* CLAVIN (Cartographic Location And Vicinity INdexer)
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Berico Technologies
* http://clavin.bericotechnologies.com
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* LuceneGazetteerTest.java
package com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.query;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import com.bericotech.clavin.ClavinException;
import com.bericotech.clavin.extractor.LocationOccurrence;
import com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.FeatureCode;
import com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.GeoName;
import com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.query.FuzzyMode;
import com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.query.LuceneGazetteer;
import com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.query.QueryBuilder;
import com.bericotech.clavin.resolver.ResolvedLocation;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* Ensures non-heuristic matching and fuzzy matching features are working properly in {@link com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.query.LuceneGazetteer}.
public class LuceneGazetteerTest {
private static final File INDEX_DIRECTORY = new File("./IndexDirectory");
private LuceneGazetteer instance;
private QueryBuilder queryBuilder;
// expected geonameID numbers for given location names
int BOSTON_MA = 4930956;
int RESTON_VA = 4781530;
int FAIRFAX_COUNTY_VA = 4758041;
int VIRGINIA = 6254928;
int UNITED_STATES = 6252001;
int STRAßENHAUS_DE = 2826158;
int GUN_BARREL_CITY_TX = 4695535;
int USSR = 8354411;
//this convenience method turns an array of location name strings into a list of occurrences with fake positions.
//(useful for tests that don't care about position in the document)
public static List<LocationOccurrence> makeOccurrencesFromNames(String[] locationNames) {
List<LocationOccurrence> locations = new ArrayList<LocationOccurrence>(locationNames.length);
for (int i = 0; i < locationNames.length; ++i) {
locations.add(new LocationOccurrence(locationNames[i], i));
return locations;
public void setUp() throws ClavinException {
instance = new LuceneGazetteer(INDEX_DIRECTORY);
queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder().maxResults(1).fuzzyMode(FuzzyMode.OFF);
* Ensure {@link LuceneGazetteer#getClosestLocations} isn't choking on input.
public void testResolveLocations() throws ClavinException {
Object[][] testCases = new Object[][]{
new Object[]{"Reston", RESTON_VA, "Gazetteer failed exact String match"},
new Object[]{"reston", RESTON_VA, "Gazetteer failed on all lowercase"},
new Object[]{"RESTON", RESTON_VA, "Gazetteer failed on all uppercase"},
new Object[]{"Рестон", RESTON_VA, "Gazetteer failed on alternate name"},
new Object[]{"Straßenhaus", STRAßENHAUS_DE, "Gazetteer failed on UTF8 chars"}
for (Object[] test : testCases) {
// match a single location without fuzzy matching
// List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(new LocationOccurrence((String)test[0], 0), 1, false);
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.location((String) test[0]).build());
assertNotNull(String.format("%s: Null results list received from Gazetteer", test[0]), locs);
assertEquals(String.format("%s: Expected single result from Gazetteer", test[0]), 1, locs.size());
assertFalse(String.format("%s: Expected non-fuzzy result", test[0]), locs.get(0).isFuzzy());
assertEquals(String.format("%s: %s", test[0], test[2]), test[1], locs.get(0).getGeoname().getGeonameID());
* Test fuzzy matching.
public void testResolveLocations_Fuzzy() throws ClavinException {
Object[][] testCases = new Object[][]{
new Object[]{"Bostonn", BOSTON_MA, true, "Gazetteer failed on extra char"},
new Object[]{"Straßenhaus12", STRAßENHAUS_DE, true, "Gazetteer failed on extra chars"},
new Object[]{"Bostn", BOSTON_MA, true, "Gazetteer failed on missing char"},
new Object[]{"Straßenha", STRAßENHAUS_DE, true, "Gazetteer failed on missing chars"},
new Object[]{"Straßenhaus Airport", STRAßENHAUS_DE, true, "Gazetteer failed on extra term"},
// this query results in an exact match even though a term is missing
new Object[]{"Gun Barrel", GUN_BARREL_CITY_TX, false, "Gazetteer failed on missing term"}
for (Object[] test : testCases) {
// match a single location with fuzzy matching
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.location((String) test[0]).build());
assertNotNull(String.format("%s: Null results list received from Gazetteer", test[0]), locs);
assertEquals(String.format("%s: Expected single result from Gazetteer", test[0]), 1, locs.size());
assertEquals(String.format("%s: Unexpected fuzzy flag in result", test[0], test[2]), test[2], locs.get(0).isFuzzy());
assertEquals(String.format("%s: %s", test[0], test[3]), test[1], locs.get(0).getGeoname().getGeonameID());
* Verify that ancestry is loaded properly for all location resolution.
