* HYPE_Processing
* http://www.hypeframework.org/ & https://github.com/hype/HYPE_Processing
* Copyright (c) 2013 Joshua Davis & James Cruz
* Distributed under the BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for details.
* All rights reserved.
package hype.core.util;
import hype.core.drawable.HDrawable;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.core.PVector;
* A static class that provides some math methods.
* These methods are primarily used internally by the HYPE classes, but these
* can also be used externally. (e.g. `randomInt()` can be very handy in some
* sketches.)
* Most of these methods are here because any of the following:
* - It's only available as a static PApplet method. (We are trying to avoid it
* due to Processing.js�not having a static PApplet object, forcing us to call
* the math methods in a non-static context.)
* - It's not available in _both_ `java.lang.Math` and the standard Javascript
* `Math` object.
* - It's a modification of an existing method.
* - It's not available at all in any of the above classes.
* @author james
public class HMath implements HConstants {
private static boolean _usingTempSeed;
private static int _resetSeedValue;
public static float dist(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
float w = x2 - x1;
float h = y2 - y1;
return (float) Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h);
public static float[] rotatePointArr(float x, float y, float rad) {
float[] pt = new float[2];
float c = (float) Math.cos(rad);
float s = (float) Math.sin(rad);
pt[0] = x*c - y*s;
pt[1] = x*s + y*c;
return pt;
public static PVector rotatePoint(float x, float y, float rad) {
float[] f = rotatePointArr(x,y,rad);
return new PVector(f[0], f[1]);
public static float yAxisAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
return (float) Math.atan2(x2-x1, y2-y1);
public static float xAxisAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
return (float) Math.atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1);
public static float[] absLocArr(HDrawable ref, float relX, float relY) {
float[] f = {relX, relY, 0};
while(ref != null) {
float rot = ref.rotationRad();
float[] g = rotatePointArr(f[0], f[1], rot);
f[0] = g[0] + ref.x();
f[1] = g[1] + ref.y();
f[2] += rot;
ref = ref.parent();
return f;
public static PVector absLoc(HDrawable ref, float relX, float relY) {
float[] f = absLocArr(ref,relX,relY);
return new PVector(f[0], f[1]);
public static PVector absLoc(HDrawable d) {
return absLoc(d,0,0);
public static float[] relLocArr(HDrawable ref, float absX, float absY) {
float[] f = absLocArr(ref,0,0);
return rotatePointArr(absX-f[0], absY-f[1], -f[2]);
public static PVector relLoc(HDrawable ref, float absX, float absY) {
float[] f = relLocArr(ref,absX,absY);
return new PVector(f[0], f[1]);
public static int quadrant(float cx, float cy, float x, float y) {
return (y>=cy)? (x>=cx? 1 : 2) : (x>=cx? 4 : 3);
public static int quadrant(float dcx, float dcy) {
return (dcy>=0)? (dcx>=0? 1 : 2) : (dcx>=0? 4 : 3);
public static float ellipseRadius(float a, float b, float deg) {
return ellipseRadiusRad(a,b, deg * D2R);
public static float ellipseRadiusRad(float a, float b, float rad) {
float cosb = b * (float)Math.cos(rad);
float sina = a * (float)Math.sin(rad);
return a*b / (float)Math.sqrt(cosb*cosb + sina*sina);
public static PVector ellipsePoint(
float cx, float cy, float a, float b, float deg
) {
return ellipsePointRad(cx, cy, a, b, deg*D2R);
public static PVector ellipsePointRad(
float cx, float cy, float a, float b, float rad
) {
float[] f = ellipsePointRadArr(cx,cy, a,b, rad);
return new PVector(f[0], f[1]);
public static float[] ellipsePointRadArr(
float cx, float cy, float a, float b, float rad
) {
float[] f = new float[3];
f[2] = ellipseRadiusRad(a, b, rad);
f[0] = f[2] * (float)Math.cos(rad) + cx;
f[1] = f[2] * (float)Math.sin(rad) + cy;
return f;
// TODO rename to normalizeDeg() and normalizeRad()
// TODO have the deg method versions of these directly compute the angles
// instead of delegating to the rad versions
public static float normalizeAngle(float deg) {
return normalizeAngleRad(deg * D2R) * R2D;
public static float normalizeAngleRad(float rad) {
rad %= PConstants.TWO_PI;
if(rad < -PConstants.PI) rad += PConstants.TWO_PI;
else if(rad > PConstants.PI) rad -= PConstants.TWO_PI;
return rad;
public static float normalizeAngle2(float deg) {
return normalizeAngleRad2(deg * D2R) * R2D;
public static float normalizeAngleRad2(float rad) {
float norm = rad % PConstants.TWO_PI;
if(norm < 0) norm += PConstants.TWO_PI;
return norm;
public static float squishAngle(float w, float h, float deg) {
return squishAngle(w, h, deg * D2R) * R2D;
public static float squishAngleRad(float w, float h, float rad) {
float dx = (float)Math.cos(rad) * w/h;
float dy = (float)Math.sin(rad);
return (float) Math.atan2(dy,dx);
public static float lineSide(
float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float ptx, float pty
) {
return (x2-x1)*(pty-y1) - (y2-y1)*(ptx-x1);
public static boolean collinear(
float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float ptx, float pty
) {
return (lineSide(x1,y1, x2,y2, ptx,pty) == 0);
public static boolean leftOfLine(
float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float ptx, float pty
) {
return (lineSide(x1,y1, x2,y2, ptx,pty) < 0);
public static boolean rightOfLine(
float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float ptx, float pty
) {
return (lineSide(x1,y1, x2,y2, ptx,pty) > 0);
* Solves for the real roots of a cubic equation with the given coefficients.
