package com.bericotech.clavin.resolver;
import com.bericotech.clavin.ClavinException;
import com.bericotech.clavin.extractor.LocationOccurrence;
import com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.query.LuceneGazetteer;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* CLAVIN (Cartographic Location And Vicinity INdexer)
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Berico Technologies
* ====================================================================
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* ====================================================================
* Resolves location names into GeoName objects.
* Takes location names extracted from unstructured text documents by
* {@link com.bericotech.clavin.extractor.LocationExtractor} and resolves them into the appropriate
* geographic entities (as intended by the document's author based on
* context) by finding the best match in a gazetteer.
* @deprecated 2.0.0 Use {@link ClavinLocationResolver}
public class LuceneLocationResolver implements LocationResolver {
public final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LuceneLocationResolver.class);
private final ClavinLocationResolver delegate;
// maximum number of matches to be fetched from Lucene index
// (i.e., search depth) -- use a value of 1 to simply retrieve the
// matching geo entity having the highest population
private int maxHitDepth;
// maximum number of adjacent location name to consider during
// heuristic matching (i.e., search breadth) -- use a value of 1 to
// turn off context-based heuristics
private int maxContextWindow;
* Builds a {@link LuceneLocationResolver} by loading a pre-built Lucene
* index from disk and setting configuration parameters for
* resolving location names to GeoName objects.
* @param indexDir Lucene index directory to be loaded
* @param maxHitDepth number of candidate matches to consider
* @param maxContextWindow how much context to consider when resolving
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
* @deprecated 2.0.0 Use {@link ClavinLocationResolver}
public LuceneLocationResolver(File indexDir, int maxHitDepth, int maxContextWindow) throws IOException, ParseException {
logger.warn("LuceneLocationResolver is deprecated. Use ClavinLocationResolver.");
try {
delegate = new ClavinLocationResolver(new LuceneGazetteer(indexDir));
} catch (ClavinException ce) {
Throwable t = ce.getCause();
if (t instanceof ParseException) {
throw (ParseException)t;
} else if (t instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException)t;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error initializing LuceneLocationResolver.", ce);
* Resolves the supplied list of location names into
* {@link ResolvedLocation}s containing {@link com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.GeoName} objects.
* Calls {@link com.bericotech.clavin.gazetteer.query.Gazetteer#getClosestLocations} on
* each location name to find all possible matches, then uses
* heuristics to select the best match for each by calling
* {@link ClavinLocationResolver#pickBestCandidates}.
* @param locations list of location names to be resolved
* @param fuzzy switch for turning on/off fuzzy matching
* @return list of {@link ResolvedLocation} objects
* @throws ParseException
* @throws IOException
* @deprecated 2.0.0 Use {@link ClavinLocationResolver#resolveLocations(java.util.List, boolean)} or
* {@link ClavinLocationResolver#resolveLocations(java.util.List, int, int, boolean)}
public List<ResolvedLocation> resolveLocations(List<LocationOccurrence> locations, boolean fuzzy) throws IOException, ParseException {
logger.warn("LuceneLocationResolver is deprecated. Use ClavinLocationResolver.");
try {
return delegate.resolveLocations(locations, maxHitDepth, maxContextWindow, fuzzy);
} catch (ClavinException ce) {
Throwable t = ce.getCause();
if (t instanceof ParseException) {
throw (ParseException)t;
} else if (t instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException)t;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error resolving locations.", ce);