/* Copyright (c) 2013 RelayRides
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package com.relayrides.pushy.apns.util;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
* <p>A utility class for constructing JSON payloads suitable for inclusion in APNs push notifications. Payload builders
* are reusable, but are <em>not</em> thread-safe.</p>
* @author <a href="mailto:jon@relayrides.com">Jon Chambers</a>
* @see <a href="http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/Chapters/ApplePushService.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH100-SW1">
* Local and Push Notification Programming Guide - Apple Push Notification Service - The Notification Payload</a>
public class ApnsPayloadBuilder {
private String alertBody = null;
private String localizedAlertKey = null;
private String[] localizedAlertArguments = null;
private String launchImageFileName = null;
private boolean showActionButton = true;
private String localizedActionButtonKey = null;
private Integer badgeNumber = null;
private String soundFileName = null;
private String categoryName = null;
private boolean contentAvailable = false;
private static final String APS_KEY = "aps";
private static final String ALERT_KEY = "alert";
private static final String BADGE_KEY = "badge";
private static final String SOUND_KEY = "sound";
private static final String CATEGORY_KEY = "category";
private static final String CONTENT_AVAILABLE_KEY = "content-available";
private static final String ALERT_BODY_KEY = "body";
private static final String ACTION_LOC_KEY = "action-loc-key";
private static final String ALERT_LOC_KEY = "loc-key";
private static final String ALERT_ARGS_KEY = "loc-args";
private static final String LAUNCH_IMAGE_KEY = "launch-image";
private final HashMap<String, Object> customProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
private static final int DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 2048;
private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
* The name of the iOS default push notification sound ({@value DEFAULT_SOUND_FILENAME}).
* @see com.relayrides.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder#setSoundFileName(String)
public static final String DEFAULT_SOUND_FILENAME = "default";
* Constructs a new payload builder.
public ApnsPayloadBuilder() {
* <p>Sets the literal text of the alert message to be shown for the push notification. A literal alert message may
* not be set if a localized alert message key is already specified.</p>
* <p>By default, no message is shown.</p>
* @param alertBody the literal message to be shown for this push notification
* @see ApnsPayloadBuilder#setLocalizedAlertMessage(String, String[])
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setAlertBody(final String alertBody) {
if (alertBody != null && this.localizedAlertKey != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set a literal alert body when a localized alert key has already been set.");
this.alertBody = alertBody;
return this;
* <p>Sets the key of a message in the receiving app's localized string list to be shown for the push notification.
* The message in the app's string list may optionally have placeholders, which will be populated by values from the
* given {@code alertArguments}.</p>
* <p>By default, no message is shown.</p>
* @param localizedAlertKey a key to a string in the receiving app's localized string list
* @param alertArguments arguments to populate placeholders in the localized alert string; may be {@code null}
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setLocalizedAlertMessage(final String localizedAlertKey, final String[] alertArguments) {
if (localizedAlertKey != null && this.alertBody != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set a localized alert key when a literal alert body has already been set.");
if (localizedAlertKey == null && alertArguments != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set localized alert arguments without a localized alert message key.");
this.localizedAlertKey = localizedAlertKey;
this.localizedAlertArguments = alertArguments;
return this;
* <p>Sets the image to be shown when the receiving app launches in response to this push notification. According
* to Apple's documentation, this should be:</p>
* <blockquote>The filename of an image file in the application bundle; it may include the extension or omit it.
* The image is used as the launch image when users tap the action button or move the action slider. If this
* property is not specified, the system either uses the previous snapshot, uses the image identified by the
* {@code UILaunchImageFile} key in the application’s {@code Info.plist} file, or falls back to
* {@code Default.png}.</blockquote>
* @param launchImageFilename the filename of an image file in the receiving app's bundle to be shown when launching
* the app from the push notification
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setLaunchImageFileName(final String launchImageFilename) {
this.launchImageFileName = launchImageFilename;
return this;
* <p>Sets whether an "action" button should be shown if the push notification is displayed as an alert.
* If {@code true} and no localized action button key is set, the default label (defined by the receiving operating
* system) is used. If @{code true} and a localized action button key is set, the string for that key is used as
* the label of the action button. If {@code false}, no action button is shown under any circumstances</p>
* <p>By default, an action button will be shown.</p>
* @param showActionButton {@code true} to show an action button when the push notification is presented as an
* alert or {@code false} to show an alert with no action button
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setShowActionButton(final boolean showActionButton) {
this.showActionButton = showActionButton;
return this;
* <p>Sets the key of a string in the receiving app's localized string list to be used as the label of the
* "action" button if the push notification is displayed as an alert. By default, the OS-default label
* will be used for the action button.</p>
* @param localizedActionButtonKey a key to a string in the receiving app's localized string list
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setLocalizedActionButtonKey(final String localizedActionButtonKey) {
this.localizedActionButtonKey = localizedActionButtonKey;
return this;
* <p>Sets the number to display as the badge of the icon of the application that receives the push notification.
