* HYPE_Processing
* http://www.hypeframework.org/ & https://github.com/hype/HYPE_Processing
* Copyright (c) 2013 Joshua Davis & James Cruz
* Distributed under the BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for details.
* All rights reserved.
package hype;
import hype.core.drawable.HDrawable;
import hype.core.util.H;
import hype.extended.behavior.HSwarm;
import hype.extended.drawable.HRect;
import hype.extended.util.HDrawablePool;
import processing.core.PApplet;
* @mainpage
* Welcome to the HYPE_processing documentation! The library itself is currently
* under construction, so naturally, the documentation is far from complete yet.
* @cond FALSE
public class DummyApplet extends PApplet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* (*)
* - [] Iterator testfile
* - [ ] property setter objects
* (Capture)
* - HCapture
* - post hooks
* (3D Stuff)
* - 3D anchorAt()
* (HMagneticField)
* (HBehavior)
* - [ ] new HBehavior(isRegistered) + isRegistered constructors for other
* behaviors
* (Bounding Box)
* - custom bounds for HPath
* (HPath)
* - [ ] apply tolerance to HVertex.intersectTest()
* - [ ] testfile for HPath
* (HShape)
* - [ ] HShape hit detection + pgraphics buffer
* - [ ] disable style for HShape in P3D
* (HText)
* - [ ] click buffer for HText
* - [ ] textbox mode for HText
* - [ ] use onResize() when adjusting metrics
* (Housekeeping)
* - [ ] announce deprecation warning at github
* (Experiments and New Features)
* - [ ] masking
* - [ ] wipfile: Proximity
* - [ ] wipfile: Adjuster
* - drawable.adjuster(true)
* - del key = remove from parent
* - [ ] DepthShuffle
* - [ ] HVelocity testfiles (check AS3::SimpleBallistic)
* - [ ] AS3::Vibration
* - [ ] H.capture()
* - capture() -- current frame
* - capture(1) -- single frame
* - capture(1,10) -- frame sequence
* - pdf frames (remember that individual pdf frames ignores autoClear(false))
* - [ ] HDrawable / HLinkedList: turn them into circular linked lists
* - [ ] Processing.js P3D compatibility
* - remove push/popStyle()
* - ???
* (Future Refactors)
* - [ ] have HDrawable perc stuff use x2y()/y2v()/u2x()/v2y()
* - [ ] rename xxxPerc -> xxxUV or xxxPc
* - [ ] rearrange HDrawable's fields by category instead of type
* - [ ] HMath: add z index for abs/relLoc()
* - [ ] HMath: use the comparator methods for the bezier methods
* - [ ] change util methods that returns arrays to use the method(val, float[] loc) format
* - [ ] privatize remaining public fields
* - [ ] color mask constants
* - [ ] more consistent boolean getter names
* - [ ] HDrawable: more consistent fill and stroke color methods
* - [ ] separate styling for HDrawable
* (Code Standards)
* - [ ] standardize single param names
* - [ ] standardize newlines
* - newline before & after the class' closing brackets
* - variable names must never be reserved in both JS and Java
* - ???
* (Optimization)
* - [ ] use byte for small ints
* (Docs)
* - [ ] migrate to standard javadoc (?)
* - [ ] use full sentence format with @param and @return statements
* - [ ] one @see tag per link
* - [ ] use a single line break for doc summaries if they're too long
* - [ ] use the `[`,`]`,`(`,`)` brackets to depict a range of values
* (parentheses means that the lower or upper bounds are exclusive,
* while square brackets means inclusive)
* (Far Future Stuff)
* - [ ] Standards compliant SVG parser to convert a shape to a Path
* - [ ] HContext overhaul
* - [ ] FSM java to pde parser
* - [ ] HYPE Coding Standards documentation for devs
* - [ ] HTML Page for the Documentation
* - [ ] AS3::SoundAnalyzer
public void setup() {
// HSphere s;
// H.add(s = new HSphere());
// s.locAt(H.CENTER).anchorAt(H.CENTER);
HDrawablePool pool = new HDrawablePool(50)
.add(new HRect())
HSwarm swarm = new HSwarm().addGoal(H.mouse())
for(HDrawable d : pool) {
d.loc(random(width), random(height)).size(5);
// new HTween()
// .target(H.add(new HRect()).locAt(H.CENTER).anchorAt(H.CENTER))
// .property(H.ROTATIONY)
// .start(0).end(45)
// .ease(.05f).spring(0.9f);
// new HOscillator()
// .target(H.add(new HRect()).locAt(H.CENTER).anchorAt(H.CENTER))
// .property(H.ROTATIONZ)
// .range(-45, 45);
public void draw() {
/** @endcond */