/* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Timothy Wall, All Rights Reserved
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* <p/>
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.sun.jna;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference;
/** TODO: need more alignment tests, especially platform-specific behavior
* @author twall@users.sf.net
public class StructureTest extends TestCase {
private static final String UNICODE = "[\u0444]";
public static void main(java.lang.String[] argList) {
public void testSimpleSize() throws Exception {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
Structure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong size", 4, s.size());
public void testInitializeFromPointer() {
class TestStructureX extends Structure {
public int field1, field2;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field1", "field2" });
public TestStructureX() {
public TestStructureX(Pointer p) {
Structure s = new TestStructureX();
Pointer p = s.getPointer();
Structure s1 = new TestStructureX(p);
Pointer p1 = s1.getPointer();
assertEquals("Constructor address not used", p, p1);
assertFalse("Pointer should not be auto-allocated", p.getClass().equals(p1.getClass()));
assertNotSame("Initial pointer should not be used directly: " + p, p, p1);
public void testInitializeWithTypeMapper() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
public TestStructure(TypeMapper m) {
super(ALIGN_DEFAULT, m);
TypeMapper m = new DefaultTypeMapper();
TestStructure s = new TestStructure(m);
assertEquals("Type mapper not installed", m, s.getTypeMapper());
// must be public to populate array
public static class TestAllocStructure extends Structure {
public int f0;
public int f1;
public int f2;
public int f3;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3" });
public void testFieldsAllocated() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public TestStructure() { }
public TestStructure(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
public int fieldCount() { ensureAllocated(); return fields().size(); }
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong number of fields (default)", 1, s.fieldCount());
s = new TestStructure(new Memory(4));
assertEquals("Wrong number of fields (preallocated)", 1, s.fieldCount());
public void testProvidedMemoryTooSmall() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public TestStructure(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
try {
new TestStructure(new Memory(2));
fail("Expect exception if provided memory is insufficient");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
public void testClearOnAllocate() {
TestAllocStructure s = new TestAllocStructure();
assertEquals("Memory not cleared on structure init", 0, s.f0);
assertEquals("Memory not cleared on structure init", 0, s.f1);
assertEquals("Memory not cleared on structure init", 0, s.f2);
assertEquals("Memory not cleared on structure init", 0, s.f3);
s = (TestAllocStructure)s.toArray(2)[1];
assertEquals("Memory not cleared on array init", 0, s.f0);
assertEquals("Memory not cleared on array init", 0, s.f1);
assertEquals("Memory not cleared on array init", 0, s.f2);
assertEquals("Memory not cleared on array init", 0, s.f3);
// cross-platform smoke test
public void testGNUCAlignment() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public byte b;
public short s;
public int i;
public long l;
public float f;
public double d;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "b", "s", "i", "l", "f", "d" });
Structure s = new TestStructure();
final int SIZE = Native.MAX_ALIGNMENT == 8 ? 32 : 28;
assertEquals("Wrong structure size", SIZE, s.size());
// cross-platform smoke test
public void testMSVCAlignment() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public byte b;
public short s;
public int i;
public long l;
public float f;
public double d;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "b", "s", "i", "l", "f", "d" });
Structure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong structure size", 32, s.size());
public static abstract class FilledStructure extends Structure {
private boolean initialized;
protected void ensureAllocated() {
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
for (int i=0;i < size();i++) {
getPointer().setByte(i, (byte)0xFF);
// Do NOT change the order of naming w/o changing testlib.c as well
public static class TestStructure0 extends FilledStructure {
public byte field0 = 0x01;
public short field1 = 0x0202;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field0", "field1" });
public static class TestStructure1 extends FilledStructure {
public byte field0 = 0x01;
public int field1 = 0x02020202;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field0", "field1" });
public static class TestStructure2 extends FilledStructure {
public short field0 = 0x0101;
public int field1 = 0x02020202;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field0", "field1" });
public static class TestStructure3 extends FilledStructure {
public int field0 = 0x01010101;
public short field1 = 0x0202;
public int field2 = 0x03030303;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field0", "field1", "field2" });
public static class TestStructure4 extends FilledStructure {
public int field0 = 0x01010101;
public long field1 = 0x0202020202020202L;
public int field2 = 0x03030303;
public long field3 = 0x0404040404040404L;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field0", "field1", "field2", "field3" });
public static class TestStructure5 extends FilledStructure {
public long field0 = 0x0101010101010101L;
public byte field1 = 0x02;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field0", "field1" });
public interface SizeTest extends Library {
int getStructureSize(int type);
private void testStructureSize(int index) {
try {
SizeTest lib = (SizeTest)Native.loadLibrary("testlib", SizeTest.class);
Class cls = Class.forName(getClass().getName() + "$TestStructure" + index);
Structure s = Structure.newInstance(cls);
assertEquals("Incorrect size for structure " + index + "=>" + s.toString(true), lib.getStructureSize(index), s.size());
catch(Exception e) {
throw new Error(e);
public void testStructureSize0() {
public void testStructureSize1() {
public void testStructureSize2() {
public void testStructureSize3() {
public void testStructureSize4() {
public void testStructureSize5() {
public interface AlignmentTest extends Library {
int testStructureAlignment(Structure s, int type,
IntByReference offsetp, LongByReference valuep);
private void testAlignStruct(int index) {
AlignmentTest lib = (AlignmentTest)Native.loadLibrary("testlib", AlignmentTest.class);
try {
IntByReference offset = new IntByReference();
LongByReference value = new LongByReference();
Class cls = Class.forName(getClass().getName() + "$TestStructure" + index);