* If the badge number is 0, the badge is removed from the application icon. If {@code null}, the badge is left in
* its current state. By default, no change is made to the badge.</p>
* @param badgeNumber the number to display as the badge of application or {@code null} to leave the badge unchanged
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setBadgeNumber(final Integer badgeNumber) {
this.badgeNumber = badgeNumber;
return this;
* <p>Sets the name of the action category name for interactive remote notifications.</p>
* @param categoryName the action category name
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setCategoryName(final String categoryName) {
this.categoryName = categoryName;
return this;
* <p>Sets the name of the sound file to play when the push notification is received. According to Apple's
* documentation, the value here should be:</p>
* <blockquote>...the name of a sound file in the application bundle. The sound in this file is played as an alert.
* If the sound file doesn't exist or {@code default} is specified as the value, the default alert sound is
* played.</blockquote>
* <p>By default, no sound is included in the push notification.</p>
* @param soundFileName the name of the sound file to play, or {@code null} to send no sound
* @see com.relayrides.pushy.apns.util.ApnsPayloadBuilder#DEFAULT_SOUND_FILENAME
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setSoundFileName(final String soundFileName) {
this.soundFileName = soundFileName;
return this;
* <p>Sets whether the payload under construction should contain a flag that indicates that new content is available
* to be downloaded in the background by the receiving app. By default, no content availability flag is included
* in the payload.</p>
* @param contentAvailable {@code true} to include a flag that indicates that new content is available to be
* downloaded in the background or {@code false} otherwise
* @see <a href="https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/ManagingYourApplicationsFlow/ManagingYourApplicationsFlow.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH4-SW24">
* iOS App Programming Guide - App States and Multitasking - Background Execution and Multitasking - Implementing
* Long-Running Background Tasks</a>
public ApnsPayloadBuilder setContentAvailable(final boolean contentAvailable) {
this.contentAvailable = contentAvailable;
return this;
* <p>Adds a custom property to the payload. Values are mapped to JSON types according to the mapping table at
* <a href="https://code.google.com/p/json-simple/">https://code.google.com/p/json-simple/</a>.</p>
* <p>According to Apple's documentation:</p>
* <blockquote>Providers can specify custom payload values outside the Apple-reserved {@code aps} namespace. Custom
* values must use the JSON structured and primitive types: dictionary (object), array, string, number, and Boolean.
* You should not include customer information (or any sensitive data) as custom payload data. Instead, use it for
* such purposes as setting context (for the user interface) or internal metrics. For example, a custom payload
* value might be a conversation identifier for use by an instant-message client application or a timestamp
* identifying when the provider sent the notification. Any action associated with an alert message should not be
* destructive—for example, it should not delete data on the device.</blockquote>
* @param key the key of the custom property in the payload object
* @param value the value of the custom property
public ApnsPayloadBuilder addCustomProperty(final String key, final Object value) {
this.customProperties.put(key, value);
return this;
* <p>Returns a JSON representation of the push notification payload under construction. If the payload length is
* longer than the default maximum (2048 bytes), the literal alert body will be shortened if possible. If the alert
* body cannot be shortened or is not present, an {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.</p>
* @return a JSON representation of the payload under construction (possibly with an abbreviated alert body)
public String buildWithDefaultMaximumLength() {
return this.buildWithMaximumLength(DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
* <p>Returns a JSON representation of the push notification payload under construction. If the payload length is
* longer than the given maximum, the literal alert body will be shortened if possible. If the alert body cannot be
* shortened or is not present, an {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.</p>
* @param maximumPayloadLength the maximum length of the payload in bytes
* @return a JSON representation of the payload under construction (possibly with an abbreviated alert body)
public String buildWithMaximumLength(final int maximumPayloadLength) {
final JSONObject payload = new JSONObject();
final JSONObject aps = new JSONObject();
if (this.badgeNumber != null) {