public void testResolveAncestry() throws ClavinException {
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.location("Reston").build());
assertNotNull("Null results list received from Gazetteer", locs);
assertEquals("Expected single result from Gazetteer", 1, locs.size());
GeoName geo = locs.get(0).getGeoname();
List<Integer> ancestryPath = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (geo != null) {
geo = geo.getParent();
List<Integer> expectedAncestryPath = Arrays.asList(RESTON_VA, FAIRFAX_COUNTY_VA, VIRGINIA, UNITED_STATES);
assertEquals("Expected ancestry path of Reston, Fairfax County, Virginia, United States", expectedAncestryPath, ancestryPath);
public void testResolveLocations_EmptyInput() throws ClavinException {
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.location("").build());
assertEquals("Expected empty results list for empty input.", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, locs);
public void testResolveLocations_WhitespaceInput() throws ClavinException {
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.location("\n \t\t \n").build());
assertEquals("Expected empty results list for whitespace input.", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, locs);
public void testResolveLocations_NullLocationOccurrence() throws ClavinException {
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.build());
assertEquals("Expected empty results list for null occurrence.", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, locs);
public void testResolveLocations_NullLocationName() throws ClavinException {
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.location((String) null).build());
assertEquals("Expected empty results list for null location name.", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, locs);
public void testResolveLocations_RestrictedParents() throws ClavinException {
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.build());
assertFalse("Expected at least one result", locs.isEmpty());
for (ResolvedLocation loc : locs) {
GeoName parent = loc.getGeoname();
while (parent != null && parent.getGeonameID() != UNITED_STATES) {
parent = parent.getParent();
assertNotNull(String.format("Expected to find United States [%d] as an ancestor. Key: %s; Loc: %s",
UNITED_STATES, loc.getGeoname().getParentAncestryKey(), loc), parent);
public void testResolveLocations_RestrictedCodes() throws ClavinException {
List<ResolvedLocation> locs = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.build());
assertFalse("Expected at least one result.", locs.isEmpty());
for (ResolvedLocation loc : locs) {
GeoName geo = loc.getGeoname();
// verify that all returned GeoNames are ADMD records
assertEquals(String.format("Incorrect feature code for location: %s", loc), FeatureCode.ADMD, geo.getFeatureCode());
// verify that all GeoNames are found in the United States
while (geo != null && geo.getGeonameID() != UNITED_STATES) {
geo = geo.getParent();
assertNotNull(String.format("Expected to find United States [%d] as an ancestor. Key: %s; Loc: %s",
UNITED_STATES, loc.getGeoname().getParentAncestryKey(), loc), geo);
* Ensures Lucene isn't choking on reserved words or unescaped characters.
public void testSanitizedInput() {
String[] locations = {"OR", "IN", "A + B", "A+B", "A +B", "A+ B", "A OR B", "A IN B", "A / B", "A \\ B",
"Dallas/Fort Worth Airport", "New Delhi/Chennai", "Falkland ] Islands", "Baima ] County",
"MUSES \" City Hospital", "North \" Carolina State"};
for (String loc : locations) {
try {
} catch (ClavinException e) {
fail(String.format("Input sanitization failed for string '%s': %s", loc, e.getMessage()));
* Tests some border cases involving the resolver.
public void testBorderCases() throws ClavinException {
// ensure we get no matches for this crazy String
LocationOccurrence loc = new LocationOccurrence("jhadghaoidhg", 0);
assertTrue("Gazetteer fuzzy off, no match", instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.fuzzyMode(FuzzyMode.OFF).build()).isEmpty());
assertTrue("Gazetteer fuzzy on, no match", instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.fuzzyMode(FuzzyMode.NO_EXACT).build()).isEmpty());
* Ensure exception is thrown when trying to read non-existent index.
public void testNonExistentIndex() throws ClavinException {
new LuceneGazetteer(new File("./IMAGINARY_FILE"));
* Ensure correct GeoName is returned when searched for by ID.
public void testGetGeoName() throws ClavinException {
Object[][] testCases = new Object[][]{
new Object[]{RESTON_VA, "Reston, VA"},
new Object[]{BOSTON_MA, "Boston, MA"},
new Object[]{STRAßENHAUS_DE, "Straßenhaus, DE"},
new Object[]{GUN_BARREL_CITY_TX, "Gun Barrell City, TX"}
for (Object[] test : testCases) {
GeoName geoname = instance.getGeoName((Integer) test[0]);
assertNotNull(String.format("Unexpected null returned by Gazetteer for '%s'", test[1]), geoname);
assertEquals(String.format("Expected GeoName ID [%d] for '%s'", test[0], test[1]), test[0], geoname.getGeonameID());
* Ensure null GeoName is returned when ID is not found.