Structure s = (Structure)cls.newInstance();
int result = lib.testStructureAlignment(s, index, offset, value);
assertEquals("Wrong native value at field " + result
+ "=0x" + Long.toHexString(value.getValue())
+ " (actual native field offset=" + offset.getValue()
+ ") in " + s, -2, result);
catch(Exception e) {
throw new Error(e);
public void testAlignStruct0() {
public void testAlignStruct1() {
public void testAlignStruct2() {
public void testAlignStruct3() {
public void testAlignStruct4() {
public void testAlignStruct5() {
public void testStructureWithNoFields() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] {});
try {
new TestStructure();
fail("Structure should not be instantiable if it has no public member fields");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
public void testStructureWithOnlyNonPublicMemberFields() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] {"field"});
try {
new TestStructure();
fail("Structure should not be instantiable if it has no public member fields");
catch(Error e) {
// must be publicly accessible in order to create array elements
public static class PublicTestStructure extends Structure {
public static class ByValue extends PublicTestStructure implements Structure.ByValue {
public ByValue() { }
public ByValue(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public static class ByReference extends PublicTestStructure implements Structure.ByReference {
public ByReference() { }
public ByReference(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public int x = 1, y = 2;
public PublicTestStructure() { }
public PublicTestStructure(Pointer p) { super(p); read(); }
public static int allocations = 0;
protected void allocateMemory(int size) {
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "x", "y" });
public void testStructureField() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public PublicTestStructure s1, s2;
public int after;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "s1", "s2", "after" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
TestStructure s2 = new TestStructure();
assertNotNull("Inner structure should be initialized", s.s1);
assertNotNull("Inner structure should be initialized (cached)", s2.s1);
assertEquals("Wrong aggregate size",
s.s1.size() + s.s2.size() + 4, s.size());
assertEquals("Wrong memory for structure field 1 after write",
s.getPointer(), s.s1.getPointer());
assertEquals("Wrong memory for structure field 2 after write",
assertEquals("Wrong memory for structure field 1 after read",
s.getPointer(), s.s1.getPointer());
assertEquals("Wrong memory for structure field 2 after read",
public void testStructureByValueField() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public PublicTestStructure.ByValue s1, s2;
public int after;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "s1", "s2", "after" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
TestStructure s2 = new TestStructure();
assertNotNull("Inner structure should be initialized", s.s1);
assertNotNull("Inner structure should be initialized (cached)", s2.s1);
assertEquals("Wrong aggregate size",
s.s1.size() + s.s2.size() + 4, s.size());
assertEquals("Wrong memory for structure field 1 after write",
s.getPointer(), s.s1.getPointer());
assertEquals("Wrong memory for structure field 2 after write",
assertEquals("Wrong memory for structure field 1 after read",
s.getPointer(), s.s1.getPointer());
assertEquals("Wrong memory for structure field 2 after read",
static class TestUnion extends Union {
public int u_int;
public float u_float;
public double u_double;
public void testUnionField() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public long s_long;
public TestUnion s_union;
public int s_int;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "s_long", "s_union", "s_int" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong structure size", Native.MAX_PADDING == 4 ? 20 : 24, s.size());
assertEquals("Wrong union size", 8, s.s_union.size());
public static class NonAllocatingTestStructure extends PublicTestStructure {
public NonAllocatingTestStructure() { }
public NonAllocatingTestStructure(Pointer p) { super(p); read(); }
protected void allocateMemory(int size) {
throw new Error("Memory unexpectedly allocated");
// TODO: add'l newInstance(Pointer) tests:
// NOTE: ensure structure-by-value respected (no more flag on newjavastructure)
// native call (direct mode)
// getNativeAlignment
public void testStructureFieldAvoidsSeparateMemoryAllocation() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public NonAllocatingTestStructure s1;
public TestStructure() { }
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "s1" });
TestStructure ts = new TestStructure();
assertNotNull("Inner structure should be initialized", ts.s1);
public void testPrimitiveArrayField() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "buffer" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
TestStructure s2 = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong size for structure with nested array", 1024, s.size());
assertEquals("Wrong size for structure with nested array (cached)", 1024, s2.size());
assertNotNull("Array should be initialized", s.buffer);
assertNotNull("Array should be initialized (cached)", s2.buffer);
public void testStructureArrayField() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
// uninitialized array elements
public PublicTestStructure[] inner = new PublicTestStructure[2];
// initialized array elements
public PublicTestStructure[] inner2 = (PublicTestStructure[])
new PublicTestStructure().toArray(2);
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "inner", "inner2" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
int innerSize = new PublicTestStructure().size();
assertEquals("Wrong size for structure with nested array of struct",
s.inner.length * innerSize + s.inner2.length * innerSize,
Structure s0 = s.inner2[0];
Structure s1 = s.inner2[1];
assertNotNull("Inner array elements should auto-initialize after write", s.inner[0]);
assertSame("Inner array (2) element 0 reference should not be changed after write", s0, s.inner2[0]);
assertSame("Inner array (2) element 1 reference should not be changed after write", s1, s.inner2[1]);
s.inner[0].x = s.inner[1].x = -1;
s.inner2[0].x = s.inner2[1].x = -1;
assertEquals("Inner structure array element 0 not properly read",
0, s.inner[0].x);
assertEquals("Inner structure array element 1 not properly read",
0, s.inner[1].x);
// First element (after toArray()) should preserve values from field initializers
assertEquals("Inner structure array (2) element 0 not properly read",
1, s.inner2[0].x);
// Subsequent elements from toArray() are initialized from first's
// memory, which is zeroed
assertEquals("Inner structure array (2) element 1 not properly read",
0, s.inner2[1].x);
assertEquals("Wrong memory for uninitialized nested array",
