package de.codecentric.moviedatabase.controller;
import java.util.Set;
import de.codecentric.moviedatabase.domain.Tag;
public final class MovieUtil {
private MovieUtil() {
// pass
public static void convertSearchStringToTagsAndSearchWords(String searchString,
Set<Tag> tags, Set<String> searchWords) {
// What I do here could probably be done a thousand times more elegant, but it's not the focus of this project...
if (searchString != null){
String[] splitAroundTags = searchString.split("tag:");
for (String token: splitAroundTags){
if (token.length()!=0){
if (token.startsWith("'")){
// It's a tag!
String[] splitAroundQuotes = token.split("'");
// first one is empty, the second one is the tag
tags.add(new Tag(splitAroundQuotes[1]));
// if there is a rest they must be searchwords
if (splitAroundQuotes.length > 2){
for (int i = 2; i<splitAroundQuotes.length;i++){
// split searchwords by blanks
for (String searchWord: splitAroundQuotes[i].split(" ")){
} else {
// there's no tag
// split searchwords by blanks
for (String searchWord: token.split(" ")){