aps.put(BADGE_KEY, this.badgeNumber);
if (this.soundFileName != null) {
aps.put(SOUND_KEY, this.soundFileName);
if (this.categoryName != null) {
aps.put(CATEGORY_KEY, this.categoryName);
if (this.contentAvailable) {
final Object alertObject = this.createAlertObject();
if (alertObject != null) {
aps.put(ALERT_KEY, alertObject);
payload.put(APS_KEY, aps);
for (final Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : this.customProperties.entrySet()) {
payload.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
final String payloadString = payload.toJSONString();
final int initialPayloadLength = payloadString.getBytes(UTF8).length;
if (initialPayloadLength <= maximumPayloadLength) {
return payloadString;
} else {
// TODO This could probably be more efficient
if (this.alertBody != null) {
this.replaceMessageBody(payload, "");
final int payloadLengthWithEmptyMessage = payload.toJSONString().getBytes(UTF8).length;
if (payloadLengthWithEmptyMessage > maximumPayloadLength) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payload exceeds maximum length even with an empty message body.");
int maximumMessageBodyLength = maximumPayloadLength - payloadLengthWithEmptyMessage;
this.replaceMessageBody(payload, this.abbreviateString(this.alertBody, maximumMessageBodyLength--));
while (payload.toJSONString().getBytes(UTF8).length > maximumPayloadLength) {
this.replaceMessageBody(payload, this.abbreviateString(this.alertBody, maximumMessageBodyLength--));
return payload.toJSONString();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Payload length is %d bytes (with a maximum of %d bytes) and cannot be shortened.",
initialPayloadLength, maximumPayloadLength));
private void replaceMessageBody(final JSONObject payload, final String messageBody) {
final JSONObject aps = (JSONObject) payload.get(APS_KEY);
final Object alert = aps.get(ALERT_KEY);
if (alert != null) {
if (alert instanceof String) {
aps.put(ALERT_KEY, messageBody);
} else {
final JSONObject alertObject = (JSONObject) alert;
if (alertObject.get(ALERT_BODY_KEY) != null) {
alertObject.put(ALERT_BODY_KEY, messageBody);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payload has no message body.");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payload has no message body.");
private final String abbreviateString(final String string, final int maximumLength) {
if (string.length() <= maximumLength) {
return string;
} else {
if (maximumLength <= 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot abbreviate string to fewer than three characters.");
// TODO Actually use a real ellipses character when https://code.google.com/p/json-simple/issues/detail?id=25 gets resolved
// TODO Make this locale-sensitive
return string.substring(0, maximumLength - 3) + "...";
private Object createAlertObject() {
if (this.hasAlertContent()) {
if (this.shouldRepresentAlertAsString()) {
return this.alertBody;
} else {
final JSONObject alert = new JSONObject();
if (this.alertBody != null) {
alert.put(ALERT_BODY_KEY, this.alertBody);
if (this.showActionButton) {
if (this.localizedActionButtonKey != null) {
alert.put(ACTION_LOC_KEY, this.localizedActionButtonKey);
} else {
// To hide the action button, the key needs to be present, but the value needs to be null
alert.put(ACTION_LOC_KEY, null);
if (this.localizedAlertKey != null) {
alert.put(ALERT_LOC_KEY, this.localizedAlertKey);
if (this.localizedAlertArguments != null) {
final JSONArray alertArgs = new JSONArray();
for (final String arg : this.localizedAlertArguments) {
alert.put(ALERT_ARGS_KEY, alertArgs);
if (this.launchImageFileName != null) {
alert.put(LAUNCH_IMAGE_KEY, this.launchImageFileName);
return alert;
} else {
return null;
* Checks whether the notification under construction has content that warrants an {@code alert} section.
* @return {@code true} if this notification should have an {@code alert} section or {@code false} otherwise
private boolean hasAlertContent() {
return this.alertBody != null ||
this.localizedAlertKey != null ||
this.localizedActionButtonKey != null ||
this.launchImageFileName != null ||
this.showActionButton == false;
* <p>Checks whether the alert message for the push notification should be represented as a string or a
* dictionary. According to Apple's documentation:</p>
* <blockquote>If you want the device to display the message text as-is in an alert that has both the Close and
* View buttons, then specify a string as the direct value of {@code alert}. Don't specify a dictionary as the
* value of {@code alert} if the dictionary only has the {@code body} property.</blockquote>
* @return {@code true} if the alert message (if present) should be represented as a string or {@code false} if it
* should be represented as a dictionary
private boolean shouldRepresentAlertAsString() {
return this.alertBody != null && this.launchImageFileName == null && this.showActionButton && this.localizedActionButtonKey == null;