s.getPointer(), s.inner[0].getPointer());
assertEquals("Wrong memory for initialized nested array",
s.getPointer().share(innerSize * s.inner.length),
public static class ToArrayTestStructure extends Structure {
public PublicTestStructure[] inner =
(PublicTestStructure[])new PublicTestStructure().toArray(2);
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "inner" });
public void testToArrayWithStructureArrayField() {
ToArrayTestStructure[] array =
(ToArrayTestStructure[])new ToArrayTestStructure().toArray(2);
assertEquals("Wrong address for top-level array element",
assertEquals("Wrong address for nested array element",
public void testUninitializedNestedArrayFails() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public Pointer[] buffer;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "buffer" });
Structure s = new TestStructure();
try {
fail("Size can't be calculated unless array fields are initialized");
catch(IllegalStateException e) {
public void testReadWriteStructure() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public TestStructure() {
// Have to do this due to inline primitive arrays
public boolean z; // native int
public byte b; // native char
public char c; // native wchar_t
public short s; // native short
public int i; // native int
public long l; // native long long
public float f; // native float
public double d; // native double
public byte[] ba = new byte[3];
public char[] ca = new char[3];
public short[] sa = new short[3];
public int[] ia = new int[3];
public long[] la = new long[3];
public float[] fa = new float[3];
public double[] da = new double[3];
public PublicTestStructure nested;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "z", "b", "c", "s", "i", "l", "f", "d", "ba", "ca", "sa", "ia", "la", "fa", "da", "nested" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
// set content of the structure
s.z = true;
s.b = 1;
s.c = 2;
s.s = 3;
s.i = 4;
s.l = 5;
s.f = 6.0f;
s.d = 7.0;
s.nested.x = 1;
s.nested.y = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
s.ba[i] = (byte) (8 + i);
s.ca[i] = (char) (11 + i);
s.sa[i] = (short) (14 + i);
s.ia[i] = 17 + i;
s.la[i] = 23 + i;
s.fa[i] = (float) 26 + i;
s.da[i] = (double) 29 + i;
// write content to memory
Pointer p = s.getPointer();
s = new TestStructure();
// read content from memory and compare field values
assertEquals("Wrong boolean field value after write/read", s.z, true);
assertEquals("Wrong byte field value after write/read", s.b, 1);
assertEquals("Wrong char field value after write/read", s.c, 2);
assertEquals("Wrong short field value after write/read", s.s, 3);
assertEquals("Wrong int field value after write/read", s.i, 4);
assertEquals("Wrong long field value after write/read", s.l, 5);
assertEquals("Wrong float field value after write/read", s.f, 6.0f, 0f);
assertEquals("Wrong double field value after write/read", s.d, 7.0, 0d);
assertEquals("Wrong nested struct field value after write/read (x)", s.nested.x, 1);
assertEquals("Wrong nested struct field value after write/read (y)", s.nested.y, 2);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assertEquals("Wrong byte array field value after write/read", s.ba[i], (byte) (8 + i));
assertEquals("Wrong char array field value after write/read", s.ca[i], (char) (11 + i));
assertEquals("Wrong short array field value after write/read", s.sa[i], (short) (14 + i));
assertEquals("Wrong int array field value after write/read", s.ia[i], 17 + i);
assertEquals("Wrong long array field value after write/read", s.la[i], 23 + i);
assertEquals("Wrong float array field value after write/read", s.fa[i], (float) 26 + i, 0f);
assertEquals("Wrong double array field value after write/read", s.da[i], (double) 29 + i, 0d);
// test constancy of references after read
int[] ia = s.ia;
assertTrue("Array field reference should be unchanged", ia == s.ia);
public void testNativeLongSize() throws Exception {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public NativeLong l;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "l" });
Structure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong size", NativeLong.SIZE, s.size());
public void testNativeLongRead() throws Exception {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int i;
public NativeLong l;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "i", "l" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
if (NativeLong.SIZE == 8) {
final long MAGIC = 0x1234567887654321L;
s.getPointer().setLong(8, MAGIC);
assertEquals("NativeLong field mismatch", MAGIC, s.l.longValue());
else {
final int MAGIC = 0xABEDCF23;
s.getPointer().setInt(4, MAGIC);
assertEquals("NativeLong field mismatch", MAGIC, s.l.intValue());
public void testNativeLongWrite() throws Exception {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int i;
public NativeLong l;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "i", "l" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
if (NativeLong.SIZE == 8) {
final long MAGIC = 0x1234567887654321L;
s.l = new NativeLong(MAGIC);
long l = s.getPointer().getLong(8);
assertEquals("NativeLong field mismatch", MAGIC, l);
else {
final int MAGIC = 0xABEDCF23;
s.l = new NativeLong(MAGIC);
int i = s.getPointer().getInt(4);
assertEquals("NativeLong field mismatch", MAGIC, i);
public void testMemoryField() {
class MemoryFieldStructure extends Structure {
public Memory m;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "m" });
new MemoryFieldStructure().size();
public void testDisallowFunctionPointerAsField() {
class BadFieldStructure extends Structure {
public Function cb;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "cb" });
try {
new BadFieldStructure().size();
fail("Function fields should not be allowed");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
public static class BadFieldStructure extends Structure {
public Object badField;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "badField" });
public void testUnsupportedField() {
class BadNestedStructure extends Structure {
public BadFieldStructure badStruct = new BadFieldStructure();
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "badStruct" });
try {
new BadFieldStructure();
fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException on bad field");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTrue("Exception should include field name: " + e,
e.getMessage().indexOf("badField") != -1);
try {
new BadNestedStructure();
fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException on bad field");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTrue("Exception should include enclosing type: " + e,
e.getMessage().indexOf(BadNestedStructure.class.getName()) != -1);
assertTrue("Exception should include nested field name: " + e,
e.getMessage().indexOf("badStruct") != -1);
assertTrue("Exception should include field name: " + e,