* Said equation is in the standard polynomial form:
* ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0
* where `a`, `b`, `c` & `d` are the coefficients of said equation.
* Since the maximum amount of real roots that a cubic equation can have is
* three, the `roots` array is expected to have a size of at least 3.
* If this equation happens to be a straight line lying on the x-axis, then
* this method will return `-1`, meaning that there are infinite number of
* roots for this equation.
* This method may delegate itself to `solveQuadratic()` if `a` equals 0
* (in other words, the equation is quadratic.)
* The code for this method is heavily based from paper.js (MIT License)
* which in turn is based from the Uintah Library (also MIT License).
* @see solveQuadratic(float,float,float,float[])
* @param a The coefficient for the first term (ax^3)
* @param b The coefficient for the second term (bx^2)
* @param c The coefficient for the third term (cx)
* @param d The coefficient for the fourth term (d)
* @param roots The array that will contain the roots of the equation
* @return The number of roots of the given equation
public static int solveCubic(
float a, float b, float c, float d, float[] roots
) {
if(Math.abs(a) < EPSILON) return solveQuadratic(b,c,d,roots);
b /= a;
c /= a;
d /= a;
float bb = b*b;
float p = (bb - 3*c) / 9f;
float ppp = p*p*p;
float q = (2*bb*b - 9*b*c + 27*d) / 54;
float D = q*q - ppp;
b /= 3f;
// D == 0; one or two real roots
if(Math.abs(D) < EPSILON) {
if(Math.abs(q) < EPSILON) {
roots[0] = -b;
return 1;
float sqrtp = (float)Math.sqrt(p);
float signq = (q>0)? 1 : -1;
roots[0] = -signq*2*sqrtp - b;
roots[1] = signq*sqrtp - b;
return 2;
// D < 0; three real roots
if(D < 0) {
float sqrtp = (float)Math.sqrt(p);
float phi = (float)Math.acos(q / (sqrtp*sqrtp*sqrtp)) / 3;
float t = -2*sqrtp;
float o = PConstants.TWO_PI/3f;
roots[0] = t*(float)Math.cos(phi) - b;
roots[1] = t*(float)Math.cos(phi + o) - b;
roots[2] = t*(float)Math.cos(phi - o) - b;
return 3;
// D > 0; one real root
float A = (q>0?-1:1) *
(float)Math.pow(Math.abs(q) + Math.sqrt(D), 1.0/3.0);
roots[0] = A + p/A - b;
return 1;
* Solves for the real roots of a quadratic equation with the given
* coefficients.
* Said equation is in the standard polynomial form:
* ax^2 + bx + c = 0
* where `a`, `b` & `c` are the coefficients of said equation.
* Since the maximum amount of roots that a quadratic equation can have is
* two, the `roots` array is expected to have a size of at least 2.
* If this equation happens to be a straight line lying on the x-axis, then
* this method will return `-1`, meaning that there are infinite number of
* roots for this equation.
* The code for this method is heavily based from paper.js (MIT License)
* which in turn is based from the Uintah Library (also MIT License).
* @see solveCubic(float,float,float,float,float[])
* @param a The coefficient for the first term (`ax^2`)
* @param b The coefficient for the second term (`bx`)
* @param c The coefficient for the third term (`c`)
* @param roots The array that will contain the roots of the equation
* @return The number of roots of the given equation
public static int solveQuadratic(float a, float b, float c, float[] roots) {
if(Math.abs(a) < EPSILON) {
if(Math.abs(b) >= EPSILON) {
roots[0] = -c/b;
return 1;
// -1 means infinite solutions; i.e. the equation
// is a horizontal line lying on the x-axis
return (Math.abs(c)<EPSILON)? -1 : 0;
float q = b*b - 4*a*c;
if(q < 0) return 0;
q = (float)Math.sqrt(q);
a *= 2;
int numRoots = 0;
roots[numRoots++] = (-b-q) / a;
if(q > 0) roots[numRoots++] = (-b+q) / a;
return numRoots;
* Solves for the valid parameters of a given cubic bezier equation.
* This method calls `solveCubic()` to solve for the said equation.
* Since cubic bezier curves can have at most three parameters that could
* give the same value, the `params` array is expected to have a size of at
* least 3. Note that these parameters can be less than `0` or more than
* `1`, so you will need to check them before using the contents of the
* `params` array.
