.getHandle(), draggable).length() == 0) {
return true;
// OK, we have a valid handle, check if we are clicking on the handle object
// or one of its descendants
GQuery handleAndDescendant = $(options.getHandle(), draggable).find("*").andSelf();
for (Element e : handleAndDescendant.elements()) {
if (e == event.getEventTarget().cast()) {
return true;
return false;
* implementation of mouse drag
private boolean mouseDragImpl(DragContext ctx, DraggableHandler dragHandler,
GqEvent event, boolean noPropagation) {
Element draggable = ctx.getDraggable();
if (!noPropagation) {
callPlugins(new DragCaller(ctx, dragHandler, event),
try {
trigger(new DragEvent(ctx), dragHandler.getOptions().getOnDrag(), ctx);
} catch (UmbrellaException e) {
for (Throwable t : e.getCauses()) {
if (t instanceof StopDragException) {
mouseStop(draggable, event);
return false;
if (getDragAndDropManager().isHandleDroppable(ctx)) {
getDragAndDropManager().drag(ctx, event);
return false;
private boolean mouseStartImpl(final DragContext ctx, final GqEvent event) {
Element draggable = ctx.getDraggable();
final DraggableHandler dragHandler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(draggable);
DraggableOptions options = dragHandler.getOptions();
try {
trigger(new BeforeDragStartEvent(ctx), options.getOnBeforeDragStart(),
} catch (UmbrellaException e) {
for (Throwable t : e.getCauses()) {
if (t instanceof StopDragException) {
return false;
dragHandler.createHelper(draggable, event);
dragHandler.initialize(draggable, event);
callPlugins(new StartCaller(ctx, dragHandler, event), options);
try {
trigger(new DragStartEvent(ctx), options.getOnDragStart(), ctx);
} catch (UmbrellaException e) {
for (Throwable t : e.getCauses()) {
if (t instanceof StopDragException) {
mouseStop(draggable, event);
return false;
if (getDragAndDropManager().isHandleDroppable(ctx)) {
getDragAndDropManager().initialize(ctx, event);
// defer the mouseDragImpl to be sure that all selected draggable are
// initialized
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
mouseDragImpl(ctx, dragHandler, event, true);
return true;
private boolean mouseStopImpl(final DragContext ctx, final GqEvent event) {
final Element draggable = ctx.getDraggable();
final DraggableHandler handler = getHandler(draggable);
final DraggableOptions options = handler.getOptions();
boolean dropped = isDropped(ctx, event);
if (draggable == null) {
return false;
RevertOption revertOption = options.getRevert();
if (revertOption.doRevert(dropped)) {
handler.revertToOriginalPosition(new Function() {
public void f(Element e) {
callPlugins(new StopCaller(ctx, handler, event), options);
triggerDragStop(ctx, options);
return false;
callPlugins(new StopCaller(ctx, handler, event), options);
triggerDragStop(ctx, options);
return false;
private boolean isDropped(DragContext ctx, GqEvent event) {
boolean dropped = false;
if (ctx.getDraggable() == ctx.getInitialDraggable()) {
if (getDragAndDropManager().isHandleDroppable(ctx)) {
dropped = getDragAndDropManager().drop(ctx, event);
$(ctx.getInitialDraggable()).data("_is_dropped", dropped);
} else {
dropped = $(ctx.getInitialDraggable()).data("_is_dropped", Boolean.class);
return dropped;
private native boolean positionIsFixedAbsoluteOrRelative(String position) /*-{
return (/^(?:r|a|f)/).test(position);
private void select(Element draggable, String selectedCssClass) {
if (selectedDraggables.contains(draggable)) {
if (selectedCssClass != null) {
GWT.log("trigger DraggableSelectedEvent");
trigger(new DraggableSelectedEvent(draggable),
getOptions(draggable).getOnSelected(), draggable);
private void unselect(Element draggable) {
DraggableHandler handler = DraggableHandler.getInstance(draggable);
DraggableOptions options = handler.getOptions();
if (options.getSelectedClassName() != null) {
GWT.log("trigger DraggableUnselectedEvent");
trigger(new DraggableUnselectedEvent(draggable), options.getOnUnselected(),
private void trigger(GwtEvent<?> e, DragFunction callback,
DragContext dragContext) {
trigger(e, callback, dragContext, eventBus);
* Use a deferred command to be sure that this event is trigger after the
* possible drop event.
* @param draggable
* @param options
private void triggerDragStop(final DragContext ctx,
final DraggableOptions options) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
trigger(new DragStopEvent(ctx), options.getOnDragStop(), ctx);
private void unselectAll() {
// TODO concurent modification list !
while (selectedDraggables.size() != 0) {