e.getMessage().indexOf("badField") != -1);
public void testToArray() {
final int allocated[] = { 0 };
PublicTestStructure.allocations = 0;
PublicTestStructure s = new PublicTestStructure();
PublicTestStructure[] array = (PublicTestStructure[])s.toArray(1);
assertEquals("Array should consist of a single element",
1, array.length);
assertEquals("First element should be original", s, array[0]);
array = (PublicTestStructure[])s.toArray(2);
assertEquals("Structure memory should be expanded", 2, array.length);
assertEquals("No memory should be allocated for new element", 1, PublicTestStructure.allocations);
assertEquals("Structure.read called on New element", 0, array[1].x);
public void testByReferenceArraySync() {
PublicTestStructure.ByReference s = new PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
PublicTestStructure.ByReference[] array =
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public PublicTestStructure.ByReference ref;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ref" });
TestStructure ts = new TestStructure();
ts.ref = s;
final int VALUE = 42;
array[0].x = VALUE;
array[1].x = VALUE;
assertEquals("Array element not written: " + array[0],
VALUE, array[0].getPointer().getInt(0));
assertEquals("Array element not written: " + array[1],
VALUE, array[1].getPointer().getInt(0));
array[0].getPointer().setInt(4, VALUE);
array[1].getPointer().setInt(4, VALUE);
assertEquals("Array element not read: " + array[0], VALUE, array[0].y);
assertEquals("Array element not read: " + array[1], VALUE, array[1].y);
static class CbStruct extends Structure {
public Callback cb;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "cb" });
public void testCallbackWrite() {
final CbStruct s = new CbStruct();
s.cb = new Callback() {
public void callback() {
Pointer func = s.getPointer().getPointer(0);
assertNotNull("Callback trampoline not set", func);
Map refs = CallbackReference.callbackMap;
assertTrue("Callback not cached", refs.containsKey(s.cb));
CallbackReference ref = (CallbackReference)refs.get(s.cb);
assertEquals("Wrong trampoline", ref.getTrampoline(), func);
public void testUninitializedArrayField() {
class UninitializedArrayFieldStructure extends Structure {
public byte[] array;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "array" });
try {
Structure s = new UninitializedArrayFieldStructure();
assertTrue("Invalid size: " + s.size(), s.size() > 0);
fail("Uninitialized array field should cause write failure");
catch(IllegalStateException e) {
public static class StructureWithArrayOfStructureField extends Structure {
public Structure[] array;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "array" });
public void testPlainStructureArrayField() {
try {
new StructureWithArrayOfStructureField();
fail("Structure[] should not be allowed as a field of Structure");
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
catch(Exception e) {
fail("Wrong exception thrown when Structure[] field encountered in a Structure: " + e);
public void testPointerArrayField() {
class ArrayOfPointerStructure extends Structure {
final static int SIZE = 10;
public Pointer[] array = new Pointer[SIZE];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "array" });
ArrayOfPointerStructure s = new ArrayOfPointerStructure();
int size = s.size();
assertEquals("Wrong size", ArrayOfPointerStructure.SIZE * Pointer.SIZE, size);
s.array[0] = s.getPointer();
s.array[0] = null;
assertEquals("Wrong first element", s.getPointer(), s.array[0]);
public void testVolatileStructureField() {
class VolatileStructure extends Structure {
public volatile int counter;
public int value;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "counter", "value" });
VolatileStructure s = new VolatileStructure();
s.counter = 1;
s.value = 1;
assertEquals("Volatile field should not be written", 0, s.getPointer().getInt(0));
assertEquals("Non-volatile field should be written", 1, s.getPointer().getInt(4));
assertEquals("Explicit volatile field write failed", 1, s.getPointer().getInt(0));
public static class StructureWithPointers extends Structure {
public PublicTestStructure.ByReference s1;
public PublicTestStructure.ByReference s2;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "s1", "s2" });
public void testStructureByReferenceField() {
StructureWithPointers s = new StructureWithPointers();
assertEquals("Wrong size for structure with structure references",
Pointer.SIZE * 2, s.size());
assertNull("Initial refs should be null", s.s1);
public void testRegenerateStructureByReferenceField() {
StructureWithPointers s = new StructureWithPointers();
PublicTestStructure.ByReference inner =
new PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
PublicTestStructure.allocations = 0;
s.s1 = inner;
s.s1 = null;
assertEquals("Inner structure not regenerated on read", inner, s.s1);
assertEquals("Inner structure should not allocate memory", 0, PublicTestStructure.allocations);
public void testPreserveStructureByReferenceWithUnchangedPointerOnRead() {
StructureWithPointers s = new StructureWithPointers();
PublicTestStructure.ByReference inner =
new PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
s.s1 = inner;
assertSame("Read should preserve structure object", inner, s.s1);
assertTrue("Read should preserve structure memory",
inner.getPointer() instanceof Memory);
public static class TestPointer extends PointerType { }
public void testPreservePointerFields() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public Pointer p = new Memory(256);
public TestPointer p2 = new TestPointer() {
{ setPointer(new Memory(256)); }
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "p", "p2" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
final Pointer p = s.p;
final TestPointer p2 = s.p2;
assertSame("Should preserve Pointer references if peer unchanged", p, s.p);
assertSame("Should preserve PointerType references if peer unchanged", p2, s.p2);
public void testPreserveStringFields() {
final String VALUE = getName();
final WString WVALUE = new WString(getName() + UNICODE);
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public String s;
public WString ws;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "s", "ws" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
Memory m = new Memory(VALUE.length()+1);
m.setString(0, VALUE);
Memory m2 = new Memory((WVALUE.length()+1)*Native.WCHAR_SIZE);
m2.setString(0, WVALUE);
s.getPointer().setPointer(0, m);
s.getPointer().setPointer(Pointer.SIZE, m2);
assertEquals("Wrong String field value", VALUE, s.s);
assertEquals("Wrong WString field value", WVALUE, s.ws);
assertEquals("String field should not be overwritten: " + s, m, s.getPointer().getPointer(0));
assertEquals("WString field should not be overwritten: " + s, m2, s.getPointer().getPointer(Pointer.SIZE));
// Ensure string cacheing doesn't interfere with wrapped structure writes.
