* HYPE_Processing
* http://www.hypeframework.org/ & https://github.com/hype/HYPE_Processing
* Copyright (c) 2013 Joshua Davis & James Cruz
* Distributed under the BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for details.
* All rights reserved.
package hype.extended.behavior;
import hype.core.behavior.HBehavior;
import hype.core.collection.HLinkedHashSet;
import hype.core.interfaces.HDirectable;
import hype.core.interfaces.HLocatable;
import hype.core.util.HConstants;
import hype.core.util.HMath;
import hype.core.util.HVector;
import java.util.Iterator;
import processing.core.PApplet;
public class HSwarm extends HBehavior {
private HLinkedHashSet<HLocatable> _goals;
private HLinkedHashSet<HDirectable> _targets;
private float _speed, _turnEase, _twitchRad, _idleGoalX, _idleGoalY;
public HSwarm() {
_speed = 1;
_turnEase = 1;
_twitchRad = 0;
_goals = new HLinkedHashSet<HLocatable>();
_targets = new HLinkedHashSet<HDirectable>();
public HSwarm addTarget(HDirectable t) {
if(_targets.size() <= 0) register();
return this;
public HSwarm removeTarget(HDirectable t) {
if(_targets.size() <= 0) unregister();
return this;
public HLinkedHashSet<HDirectable> targets() {
return _targets;
public HSwarm addGoal(HLocatable g) {
return this;
public HSwarm addGoal(float x, float y) {
return addGoal(new HVector(x,y));
public HSwarm addGoal(float x, float y, float z) {
return addGoal(new HVector(x,y,z));
public HSwarm removeGoal(HLocatable g) {
return this;
public HLinkedHashSet<HLocatable> goals() {
return _goals;
public HSwarm idleGoal(float x, float y) {
_idleGoalX = x;
_idleGoalY = y;
return this;
public float idleGoalX() {
return _idleGoalX;
public float idleGoalY() {
return _idleGoalY;
public HSwarm speed(float s) {
_speed = s;
return this;
public float speed() {
return _speed;
public HSwarm turnEase(float e) {
_turnEase = e;
return this;
public float turnEase() {
return _turnEase;
public HSwarm twitch(float deg) {
_twitchRad = deg * HConstants.D2R;
return this;
public HSwarm twitchRad(float rad) {
_twitchRad = rad;
return this;
public float twitch() {
return _twitchRad * HConstants.R2D;
public float twitchRad() {
return _twitchRad;
private HLocatable getGoal(HDirectable target, PApplet app) {
HLocatable goal = null;
float nearestDist = -1;
for(HLocatable h : _goals) {
float dist = HMath.dist(target.x(),target.y(), h.x(),h.y());
if(nearestDist<0 || dist<nearestDist) {
nearestDist = dist;
goal = h;
return goal;
public void runBehavior(PApplet app) {
int numTargets = _targets.size();
Iterator<HDirectable> it = _targets.iterator();
for(int i=0; i<numTargets; ++i) {
HDirectable target = it.next();
float rot = target.rotationRad();
float tx = target.x();
float ty = target.y();
float goalx = _idleGoalX;
float goaly = _idleGoalY;
float goalz = 0;
HLocatable goal = getGoal(target, app);
if(goal != null) {
goalx = goal.x();
goaly = goal.y();
goalz = goal.z();
// Get rotation that points towards the goal, plus easing
float tmp = HMath.xAxisAngle(tx,ty, goalx,goaly) - rot;
float dRot = _turnEase * (float)
Math.atan2( Math.sin(tmp), Math.cos(tmp) );
rot += dRot;
// Add some random twitching to the rotation via perlin noise
float noise = app.noise(i*numTargets + app.frameCount/8f);
rot += HMath.map(noise, 0,1, -_twitchRad,_twitchRad);
// Apply the rotation and move to the direction of its rotation
target.x(target.x() + (float)Math.cos(rot)*_speed);
target.y(target.y() + (float)Math.sin(rot)*_speed);
public HSwarm register() {
return (HSwarm) super.register();
public HSwarm unregister() {
return (HSwarm) super.unregister();