* Copyright 2008-2011 Grant Ingersoll, Thomas Morton and Drew Farris
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* -------------------
* To purchase or learn more about Taming Text, by Grant Ingersoll, Thomas Morton and Drew Farris, visit
* http://www.manning.com/ingersoll
package com.tamingtext.qa;
import com.tamingtext.texttamer.solr.NameFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermVectorMapper;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermVectorOffsetInfo;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanNearQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanTermQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.spans.Spans;
import org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.core.PluginInfo;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.apache.solr.handler.component.ResponseBuilder;
import org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchComponent;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.apache.solr.search.DocList;
import org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher;
import org.apache.solr.util.plugin.PluginInfoInitialized;
import org.apache.solr.util.plugin.SolrCoreAware;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Given a SpanQuery, get windows around the matches and rank those results
public class PassageRankingComponent extends SearchComponent implements PluginInfoInitialized, SolrCoreAware, QAParams {
private transient static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PassageRankingComponent.class);
static final String NE_PREFIX_LOWER = NameFilter.NE_PREFIX.toLowerCase();
public static final int DEFAULT_PRIMARY_WINDOW_SIZE = 25;
public static final int DEFAULT_ADJACENT_WINDOW_SIZE = 25;
public static final int DEFAULT_SECONDARY_WINDOW_SIZE = 25;
public static final float DEFAULT_ADJACENT_WEIGHT = 0.5f;
public static final float DEFAULT_SECOND_ADJACENT_WEIGHT = 0.25f;
public static final float DEFAULT_BIGRAM_WEIGHT = 1.0f;
public void init(PluginInfo pluginInfo) {
public void inform(SolrCore solrCore) {
public void prepare(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {
SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
if (!params.getBool(COMPONENT_NAME, false)) {
public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {
SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
if (!params.getBool(COMPONENT_NAME, false)) {
Query origQuery = rb.getQuery();
//TODO: longer term, we don't have to be a span query, we could re-analyze the document
if (origQuery != null) {
if (origQuery instanceof SpanNearQuery == false) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Illegal query type. The incoming query must be a Lucene SpanNearQuery and it was a " + origQuery.getClass().getName());
SpanNearQuery sQuery = (SpanNearQuery) origQuery;
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = rb.req.getSearcher();
IndexReader reader = searcher.getIndexReader();
Spans spans = sQuery.getSpans(reader);
//Assumes the query is a SpanQuery
//Build up the query term weight map and the bi-gram
Map<String, Float> termWeights = new HashMap<String, Float>();
Map<String, Float> bigramWeights = new HashMap<String, Float>();
createWeights(params.get(CommonParams.Q), sQuery, termWeights, bigramWeights, reader);
float adjWeight = params.getFloat(ADJACENT_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_ADJACENT_WEIGHT);
float secondAdjWeight = params.getFloat(SECOND_ADJ_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_SECOND_ADJACENT_WEIGHT);
float bigramWeight = params.getFloat(BIGRAM_WEIGHT, DEFAULT_BIGRAM_WEIGHT);
//get the passages
int primaryWindowSize = params.getInt(QAParams.PRIMARY_WINDOW_SIZE, DEFAULT_PRIMARY_WINDOW_SIZE);
int adjacentWindowSize = params.getInt(QAParams.ADJACENT_WINDOW_SIZE, DEFAULT_ADJACENT_WINDOW_SIZE);
int secondaryWindowSize = params.getInt(QAParams.SECONDARY_WINDOW_SIZE, DEFAULT_SECONDARY_WINDOW_SIZE);
WindowBuildingTVM tvm = new WindowBuildingTVM(primaryWindowSize, adjacentWindowSize, secondaryWindowSize);
PassagePriorityQueue rankedPassages = new PassagePriorityQueue();
//intersect w/ doclist
DocList docList = rb.getResults().docList;
while (spans.next() == true) {
//build up the window
if (docList.exists(spans.doc())) {
tvm.spanStart = spans.start();
tvm.spanEnd = spans.end();
reader.getTermFreqVector(spans.doc(), sQuery.getField(), tvm);
//The entries map contains the window, do some ranking of it
if (tvm.passage.terms.isEmpty() == false) {
log.debug("Candidate: Doc: {} Start: {} End: {} ",
new Object[]{spans.doc(), spans.start(), spans.end()});
tvm.passage.lDocId = spans.doc();
tvm.passage.field = sQuery.getField();
//score this window
try {
addPassage(tvm.passage, rankedPassages, termWeights, bigramWeights, adjWeight, secondAdjWeight, bigramWeight);
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Internal error cloning Passage", e);
//clear out the entries for the next round
NamedList qaResp = new NamedList();
rb.rsp.add("qaResponse", qaResp);
int rows = params.getInt(QA_ROWS, 5);
SchemaField uniqField = rb.req.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField();
if (rankedPassages.size() > 0) {
int size = Math.min(rows, rankedPassages.size());
Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Passage passage = rankedPassages.pop();
if (passage != null) {
NamedList passNL = new NamedList();
qaResp.add(("answer"), passNL);
String idName;
String idValue;
if (uniqField != null) {
idName = uniqField.getName();
fields.add(passage.field);//prefetch this now, so that it is cached
idValue = searcher.doc(passage.lDocId, fields).get(idName);
} else {
idName = "luceneDocId";
idValue = String.valueOf(passage.lDocId);
passNL.add(idName, idValue);
passNL.add("field", passage.field);
//get the window
String fldValue = searcher.doc(passage.lDocId, fields).get(passage.field);
if (fldValue != null) {
//get the window of words to display, we don't use the passage window, as that is based on the term vector
int start = passage.terms.first().start;//use the offsets
int end = passage.terms.last().end;
if (start >= 0 && start < fldValue.length() &&
end >= 0 && end < fldValue.length()) {
passNL.add("window", fldValue.substring(start, end + passage.terms.last().term.length()));
} else {
log.debug("Passage does not have correct offset information");
passNL.add("window", fldValue);//we don't have offsets, or they are incorrect, return the whole field value
} else {
protected float scoreTerms(SortedSet<WindowTerm> terms, Map<String, Float> termWeights, Set<String> covered) {
float score = 0f;
for (WindowTerm wTerm : terms) {
Float tw = (Float) termWeights.get(wTerm.term);
if (tw != null && !covered.contains(wTerm.term)) {
score += tw.floatValue();
return (score);
protected float scoreBigrams(SortedSet<WindowTerm> bigrams, Map<String, Float> bigramWeights, Set<String> covered) {
float result = 0;
for (WindowTerm bigram : bigrams) {
Float tw = (Float) bigramWeights.get(bigram.term);
if (tw != null && !covered.contains(bigram.term)) {
result += tw.floatValue();
return result;
* A fairly straightforward and simple scoring approach based on http://trec.nist.gov/pubs/trec8/papers/att-trec8.pdf.
* <br/>
* Score the {@link com.tamingtext.qa.PassageRankingComponent.Passage} as the sum of:
* <ul>
* <li>The sum of the IDF values for the primary window terms ({@link com.tamingtext.qa.PassageRankingComponent.Passage#terms}</li>
* <li>The sum of the weights of the terms of the adjacent window ({@link com.tamingtext.qa.PassageRankingComponent.Passage#prevTerms} and {@link com.tamingtext.qa.PassageRankingComponent.Passage#followTerms}) * adjWeight</li>
* <li>The sum of the weights terms of the second adjacent window ({@link com.tamingtext.qa.PassageRankingComponent.Passage#secPrevTerms} and {@link com.tamingtext.qa.PassageRankingComponent.Passage#secFollowTerms}) * secondAdjWeight</li>
* <li>The sum of the weights of any bigram matches for the primary window * biWeight</li>
* </ul>
* In laymen's terms, this is a decay function that gives higher scores to matching terms that are closer to the anchor
* term (where the query matched, in the middle of the window) than those that are further away.
* @param p The {@link com.tamingtext.qa.PassageRankingComponent.Passage} to score
* @param termWeights The weights of the terms, key is the term, value is the inverse doc frequency (or other weight)
* @param bigramWeights The weights of the bigrams, key is the bigram, value is the weight
* @param adjWeight The weight to be applied to the adjacent window score
* @param secondAdjWeight The weight to be applied to the secondary adjacent window score
* @param biWeight The weight to be applied to the bigram window score
* @return The score of passage
//<start id="qa.scorePassage"/>
protected float scorePassage(Passage p, Map<String, Float> termWeights,
Map<String, Float> bigramWeights,
float adjWeight, float secondAdjWeight,
float biWeight) {
Set<String> covered = new HashSet<String>();
float termScore = scoreTerms(p.terms, termWeights, covered);//<co id="prc.main"/>
float adjScore = scoreTerms(p.prevTerms, termWeights, covered) +
scoreTerms(p.followTerms, termWeights, covered);//<co id="prc.adj"/>
float secondScore = scoreTerms(p.secPrevTerms, termWeights, covered)
+ scoreTerms(p.secFollowTerms, termWeights, covered);//<co id="prc.sec"/>
//Give a bonus for bigram matches in the main window, could also
float bigramScore = scoreBigrams(p.bigrams, bigramWeights, covered);//<co id="prc.bigrams"/>
float score = termScore + (adjWeight * adjScore) +
(secondAdjWeight * secondScore)
+ (biWeight * bigramScore);//<co id="prc.score"/>
return (score);
<callout arearefs="prc.main"><para>Score the terms in the main window</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="prc.adj"><para>Score the terms in the window immediately to the left and right of the main window</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="prc.sec"><para>Score the terms in the windows adjacent to the previous and following windows</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="prc.bigrams"><para>Score any bigrams in the passage</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="prc.score"><para>The final score for the passage is a combination of all the scores, each weighted separately. A bonus is given for any bigram matches.</para></callout>
//<end id="qa.scorePassage"/>
* Potentially add the passage to the PriorityQueue.