public static class StructureFromPointer extends Structure {
public String s;
public WString ws;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "s", "ws" });
public StructureFromPointer(Pointer p) {
public StructureFromPointer() {
public void testInitializeStructureFieldWithStrings() {
class ContainingStructure extends Structure {
public StructureFromPointer inner;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "inner" });
final String VALUE = getName() + UNICODE;
final WString WVALUE = new WString(VALUE);
StructureFromPointer o = new StructureFromPointer();
o.s = VALUE;
o.ws = WVALUE;
StructureFromPointer t = new StructureFromPointer(o.getPointer());
assertEquals("String field not initialized", VALUE, t.s);
assertEquals("WString field not initialized", WVALUE, t.ws);
ContainingStructure outer = new ContainingStructure();
outer.inner = t;
assertEquals("Inner String field corrupted", VALUE, outer.inner.s);
assertEquals("Inner WString field corrupted", WVALUE, outer.inner.ws);
assertEquals("Native memory behind Inner String field not updated", VALUE, outer.inner.s);
assertEquals("Native memory behind Inner WString field not updated", WVALUE, outer.inner.ws);
public void testOverwriteStructureByReferenceFieldOnRead() {
StructureWithPointers s = new StructureWithPointers();
PublicTestStructure.ByReference inner =
new PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
PublicTestStructure.ByReference inner2 =
new PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
s.s1 = inner2;
s.s1 = inner;
assertNotSame("Read should overwrite structure reference", inner, s.s1);
public void testAutoWriteStructureByReferenceField() {
StructureWithPointers s = new StructureWithPointers();
s.s1 = new StructureTest.PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
s.s1.x = -1;
assertEquals("Structure.ByReference field not written automatically",
-1, s.s1.getPointer().getInt(0));
public void testStructureByReferenceArrayField() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public PublicTestStructure.ByReference[] array = new PublicTestStructure.ByReference[2];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "array" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong structure size", 2*Pointer.SIZE, s.size());
PublicTestStructure.ByReference ref = new PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
ref.x = 42;
Object aref = s.array;
s.array[0] = ref;
s.array[1] = new PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
assertSame("Array reference should not change", aref, s.array);
assertSame("Elements should not be overwritten when unchanged",
ref, s.array[0]);
s.array[0] = null;
assertNotSame("Null should be overwritten with a new ref", ref, s.array[0]);
assertNotNull("New ref should not be null", s.array[0]);
assertEquals("New ref should be equivalent", ref, s.array[0]);
public void testAutoReadWriteStructureByReferenceArrayField() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public PublicTestStructure.ByReference field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
s.field = new PublicTestStructure.ByReference();
PublicTestStructure.ByReference[] array =
final int VALUE = -1;
array[1].x = VALUE;
assertEquals("ByReference array member not auto-written",
VALUE, array[1].getPointer().getInt(0));
array[1].getPointer().setInt(0, VALUE*2);
assertEquals("ByReference array member not auto-read",
VALUE*2, array[1].x);
static class NestedTypeInfoStructure extends Structure {
public static class Inner extends Structure {
public int dummy;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "dummy" });
public Inner inner;
public int dummy;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "inner", "dummy" });
public static class size_t extends IntegerType {
public size_t() { this(0); }
public size_t(long value) { super(Native.POINTER_SIZE, value); }
/** Same structure as the internal representation, to be initialized from
* the internal FFIType native data.
class TestFFIType extends Structure {
// NOTE: this field is not normally initialized by libffi
// We force initialize by calling initialize_ffi_type
public size_t size;
public short alignment;
public short type;
public Pointer elements;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "size", "alignment", "type", "elements" });
public TestFFIType(Pointer p) {
assertTrue("Test FFIType type not initialized: " + this, this.type != 0);
// Force libffi to explicitly calculate the size field of
// this FFIType object
int size = Native.initialize_ffi_type(p.peer);
assertEquals("Test FFIType size improperly initialized: " + TestFFIType.this, size, TestFFIType.this.size.intValue());
public void testNestedStructureTypeInfo() {
NestedTypeInfoStructure s = new NestedTypeInfoStructure();
Pointer p = s.getTypeInfo();
assertNotNull("Type info should not be null", p);
TestFFIType ffi_type = new TestFFIType(p);
assertEquals("FFIType size mismatch: " + ffi_type, s.size(), ffi_type.size.intValue());
Pointer els = ffi_type.elements;
Pointer inner = s.inner.getTypeInfo();
assertEquals("Wrong type information for 'inner' field",
inner, els.getPointer(0));
assertEquals("Wrong type information for integer field",
Structure.getTypeInfo(new Integer(0)),
assertNull("Type element list should be null-terminated",
public void testInnerArrayTypeInfo() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int[] inner = new int[5];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "inner" });
Structure s = new TestStructure();
Pointer p = s.getTypeInfo();
assertNotNull("Type info should not be null", p);
TestFFIType ffi_type = new TestFFIType(p);
assertEquals("Wrong structure size", 20, s.size());
assertEquals("FFIType info size mismatch", s.size(), ffi_type.size.intValue());
public void testTypeInfoForNull() {
assertEquals("Wrong type information for 'null'",
Structure.getTypeInfo(new Pointer(0)),
public void testToString() {
// wce missing String.matches() and regex support
if (Platform.isWindowsCE()) return;
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int intField;
public PublicTestStructure inner;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "intField", "inner" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
System.setProperty("jna.dump_memory", "true");
final String EXPECTED = "(?m).*" + s.size() + " bytes.*\\{" + LS
+ " int intField@0=0" + LS
+ " .* inner@4=.*\\{" + LS
+ " int x@0=.*" + LS
+ " int y@4=.*" + LS
+ " \\}" + LS
+ "\\}" + LS
+ "memory dump" + LS
+ "\\[[0-9a-f]+\\]" + LS
+ "\\[[0-9a-f]+\\]" + LS
+ "\\[[0-9a-f]+\\]";
String actual = s.toString();
assertTrue("Improperly formatted toString(): expected "
+ EXPECTED + "\n" + actual,
System.setProperty("jna.dump_memory", "false");
assertFalse("Doesn't dump memory when jna.dump_memory is false",
s.toString().contains("memory dump"));
