* This is part of SketchChair, an open-source tool for designing your own furniture.
* www.sketchchair.cc
* Copyright (C) 2012, Diatom Studio ltd. Contact: hello@diatom.cc
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cc.sketchchair.core;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
import toxi.geom.Vec2D;
* Measure tool used to measure anything in SketchChair.
* @author gregsaul
public class MeasureTool implements Clickable {
public static void measure(float maxX, float minX, float maxY, float minY,
PGraphics g) {
float measureLineLen = 30;
float measureLineModelOffset = 3;
float measureLineProportion = .9f;
float arrowWidth = 20;
float arrowHeight = 50;
float lenX = (Math.abs(maxX - minX) * SETTINGS.scale);
float lenY = (Math.abs(maxY - minY) * SETTINGS.scale);
lenX = Math.round(lenX);
lenY = Math.round(lenY);
g.line(minX - measureLineModelOffset, maxY, minX - measureLineLen
+ measureLineModelOffset, maxY);
g.line(minX - measureLineModelOffset, minY, minX - measureLineLen
+ measureLineModelOffset, minY);
Vec2D arrowSideBottom = new Vec2D(minX + measureLineModelOffset
- (measureLineLen * measureLineProportion), maxY);
Vec2D arrowSideTop = new Vec2D(minX + measureLineModelOffset
- (measureLineLen * measureLineProportion), minY);
g.line(arrowSideTop.x, arrowSideTop.y, arrowSideBottom.x,
g.triangle(arrowSideTop.x, arrowSideTop.y, arrowSideTop.x + arrowWidth
/ 2, arrowSideTop.y + arrowHeight, arrowSideTop.x - arrowWidth
/ 2, arrowSideTop.y + arrowHeight);
g.triangle(arrowSideBottom.x, arrowSideBottom.y, arrowSideBottom.x
+ arrowWidth / 2, arrowSideBottom.y - arrowHeight,
arrowSideBottom.x - arrowWidth / 2, arrowSideBottom.y
- arrowHeight);
Vec2D texPosY = arrowSideBottom.copy().sub(
texPosY.x -= 30;
g.textAlignY = PConstants.CENTER;
g.textSize((float) (12f / GLOBAL.getZOOM()));
g.text(Float.toString(lenY) + " :mm", texPosY.x, texPosY.y);
g.line(minX, minY - measureLineModelOffset, minX, minY - measureLineLen
+ measureLineModelOffset);
g.line(maxX, minY - measureLineModelOffset, maxX, minY - measureLineLen
+ measureLineModelOffset);
Vec2D arrowTopLeft = new Vec2D(minX, minY + measureLineModelOffset
- (measureLineLen * measureLineProportion));
Vec2D arrowTopRight = new Vec2D(maxX, minY + measureLineModelOffset
- (measureLineLen * measureLineProportion));
g.line(arrowTopLeft.x, arrowTopLeft.y, arrowTopRight.x, arrowTopRight.y);
g.triangle(arrowTopLeft.x, arrowTopLeft.y,
arrowTopLeft.x + arrowHeight, arrowTopLeft.y + arrowWidth / 2,
arrowTopLeft.x + arrowHeight, arrowTopLeft.y - arrowWidth / 2);
g.triangle(arrowTopRight.x, arrowTopRight.y, arrowTopRight.x
- arrowHeight, arrowTopRight.y + arrowWidth / 2,
arrowTopRight.x - arrowHeight, arrowTopRight.y - arrowWidth / 2);
Vec2D textPosX = arrowTopLeft.copy().sub(
textPosX.y -= 10;
g.textAlign = PConstants.CENTER;
g.text(Float.toString(lenX) + " :mm", textPosX.x, textPosX.y);
Vec2D startPoint = null;
Vec2D currentPoint = null;
public void mouseClicked() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mouseDragged() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mousePressed() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mousePressed(float mouseX, float mouseY) {
if (GLOBAL.uiTools.getCurrentTool() == UITools.MEASURE_TOOL) {
if (startPoint == null)
startPoint = new Vec2D(mouseX, mouseY);
this.currentPoint = new Vec2D(mouseX, mouseY);
public void mouseReleased() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mouseReleased(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
startPoint = null;
public void render(PGraphics g) {
if (startPoint != null) {
MeasureTool.measure(Math.max(startPoint.x, currentPoint.x),
Math.min(startPoint.x, currentPoint.x),
Math.max(startPoint.y, currentPoint.y),
Math.min(startPoint.y, currentPoint.y), g);
g.rect(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, currentPoint.x - startPoint.x,
currentPoint.y - startPoint.y);