* @param p The passage to add
* @param pq The {@link org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue} to add the passage to if it ranks high enough
* @param termWeights The weights of the terms
* @param bigramWeights The weights of the bigrams
* @param adjWeight The weight to be applied to the score of the adjacent window
* @param secondAdjWeight The weight to be applied to the score of the second adjacent window
* @param biWeight The weight to be applied to the score of the bigrams
* @throws CloneNotSupportedException if not cloneable
private void addPassage(Passage p, PassagePriorityQueue pq, Map<String, Float> termWeights,
Map<String, Float> bigramWeights,
float adjWeight, float secondAdjWeight, float biWeight) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
p.score = scorePassage(p, termWeights, bigramWeights, adjWeight, secondAdjWeight, biWeight);
Passage lowest = pq.top();
if (lowest == null || pq.lessThan(p, lowest) == false || pq.size() < pq.capacity()) {
//by doing this, we can re-use the Passage object
Passage cloned = (Passage) p.clone();
//TODO: Do we care about the overflow?
protected void createWeights(String origQuery, SpanNearQuery parsedQuery,
Map<String, Float> termWeights,
Map<String, Float> bigramWeights, IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
SpanQuery[] clauses = parsedQuery.getClauses();
//we need to recurse through the clauses until we get to SpanTermQuery
Term lastTerm = null;
Float lastWeight = null;
for (int i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) {
SpanQuery clause = clauses[i];
if (clause instanceof SpanTermQuery) {
Term term = ((SpanTermQuery) clause).getTerm();
Float weight = calculateWeight(term, reader);
termWeights.put(term.text(), weight);
if (lastTerm != null) {//calculate the bi-grams
//use the smaller of the two weights
if (lastWeight.floatValue() < weight.floatValue()) {
bigramWeights.put(lastTerm + "," + term.text(), new Float(lastWeight.floatValue() * 0.25));
} else {
bigramWeights.put(lastTerm + "," + term.text(), new Float(weight.floatValue() * 0.25));
lastTerm = term;
lastWeight = weight;
} else {
//TODO: handle the other types
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Unhandled query type: " + clause.getClass().getName());
protected float calculateWeight(Term term, IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
//if a term is not in the index, then it's weight is 0
TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms(term);
if (termEnum != null && termEnum.term() != null && termEnum.term().equals(term)) {
return 1.0f / termEnum.docFreq();
} else {
log.warn("Couldn't find doc freq for term {}", term);
return 0;
class Passage implements Cloneable {
int lDocId;
String field;
float score;
SortedSet<WindowTerm> terms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
SortedSet<WindowTerm> prevTerms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
SortedSet<WindowTerm> followTerms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
SortedSet<WindowTerm> secPrevTerms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
SortedSet<WindowTerm> secFollowTerms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
SortedSet<WindowTerm> bigrams = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
Passage() {
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
Passage result = (Passage) super.clone();
result.terms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
for (WindowTerm term : terms) {
result.terms.add((WindowTerm) term.clone());
result.prevTerms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
for (WindowTerm term : prevTerms) {
result.prevTerms.add((WindowTerm) term.clone());
result.followTerms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
for (WindowTerm term : followTerms) {
result.followTerms.add((WindowTerm) term.clone());
result.secPrevTerms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
for (WindowTerm term : secPrevTerms) {
result.secPrevTerms.add((WindowTerm) term.clone());
result.secFollowTerms = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
for (WindowTerm term : secFollowTerms) {
result.secFollowTerms.add((WindowTerm) term.clone());
result.bigrams = new TreeSet<WindowTerm>();
for (WindowTerm term : bigrams) {
result.bigrams.add((WindowTerm) term.clone());
return result;
public void clear() {
class PassagePriorityQueue extends PriorityQueue<Passage> {
PassagePriorityQueue() {
PassagePriorityQueue(int maxSize) {
public int capacity() {
return getHeapArray().length;
public boolean lessThan(Passage passageA, Passage passageB) {
if (passageA.score == passageB.score)
return passageA.lDocId > passageB.lDocId;
return passageA.score < passageB.score;
//Not thread-safe, but should be lightweight to build
* The PassageRankingTVM is a Lucene TermVectorMapper that builds a five different windows around a matching term.