* The `val` argument is the value to be tested, where:
* val = bezier(p0,p1,p2,p3,param)
* If the above equation is in such a way that it could not be true, then
* this method will return `0` valid parameters.
* @see solveCubic(float,float,float,float,float[]), bezierParam(float,float,float,float,float[])
* @param p0 The first anchor point
* @param p1 The first control point
* @param p2 The second control point
* @param p3 The second anchor point
* @param val The value to be tested with the curve
* @param params The array that will contain the parameters of the bezier equation
* @return The number of valid parameters of the given bezier equation
public static int bezierParam(
float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3,
float val, float[] params
) {
// If `val` is outside the control & anchor points, return 0
float max = p0;
if(max < p1) max = p1;
if(max < p2) max = p2;
if(max < p3) max = p3;
float min = p0;
if(min > p1) min = p1;
if(min > p2) min = p2;
if(min > p3) min = p3;
if(val<min || val>max) return 0;
float a = 3*(p1-p2) - p0 + p3;
float b = 3*(p0 - 2*p1 + p2);
float c = 3*(p1-p0);
float d = p0 - val;
return solveCubic(a,b,c,d,params);
public static int bezierParam(
float p0, float p1, float p2,
float val, float[] params
) {
// If `val` is outside the control & anchor points, return 0
float max = p0;
if(max < p1) max = p1;
if(max < p2) max = p2;
float min = p0;
if(min > p1) min = p1;
if(min > p2) min = p2;
if(val<min || val>max) return 0;
float a = p2 - 2*p1 + p0;
float b = 2 * (p1-p0);
float c = p0 - val;
return solveQuadratic(a,b,c,params);
public static float bezierPoint(
float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, float t
) {
float tt = t*t;
float a = 3*(p1-p2) - p0 + p3;
float b = 3*(p0 - 2*p1 + p2);
float c = 3*(p1-p0);
return a*tt*t + b*tt + c*t + p0;
public static float bezierPoint(float p0, float p1, float p2, float t) {
float a = p2 - 2*p1 + p0;
float b = 2 * (p1-p0);
return a*t*t + b*t + p0;
public static float bezierTangent(
float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, float t
) {
float a = 3 * (3*(p1-p2) - p0 + p3);
float b = 6 * (p0 - 2*p1 + p2);
float c = 3 * (p1-p0);
return a*t*t + b*t + c;
public static float bezierTangent(float p0, float p1, float p2, float t) {
float a = 2 * (p2 - 2*p1 + p0);
float b = 2 * (p1-p0);
return a*t + b;
// RNG //
public static int randomInt(float high) {
return (int) Math.floor( H.app().random(high) );
public static int randomInt(float low, float high) {
return (int) Math.floor( H.app().random(low,high) );
public static int randomInt32() {
return randomInt(-2147483648,2147483647);
public static void tempSeed(long seed) {
if(!_usingTempSeed) {
_resetSeedValue = randomInt32();
_usingTempSeed = true;
public static void removeTempSeed() {
// WAVES //
public static float sineWave(float stepDegrees) {
return (float) Math.sin(stepDegrees * H.D2R);
public static float triangleWave(float stepDegrees) {
float outVal = (stepDegrees % 180) / 90;
if(outVal > 1)
outVal = 2-outVal;
if(stepDegrees % 360 > 180)
outVal = -outVal;
return outVal;
public static float sawWave(float stepDegrees) {
float outVal = (stepDegrees % 180) / 180;
if(stepDegrees % 360 >= 180)
outVal -= 1;
return outVal;
public static float squareWave(float stepDegrees) {
return (stepDegrees % 360 > 180)? -1 : 1;
public static boolean hasBits(byte target, byte mask) {
return (target&mask) == mask;
public static boolean hasBits(int target, int mask) {
return (target&mask) == mask;
public static byte setBits(byte target, byte mask, boolean val) {
return (byte) (val? target|mask : target&(~mask));
public static int setBits(int target, int mask, boolean val) {
return (val)? target|mask : target&(~mask);
public static boolean lessThan(float a, float b, float tolerance) {
return a < b + tolerance;
public static boolean lessThan(float a, float b) {
return a < b + TOLERANCE;
public static boolean greaterThan(float a, float b, float tolerance) {
return b < a + tolerance;
public static boolean greaterThan(float a, float b) {
return b < a + TOLERANCE;
public static boolean isEqual(float a, float b, float tolerance) {
return Math.abs(a-b) < tolerance;
public static boolean isEqual(float a, float b) {
return Math.abs(a-b) < TOLERANCE;
public static boolean isZero(float a, float tolerance) {
return Math.abs(a) < tolerance;
public static boolean isZero(float a) {
return Math.abs(a) < TOLERANCE;
// MISC //
public static float map(float val,
float start1, float stop1, float start2, float stop2
) {
return start2 + (stop2-start2) * (val-start1)/(stop1-start1);
public static float round512(float val) {
return Math.round(val*512)/512f;