public void testNativeMappedWrite() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public ByteByReference ref;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ref" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
ByteByReference ref = s.ref = new ByteByReference();
assertEquals("Value not properly written", ref.getPointer(), s.getPointer().getPointer(0));
s.ref = null;
assertNull("Non-null value was written: " + s.getPointer().getPointer(0), s.getPointer().getPointer(0));
public void testNativeMappedRead() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public ByteByReference ref;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ref" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
assertNull("Should read null for initial field value", s.ref);
ByteByReference ref = new ByteByReference();
s.getPointer().setPointer(0, ref.getPointer());
assertEquals("Field incorrectly read", ref, s.ref);
s.getPointer().setPointer(0, null);
assertNull("Null field incorrectly read", s.ref);
public static class ROStructure extends Structure {
public final int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
// Initialize in ctor to avoid compiler replacing
// field references with a constant everywhere
field = 0;
private ROStructure avoidConstantFieldOptimization(ROStructure s) {
return s;
public void testReadOnlyField() {
if (!Platform.RO_FIELDS) {
try {
new ROStructure();
fail("Creation of a Structure with final fields should fail");
catch(Exception e) {
ROStructure s = new ROStructure();
s.getPointer().setInt(0, 42);
s = avoidConstantFieldOptimization(s);
assertEquals("Field value should be set from native", 42, s.field);
s.getPointer().setInt(0, 0);
s = avoidConstantFieldOptimization(s);
assertEquals("Field value not synched after native change", 0, s.field);
// Read-only fields should not be copied to native memory
s.getPointer().setInt(0, 42);
try { s.write(); } catch(UnsupportedOperationException e) { }
assertEquals("Field should not be written", 42, s.getPointer().getInt(0));
// Native changes should propagate to read-only fields
s = avoidConstantFieldOptimization(s);
assertEquals("Field value not synched after native change (2)", 42, s.field);
public void testNativeMappedArrayField() {
final int SIZE = 24;
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public NativeLong[] longs = new NativeLong[SIZE];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "longs" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong structure size", Native.LONG_SIZE * SIZE, s.size());
NativeLong[] aref = s.longs;
for (int i=0;i < s.longs.length;i++) {
s.longs[i] = new NativeLong(i);
for (int i=0;i < s.longs.length;i++) {
assertEquals("Value not written to memory at index " + i,
i, s.getPointer().getNativeLong(i * NativeLong.SIZE).intValue());
assertEquals("Array reference should remain unchanged on read",
aref, s.longs);
for (int i=0;i < s.longs.length;i++) {
assertEquals("Wrong value after read at index " + i,
i, s.longs[i].intValue());
public void testInitializeNativeMappedField() {
final long VALUE = 20;
final NativeLong INITIAL = new NativeLong(VALUE);
class TestStructure extends Structure {
// field overwritten, wrong value before write
// NL bug, wrong value written
{ setAlignType(ALIGN_NONE); }
public NativeLong nl = INITIAL;
public NativeLong uninitialized;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "nl", "uninitialized" });
TestStructure ts = new TestStructure();
TestStructure ts2 = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong value in field", VALUE, ts.nl.longValue());
assertSame("Initial value overwritten", INITIAL, ts.nl);
assertEquals("Wrong field value before write", VALUE, ts.nl.longValue());
assertNotNull("Uninitialized field should be initialized", ts.uninitialized);
assertNotNull("Uninitialized field should be initialized (cached)", ts2.uninitialized);
assertEquals("Wrong initialized value", 0, ts.uninitialized.longValue());
assertEquals("Wrong field value written", VALUE, ts.getPointer().getNativeLong(0).longValue());
assertEquals("Wrong field value written (2)", 0, ts.getPointer().getNativeLong(NativeLong.SIZE).longValue());
assertEquals("Wrong field value", VALUE, ts.nl.longValue());
assertEquals("Wrong field value (2)", 0, ts.uninitialized.longValue());
public void testThrowErrorOnMissingFieldOrderOnDerivedStructure() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int f1, f2;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "f1", "f2" });
class TestStructure2 extends TestStructure {
public int f3;
try {
new TestStructure2();
fail("Expected an error when structure fails to provide field order");
catch(Error e) {
public void testThrowErrorOnIncorrectFieldOrderNameMismatch() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int f1, f2;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "F1", "F2" });
try {
new TestStructure();
fail("Expected an error when creating a structure without mismatched field names");
catch(Error e) {
public void testThrowErrorOnIncorrectFieldOrderCount() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int f1, f2;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "f1", "f2", "f3" });
try {
new TestStructure();
fail("Expected an error when creating a structure with wrong number of fiels in getFieldOrder()");
catch(Error e) {
class XTestStructure extends Structure {
public int first = 1;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "first" }); }
class XTestStructureSub extends XTestStructure {
public int second = 2;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
List list = new ArrayList(super.getFieldOrder());
list.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "second" }));
return list;
public void testInheritedStructureFieldOrder() {
XTestStructureSub s = new XTestStructureSub();
assertEquals("Wrong size", 8, s.size());
assertEquals("Wrong first field: " + s,
s.first, s.getPointer().getInt(0));
assertEquals("Wrong second field: " + s,
s.second, s.getPointer().getInt(4));
public void testVariedStructureFieldOrder() {
final String[] ORDER = new String[] { "one", "two", "three" };
final String[] ORDER2 = new String[] { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" };
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int one = 1;
public int three = 3;
public int two = 2;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(ORDER);
class DerivedTestStructure extends TestStructure {
public int five = 5;
public int four = 4;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
List list = new ArrayList(super.getFieldOrder());
list.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "four", "five" }));
return list;
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong field order",
Arrays.asList(ORDER), s.getFieldOrder());
assertEquals("Wrong first field: " + s,
s.one, s.getPointer().getInt(0));
assertEquals("Wrong second field: " + s,
s.two, s.getPointer().getInt(4));
assertEquals("Wrong third field: " + s,
s.three, s.getPointer().getInt(8));