public void testGetNullGeoName() throws ClavinException {
assertNull("Expected null GeoName for unknown ID [-1]", instance.getGeoName(-1));
* Ensure historical records are not matched by getClosestActiveLocations.
public void testFindHistoricalLocations() throws ClavinException {
LocationOccurrence sovietUnion = new LocationOccurrence("Soviet Union", 0);
List<ResolvedLocation> withHistorical = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.includeHistorical(true).build());
List<ResolvedLocation> activeOnly = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.includeHistorical(false).build());
// verify that historical Soviet Union is found when searching all locations
assertEquals("expected only one result for Soviet Union with historical", 1, withHistorical.size());
assertEquals("unexpected ID for Soviet Union", USSR, withHistorical.get(0).getGeoname().getGeonameID());
// verify that historical Soviet Union is not included in active only results
for (ResolvedLocation loc : activeOnly) {
assertNotEquals("Soviet Union should not be in active only results", USSR, loc.getGeoname().getGeonameID());
* Ensure locations are properly filtered when filterDupes is enabled.
public void testFilterDupes() throws ClavinException {
// without filtering, query for london should return the same results several times; with filtering
// all results should be unique
List<ResolvedLocation> unfiltered = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.filterDupes(false).build());
Set<Integer> unfilteredIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (ResolvedLocation loc : unfiltered) {
assertNotEquals("Expected fewer IDs than results for unfiltered query.", unfiltered.size(), unfilteredIds.size());
List<ResolvedLocation> filtered = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.filterDupes(true).build());
Set<Integer> filteredIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (ResolvedLocation loc : filtered) {
assertEquals("Expected same number of IDs and results for filtered query.", filtered.size(), filteredIds.size());
* Ensure fuzzy mode behavior works properly.
public void testFuzzyMode() throws ClavinException {
List<ResolvedLocation> noFuzzy = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
List<ResolvedLocation> fuzzyNoExact = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
List<ResolvedLocation> fuzzyFill = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
int maxResults = 0;
// increase max results until we are forced to fuzzy fill or there are no more
// results available; this shouldn't happen, but if it does we need to short-circuit
// the test and find a new query to avoid infinite loops; note this will cause the test to fail
while (noFuzzy.size() == fuzzyFill.size() && fuzzyFill.size() == maxResults) {
maxResults += 10;
noFuzzy = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.fuzzyMode(FuzzyMode.OFF).build());
fuzzyNoExact = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.fuzzyMode(FuzzyMode.NO_EXACT).build());
fuzzyFill = instance.getClosestLocations(queryBuilder.fuzzyMode(FuzzyMode.FILL).build());
// lond matches at least one location exactly and should have no fuzzy results (and identical results) when operating
// in FuzzyMode.OFF and FuzzyMode.NO_EXACT.
assertEquals("Expected OFF and FUZZY_NO_EXACT results to be identical.", noFuzzy, fuzzyNoExact);
for (ResolvedLocation loc : noFuzzy) {
assertFalse(String.format("Unexpected (OFF) fuzzy result: %s", loc), loc.isFuzzy());
for (ResolvedLocation loc : fuzzyNoExact) {
assertFalse(String.format("Unexpected (FUZZY_NO_EXACT) fuzzy result: %s", loc), loc.isFuzzy());
// when FILL is enabled, we should have the exact matches followed by fuzzy matches up to
// the max results
assertEquals("Expected results filled to maximum number.", maxResults, fuzzyFill.size());
assertTrue(String.format("Expected more results in fuzzy fill than no fuzzy but was: %d > %d", fuzzyFill.size(), noFuzzy.size()),
fuzzyFill.size() > noFuzzy.size());
for (int idx=0; idx < maxResults; idx++) {
if (idx < noFuzzy.size()) {
// results should be identical for exact matches
assertEquals("Expected FUZZY_FILL results to start with OFF results.", noFuzzy.get(idx), fuzzyFill.get(idx));
} else {
// filled results should be fuzzy matches
assertTrue(String.format("Unexpected non-fuzzy result: %s", fuzzyFill.get(idx)), fuzzyFill.get(idx).isFuzzy());