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import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;


public class BlockTest {

  public void setUp() {

  public void testBooleanAnd() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject_testBooleanAnd").method(
        "foo: a bar: b ^a and: [b]").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_bar_", Object.class, Object.class);
    assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, method.invoke(fooObject, true, true));
    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, method.invoke(fooObject, true, false));
    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, method.invoke(fooObject, false, true));
    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, method.invoke(fooObject, false, false));

  public void testBooleanOr() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject_testBooleanOr").method(
        "foo: a bar: b ^a or: [b]").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_bar_", Object.class, Object.class);
    assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, method.invoke(fooObject, true, true));
    assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, method.invoke(fooObject, true, false));
    assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, method.invoke(fooObject, false, true));
    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, method.invoke(fooObject, false, false));

  public void testEmptyBlockReturnsNil() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject_testEmptyBlockReturnsNil").method(
        "foo ^[] value").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo");
    assertEquals(null, method.invoke(fooObject));

  public void testCleanBlock() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject").method(
        "foo: bar\n" + "  | block |\n" + "  block := [:a | a + 4].\n"
            + "  ^block value: bar").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(7), method.invoke(fooObject, 3));

  public void testTwoArgCleanBlock() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject_testTwoArgCleanBlock").method(
        "foo: foo bar: bar\n" + "  | block |\n" + "  block := [:a :b| a + b].\n"
            + "  ^block value: foo value: bar").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_bar_", Object.class, Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(7), method.invoke(fooObject, 3, 4));

  public void testCopyingBlock() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject_testCopyingBlock")
        .method("foo: bar\n" + "  | block |\n"
            + "  block := [:a | a + bar].\n" + "  ^block value: 4")

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(7), method.invoke(fooObject, 3));

  public void testCopyingBlockWithSelfReference()
      throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException,
      IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
      InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder(
        .method("foo ^11")
        .method("foo: bar\n" + "  | block |\n"
            + "  block := [:a | a + bar + self foo].\n"
            + "  ^block value: 4").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(18), method.invoke(fooObject, 3));

  public void testFullBlock() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject_testFullBlock")
        .method("foo: bar\n" + "  | block |\n" + "  block := [^1].\n"
            + "  bar ifFalse:  [block value].\n" + "  ^2").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), method.invoke(fooObject, true));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), method.invoke(fooObject, false));

  public void testFullCopyingBlock() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder(
        "foo: bar\n" + "  | block a |\n" + "  a := 1.\n"
            + "  block := [^a].\n"
            + "  bar ifFalse:  [block value].\n" + "  ^2").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), method.invoke(fooObject, true));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), method.invoke(fooObject, false));

  public void testReadOuterTemp1() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder(
        "foo: bar\n" + "| a ar aw |\n" + "a := 0.\n"
            + "ar := [a + 7].\n" + "a := bar.  \n" + "^ar value")

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(9), method.invoke(fooObject, 2));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(8), method.invoke(fooObject, 1));

  public void testReadWriteOuterTemp() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder(
        "foo: bar\n" + "| a ar aw |\n" + "a := 0.\n" + "ar := [a].\n"
            + "aw := [:x | a := x + 7].\n" + "aw value: bar.  \n"
            + "^ar value").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(9), method.invoke(fooObject, 2));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(8), method.invoke(fooObject, 1));

  public void testReadWriteOuterTempDoubleNested()
      throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException,
      IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
      InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder(
        "foo: bar\n" + "| a ar aw |\n" + "a := 0.\n"
            + "ar := [[a] value].\n"
            + "aw := [:x | [:y | a := y + 7] value: x].\n"
            + "aw value: bar.  \n" + "^ar value").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(9), method.invoke(fooObject, 2));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(8), method.invoke(fooObject, 1));

  public void testNestedReturn() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject_testNestedReturn")
        .method("foo: bar\n" + "| a ar aw |\n" + "a := 0.\n"
            + "ar := [[^a] value].\n"
            + "aw := [:x | [:y | a := y + 7] value: x].\n"
            + "aw value: bar.  \n" + "^ar value").build();

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(9), method.invoke(fooObject, 2));
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(8), method.invoke(fooObject, 1));

  public void testReadWriteInstVar() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder("FooObject_testReadWriteInstVar")
        .method("foo: bar\n" + "bar name: 'Fromage'.\n" + "^bar name")
    Class barClass = new ClassBuilder("BarObject_testReadWriteInstVar")
        .method("name: aString name := aString").method("name ^name")

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Object barObject = barClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals("Fromage", method.invoke(fooObject, barObject));

  public void testReadWriteInstVarInBlock() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder(
        "foo: bar\n" + "bar setNameInBlock: 'Fromage'.\n"
            + "^bar readNameInBlock").build();
    Class barClass = new ClassBuilder(
        .method("setNameInBlock: anObject\n"
            + "  [name := anObject] value")
        .method("readNameInBlock\n" + "  ^[name] value").instVar("name")

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Object barObject = barClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals("Fromage", method.invoke(fooObject, barObject));

  public void testReadWriteInstVarInNameBlock() throws NoSuchMethodException,
      SecurityException, IllegalAccessException,
      IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      InstantiationException {

    Class stClass = new ClassBuilder(
        "foo: bar\n" + "|bl|\n" + "bl := bar nameBlock.\n"
            + "bar setNameInBlock: 'Fromage'.\n" + "^bl value")
    Class barClass = new ClassBuilder(
        .method("setNameInBlock: anObject\n"
            + "  [name := anObject] value")
        .method("nameBlock\n" + "  ^[name]").instVar("name")

    Object fooObject = stClass.newInstance();
    Object barObject = barClass.newInstance();
    Method method = fooObject.getClass().getMethod("foo_", Object.class);
    assertEquals("Fromage", method.invoke(fooObject, barObject));


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