DerivedTestStructure s2 = new DerivedTestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong field order",
Arrays.asList(ORDER2), s2.getFieldOrder());
assertEquals("Wrong first field: " + s2,
s2.one, s2.getPointer().getInt(0));
assertEquals("Wrong second field: " + s2,
s2.two, s2.getPointer().getInt(4));
assertEquals("Wrong third field: " + s2,
s2.three, s2.getPointer().getInt(8));
assertEquals("Wrong derived field (1): " + s2,
s2.four, s2.getPointer().getInt(12));
assertEquals("Wrong derived field (2): " + s2,
s2.five, s2.getPointer().getInt(16));
public void testCustomTypeMapper() {
class TestField { }
final DefaultTypeMapper mapper = new DefaultTypeMapper() {
addTypeConverter(TestField.class, new TypeConverter() {
public Object fromNative(Object value, FromNativeContext context) {
return new TestField();
public Class nativeType() {
return String.class;
public Object toNative(Object value, ToNativeContext ctx) {
return value == null ? null : value.toString();
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public TestField field;
public TestStructure() {
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
Structure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong type mapper: " + s, mapper, s.getTypeMapper());
public void testWriteWithNullBoxedPrimitives() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public Boolean zfield;
public Integer field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "zfield", "field" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
assertNotNull("Field should not be null after read", s.field);
public void testStructureEquals() {
class OtherStructure extends Structure {
public int first;
public int[] second = new int[4];
public Pointer[] third = new Pointer[4];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "first", "second", "third" });
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int first;
public int[] second = new int[4];
public Pointer[] third = new Pointer[4];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "first", "second", "third" });
OtherStructure s0 = new OtherStructure();
TestStructure s1 = new TestStructure();
TestStructure s2 = new TestStructure();
TestStructure s3 = new TestStructure();
int VALUE = 99;
s1.first = s2.first = s3.first = VALUE;
assertFalse("Structures of different classes with same fields are not equal", s1.equals(s0));
assertFalse("Structures of different classes with same fields are not equal (reflexive)", s0.equals(s1));
assertFalse("Compare to null failed", s1.equals(null));
assertTrue("Equals is not reflexive", s1.equals(s1));
assertTrue("Equals failed on identical structures", s1.equals(s2));
assertTrue("Equals is not symmetric", s2.equals(s1));
assertTrue("Equals is not transitive", s1.equals(s2) && s2.equals(s3) && s1.equals(s3));
public void testStructureEqualsByValueByReference() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int first;
public int[] second = new int[4];
public Pointer[] third = new Pointer[4];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "first", "second", "third" });
class ByReference extends TestStructure implements Structure.ByReference { }
class ByValue extends TestStructure implements Structure.ByValue { }
TestStructure s1 = new TestStructure();
TestStructure s2 = new ByReference();
TestStructure s3 = new ByValue();
int VALUE = 99;
s1.first = s2.first = s3.first = VALUE;
assertTrue("Equals failed on identical ByReference", s1.equals(s2));
assertTrue("Equals is not symmetric (ByReference)", s2.equals(s1));
assertTrue("Equals failed on identical ByValue", s1.equals(s3));
assertTrue("Equals is not symmetric (ByValue)", s3.equals(s1));
assertTrue("Equals is not transitive (ByReference/ByValue)", s1.equals(s2) && s2.equals(s3) && s1.equals(s3));
public void testStructureHashCodeMatchesEqualsTrue() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int first;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "first" });
TestStructure s1 = new TestStructure();
TestStructure s2 = new TestStructure();
s1.first = s2.first = 0x12345678;
assertEquals("hashCode should match when structures equal",
s1.hashCode(), s2.hashCode());
public void testStructureEqualsIgnoresPadding() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public byte first;
public int second;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "first", "second" });
TestStructure s1 = new TestStructure();
TestStructure s2 = new TestStructure();
// Make padding bits non-zero
s2.getPointer().setInt(0, -1);
assertTrue("Structure equals should ignore padding", s1.equals(s2));
public void testRecursiveWrite() {
class TestStructureByRef extends Structure implements Structure.ByReference{
public TestStructureByRef(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public TestStructureByRef() { }
public int unique;
public TestStructureByRef s;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "unique", "s" });
TestStructureByRef s = new TestStructureByRef();
s.s = new TestStructureByRef();
s.unique = 1;
s.s.s = s;
s.s.unique = 2;
assertEquals("Structure field contents not written",
1, s.getPointer().getInt(0));
assertEquals("ByReference structure field contents not written",
2, s.s.getPointer().getInt(0));
s.s.unique = 0;
Structure value = s.s;
assertEquals("ByReference structure field not preserved", value, s.s);
assertEquals("ByReference structure field contents not read",
2, s.s.unique);
assertTrue("Temporary storage should be cleared",
public static class CyclicTestStructure extends Structure {
public static class ByReference extends CyclicTestStructure implements Structure.ByReference {}
public CyclicTestStructure(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public CyclicTestStructure() { }
public CyclicTestStructure.ByReference next;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "next" });
public void testCyclicRead() {
CyclicTestStructure s = new CyclicTestStructure();
s.next = new CyclicTestStructure.ByReference();
Structure value = s.next;
s.next.next = s.next;
assertEquals("ByReference structure field not preserved", value, s.next);
value = s.next;
s.next.next = null;
assertSame("ByReference structure field should reuse existing value",
value, s.next);
assertSame("Nested ByReference structure field should reuse existing value",
value, s.next.next);
public void testAvoidMemoryAllocationInPointerCTOR() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
public TestStructure(Pointer p) {
protected Memory autoAllocate(int size) {
fail("Memory should not be auto-allocated");
return null;
Memory p = new Memory(4);
Structure s = new TestStructure(p);
public void testPointerCTORWithInitializedFields() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int intField;
public byte[] arrayField = new byte[256];
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "intField", "arrayField" });
public TestStructure(Pointer p) {
read(); // Important!
