* HYPE_Processing
* http://www.hypeframework.org/ & https://github.com/hype/HYPE_Processing
* Copyright (c) 2013 Joshua Davis & James Cruz
* Distributed under the BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for details.
* All rights reserved.
package hype.extended.drawable;
import hype.core.drawable.HDrawable;
import hype.core.util.H;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.core.PGraphics;
public class HCanvas extends HDrawable {
private PGraphics _graphics;
private String _renderer;
private float _filterParam;
private int _filterKind, _blendMode, _fadeAmt;
private boolean _autoClear,_hasFade,_hasFilter,_hasFilterParam,_hasBlend;
public HCanvas() {
this(H.app().width, H.app().height);
public HCanvas(String bufferRenderer) {
this(H.app().width, H.app().height, bufferRenderer);
public HCanvas(float w, float h) {
this(w, h, PConstants.JAVA2D);
public HCanvas(float w, float h, String bufferRenderer) {
_renderer = bufferRenderer;
public HCanvas createCopy() {
HCanvas copy = new HCanvas(_width,_height,_renderer);
if(_hasFilter) copy.filter(_filterKind, _filterParam);
if(_hasBlend) copy.blend(_blendMode);
return copy;
protected void updateBuffer() {
int w = Math.round(_width);
int h = Math.round(_height);
_graphics = H.app().createGraphics(w, h, _renderer);
_width = w;
_height = h;
public HCanvas renderer(String s) {
_renderer = s;
return this;
public String renderer() {
return _renderer;
public boolean usesZ() {
return _renderer.equals(PConstants.P3D) ||
public PGraphics graphics() {
return _graphics;
public HCanvas filter(int kind) {
_hasFilter = true;
_hasFilterParam = false;
_filterKind = kind;
return this;
public HCanvas filter(int kind, float param) {
_hasFilter = true;
_hasFilterParam = true;
_filterKind = kind;
_filterParam = param;
return this;
public HCanvas noFilter() {
_hasFilter = false;
return this;
public boolean hasFilter() {
return _hasFilter;
public HCanvas filterKind(int i) {
_filterKind = i;
return this;
public int filterKind() {
return _filterKind;
public HCanvas filterParam(float f) {
_filterParam = f;
return this;
public float filterParam() {
return _filterParam;
public HCanvas blend() {
return blend(PConstants.BLEND);
public HCanvas blend(int mode) {
_hasBlend = true;
_blendMode = mode;
return this;
public HCanvas noBlend() {
_hasBlend = false;
return this;
public HCanvas hasBlend(boolean b) {
return (b)? blend() : noBlend();
public boolean hasBlend() {
return _hasBlend;
public HCanvas blendMode(int i) {
_blendMode = i;
return this;
public int blendMode() {
return _blendMode;
public HCanvas fade(int fadeAmt) {
_hasFade = true;
_fadeAmt = fadeAmt;
return this;
public HCanvas noFade() {
_hasFade = false;
return this;
public HCanvas hasFade(boolean b) {
_hasFade = b;
return this;
public boolean hasFade() {
return _hasFade;
public HCanvas autoClear(boolean b) {
_autoClear = b;
return this;
public boolean autoClear() {
return _autoClear;
public HCanvas background(int clr) {
return (HCanvas) fill(clr);
public HCanvas background(int clr, int alpha) {
return (HCanvas) fill(clr, alpha);
public HCanvas background(int r, int g, int b) {
return (HCanvas) fill(r, g, b);
public HCanvas background(int r, int g, int b, int a) {
return (HCanvas) fill(r, g, b, a);
public int background() {
return _fill;
public HCanvas noBackground() {
return (HCanvas) noFill();
public HCanvas size(float w, float h) {
return this;
public HCanvas width(float w) {
return this;
public HCanvas height(float h) {
return this;
public void paintAll(PGraphics g, boolean zFlag, float alphaPc) {
if(_alphaPc<=0 || _width==0 || _height==0) return;
// Rotate and translate
if(zFlag) g.translate(_x,_y,_z);
else g.translate(_x,_y);
// Compute current alpha
alphaPc *= _alphaPc;
// Initialize the buffer
// Prepare the buffer for this frame
if(_autoClear) {
} else {
if(_hasFilter) {
if(_hasFilterParam) _graphics.filter(_filterKind,_filterParam);
else _graphics.filter(_filterKind);
if(_hasFade) {
int[] pix = _graphics.pixels;
for(int i=0; i<pix.length; ++i) {
int clr = pix[i];
int a = clr >>> 24;
if(a == 0) continue;
a -= _fadeAmt;
if(a < 0) a = 0;
pix[i] = clr & 0xFFFFFF | (a << 24);
if(_hasBlend) {
0,0, _graphics.width,_graphics.height,
0,0, _graphics.width,_graphics.height, _blendMode);
// Draw children
HDrawable child = _firstChild;
while(child != null) {
child.paintAll(_graphics, usesZ(), alphaPc);
child = child.next();
// Finalize the buffer
// Draw the buffer
public void draw(PGraphics g,boolean b,float x,float y,float f) {}