import cc.mallet.util.CommandOption;
import cc.mallet.util.Randoms;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
import cc.mallet.topics.HierarchicalLDA;
public class HierarchicalLDATUI {
static CommandOption.String inputFile = new CommandOption.String
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "input", "FILENAME", true, null,
"The filename from which to read the list of training instances. Use - for stdin. " +
"The instances must be FeatureSequence or FeatureSequenceWithBigrams, not FeatureVector", null);
static CommandOption.String testingFile = new CommandOption.String
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "testing", "FILENAME", true, null,
"The filename from which to read the list of instances for held-out likelihood calculation. Use - for stdin. " +
"The instances must be FeatureSequence or FeatureSequenceWithBigrams, not FeatureVector", null);
static CommandOption.String stateFile = new CommandOption.String
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "output-state", "FILENAME", true, null,
"The filename in which to write the Gibbs sampling state after at the end of the iterations. " +
"By default this is null, indicating that no file will be written.", null);
static CommandOption.Integer randomSeed = new CommandOption.Integer
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "random-seed", "INTEGER", true, 0,
"The random seed for the Gibbs sampler. Default is 0, which will use the clock.", null);
static CommandOption.Integer numIterations = new CommandOption.Integer
(Vectors2Topics.class, "num-iterations", "INTEGER", true, 1000,
"The number of iterations of Gibbs sampling.", null);
static CommandOption.Boolean showProgress = new CommandOption.Boolean
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "show-progress", "BOOLEAN", false, true,
"If true, print a character to standard output after every sampling iteration.", null);
static CommandOption.Integer showTopicsInterval = new CommandOption.Integer
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "show-topics-interval", "INTEGER", true, 50,
"The number of iterations between printing a brief summary of the topics so far.", null);
static CommandOption.Integer topWords = new CommandOption.Integer
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "num-top-words", "INTEGER", true, 20,
"The number of most probable words to print for each topic after model estimation.", null);
static CommandOption.Integer numLevels = new CommandOption.Integer
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "num-levels", "INTEGER", true, 3,
"The number of levels in the tree.", null);
static CommandOption.Double alpha = new CommandOption.Double
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "alpha", "DECIMAL", true, 10.0,
"Alpha parameter: smoothing over level distributions.", null);
static CommandOption.Double gamma = new CommandOption.Double
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "gamma", "DECIMAL", true, 1.0,
"Gamma parameter: CRP smoothing parameter; number of imaginary customers at next, as yet unused table", null);
static CommandOption.Double eta = new CommandOption.Double
(HierarchicalLDATUI.class, "eta", "DECIMAL", true, 0.1,
"Eta parameter: smoothing over topic-word distributions", null);
public static void main (String[] args) throws {
// Process the command-line options
CommandOption.setSummary (HierarchicalLDATUI.class,
"Hierarchical LDA with a fixed tree depth.");
CommandOption.process (HierarchicalLDATUI.class, args);
// Load instance lists
if (inputFile.value() == null) {
System.err.println("Input instance list is required, use --input option");
InstanceList instances = InstanceList.load(new File(inputFile.value()));
InstanceList testing = null;
if (testingFile.value() != null) {
testing = InstanceList.load(new File(testingFile.value()));
HierarchicalLDA hlda = new HierarchicalLDA();
// Set hyperparameters
// Display preferences
hlda.setTopicDisplay(showTopicsInterval.value(), topWords.value());
// Initialize random number generator
Randoms random = null;
if (randomSeed.value() == 0) {
random = new Randoms();
else {
random = new Randoms(randomSeed.value());
// Initialize and start the sampler
hlda.initialize(instances, testing, numLevels.value(), random);
// Output results
if (stateFile.value() != null) {
hlda.printState(new PrintWriter(stateFile.value()));
if (testing != null) {
double empiricalLikelihood = hlda.empiricalLikelihood(1000, testing);
System.out.println("Empirical likelihood: " + empiricalLikelihood);