* Copyright (C) 2009 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.common.primitives;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import sun.security.util.ByteArrayLexOrder;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
* Static utility methods pertaining to {@code byte} primitives that interpret
* values as <i>unsigned</i> (that is, any negative value {@code b} is treated
* as the positive value {@code 256 + b}). The corresponding methods that treat
* the values as signed are found in {@link SignedBytes}, and the methods for
* which signedness is not an issue are in {@link Bytes}.
* <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href=
* "http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/PrimitivesExplained">
* primitive utilities</a>.
* @author Kevin Bourrillion
* @author Martin Buchholz
* @author Hiroshi Yamauchi
* @author Louis Wasserman
* @since 1.0
public final class KeyDirUnsignedBytesComparator implements Comparator<byte[]> {
private static final int UNSIGNED_MASK = 0xFF;
static final boolean littleEndian =
* The following static final fields exist for performance reasons.
* In UnsignedBytesBenchmark, accessing the following objects via static
* final fields is the fastest (more than twice as fast as the Java
* implementation, vs ~1.5x with non-final static fields, on x86_32)
* under the Hotspot server compiler. The reason is obviously that the
* non-final fields need to be reloaded inside the loop.
* And, no, defining (final or not) local variables out of the loop still
* isn't as good because the null check on the theUnsafe object remains
* inside the loop and BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET doesn't get
* constant-folded.
* The compiler can treat static final fields as compile-time constants
* and can constant-fold them while (final or not) local variables are
* run time values.
static final Unsafe theUnsafe;
/** The offset to the first element in a byte array. */
static final int BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET;
static {
theUnsafe = (Unsafe) AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
public Object run() {
try {
Field f = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
return f.get(null);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
// It doesn't matter what we throw;
// it's swallowed in getBestComparator().
throw new Error();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new Error();
BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET = theUnsafe.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class);
// sanity check - this should never fail
if (theUnsafe.arrayIndexScale(byte[].class) != 1) {
throw new AssertionError();
@Override public int compare(byte[] left, byte[] right) {
long lw1 = theUnsafe.getLong(left, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET);
long rw1 = theUnsafe.getLong(right, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET);
assert(left.length == right.length && left.length == 28);
long diff1 = lw1 ^ rw1;
if (diff1 != 0) {
if (!littleEndian) {
return UnsignedLongs.compare(lw1, rw1);
// Use binary search
int n = 0;
int y;
int x = (int) diff1;
if (x == 0) {
x = (int) (diff1 >>> 32);
n = 32;
y = x << 16;
if (y == 0) {
n += 16;
} else {
x = y;
y = x << 8;
if (y == 0) {
n += 8;
return (int) (((lw1 >>> n) & UNSIGNED_MASK) - ((rw1 >>> n) & UNSIGNED_MASK));
long lw2 = theUnsafe.getLong(left, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET + 8);
long rw2 = theUnsafe.getLong(right, BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET + 8);
long diff2 = lw2 ^ rw2;
if (diff2 != 0) {
if (!littleEndian) {
return UnsignedLongs.compare(lw2, rw2);
// Use binary search
int n = 0;
int y;
int x = (int) diff2;
if (x == 0) {
x = (int) (diff2 >>> 32);
n = 32;
y = x << 16;
if (y == 0) {
n += 16;
} else {
x = y;
y = x << 8;
if (y == 0) {
n += 8;
return (int) (((lw2 >>> n) & UNSIGNED_MASK) - ((rw2 >>> n) & UNSIGNED_MASK));
// The epilogue to cover the last (minLength % 8) elements.
for (int i = 16; i < 20; i++) {
int result = UnsignedBytes.compare(left[i], right[i]);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
return 0;
* Verify that changes to the last 17 bytes don't effect comparison
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
Comparator<byte[]> c = new KeyDirUnsignedBytesComparator();
Comparator<byte[]> d = new ByteArrayLexOrder();
java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random();
long count = 0;
while (true) {
byte a[] = new byte[20];
byte b[] = new byte[20];
b = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length);
if (r.nextInt() % 1 == 0) {
a[r.nextInt(a.length)] = (byte)r.nextInt(128);
} else {
b[r.nextInt(a.length)] = (byte)r.nextInt(128);
if (c.compare(a, b) != d.compare(a, b)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (byte bi : a) {
for (byte bi : b) {
System.out.println("Comparison failed \n" + sb);
if (c.compare(a, a) != 0) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (byte bi : a) {
System.out.println("Equality failed " + sb);
if (c.compare(b, b) != 0) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (byte bi : b) {
System.out.println("Equality failed " + sb);
if (count % 500000000 == 0) {
System.out.println("Did " + count);