* This Window can then be used to rank the passages
class WindowBuildingTVM extends TermVectorMapper {
//spanStart and spanEnd are the start and positions of where the match occurred in the document
//from these values, we can calculate the windows
int spanStart, spanEnd;
Passage passage;
private int primaryWS, adjWS, secWS;
public WindowBuildingTVM(int primaryWindowSize, int adjacentWindowSize, int secondaryWindowSize) {
this.primaryWS = primaryWindowSize;
this.adjWS = adjacentWindowSize;
this.secWS = secondaryWindowSize;
passage = new Passage();//reuse the passage, since it will be cloned if it makes it onto the priority queue
public void map(String term, int frequency, TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offsets, int[] positions) {
if (positions.length > 0 && term.startsWith(NameFilter.NE_PREFIX) == false && term.startsWith(NE_PREFIX_LOWER) == false) {//filter out the types, as we don't need them here
//construct the windows, which means we need a bunch of bracketing variables to know what window we are in
//start and end of the primary window
int primStart = spanStart - primaryWS;
int primEnd = spanEnd + primaryWS;
// stores the start and end of the adjacent previous and following
int adjLBStart = primStart - adjWS;
int adjLBEnd = primStart - 1;//don't overlap
int adjUBStart = primEnd + 1;//don't o
int adjUBEnd = primEnd + adjWS;
//stores the start and end of the secondary previous and the secondary following
int secLBStart = adjLBStart - secWS;
int secLBEnd = adjLBStart - 1; //don't overlap the adjacent window
int secUBStart = adjUBEnd + 1;
int secUBEnd = adjUBEnd + secWS;
WindowTerm lastWT = null;
for (int i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {//unfortunately, we still have to loop over the positions
//we'll make this inclusive of the boundaries, do an upfront check here so we can skip over anything that is outside of all windows
if (positions[i] >= secLBStart && positions[i] <= secUBEnd) {
//fill in the windows
WindowTerm wt;
//offsets aren't required, but they are nice to have
if (offsets != null){
wt = new WindowTerm(term, positions[i], offsets[i].getStartOffset(), offsets[i].getEndOffset());
} else {
wt = new WindowTerm(term, positions[i]);
if (positions[i] >= primStart && positions[i] <= primEnd) {//are we in the primary window
//we are only going to keep bigrams for the primary window. You could do it for the other windows, too
if (lastWT != null) {
WindowTerm bigramWT = new WindowTerm(lastWT.term + "," + term, lastWT.position);//we don't care about offsets for bigrams
lastWT = wt;
} else if (positions[i] >= secLBStart && positions[i] <= secLBEnd) {//are we in the secondary previous window?
} else if (positions[i] >= secUBStart && positions[i] <= secUBEnd) {//are we in the secondary following window?
} else if (positions[i] >= adjLBStart && positions[i] <= adjLBEnd) {//are we in the adjacent previous window?
} else if (positions[i] >= adjUBStart && positions[i] <= adjUBEnd) {//are we in the adjacent following window?
public void setExpectations(String field, int numTerms, boolean storeOffsets, boolean storePositions) {
// do nothing for this example
//See also the PositionBasedTermVectorMapper.
class WindowTerm implements Cloneable, Comparable<WindowTerm> {
String term;
int position;
int start, end = -1;
WindowTerm(String term, int position, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
this.term = term;
this.position = position;
this.start = startOffset;
this.end = endOffset;
public WindowTerm(String s, int position) {
this.term = s;
this.position = position;
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();
public int compareTo(WindowTerm other) {
int result = position - other.position;
if (result == 0) {
result = term.compareTo(other.term);
return result;
public String toString() {
return "WindowEntry{" +
"term='" + term + '\'' +
", position=" + position +
public String getDescription() {
return "Question Answering PassageRanking";
public String getVersion() {
return "$Revision:$";
public String getSourceId() {
return "$Id:$";
public String getSource() {
return "$URL:$";