Memory p = new Memory(260);
p.setInt(0, 1);
p.setByte(4, (byte)2);
p.setByte(5, (byte)3);
p.setByte(6, (byte)4);
p.setByte(7, (byte)5);
TestStructure s = new TestStructure(p);
assertEquals("Structure primitive field not initialized",
(byte)1, s.intField);
assertEquals("Structure primitive array field not initialized",
(byte)2, s.arrayField[0]);
assertEquals("Structure primitive array field not initialized",
(byte)3, s.arrayField[1]);
assertEquals("Structure primitive array field not initialized",
(byte)4, s.arrayField[2]);
assertEquals("Structure primitive array field not initialized",
(byte)5, s.arrayField[3]);
assertEquals("Wrong structure size", p.size(), s.size());
public static class TestByReferenceArrayField extends Structure {
public TestByReferenceArrayField() { }
public TestByReferenceArrayField(Pointer m) {
read(); // Important!
public int value1;
public ByReference[] array = new ByReference[13];
public int value2;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "value1", "array", "value2" });
public static class ByReference extends TestByReferenceArrayField implements Structure.ByReference { }
public static void testByReferenceArrayField() {
TestByReferenceArrayField.ByReference s = new TestByReferenceArrayField.ByReference();
s.value1 = 22;
s.array[0] = s;
s.value2 = 42;
TestByReferenceArrayField s2 =
new TestByReferenceArrayField(s.getPointer());
assertEquals("value1 not properly read from Pointer", s.value1, s2.value1);
assertNotNull("Structure.ByReference array field was not initialized", s2.array);
assertEquals("Structure.ByReference array field initialized to incorrect length", 13, s2.array.length);
assertNotNull("Structure.ByReference array field element was not initialized", s2.array[0]);
assertEquals("Incorrect value for Structure.ByReference array field element", s.array[0].getPointer(), s2.array[0].getPointer());
assertEquals("Field 'value2' not properly read from Pointer", s.value2, s2.value2);
public void testEquals() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
public TestStructure() { }
public TestStructure(Pointer p) { super(p); read(); }
Structure s = new TestStructure();
assertTrue("Should match self", s.equals(s));
assertFalse("Not equal null", s.equals(null));
assertFalse("Not equal some other object", s.equals(new Object()));
Structure s1 = new TestStructure(s.getPointer());
assertEquals("Same base address/type should be equal", s, s1);
public void testStructureLayoutCacheing() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public int field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
Structure ts = new TestStructure(); ts.ensureAllocated();
Structure ts2 = new TestStructure(); ts2.ensureAllocated();
assertSame("Structure layout not cached", ts.fields(), ts2.fields());
public void testStructureLayoutVariableNoCache() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public byte[] variable;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "variable" });
public TestStructure(int size) {
this.variable = new byte[size];
Structure ts = new TestStructure(8);
Structure ts2 = new TestStructure(16);
// Ensure allocated; primitive array prevents initial layout calculation
ts.ensureAllocated(); ts2.ensureAllocated();
assertNotSame("Structure layout should not be cached", ts.fields(), ts2.fields());
public void testStructureLayoutCacheingWithTypeMapper() {
class TestTypeMapper extends DefaultTypeMapper {
TypeConverter tc = new TypeConverter() {
public Class nativeType() { return int.class; }
public Object fromNative(Object nativeValue, FromNativeContext c) {
return new Boolean(nativeValue.equals(new Integer(0)));
public Object toNative(Object value, ToNativeContext c) {
return new Integer(Boolean.TRUE.equals(value) ? -1 : 0);
addTypeConverter(boolean.class, tc);
addTypeConverter(Boolean.class, tc);
final TestTypeMapper m = new TestTypeMapper();
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public boolean field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
public TestStructure() {
public TestStructure(TypeMapper m) {
Structure ts = new TestStructure();
Structure ts2 = new TestStructure();
Structure ts3 = new TestStructure(m);
assertSame("Structure layout should be cached with custom type mapper", ts.fields(), ts2.fields());
assertSame("Structure layout should be cached with custom type mapper, regardless of constructor type", ts.fields(), ts3.fields());
public void testStructureLayoutCacheingWithAlignment() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public byte first;
public int second;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "first", "second" });
public TestStructure() {
public TestStructure(int alignType) {
Structure ts = new TestStructure();
Structure ts2 = new TestStructure();
Structure ts3 = new TestStructure(Structure.ALIGN_NONE);
assertSame("Structure layout should be cached with custom alignment", ts.fields(), ts2.fields());
assertSame("Structure layout should be cached with custom alignment, regardless of how set", ts.fields(), ts3.fields());
public void testStructureSetIterator() {
assertNotNull("Indirect test of StructureSet.Iterator",
public void testFFITypeCalculationWithTypeMappedFields() {
final TypeMapper mapper = new TypeMapper() {
public FromNativeConverter getFromNativeConverter(Class cls) {
if (Boolean.class.equals(cls)
|| boolean.class.equals(cls)) {
return new FromNativeConverter() {
public Class nativeType() {
return byte.class;
public Object fromNative(Object nativeValue, FromNativeContext context) {
return nativeValue.equals(new Byte((byte)0))
? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE;
return null;
public ToNativeConverter getToNativeConverter(Class javaType) {
if (Boolean.class.equals(javaType)
|| boolean.class.equals(javaType)) {
return new ToNativeConverter() {
public Object toNative(Object value, ToNativeContext context) {
return new Byte(Boolean.TRUE.equals(value) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);
public Class nativeType() {
return byte.class;
return null;
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public boolean b;
public short s;
// Ensure we're not stuffed into a register
public int p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7;
public TestStructure() {
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "b", "s", "p0", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6", "p7" });
Structure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong type mapper for structure", mapper, s.getTypeMapper());
TestFFIType ffi_type = new TestFFIType(Structure.getTypeInfo(s));
assertEquals("Java Structure size does not match FFIType size",
s.size(), ffi_type.size.intValue());
public void testDefaultStringEncoding() {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public String field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
assertEquals("Wrong default structure encoding",
public void testStringFieldEncoding() throws Exception {
class TestStructure extends Structure {
public String field;
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] { "field" });
TestStructure s = new TestStructure();
final String ENCODING = "utf8";
assertEquals("Manual customization of string encoding failed", ENCODING, s.getStringEncoding());
final String VALUE = "\u0444\u043b\u0441\u0432\u0443";
s.field = VALUE;
byte[] expected = VALUE.getBytes("utf8");
byte[] actual = s.getPointer().getPointer(0).getByteArray(0, expected.length);
for (int i=0;i < Math.min(expected.length, actual.length);i++) {
assertEquals("Improperly encoded (" + ENCODING
+ ") on structure write at " + i,
expected[i], actual[i]);
assertEquals("Encoding length mismatch", expected.length, actual.length);
s.field = null;
assertEquals("String not decoded properly on read", VALUE, s.field);